Liberals going to a new level


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Apparently there is a group of liberals who think they can offer sex to get conservatives to vote against President Bush.

(Warning site has some graphic language and possibly graphic content)

I seriously had to laugh at them here. Here are their reasons

1)They claim liberals are better looking than conservatives. I have found it to be quite the opposite. Liberals do have a tendency to wear skimpier outfits though.

2)They seem to think conservatives dont have healthy sex lives and would be easily manipulated by sex.

3)The message boards at the site are rather sad. there arguments for why anyone should be against bush are lame (but then what do you expect)

4)They seem to think that people wouldnt just fake a pledge. have their fun with them and vote for Bush anyway.

I think its kinda sad that there are people out there that seriously think laying on their back a bit is some sort of political activism and they are actually benefiting this country politically. its rather funny and sad.
I guess these people feel this way because we're not like the hollywood bunches, who get married seven,eight times. And then after our divorce we have a new partner 10 minutes later. Oh and let me see, thats right we don't have or give ----jobs in the oval office. :bs1:
Ever since "Slick Willie" Clinton got caught with his pants down around his ankles in the Oval Office gettin' a "Lewinsky", the Liberal Dummy-rats have gotten this weird idea that Republicans never get laid and that we're all obsessed with sex because of that. I hear this same wacko theory from the Liberals on almost every forum I go to. This strange reasoning of theirs make me chuckle but then almost everything they say makes me chuckle too!
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Sailor Man said:
Ever since "Slick Willie" Clinton got caught with his pants down around his ankles in the Oval Office gettin' a "Lewinsky", the Liberal Dummy-rats have gotten this weird idea that Republicans never get laid and that we're all obsessed with sex because of that. I hear this same wacko theory from the Liberals on almost every forum I go to. This strange reasoning of theirs make me chuckle but then almost everything they say makes me chuckle too!

I know their reasoning is messed up. My opinion is its liberals like these who are insecure with their sexuality. If you are secure i dont think you have to go brag about how great you supposedly are.
Avatar4321 said:
I know their reasoning is messed up. My opinion is its liberals like these who are insecure with their sexuality. If you are secure i dont think you have to go brag about how great you supposedly are.
Avatar, one of the funniest but idiotic things I hear from some Libs is that the Republicans were totally jealous of "Slick Willie" and his sexual prowess. They say that was the only reason he was impeached. One of my black friends said that she was proud of having a president who proved that he was a real man! When I heard that, all I could do was slowly shake my head as I walked away!
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Sailor Man said:
Avatar, one of the funniest but idiotic things I hear from some Libs is that the Republicans were totally jealous of "Slick Willie" and his sexual prowess. They say that was the only reason he was impeached. One of my black friends said that she was proud of having a president who proved that he was a real man! When I heard that, all I could do was slowly shake my head as I walked away!

That is one of the funny and sadist things ive ever heard. Im not really jealous of anyone who could get women like Clinton. I mean look at the women he got...not exactly the top of the line. Thats something id so bragg about. all and all there is only one thing i have to say about Clinton. :lame2:
Another good reason they give for not to having Bush as president .... he can't pronouce "nuclear"....

A liberal coworker of mine is fixated on that, he's always bringing it up....

for crying out loud, the guy's from TEXAS, he has a Texas drawl, how is he supposed to talk?

Models, trans-sexuals, Hollywood movie stars and rockers .... this is what the Democratic Party is relying on?

P.S. anyway, Kerry can't pronounce "Deoxyribonucleic Acid" correctly, so there! ;-)

P.P.S. One model gave her website as "" --- that sums it up. Bush, not Kerry, is what is uniting the Democratic Party!

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