Liberals On Abortion

Sixth, abortion brutalizes those who perform it, undergo it, pay for it, profit from it, and allow it to happen. Too many of us look the other way because we do not want to think about abortion. A part of reality is blocked out because one does not want to see broken bodies coming home, or going to an incinerator, in those awful plastic bags. People deny their own humanity when they refuse to identify with, or even knowledge, the pain of others.

With some it is worse: They are making money from the misery others, from exploited women and dead children. Doctors, business and clinic directors are making a great deal of money from abortion. Jobs and high incomes depend on abortion; it?s part of the gross national product. The parallels of this with the military industrial complex should be obvious to anyone who was involved in the war movement.

And the "slippery slope" argument is right: People really do go from accepting abortion to accepting euthanasia and accepting "triage" for the hunger problem and accepting "lifeboat ethics" as a general guide to human behavior. We slip down the slope back to the jungle.

To save the smallest children, save its own conscience, the Left should speak out against abortion.” From The Progressive magazine. Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life

That’s my kind of Liberal.
There will be as many 'unwanted' children as there are abortions now

Never said that.

All of those children will be abandoned or otherwise uncared for

Never said all the children would be abandoned either

your ultimatum of "Either give us socialism RIGHT NOW, or we have to kill babies!"

I simply asked a question and placed no ultimatum on anyone. We already have a security net for abandoned, neglected and poverty stricken children. Women already have the right to chose to bring a pregnancy to term or not.

Uh huh. So you admit that your question is utterly invalid and not deserving of an answer. Thanks for settling that, and you may now proceed with your scheduled backpedal. Shoo.
They think "embryo", "fetus" and in 2019 "infant" are names of unique CREATURES and not human beings.

Well, they also think "human being" denotes only fully-grown and healthy adults. And as the intellectual throwbacks to the 10th century that they are, they assume anyone who looks different from the adults they're familiar with must automatically be not really human. It's the same primitive ignorance that has always given us racism, and now it's giving us infanticide.
They think "embryo", "fetus" and in 2019 "infant" are names of unique CREATURES and not human beings.

Well, they also think "human being" denotes only fully-grown and healthy adults. And as the intellectual throwbacks to the 10th century that they are, they assume anyone who looks different from the adults they're familiar with must automatically be not really human. It's the same primitive ignorance that has always given us racism, and now it's giving us infanticide.
Yep. It was Democrats that defended slavery and voted against every amendment that gave full citizenship to ex slaves.
They think "embryo", "fetus" and in 2019 "infant" are names of unique CREATURES and not human beings.

Well, they also think "human being" denotes only fully-grown and healthy adults. And as the intellectual throwbacks to the 10th century that they are, they assume anyone who looks different from the adults they're familiar with must automatically be not really human. It's the same primitive ignorance that has always given us racism, and now it's giving us infanticide.
Yep. It was Democrats that defended slavery and voted against every amendment that gave full citizenship to ex slaves.

I just find the level of primitive ignorance that the issue of abortion uncovers in this country to be appalling in a world where humanity has not only made such great strides in the fields of biology and medicine, but has created an unprecedented access to that knowledge for literally everyone. I simply do not see how it could be possible, let alone acceptable, for Americans in this day and age to be spouting the same level of scientific acumen - or lack thereof - as the Biblical era people who said "the sun stood still in the sky" because that's what it looked like to them and perception was reality to them.
Liberals on abortion: "Safe, legal and rare"

That's it. It is that simple.

Still waiting for one of you leftist lackwits to explain to me why it should be "rare".
Why it should be rare? That needs explaining?

Coming from someone who also thinks it should be virtually unrestricted? Yes. I know why I think it should be rare, but I can't imagine why YOU would think that.

I actually understand that my goals and the goals of the anti choice assholes are aligned. It’s in how we reduce unwanted pregnancies and unnecessary abortions that we diverge. A self centered bitchtress wouldn’t understand so I can see where you don’t get that.
Roe v Wade is a RIGHT

And Republicans have been dishonestly claiming it's not under attack for 40 years..

Roe v Wade is a RIGHT

And Republicans have been dishonestly claiming it's not under attack for 40 years..

I want the right to murder!!!

Murder your own child...are you nuts?
Liberals on abortion: "Safe, legal and rare"

That's it. It is that simple.

