Liberals have successfully dehumanized Donald Trump in their own minds.

Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
I don't believe the anti-Obama sentiment ever reached this level of mania. Maybe the difference is the Liberal owned Media fueling the Trump hate on a daily basis. Anti Hillary sentiment on the Right is closer to the anti Trump sentiment on the Left but again I think it falls short of what we are seeing with President Trump.
For me, once the partisan bullshit hits a certain level, it's pretty much the same. After that, it's subjective.

I do agree that the media has made zero (0) effort to hide its biases, that's pretty clear, and it makes things far worse overall.
Mac I had two USMB Liberals yesteray reply to me in a thread that if someone assassinated Donald Trump that would be a good thing. And I don't believe that sentiment on the Left is isolated to a few. That is not the same as it was with Obama or Hillary and I do not agree that is subjective. The Left needs to come back off the ledge and return to a more "normal" level of disgust.
Unfortunately, I've seen the same. And I'd be lying to myself if I didn't think that there were multiple leftists just waiting for their chance to make Pence, president...
Well, I may as well just cut and paste something I just posted in another thread:

That's just where we are as a country: Partisanship-fueled mania.

The lunatics have taken over both parties. The Right was/is just as manic in its pursuit of Obama and Hillary.

It's party over country now, at least for the wings. The rest of us would like this to stop, but don't know how to do it.

This is a choice. People aren't being forced to behave like this.
Its gone far beyond just that. While there is truth to what you are saying... I don't think you give credence to just how far one side of the divide is from the other.
Politics, and the ideologies that drive them are every bit as captivating, and influential as the most revered religions. And as such the belief and faith in ones ideology makes granting concessions a near impossibility.
We as a nation, are standing on a presipice. The nation our founders created, and envisioned is dead, and gone. And its never coming back.
So here we are... The most powerful nation on earth. But also a nation universally recognized as a nation in decline. The battle now is far greater than one of simplistic party favoritism. The battle now will determine the identity of this nation that is being hammered out between the anvil of ethnic nationalism, and the sledge of multiculturalistic socialism.
So... There is no going back... The only real question of value is, "what lies ahead"?
I don't necessarily disagree. Where we may disagree is that I feel this has been a self-inflicted wound.

I don't care what the situation is - politics, friendship, business, marriage - once communication has ended, it's all downhill from there, right into the shitter. And both ends of the spectrum now refuse to honestly communicate with the other. Unless something miraculously changes, yeah, it's game over.

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