Liberals, Here's A REAL Scandal: Justice Department IG Report on Andrew McCabe

Honey, are you blind?

While you’re are at it , Hispanic and Black unemployment both are down under Trump.

Quit your racist rhetoric.
McCabe is a republican! REPUBLICAN!
so is Mulleur Comey and Rosenstein Funny how repubs don't come to their aid What garbage there is on the right

They don’t seem to mind the jackboots so long as they target brown people or liberals .

What’s racist about it?
Somebody with a set of political balls needs to raid FBI Hq. and subject the files to a federal investigation.
too bad McCabe isnt the one under investigation. sink your tooth into that Gomer

Uh, that's kind of the point: that Mueller's investigation is bogus, that Mueller is ignoring the real evidence of real crimes because that evidence does not point to Trump but to pro-Hillary people in the Justice Department and the FBI. I guess that obvious point just escaped your notice.
Liberals, if you wanna sink your teeth into a real scandal, a scandal that includes real evidence and real violations of federal law, read the recently released Justice Department IG report on Andrew McCabe. The IG determined that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe lied multiple times under oath about his role in leaks regarding the investigation of Hillary Clinton:

Liberals lambasted Trump for firing McCabe, but the facts show that McCabe clearly deserved to be fired, if not prosecuted.

IG Report: Andrew McCabe Repeatedly Leaked, Lied About It

And here's a good article by Stephen Lendman on the Mueller witch hunt, which is especially interesting because Lendman is no Yes Man for Trump's policies--he's even criticized the Trump tax cuts:

Phony Mueller Investigation Witch-Hunt Indictments - Stephen Lendman

The problem is the whole government is corrupt. The way they get money for elections and other things, the way they sell themselves like cheap hookers to the rich guys, the way they manipulate, lie.

And yet you lot all manage to say "it's the other side doing it" and so the partisan fight goes on. It's always the other side is the bad guy, we're the good guys. Trump isn't corrupt, it's the other guys, Hillary isn't corrupt, it's the other guys.

And what does this achieve? It means both sides get to continue their corruption.

Now, one way of solving this is to have proportional representation in at least the house, and a presidential run off or a system where multiple people run in run off elections for various parts of the executive.

But no, the rich don't want you to have this, so they tell you how bad it would be. They don't even need good arguments because so many people are trained to see their side of the partisan bullshit as always right, so they'll automatically assume they're right.

This is why the US is fucked.
Liberals, if you wanna sink your teeth into a real scandal, a scandal that includes real evidence and real violations of federal law, read the recently released Justice Department IG report on Andrew McCabe. The IG determined that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe lied multiple times under oath about his role in leaks regarding the investigation of Hillary Clinton:

Liberals lambasted Trump for firing McCabe, but the facts show that McCabe clearly deserved to be fired, if not prosecuted.

IG Report: Andrew McCabe Repeatedly Leaked, Lied About It

And here's a good article by Stephen Lendman on the Mueller witch hunt, which is especially interesting because Lendman is no Yes Man for Trump's policies--he's even criticized the Trump tax cuts:

Phony Mueller Investigation Witch-Hunt Indictments - Stephen Lendman

too bad McCabe isnt the one under investigation.

sink your tooth into that Gomer

too bad McCabe isnt the one under investigation.

Maybe he should be
who would expect anything other than that from you?,,,,Turn all republican scum loose pardon whomever he can but get the guys who are the real american heroes?

What your plan?

one investigation at a time?

"investigate Trump, when we're finished with him, we can investigate McCabe. After we finish with McCabe, we can investigate ???. But, we can only do one investigation at a time. Because eddie doesnt' want anyone confused"
WHY is it republicans ignore all their scumbags but bash real republicans like Rosenstein Mueller McCabe and Comey ?
Uh, that's kind of the point: that Mueller's investigation is bogus, that Mueller is ignoring the real evidence of real crimes because that evidence does not point to Trump but to pro-Hillary people in the Justice Department and the FBI.
Yes, we know. It's just that your point, itself, is bogus and a wingnut pipe dream.
The best part of this is Dumbass Comey now looks like a bigger Liar and Trump Hater than McCabe.

And this is just one portion of The IG Report. From what is being inferred about it, ITS massive and there are going to be an avalanche of bombshells coming out for the next 6 months.

And there are going to be criminal referrals, and a Special Prosecutor appointed because the corruption in The DOJ, FBI and Obama Administration was Massive and widespread.

Liberals, if you wanna sink your teeth into a real scandal, a scandal that includes real evidence and real violations of federal law, read the recently released Justice Department IG report on Andrew McCabe. The IG determined that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe lied multiple times under oath about his role in leaks regarding the investigation of Hillary Clinton:

Liberals lambasted Trump for firing McCabe, but the facts show that McCabe clearly deserved to be fired, if not prosecuted.

IG Report: Andrew McCabe Repeatedly Leaked, Lied About It

And here's a good article by Stephen Lendman on the Mueller witch hunt, which is especially interesting because Lendman is no Yes Man for Trump's policies--he's even criticized the Trump tax cuts:

Phony Mueller Investigation Witch-Hunt Indictments - Stephen Lendman

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