Still waiting for one of you leftist lackwits to explain to me why it should be "rare".
Why it should be rare? That needs explaining?

Coming from someone who also thinks it should be virtually unrestricted? Yes. I know why I think it should be rare, but I can't imagine why YOU would think that.

I actually understand that my goals and the goals of the anti choice assholes are aligned. It’s in how we reduce unwanted pregnancies and unnecessary abortions that we diverge. A self centered bitchtress wouldn’t understand so I can see where you don’t get that.

Now that you're done blowing smoke up your own ass about how you REALLY have a right to feel good about yourself as a person - No, REALLY - perhaps you could get back to the topic and say something that might matter. Cause Seabiscuit, the disapproval of "people" I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire doesn't qualify.
To those Leftists who say (as did WJC) that abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare," a challenge:

Why should you care if it is RARE? Seriously.

If it is merely removal of unwanted tissue, then what is the benefit - why is it "better" if abortions are rare...if not that there is something morally odious about abortion.

Why do you believe that abortion should be rare?
NorthKoreaChic doesn't want to live in a free society. Maybe she should move back to you know where.
Sez the native American Indian Chief? (I doubt it.)
Political Chic is an asset to America, dear. Put the bong down. Can you say the same for yourself?

The Queen of Cut and Paste

But we love her
Then show it. ;)
I do

Her posts are so tedious
I always try to rescue her threads
So her successful communication is all about you, hm? :right: But by all means, do not hesitate to keep diggin' your hole deeper and deeper.:dig:
ake off the shades/dark glasses. Yes, you can.
The American Revolution was the birth of free nations.

Oh, fucking please. By 1776, the King of Great Britain was a constitutional monarch with ceremonial powers. They outlawed slavery a lot earlier than we did and they did a lot more to protect native populations in Canada compared to the outright fucking genocide we inflicted on them in the US.

Saying, "All men are created equal" sounds a little bit shallow when you go home and whip your slaves... and in Tommy Jefferson's case, rape one.

In 1945, we expanded on that to keep oligarchs away as well. Right now, our nation has a need to push away those who push false narratives, and it shall be done. As you will see coming from the DOJ in short order.

Get real. Here's how it's going to play out... Barr's corrupt DOJ is going to try to indict FBI professionals for doing their jobs... and when it comes out that's what they were doing- their jobs, they are going to look outright silly.

Long before that, we are going to have a recession, and Trump will get run out of town on a rail. Hopefully, Mitch McConnel and his mail order bride with him.

Oh, fucking please. By 1776, the King of Great Britain was a constitutional monarch with ceremonial powers. They outlawed slavery a lot earlier than we did and they did a lot more to protect native populations in Canada compared to the outright fucking genocide we inflicted on them in the US. Saying, "All men are created equal" sounds a little bit shallow when you go home and whip your slaves... and in Tommy Jefferson's case, rape one.
When I took American History, both Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson (not to mention many others) were greatly against slavery. However, in order to build a union they had to deal with plantation owners in the
South who depended on slaves to keep their businesses competitive. The anti-slavery defenders had to concede in order to achieve including southern growers who provided cotton for northern state factories. They caved for unity with the hope that one day, slavery would be abolished. The alternative was to let go of southern states who could furnish goods with which to repel the world's most successful army, Great Britain. They knew what they had to have to get rid of the disintrested monarchy King Chas. of Britain tended to be. Even their best guy, Benjamin Franklin couldn't persuade him to take an interest in the colonies who'd fed Britain astonishing profits since the very early years of the seventeenth century.

Sometimes when a union is formed, everybody tends to get what nobody wanted, but the union that is needed stays. That's what happened to the Continental Congress. They compromised to get the British monkey off their backs and cotton from the South with which to engender a textile business for women in the colonies to make and small profits from making clothing when necessity required them to work. Indian fighting and wars took their men, and they, like Betsy Ross, could use the resources of their own labor to survive and give their children food and clothes until they could fend for themselves. Life was particularly hard for the colonists, and they accepted many people into the land who helped them finance their resistance to unappreciative rulers who continually shilled for more tax money for their governments thousands of miles over the sea away.

So you are calling Attorney General Barr corrupt? OK. List his crime, the date of his conviction, and time served in jail.

