Liberals have no explanation, Texas sees 17 straight days of Covid numbers going down....

Got a decent source Marv or is this as good as it gets? :lol:

  • Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, the publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda as well as numerous false claims.
Another entry in the "Democrats are wrong about EVERYTHING, always" file.

In the meantime, Typhoid Joe is spreading Covid all over the border with his concentration camps for kids.

Cases of the Chinese coronavirus are falling in Texas, over two weeks after Gov. Greg Abbott (R) lifted restrictions, including the statewide mask mandate in the Lone Star State — moves President Biden described as “Neanderthal thinking.”

Early in March, Abbott announced the end of the statewide mask mandate, which had been in effect since July, and lifted capacity restrictions on businesses.

“It is time for Texas to be open 100 percent,” the governor said at the time. “Everybody that wants a job should be able to get a job. Every business that wants to be open should be open.”

The decision drew ire from leftists, many of whom had spent the last year criticizing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for refusing to embrace blue state lockdown measures. President Biden reacted to the news of both Texas and Mississippi lifting their statewide mask mandates by describing the moves as a form of “Neanderthal thinking.”

“I think it’s a big mistake,” Biden told reporters, adding, “The last thing, the last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that in the meantime, everything’s fine, take off your mask, forget it.”

However, recent data out of Texas does not appear to back Biden’s initial concern. Cases of the Chinese coronavirus have been on a decline over two weeks after the state lifted its restrictions. Over the weekend, the state’s seven-day positivity rate dipped to an “all-time low of 5.27 percent,” and hospitalizations fell to levels not seen since the fall. New confirmed cases fell from roughly 6,600 on March 2 to around 1,900 on March 28, according to Texas Health and Human Services data.

A year later in Ontario, numbers are 20% higher than when we first shut down.

Our economy is finished for a long time, countless lives ruined, little innovation left and even our own citizens head to Florida or some other U.S state to leave Canada behind for good.

Remember what I always remind you all "copy our system at your own peril..."
Numbers are down nationwide.......

Takes 2 weeks after last shot or after only shot for vaccines to be effective...try again
vaccines have been available since late December
Why are you surprised at numbers going down?

Cho Moe Joe said there were no vaccines available when he came into office. Yet you say there were. So who is lying?

Liberal replies on this board indicated Texas would be hauling out the dead by the truckload. And it's not happening.

Same death rate and Covid rate between Texas, fully open, and Cali, fully locked down. Sounds like lockdowns don't work and neither do masks.

Open up the country.
Numbers are down nationwide.......

Takes 2 weeks after last shot or after only shot for vaccines to be effective...try again
vaccines have been available since late December
Why are you surprised at numbers going down?
I thought Pinochijoe said there were no vaccines as late as when he took his oath in January? Oh well, don't think enough people have been vaccinated yet or fast enough yet to see a 36% decline in Texas. Perhaps your idiot blue governors should try relaxing instead of cracking down on useless mandates and see if they can actually get decent numbers for a change.
Another entry in the "Democrats are wrong about EVERYTHING, always" file.

In the meantime, Typhoid Joe is spreading Covid all over the border with his concentration camps for kids.

Cases of the Chinese coronavirus are falling in Texas, over two weeks after Gov. Greg Abbott (R) lifted restrictions, including the statewide mask mandate in the Lone Star State — moves President Biden described as “Neanderthal thinking.”

Early in March, Abbott announced the end of the statewide mask mandate, which had been in effect since July, and lifted capacity restrictions on businesses.

“It is time for Texas to be open 100 percent,” the governor said at the time. “Everybody that wants a job should be able to get a job. Every business that wants to be open should be open.”

The decision drew ire from leftists, many of whom had spent the last year criticizing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) for refusing to embrace blue state lockdown measures. President Biden reacted to the news of both Texas and Mississippi lifting their statewide mask mandates by describing the moves as a form of “Neanderthal thinking.”

“I think it’s a big mistake,” Biden told reporters, adding, “The last thing, the last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that in the meantime, everything’s fine, take off your mask, forget it.”

However, recent data out of Texas does not appear to back Biden’s initial concern. Cases of the Chinese coronavirus have been on a decline over two weeks after the state lifted its restrictions. Over the weekend, the state’s seven-day positivity rate dipped to an “all-time low of 5.27 percent,” and hospitalizations fell to levels not seen since the fall. New confirmed cases fell from roughly 6,600 on March 2 to around 1,900 on March 28, according to Texas Health and Human Services data.

I like how you claim both Texas covid numbers are dropping and that border crossers are spreading covid. You do know of all the states which border Mexico, Texas shares the most border, don't you?
Numbers are down nationwide.......

Takes 2 weeks after last shot or after only shot for vaccines to be effective...try again
Wrong. That's the point when you reach maximum inoculation but you gain a certain amount of protection after the first shot. The second shot boosts that and 2 weeks after that is maximum protection..

Texas lifted all scamdemic restrictions three weeks ago, no masks, no 6 feet insanity, no lockdowns, nothing. Where are all promised corpses and millions of dead? How oft presstitutes and diabolic 'politicians' talk about?
The sad truth is this trash of humanity has it's own agenda. They force us to accept the 'vaccine' against the scamdemic and die within few years.Also, the question, why things successful in Texas can be not repeated on other places our planet?

There is a explanation. Many large cities run by Democrats have not lifted restrictions. Also many businesses are still enforcing the rules. Trump supporters are the trash in this country.
They'll come up with something like they did for the "global warming pause" when they said all the heat was hiding at the bottom of the ocean.
Got a decent source Marv or is this as good as it gets? :lol:

  • Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, the publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda as well as numerous false claims.

The CDC isn't good enough for you, BlueAnon?

Got a decent source Marv or is this as good as it gets? :lol:

  • Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, the publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda as well as numerous false claims.
  • Overall, we rate MBFC Left-Biased based. MBFC reliably underrates left bias and overrates right bias.
Got a decent source Marv or is this as good as it gets? :lol:

  • Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, the publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda as well as numerous false claims.
  • Overall, we rate MBFC Left-Biased based. MBFC reliably underrates left bias and overrates right bias.

WTF is that supposed to mean? :confused-84:
Texas lifted all scamdemic restrictions three weeks ago, no masks, no 6 feet insanity, no lockdowns, nothing.
Lots of businesses and individuals are doing the right thing in spite of Gov. Abbott.
Um, liberals on this board went absolutely shit crazy when Texas dropped their mask mandate.
The Governor dropped it and was ignored by a large chunk of businesses and individuals. Nothing changed at federal facilities in Texas.
It’s time to open up. Keep the mask mandates but the 6’ Social distance, 50 percent capacity limits, etc..... all that needs to go. These goddamn Democrats and Liberals had no problem when people were cheek to cheek in protests all last year yet have the audacity to shit themselves over people going to Church.

The Double Standards by the Left has betrayed them once again. Can’t take them seriously when they mandate staying home and putting limits on our lives yet look the other way if a BLM protest opens up.

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