Liberal's support for Partial-Birth Abortion proves they are awful people with no conscience

There is no profit, dingbat dupe. Change the channel
Your fake news tell you that?
Only you GOP dupes have fake news, dupe.
Your fake news tell you that?
Ever notice that only the GOP/RW US media denies GW And many other things- like PP doesn't profit from sales of fetus parts...funny, hunh? In the wholle world! And then all those fake stories (Hilary the corrupt liar murderer- al forgotten now lol) that got chumps to vote for tax cuts for the rich AGAIN? D'OH!! Worst voters in the modern world. Not your fault, dupe. Maybe.
You mean MMGW?
Of course. Yes, I know you're brainwashed. Don't listen to ALL the climatologists who aren't bought (and TRump). Rush and Sean are smarter lol.
Your fake news tell you that?
Only you GOP dupes have fake news, dupe.
Your fake news tell you that?
Ever notice that only the GOP/RW US media denies GW And many other things- like PP doesn't profit from sales of fetus parts...funny, hunh? In the wholle world! And then all those fake stories (Hilary the corrupt liar murderer- al forgotten now lol) that got chumps to vote for tax cuts for the rich AGAIN? D'OH!! Worst voters in the modern world. Not your fault, dupe. Maybe.
You mean MMGW?
Of course. Yes, I know you're brainwashed. Don't listen to ALL the climatologists who aren't bought (and TRump). Rush and Sean are smarter lol.

Are you as a republican willing to maintain welfare, food stamps and public schools for the child?

You whine about how awful it is not to have the baby but than want to make life hell for the child after it is born.
No one but the child's parents made life hell for a child. WTF i wrong about being responsible for your actions?
Only you GOP dupes have fake news, dupe.
Your fake news tell you that?
Ever notice that only the GOP/RW US media denies GW And many other things- like PP doesn't profit from sales of fetus parts...funny, hunh? In the wholle world! And then all those fake stories (Hilary the corrupt liar murderer- al forgotten now lol) that got chumps to vote for tax cuts for the rich AGAIN? D'OH!! Worst voters in the modern world. Not your fault, dupe. Maybe.
You mean MMGW?
Of course. Yes, I know you're brainwashed. Don't listen to ALL the climatologists who aren't bought (and TRump). Rush and Sean are smarter lol.

View attachment 101171
A) The SC says it's not a child. CERTAINLY NOT at 11 weeks- and 98% are by then. But the GOP gets to screw the country because of you fools voting for them on this wedge issue. And do nothing for you. THIS time I'm sure they will. And then you can have 5000 women die a year in legal abortions AGAIN. Great idea. ACA free BC has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. So I'm sure you'll want to end THAT.

Stupidest voters in the modern world....
Your fake news tell you that?
Ever notice that only the GOP/RW US media denies GW And many other things- like PP doesn't profit from sales of fetus parts...funny, hunh? In the wholle world! And then all those fake stories (Hilary the corrupt liar murderer- al forgotten now lol) that got chumps to vote for tax cuts for the rich AGAIN? D'OH!! Worst voters in the modern world. Not your fault, dupe. Maybe.
You mean MMGW?
Of course. Yes, I know you're brainwashed. Don't listen to ALL the climatologists who aren't bought (and TRump). Rush and Sean are smarter lol.

View attachment 101171
A) The SC says it's not a child. CERTAINLY NOT at 11 weeks- and 98% are by then. But the GOP gets to screw the country because of you fools voting for them on this wedge issue. And do nothing for you. THIS time I'm sure they will. And then you can have 5000 women die a year in legal abortions AGAIN. Great idea. ACA free BC has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. So I'm sure you'll want to end THAT.

Stupidest voters in the modern world....
The SCOTUS never said that...your fake news tell you that?

Abortion is's just a matter of time until our SCOTUS says so....
Liberals love killing, abortions, criminals and euthenasia prove it.