If you can't come up with it, then he is innocent until you prove that he is guilty according to the Constitution of the United States of America. I know for a fact you cannot put your money where your flapping mouth is, sir. :eusa_naughty: Shame on you trying to dirty a good man's reputation when he is quite innocent of your false charges and your shameful false narrative.
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Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?

Because we're somehow obligated to view your "everything must come from government" beliefs as fact?

Well no not at all, unless by everything you mean food, clothing and shelter for abandoned children? Yeah okay, I can live with that. Which government agency will enforce the abortion ban? Who will take care of punishing the offenders.

It was the government that forced that child to be born. If it was up to the woman it wouldn't have been born.

So if the government forces the birth of children it should be the government who is obligated to care for, raise those children and put them through college.
Liberals on abortion: "Safe, legal and rare"

That's it. It is that simple.

Still waiting for one of you leftist lackwits to explain to me why it should be "rare".
Why it should be rare? That needs explaining?

Coming from someone who also thinks it should be virtually unrestricted? Yes. I know why I think it should be rare, but I can't imagine why YOU would think that.

I actually understand that my goals and the goals of the anti choice assholes are aligned. It’s in how we reduce unwanted pregnancies and unnecessary abortions that we diverge. A self centered bitchtress wouldn’t understand so I can see where you don’t get that.

Now that you're done blowing smoke up your own ass about how you REALLY have a right to feel good about yourself as a person - No, REALLY - perhaps you could get back to the topic and say something that might matter. Cause Seabiscuit, the disapproval of "people" I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire doesn't qualify.

I've been on topic the entire time miss "see you next tuesday", while you've only made ad hominem attacks. I want to see abortions kept safe and legal while we use science, education and smart government to actually reduce the number of them.

Teen pregnancy and abortion rates see big drops, which Colorado officials attribute to IUD program

Now what's your idea your twatness?
Sixth, abortion brutalizes those who perform it, undergo it, pay for it, profit from it, and allow it to happen. Too many of us look the other way because we do not want to think about abortion. A part of reality is blocked out because one does not want to see broken bodies coming home, or going to an incinerator, in those awful plastic bags. People deny their own humanity when they refuse to identify with, or even knowledge, the pain of others.

With some it is worse: They are making money from the misery others, from exploited women and dead children. Doctors, business and clinic directors are making a great deal of money from abortion. Jobs and high incomes depend on abortion; it?s part of the gross national product. The parallels of this with the military industrial complex should be obvious to anyone who was involved in the war movement.

And the "slippery slope" argument is right: People really do go from accepting abortion to accepting euthanasia and accepting "triage" for the hunger problem and accepting "lifeboat ethics" as a general guide to human behavior. We slip down the slope back to the jungle.

To save the smallest children, save its own conscience, the Left should speak out against abortion.” From The Progressive magazine. Abortion: The Left has betrayed the sanctity of life

That’s my kind of Liberal.
Woo. Much remains unchanged about the abortion issue since Meehan penned that article 4 decades ago but one thing is glaringly different ... what was once a core liberal value - the need for society to protect the defenseless - has all but disappeared in the left's headlong plunge into ideological cognitive dissonance.

"The basic instinct of the Left is to aid those who cannot aid themselves -- and that instinct is absolutely sound. It is what keeps the human proposition going." - Mary Meehan, 1980
Abortion is legalized murder. It is far past the time it was outlawed.

And surely you support a vast socialist/government support networks and programs to help support and raise all those unwanted children, right?

Because we're somehow obligated to view your "everything must come from government" beliefs as fact?

Well no not at all, unless by everything you mean food, clothing and shelter for abandoned children? Yeah okay, I can live with that. Which government agency will enforce the abortion ban? Who will take care of punishing the offenders.

It was the government that forced that child to be born. If it was up to the woman it wouldn't have been born.

So if the government forces the birth of children it should be the government who is obligated to care for, raise those children and put them through college.
No it isn't. Parents are obligated to take care of their children, whether they want to or not. If they treat a child they do not love by withholding food, education, or medical care, they face charges of neglect, which is punishable by incarceration in some cases with children removed from them and placed in an orphanage, a relative's home (if volunteered), or in the care of foster parents, who receive a stipend for their services.

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