Liberals saying that trying to tie boston bombing suspects to islamic extremism is


Top Democrat Slams GOP's Islamophobia After Boston Bombing | ThinkProgress

Funny, the same liberals were openly PRAYING they wanted a white american conservative to be the culprit, but if you state the obvious truth, liberals start prancing, throwing limp wristed hissyfits because reality and fact are offensive to liberal limp wristers.

Well-stated novasteve. Libs either have their collective heads in the sand OR they are on the side of those who would take America down, OR both.


Boston marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was thrown out of his local mosque for 'crazy' behavior after getting involved a 'shouting match' with his imam according to one member of the congregation.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was ejected from his Boston mosque for aggressive behavior after insulting Martin Luther King Jr. during a Friday prayer service three months ago

Described as being full of rage by a worshiper who would give his name only as Muhammad, Tamerlan was ejected from the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center three months ago for claiming that Martin Luther King Jr. was not a man Muslims should look to emulate.

Read more: Tamerlan Tsarnaev: Boston bomber was thrown out of his mosque for 'raged filled rant' against Martin Luther King | Mail Online
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Did she make these comments before or after it was known that Russia warned the US about the elder brother?
Salon article? Fine, liberal athiests don't actually pray, but he was strongly hoping they were white american (conservatives). Stop your petty nitpicking. You know libreals were desperate for the guy to be a conservative white guy. Like when some CNN lib on air said she was upset that the time square bomber was a muslim, she was wishing he wasn't.

Top Democrat Slams GOP's Islamophobia After Boston Bombing | ThinkProgress

Funny, the same liberals were openly PRAYING they wanted a white american conservative to be the culprit, but if you state the obvious truth, liberals start prancing, throwing limp wristed hissyfits because reality and fact are offensive to liberal limp wristers.

Well no.

Most "liberals" just wanted those guys caught.

You folks were "praying" that it was muslims.

Well you got what you wanted..sorta.

They are white muslims and so far, no terrorist organization has stepped up to take credit. In fact, many are distancing themselves from the act.

Funny that.
Salon article? Fine, liberal athiests don't actually pray, but he was strongly hoping they were white american (conservatives). Stop your petty nitpicking. You know libreals were desperate for the guy to be a conservative white guy. Like when some CNN lib on air said she was upset that the time square bomber was a muslim, she was wishing he wasn't.

Adam Lanza was a conservative white guy..from a conservative Christian home.

No one in the media focused on that.

These kids were muslims.

That ALL you folks are focusing on.
Show me an article by a prominent conservative news site, like the salon for libs, WISHING that the bombers were muslim? You can't. So stop lying. LIberals will never stop ap ologizing for muslim terroristm. So put your money into your cocksucking mouths and have a giant gay pride parade in gaza with your darlings. Too much of a pussy to show off your pride with your islamist darlings?

What fucking pussies liberals are!
Steve was a lot more interesting when he had a lot of bizarre hate/fascination with transgendered people. These threads are just boring and monotonous.
Steve was a lot more interesting when he had a lot of bizarre hate/fascination with transgendered people. These threads are just boring and monotonous.

You seem obsessed with it since this subject has nothing to do with it. Projecting much?

Do you have anything to say about THIS TOPIC you liberal prancing fruit?
The bombers let their carjacking victim go because he wasn't an American.

Maybe we should coin a new phobia, Ameriphobia.

Report: Bomb suspects' carjack victim spared because he wasn't American - Kevin Robillard -

The two brothers suspected of bombing the Boston Marathon’s finish line told the man they carjacked on Thursday night that they only decided not to kill him because he “wasn’t an American,” according to a report Monday.
NBC’s Pete Williams said the man, who asked not to be identified, told police that Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev said they spared his life because he was not an American.

Muslims hate you, yes, they really do.
Liberals are already reconstructing the bombers. They are like the Colombine shooters. They weren't motivated by islam, they were just disaffected youth.

Ex-CIA deputy director: Boston bombing ?more like Columbine than al Qaeda? | The Raw Story

Former CIA Deputy Director Phillip Mudd on Sunday told Fox News that Boston bombing suspect Dzokhar Tsarnaev should be charged as a murderer because the crime looked more like the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado than an attack planned by al Qaeda.

“This looks more to me like Columbine than it does al Qaeda,” the counter terrorism expert observed. “Two kids who radicalized between themselves in a closed circle go out and commit murder. I would charge these guys as murders, not terrorists.”

Wallace pressed Mudd on how he could dismiss the fact that Dzokhar Tsarnaev’s brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, spent six months in Russia “where there are a lot of radicals.”

“I’m not writing that off,” Mudd insisted. “What I’m saying is we want to categorize this… with a simple term, and at looking at the psychology of clusters like this — which I did for 20 years — the psychology is not that simple. It’s two kids who decided, for whatever ideology, that they wanted to commit murder. And the murder piece is significant as the terrorism piece.”

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