1. You're the party of war
2. So you'd rather people that can't afford it to just have the baby??? Better be support welfare!
3. Euthenasia helps people that are hurting end it...If not that...What? Should the family go broke attempting to keep a family member a live that won't live much longer anyways?
1. Bullshit! Who started WW II, Korea and Viet Nam?
2. No, we'd rather y'all keep your pants on until you can afford a child.
3. You know? I really don't have an opinion on euthanasia other than it should be only considered between a patient and his doctor, and under no circumstances, should it be taxpayer funded.
Your fake news tell you that?
Ever notice that only the GOP/RW US media denies GW And many other things- like PP doesn't profit from sales of fetus parts...funny, hunh? In the wholle world! And then all those fake stories (Hilary the corrupt liar murderer- al forgotten now lol) that got chumps to vote for tax cuts for the rich AGAIN? D'OH!! Worst voters in the modern world. Not your fault, dupe. Maybe.
You mean MMGW?
Of course. Yes, I know you're brainwashed. Don't listen to ALL the climatologists who aren't bought (and TRump). Rush and Sean are smarter lol.

View attachment 101171
A) The SC says it's not a child. CERTAINLY NOT at 11 weeks- and 98% are by then. But the GOP gets to screw the country because of you fools voting for them on this wedge issue. And do nothing for you. THIS time I'm sure they will. And then you can have 5000 women die a year in legal abortions AGAIN. Great idea. ACA free BC has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. So I'm sure you'll want to end THAT.

Stupidest voters in the modern world....
Wedge issue? hell man! half of the people who voted for hillary and Stein did so because they both reportedly have vaginas.Hypocrite much?
Ever notice that only the GOP/RW US media denies GW And many other things- like PP doesn't profit from sales of fetus parts...funny, hunh? In the wholle world! And then all those fake stories (Hilary the corrupt liar murderer- al forgotten now lol) that got chumps to vote for tax cuts for the rich AGAIN? D'OH!! Worst voters in the modern world. Not your fault, dupe. Maybe.
You mean MMGW?
Of course. Yes, I know you're brainwashed. Don't listen to ALL the climatologists who aren't bought (and TRump). Rush and Sean are smarter lol.

View attachment 101171
A) The SC says it's not a child. CERTAINLY NOT at 11 weeks- and 98% are by then. But the GOP gets to screw the country because of you fools voting for them on this wedge issue. And do nothing for you. THIS time I'm sure they will. And then you can have 5000 women die a year in legal abortions AGAIN. Great idea. ACA free BC has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. So I'm sure you'll want to end THAT.

Stupidest voters in the modern world....
Wedge issue? hell man! half of the people who voted for hillary and Stein did so because they both reportedly have vaginas.Hypocrite much?
Total bs, of course, dupe.
Liberals love killing, abortions, criminals and euthenasia prove it.

1. You're the party of war
2. So you'd rather people that can't afford it to just have the baby??? Better be support welfare!
3. Euthenasia helps people that are hurting end it...If not that...What? Should the family go broke attempting to keep a family member a live that won't live much longer anyways?
1. Bullshit! Who started WW II, Korea and Viet Nam?
2. No, we'd rather y'all keep your pants on until you can afford a child.
3. You know? I really don't have an opinion on euthanasia other than it should be only considered between a patient and his doctor, and under no circumstances, should it be taxpayer funded.
Hitler, N. Korea, and Eisenhower, dingbat.
They need none of the above. A poor person has no business having a child they can't support. In fact, if they have a child they can't support, it's entirely out of their own irresponsibility. If someone is irresponsible, it's their job to accept the consequences of their actions, and it's NOT the job of the government to steal from tax-payers to support them.

That's because, regardless of how much you want to advocate it, murdering someone who has done absolutely nothing wrong is inherently wrong. Also, putting the kid up for adoption is an option, you daft Fopdoodle.
So how many crack babies are you going to adopt?
I see you're admitting that the poor people put themselves there on their own. That will be all, thank you.
Looks like you have never been in a situation where you have only two choices and both of them suck balls. How's life in your ivory tower where you have the luxury of all your choices being morally unambiguous?
You literally called their kids crack babies, are you backtracking on that?

Last I checked, people are fully capable of saving money for an emergency. You know, or choosing not to have a child if they can't support it. Or even both. Such a complicated thing, keeping your legs closed... even though I seem to have accomplished just that for whole life thus far.
Ah abstinence, the birth control method that only really works for dead people. It's like saying that not driving a car is the only way to prevent traffic accidents.
So, your opinion of our population is so low, that you think they have to sleep with everyone and everything until the day they die. Your ONLY argument is that nobody can control themselves, they are just compelled to sleep with everyone. That is sad.

