Liberals On Abortion

Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?

By changing the subject, are you admitting that gipper's post is correct and accurate?

Seems so.

Why are you unconcerned about the issue of murder?

Perhaps this is why:

...real Liberals, those with integrity and a reputable view of the world, not the mind numbed variety that adhere to the Democrats no matter how insane their current agenda is.

1.Perhaps you’ve noticed that today the strongest Liberals/Democrats are those with the least ability to analyze what they are supporting. As a result, just as Orwell predicted in 1984, they can’t keep straight whether they are at war with Eastasia, or Eurasia. They need not keep track, they simply agree that the enemy at the moment is whoever the leadership says it is.
And today it is the unborn.

Hence, the Liberals were against gay marriage before they were for it. They opposed socialism before they were for it. And they opposed nuclear weapons for Iran before they were in favor of it.
So, no big deal to want to exterminate the defenseless.....

They are clueless to 180° turns by the party. Morons simply march lock-step via the party’s orders.

Did you want a cracker or not?
“Third, abortion is a civil-rights issue. Dick Gregory and many other blacks view abortion as a type of genocide.

[Let's remember that that was the aim of Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, and the Progressive agenda called eugenics.]

Fourth, abortion exploits women. Many women are pressured by spouses, lovers, or parents into having abortions they do not want. Sometimes the coercion is subtle, as when a husband complains of financial problems. Sometimes it is open and crude, as when a boyfriend threatens to end the affair unless the woman has an abortion, or when parents order a minor child to have an abortion.

Pro-life activists who do "clinic counseling" (standing outside abortion clinics, trying to speak to each woman who enters, urging her to have the child) report that many women who enter clinics alone are willing to talk and to listen. Some change their minds and decide against abortion. But a woman who is accompanied by someone else often does not have the chance to talk, because the husband or boyfriend or parent is so hostile to the pro-life worker.

How quickly a `woman's right to choose' comes to serve a `man's right to use.?" From The Progressive magazine. Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life

Pretty perceptive of this Liberal, huh?
“Second, the right to life underlies and sustains every other right we have.

It is, as Thomas Jefferson and his friends said, self-evident. Logically, as well as in our Declaration of Independence, it comes before the right to liberty and the right to property.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson.

And he was so proud of himself that he went right home and raped Sally Hemmings, because that bitch was his property!

Just to put it all in the proper perspective, I'm sure she'd have loved to be able to abort a few of Jefferson's rape babies.

As is the case with so very many of your hate-filled posts, there is no proof of this anti-American meme.

"The media was swept up by the story. It’s so compelling, so seductive, to a society consumed by racial matters, that even the Wall Street Journal, which has diligently maintained a critical eye on the claims of Thomas Jefferson’s paternity, had inadvertently stamped its imprimatur onto the tale. Much to the distress of some of the editors, the statement "DNA testing would reveal that our nation's third president had almost certainly fathered several [slave] children,” slipped by in a Leisure & Arts section book review, demonstrating just how deeply ingrained the “myth of Tom and Sally” has become ["Poisoned Quills" March 8, 2006, p.D14].

In such an environment, Annette Gordon-Reed could make almost any sensational claim --- on the narrowest or most twisted of evidence --- about a relationship between Thomas Jefferson and a female slave on his plantation, and be assured that she would find an excited reception and little scrutiny, particularly as the book’s publishing schedule also coincided with the election of a popular president of mixed heritage. Rare is the full-length article on The Hemingses of Monticello that fails to draw any number of connections to President Barak Obama, and Gordon-Reed has both written and made public addresses on the genuine significance of Americans electing an African-American president.

As for the sticky matter of how she moves back and forth at will between point "A" (does not prove) and point "B" (fathered everybody), despite any meaningful change in the physical evidence, Gordon-Reed is content in the knowledge that even if more people catch on to the shenanigans, she will always find a welcoming audience. The members of the various awards committees certainly don’t appear to have noticed this. Or, perhaps, if some did, it was of no particular concern to them."

- See more at: Annette Gordon-Reed and the Jefferson DNA Myth | History News Network

Is there anyone....including yourself.....that you don't hate?

Interestingly enough, the actual report on the Jefferson DNA test had exactly the opposite results as what was trumpeted in the media.
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?

By changing the subject, are you admitting that gipper's post is correct and accurate?

Seems so.

Why are you unconcerned about the issue of murder?

Perhaps this is why:

...real Liberals, those with integrity and a reputable view of the world, not the mind numbed variety that adhere to the Democrats no matter how insane their current agenda is.

1.Perhaps you’ve noticed that today the strongest Liberals/Democrats are those with the least ability to analyze what they are supporting. As a result, just as Orwell predicted in 1984, they can’t keep straight whether they are at war with Eastasia, or Eurasia. They need not keep track, they simply agree that the enemy at the moment is whoever the leadership says it is.
And today it is the unborn.

