Liberals force college president to apologize for saying "all lives matter"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
She's a white person of course. Whites are such gutless cowards.

College president sorry for saying All lives matter Fox News

dec 10 2014
The president of prestigious Smith College is red-faced and apologetic Tuesday for telling students on the Northampton, Mass., campus that "all lives matter."

Kathleen McCartney wrote the phrase in the subject line of an e-mail to students at the school, whose alumni include feminists Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan, former First Lady Nancy Reagan and celebrity chef Julia Child. McCartney was attempting to show support for students protesting racially charged grand jury decisions in which police in Missouri and New York were not charged in the deaths of unarmed black men.

Protesters have adopted several slogans in connection with the cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, including "Black Lives Matter." McCartney's more inclusive version of the refrain was seen as an affront that diminished the focus on black lives and racism, according to emails obtained by

But she soon received backlash from students for her phrasing. They were offended that she did not stick with the slogan “black lives matter.”

In response to student backlash, McCartney apologized in another campus-wide email Friday, saying she had made a mistake “despite my best intentions.”

Some who follow campus issues say that the idea of apologizing for saying “all lives matter” shows political correctness is out of control.
More brazen racism from the libs. To even imply that white lives matter! You can't say that in america.
The white students at the school should demand this gutless college president resign. She is an embarrassment to the college.
I think the outrage depends on the content of the email. Was the "all lives matter" email attempting to imply there is not an imbalance in America in the way blacks are treated by the police compared to the way whites are treated? Changing "black lives matter" to "all lives matter" sounds like an in-your-face attempt to downplay the imbalanced treatment of blacks.

If so, then blacks were right to be angry at the implication.

I think the outrage depends on the content of the email. Was the "all lives matter" email attempting to imply there is not an imbalance in America in the way blacks are treated by the police compared to the way whites are treated? Changing "black lives matter" to "all lives matter" sounds like an in-your-face attempt to downplay the imbalanced treatment of blacks.

If so, then blacks were right to be angry at the implication.


You're making a fool of yourself. There is no way to defend objecting to the phrase "all lives matter"; THINK
The president ought to be fired. The college ought to be burned to the ground. Perhaps the area could be redeveloped as a shooting range.
I think the outrage depends on the content of the email. Was the "all lives matter" email attempting to imply there is not an imbalance in America in the way blacks are treated by the police compared to the way whites are treated? Changing "black lives matter" to "all lives matter" sounds like an in-your-face attempt to downplay the imbalanced treatment of blacks.

If so, then blacks were right to be angry at the implication.

Many people are also offended at the notion that Darren Wilson's life didn't matter; that he had no right to defend it. Lots of offenses going around mostly from your side.
The president ought to be fired. The college ought to be burned to the ground. Perhaps the area could be redeveloped as a shooting range.
Always the baby out with the bathwater for you guys. And all lives do not matter, and black lives matter even less, obviously.
I think the outrage depends on the content of the email. Was the "all lives matter" email attempting to imply there is not an imbalance in America in the way blacks are treated by the police compared to the way whites are treated? Changing "black lives matter" to "all lives matter" sounds like an in-your-face attempt to downplay the imbalanced treatment of blacks.

If so, then blacks were right to be angry at the implication.


You're making a fool of yourself. There is no way to defend objecting to the phrase "all lives matter"; THINK
If ALL lives matter, what about abortion?

There was the problem the PC Nazis had.
The black students and their supporters resent the suggestion that mexican and asian lives matter.
[QUOTE="nodoginnafight, post: 10322105, member: 16263]

So conversely you think expecting whites to defend minorities is equally absurd?

I'd hate to live in your world.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely. Whites should defend only whites. You never see a non-white defending a white and if you do they are shouted down as an uncle tom and race traitor. Whites who defend nonwhites should be treated the same way .THINK
[QUOTE="PaintMyHouse, post: 10322126, member: 47594]
Always the baby out with the bathwater for you guys. And all lives do not matter, and black lives matter even less, obviously.[/QUOTE]

Hell yes. 99% of blacks are criminals or on welfare. Why should their lives matter?. Both Michael brown and eric garner were career criminals.

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