Except driving is a necessity, and sleeping around isn't.
Are you as a republican willing to maintain welfare, food stamps and public schools for the child?

You whine about how awful it is not to have the baby but than want to make life hell for the child after it is born.
They need none of the above. A poor person has no business having a child they can't support. In fact, if they have a child they can't support, it's entirely out of their own irresponsibility. If someone is irresponsible, it's their job to accept the consequences of their actions, and it's NOT the job of the government to steal from tax-payers to support them.

That's because, regardless of how much you want to advocate it, murdering someone who has done absolutely nothing wrong is inherently wrong. Also, putting the kid up for adoption is an option, you daft Fopdoodle.
So how many crack babies are you going to adopt?
I see you're admitting that the poor people put themselves there on their own. That will be all, thank you.
Looks like you have never been in a situation where you have only two choices and both of them suck balls. How's life in your ivory tower where you have the luxury of all your choices being morally unambiguous?
You know nothing. I was 18 and unmarried when my 18-year-old girlfriend told me she was pregnant. We managed to make it.

You know partial birth abortion was banned, and has been illegal since 2003 don't you?
They need none of the above. A poor person has no business having a child they can't support. In fact, if they have a child they can't support, it's entirely out of their own irresponsibility. If someone is irresponsible, it's their job to accept the consequences of their actions, and it's NOT the job of the government to steal from tax-payers to support them.

That's because, regardless of how much you want to advocate it, murdering someone who has done absolutely nothing wrong is inherently wrong. Also, putting the kid up for adoption is an option, you daft Fopdoodle.
So how many crack babies are you going to adopt?
I see you're admitting that the poor people put themselves there on their own. That will be all, thank you.
Looks like you have never been in a situation where you have only two choices and both of them suck balls. How's life in your ivory tower where you have the luxury of all your choices being morally unambiguous?
You know nothing. I was 18 and unmarried when my 18-year-old girlfriend told me she was pregnant. We managed to make it.

You know partial birth abortion was banned, and has been illegal since 2003 don't you?
Yes, but liberals are still arguing it should be legal in this thread. Did you notice?
What is Partial-Birth Abortion?

Partial-Birth Abortion is a procedure in which the abortionist pulls a living baby feet-first out of the womb and into the birth canal (vagina), except for the head, which the abortionist purposely keeps lodged just inside the cervix (the opening to the womb). The abortionist punctures the base of the baby’s skull with a surgical instrument, such as a long surgical scissors or a pointed hollow metal tube called a trochar. He then inserts a catheter (tube) into the wound, and removes the baby's brain with a powerful suction machine. This causes the skull to collapse, after which the abortionist completes the delivery of the now-dead baby.

What is the Partial-Birth Abortion act?

The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act would ban performance of a partial-birth abortion except if it were necessary to the save a mother's life. The bill defines partial-birth abortion as an abortion in which “the person performing the abortion deliberately and intentionally vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother,” and then kills the baby. The bill would permit use of the procedure if “necessary to save the life of a mother whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself.”

Are Partial-Birth Abortions Common?

According to Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers (1997), and other sources, it appears that partial-birth abortions are performed 3,000 to 5,000 times annually. (Even those numbers may be low.) Based on published interviews with numerous abortionists, and interviews with Fitzsimmons in 1997, the “vast majority” of partial-birth abortions are performed in the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy, on healthy babies of healthy mothers.

Why is it called "Partial-Birth"?

Under state laws, a “live birth” occurs when a baby is entirely expelled from the mother and shows any signs of life, however briefly -- regardless of whether the baby is “viable,” i.e., developed enough to be sustained outside the womb with neo-natal medical assistance. Even at 4½ months (20 weeks), perinatologists say that if a baby is expelled or removed completely from the uterus, she will usually gasp for breath and sometimes survive for hours, even though lung development is usually insufficient to permit successful sustained respiration until 23 weeks. Thus, the term “partial-birth” is perfectly descriptive.

The Facts of Partial-Birth Abortion

The fact is, liberals are awful people who stopped developing morally at the age of 12-years-old and never developed a mature sense of the difference between right and wrong. Their support for partial-birth abortion proves that level of moral immaturity.
I hate it when you people have to lie. Abortions at 5 or 6 months are illegal without a health issue.
What is Partial-Birth Abortion?