Hence, the Liberals were against gay marriage before they were for it. They opposed socialism before they were for it. And they opposed nuclear weapons for Iran before they were in favor of it.
So, no big deal to want to exterminate the defenseless.....

They are clueless to 180° turns by the party. Morons simply march lock-step via the party’s orders.

Did you want a cracker or not?

What a brilliant retort to my public shaming of you.
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?

Because we're somehow obligated to view your "everything must come from government" beliefs as fact?

Well no not at all, unless by everything you mean food, clothing and shelter for abandoned children? Yeah okay, I can live with that. Which government agency will enforce the abortion ban? Who will take care of punishing the offenders.
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?

By changing the subject, are you admitting that gipper's post is correct and accurate?

Seems so.

Why are you unconcerned about the issue of murder?

Perhaps this is why:

...real Liberals, those with integrity and a reputable view of the world, not the mind numbed variety that adhere to the Democrats no matter how insane their current agenda is.

1.Perhaps you’ve noticed that today the strongest Liberals/Democrats are those with the least ability to analyze what they are supporting. As a result, just as Orwell predicted in 1984, they can’t keep straight whether they are at war with Eastasia, or Eurasia. They need not keep track, they simply agree that the enemy at the moment is whoever the leadership says it is.
And today it is the unborn.

Hence, the Liberals were against gay marriage before they were for it. They opposed socialism before they were for it. And they opposed nuclear weapons for Iran before they were in favor of it.
So, no big deal to want to exterminate the defenseless.....

They are clueless to 180° turns by the party. Morons simply march lock-step via the party’s orders.

Did you want a cracker or not?

What a brilliant retort to my public shaming of you.

Oh Polly........
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?
The tired old refrain of the baby killer.

In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?
The tired old refrain of the baby killer.

In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?


Clearly they can't miss the comparison.....they just don't care.
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?
The tired old refrain of the baby killer.

In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?
The tired old refrain of the baby killer.

In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?


Clearly they can't miss the comparison.....they just don't care.

So in your opinion does he support a safety net for them or not?

I really didn't see an answer in his retort, just more lame insults.
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?
The tired old refrain of the baby killer.

In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.
Well at least you admit to being a blood thirsty Nazi.
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?

Because we're somehow obligated to view your "everything must come from government" beliefs as fact?

Well no not at all, unless by everything you mean food, clothing and shelter for abandoned children? Yeah okay, I can live with that. Which government agency will enforce the abortion ban? Who will take care of punishing the offenders.

Okay, again, you're making a lot of ASSumptions based on your worldview, such as "There will be as many 'unwanted' children as there are abortions now", "All of those children will be abandoned or otherwise uncared for", and "Big government is the only possible means of providing for these floods of unwanted, abandoned children I have ASSumed will exist." So no, I feel no compulsion to accept your worldview as fact, or defend and justify my positions against your ultimatum of "Either give us socialism RIGHT NOW, or we have to kill babies!"
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?
The tired old refrain of the baby killer.

In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.
Well at least you admit to being a blood thirsty Nazi.

Amusing, but all too typical of the Trumpublicans.

"Nuh uh, you're the Nazi!"
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?
The tired old refrain of the baby killer.

In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?


Clearly they can't miss the comparison.....they just don't care.

So in your opinion does he support a safety net for them or not?

I really didn't see an answer in his retort, just more lame insults.
Of course you being a supporter of mass murder, you can’t comprehend that anyone would believe all human life is sacred.

I suppose you are unaware that there are many Americans who would love to adopt a newborn. At any rate Heinrich, all babies must be supported. It’s not difficult.
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?
The tired old refrain of the baby killer.

In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?


Clearly they can't miss the comparison.....they just don't care.

So in your opinion does he support a safety net for them or not?

I really didn't see an answer in his retort, just more lame insults.

Did you write this:

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?
I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?
The tired old refrain of the baby killer.

In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.
Well at least you admit to being a blood thirsty Nazi.

We are observing a deep and abysmal lapse in society, the schools, and in some individuals' family upbringing.

I see no way to recover.
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?
The tired old refrain of the baby killer.

In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.
Well at least you admit to being a blood thirsty Nazi.

Amusing, but all too typical of the Trumpublicans.

"Nuh uh, you're the Nazi!"

Did you write this?

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?
I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.

There's really no way to deny his conclusion: the alignment is telling.
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?
The tired old refrain of the baby killer.

In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?


Clearly they can't miss the comparison.....they just don't care.

So in your opinion does he support a safety net for them or not?

I really didn't see an answer in his retort, just more lame insults.

Did you write this:

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?
I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies.
It is amazing the ignorance of the baby killer. My guess is he is a psychopath. Maybe a serial killer.

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