Liberals not paying taxes

How much taxes did Trump pay? Zero.
And you're dissing liberals ?
Ha ha ha ha
And giving money to charities?

Wait, isnt this what the right talks about and the left bitches about paying your fair share and how important it is and what a civic duty it is to pay taxes, an a t of patriotism they say.
Now we know the left only wants to pay when it is in their interests, so again they are hypocritical beyond belief.

We will not pay: the Americans withholding their taxes to fight Trump

"left bitches"!?

No one likes to pay taxes, but death and taxes ...

That said, the hypocrisy begins in The Congress, and especially with the Tea Party Caucus, which inappropriately changed their caucus name to the Freedom Caucus, but I digress.

I'm a liberal Democrat & I opposed the invasion and occupation of Iraq; I didn't whine about my taxes paying for it, I argued against it for a number of other reasons.

We see the (callous) conservative wing of the Republican Party whining about being taxed to support food stamps, and other entitlements - some paid for and some partially paid for by the beneficiaries.

IMO we (my side of the aisle) wins the moral argument.

Now, as to the Congress. It has failed to even consider cutting their own pay and benefits, even though they work half-time doing their job as a legislator, and half-time on the phone raising money for their re-election

In fact, half of the half-time they are supposed to be doing their job, they are voting as they have been told to vote by the Whip or party leader, and/or standing in front of a camera in an almost empty chamber telling their constituency how great they are and how great their party is doing for the American People, i.e. spreading bullshit.

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