Partial-Birth Abortion is a procedure in which the abortionist pulls a living baby feet-first out of the womb and into the birth canal (vagina), except for the head, which the abortionist purposely keeps lodged just inside the cervix (the opening to the womb). The abortionist punctures the base of the baby’s skull with a surgical instrument, such as a long surgical scissors or a pointed hollow metal tube called a trochar. He then inserts a catheter (tube) into the wound, and removes the baby's brain with a powerful suction machine. This causes the skull to collapse, after which the abortionist completes the delivery of the now-dead baby.

What is the Partial-Birth Abortion act?

The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act would ban performance of a partial-birth abortion except if it were necessary to the save a mother's life. The bill defines partial-birth abortion as an abortion in which “the person performing the abortion deliberately and intentionally vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother,” and then kills the baby. The bill would permit use of the procedure if “necessary to save the life of a mother whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself.”

Are Partial-Birth Abortions Common?

According to Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers (1997), and other sources, it appears that partial-birth abortions are performed 3,000 to 5,000 times annually. (Even those numbers may be low.) Based on published interviews with numerous abortionists, and interviews with Fitzsimmons in 1997, the “vast majority” of partial-birth abortions are performed in the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy, on healthy babies of healthy mothers.

Why is it called "Partial-Birth"?

Under state laws, a “live birth” occurs when a baby is entirely expelled from the mother and shows any signs of life, however briefly -- regardless of whether the baby is “viable,” i.e., developed enough to be sustained outside the womb with neo-natal medical assistance. Even at 4½ months (20 weeks), perinatologists say that if a baby is expelled or removed completely from the uterus, she will usually gasp for breath and sometimes survive for hours, even though lung development is usually insufficient to permit successful sustained respiration until 23 weeks. Thus, the term “partial-birth” is perfectly descriptive.

The Facts of Partial-Birth Abortion

The fact is, liberals are awful people who stopped developing morally at the age of 12-years-old and never developed a mature sense of the difference between right and wrong. Their support for partial-birth abortion proves that level of moral immaturity.
I hate it when you people have to lie. Abortions at 5 or 6 months are illegal without a health issue.
Do you have a link to prove that?
You mean MMGW?
Of course. Yes, I know you're brainwashed. Don't listen to ALL the climatologists who aren't bought (and TRump). Rush and Sean are smarter lol.

View attachment 101171
A) The SC says it's not a child. CERTAINLY NOT at 11 weeks- and 98% are by then. But the GOP gets to screw the country because of you fools voting for them on this wedge issue. And do nothing for you. THIS time I'm sure they will. And then you can have 5000 women die a year in legal abortions AGAIN. Great idea. ACA free BC has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. So I'm sure you'll want to end THAT.

Stupidest voters in the modern world....
Wedge issue? hell man! half of the people who voted for hillary and Stein did so because they both reportedly have vaginas.Hypocrite much?
Total bs, of course, dupe.

No its pub crappe. You're losing it Franco.
What is Partial-Birth Abortion?

Partial-Birth Abortion is a procedure in which the abortionist pulls a living baby feet-first out of the womb and into the birth canal (vagina), except for the head, which the abortionist purposely keeps lodged just inside the cervix (the opening to the womb). The abortionist punctures the base of the baby’s skull with a surgical instrument, such as a long surgical scissors or a pointed hollow metal tube called a trochar. He then inserts a catheter (tube) into the wound, and removes the baby's brain with a powerful suction machine. This causes the skull to collapse, after which the abortionist completes the delivery of the now-dead baby.

What is the Partial-Birth Abortion act?

The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act would ban performance of a partial-birth abortion except if it were necessary to the save a mother's life. The bill defines partial-birth abortion as an abortion in which “the person performing the abortion deliberately and intentionally vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or, in the case of breech presentation, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the body of the mother,” and then kills the baby. The bill would permit use of the procedure if “necessary to save the life of a mother whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself.”

Are Partial-Birth Abortions Common?

According to Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers (1997), and other sources, it appears that partial-birth abortions are performed 3,000 to 5,000 times annually. (Even those numbers may be low.) Based on published interviews with numerous abortionists, and interviews with Fitzsimmons in 1997, the “vast majority” of partial-birth abortions are performed in the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy, on healthy babies of healthy mothers.

