Liberals Never Think Their Lofty Ideas Through

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Here we go again. It never stops. Liberals always decide things based on emotions without ever thinking their lofty ideas through. This is yet another one to add onto the list of many:

Here we go again. It never stops. Liberals always decide things based on emotions without ever thinking their lofty ideas through. This is yet another one to add onto the list of many:

1/6th blows that statement all to Hell.
Here we go again. It never stops. Liberals always decide things based on emotions without ever thinking their lofty ideas through. This is yet another one to add onto the list of many:

They can just send all the batteries to Fresno
Here we go again. It never stops. Liberals always decide things based on emotions without ever thinking their lofty ideas through. This is yet another one to add onto the list of many:

Well, I imagine they will have to store them indefinately, but I dont know what kind of risk that might pose if they are stacked up somewhere. Fire or explosion.. or corrosive leaking? If they could simply be put inside old cargo containers it might be a temporary solution, but it probably would'nt be that simple or cost effective
Here we go again. It never stops. Liberals always decide things based on emotions without ever thinking their lofty ideas through. This is yet another one to add onto the list of many:

Given that the state of California, and really every state in the USA put gasoline powered cars on the road without ever thinking about providing for recycling of rubber tires, or the rusting hulks of metal that are the combustion engine cars.

Thousands of junk yards exist across the country where these former automobiles lie rusting, corroding and polluting the ground water. Why don't you deal with these ecological disaster areas first and foremost?

And why do you continue to deny all of the jobs to be created in building and selling EV cars, setting up charging stations, and basically converting from a cowboy economy to a conserver economy?
I am convinced most liberals have the greatest of intentions (ruled by EMOTION), but everything they touch turns to shit...

Then there are the truly evil self-serving Marxist authoritarians who seek money, power, and control, who prove they are willing to violate the Constitution, Rule of Law, defraud FISA Courts, even attempt coups and commit treason to impose their will and get what they want.
Then there's solar, nobody wants the hazardous waste of the gigantic propellors. One country is digging huge pits and burying them in the ground, that won't end well.
Here we go again. It never stops. Liberals always decide things based on emotions without ever thinking their lofty ideas through. This is yet another one to add onto the list of many:

Here is a classic liberal open mouth before thinking statement....
Now instead of saying the following...
"We need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!
Biden says the following which launched a movement that the most immediate affect was raising gas prices from a low under Trump as the following chart shows:$1.93 4/2020 to under Biden $5.032 or nearly 160% increase... primarily because Biden said the following:

"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

And instead of working cooperatively with fossil fuels' companies , they became the bad guys!
And this is the results:
Read what a CEO of a major refinery, Chevron has to say...
U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery,
“My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth. “You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
Given that the state of California, and really every state in the USA put gasoline powered cars on the road without ever thinking about providing for recycling of rubber tires, or the rusting hulks of metal that are the combustion engine cars.

Thousands of junk yards exist across the country where these former automobiles lie rusting, corroding and polluting the ground water. Why don't you deal with these ecological disaster areas first and foremost?

And why do you continue to deny all of the jobs to be created in building and selling EV cars, setting up charging stations, and basically converting from a cowboy economy to a conserver economy?
Jobs created by government outside of the business of government and national defense is Marxism.

Yes, in the last century people did not have the education needed to think about the environment.

In the 21st, this complete destruction of the environment by green clean renewables is beyond a tragedy. It is a crime.

We know better, we learned from m8stakes and criminal acts, and now we see history repeating itself all for taxpayers money the governmenent is handing out.

Justifying the destruction of the environment in the 21st century because of what people did in the 19th and 20th century is despicable.

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