Why is it called "Partial-Birth"?

Under state laws, a “live birth” occurs when a baby is entirely expelled from the mother and shows any signs of life, however briefly -- regardless of whether the baby is “viable,” i.e., developed enough to be sustained outside the womb with neo-natal medical assistance. Even at 4½ months (20 weeks), perinatologists say that if a baby is expelled or removed completely from the uterus, she will usually gasp for breath and sometimes survive for hours, even though lung development is usually insufficient to permit successful sustained respiration until 23 weeks. Thus, the term “partial-birth” is perfectly descriptive.

The Facts of Partial-Birth Abortion

The fact is, liberals are awful people who stopped developing morally at the age of 12-years-old and never developed a mature sense of the difference between right and wrong. Their support for partial-birth abortion proves that level of moral immaturity.
I hate it when you people have to lie. Abortions at 5 or 6 months are illegal without a health issue.

Please include a link for that
Liberals love killing, abortions, criminals and euthenasia prove it.

1. You're the party of war
2. So you'd rather people that can't afford it to just have the baby??? Better be support welfare!
3. Euthenasia helps people that are hurting end it...If not that...What? Should the family go broke attempting to keep a family member a live that won't live much longer anyways?
1. Bullshit! Who started WW II, Korea and Viet Nam?
2. No, we'd rather y'all keep your pants on until you can afford a child.
3. You know? I really don't have an opinion on euthanasia other than it should be only considered between a patient and his doctor, and under no circumstances, should it be taxpayer funded.
Hitler, N. Korea, and Eisenhower, dingbat.

Truth era like you km now Roosevelt let Japan bomb Pearl Harbor, and Johnson killed Kennedy to start the Vietnam War. Cmon man
Of course. Yes, I know you're brainwashed. Don't listen to ALL the climatologists who aren't bought (and TRump). Rush and Sean are smarter lol.

View attachment 101171
A) The SC says it's not a child. CERTAINLY NOT at 11 weeks- and 98% are by then. But the GOP gets to screw the country because of you fools voting for them on this wedge issue. And do nothing for you. THIS time I'm sure they will. And then you can have 5000 women die a year in legal abortions AGAIN. Great idea. ACA free BC has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. So I'm sure you'll want to end THAT.

Stupidest voters in the modern world....
Wedge issue? hell man! half of the people who voted for hillary and Stein did so because they both reportedly have vaginas.Hypocrite much?
Total bs, of course, dupe.

No its pub crappe. You're losing it Franco.
Franco isn't losing it. He can't lose what he never had.
Liberals love killing, abortions, criminals and euthenasia prove it.

1. You're the party of war
2. So you'd rather people that can't afford it to just have the baby??? Better be support welfare!
3. Euthenasia helps people that are hurting end it...If not that...What? Should the family go broke attempting to keep a family member a live that won't live much longer anyways?
1. Bullshit! Who started WW II, Korea and Viet Nam?
2. No, we'd rather y'all keep your pants on until you can afford a child.
3. You know? I really don't have an opinion on euthanasia other than it should be only considered between a patient and his doctor, and under no circumstances, should it be taxpayer funded.
Hitler, N. Korea, and Eisenhower, dingbat.

Truth era like you km now Roosevelt let Japan bomb Pearl Harbor, and Johnson killed Kennedy to start the Vietnam War. Cmon man
The scary thing is that you might believe that crap. So many dupes do...
A) The SC says it's not a child. CERTAINLY NOT at 11 weeks- and 98% are by then. But the GOP gets to screw the country because of you fools voting for them on this wedge issue. And do nothing for you. THIS time I'm sure they will. And then you can have 5000 women die a year in legal abortions AGAIN. Great idea. ACA free BC has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. So I'm sure you'll want to end THAT.

Stupidest voters in the modern world....
Wedge issue? hell man! half of the people who voted for hillary and Stein did so because they both reportedly have vaginas.Hypocrite much?
Total bs, of course, dupe.
One of many reasons duh.

No its pub crappe. You're losing it Franco.
Of course. That's all you know...
Franco isn't losing it. He can't lose what he never had.
So many haters who CAN'T help but hate people, so emotionally involved in their ignorant brainwashed BS. Poor dupes. See OP.
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