Liberal's support for Partial-Birth Abortion proves they are awful people with no conscience

I see you're admitting that the poor people put themselves there on their own. That will be all, thank you.
Looks like you have never been in a situation where you have only two choices and both of them suck balls. How's life in your ivory tower where you have the luxury of all your choices being morally unambiguous?
You know nothing. I was 18 and unmarried when my 18-year-old girlfriend told me she was pregnant. We managed to make it.

You know partial birth abortion was banned, and has been illegal since 2003 don't you?
Yes, but liberals are still arguing it should be legal in this thread. Did you notice?

No I didn't. I don't know anyone who would take that decision lightly, but It's nobody's business but the woman, her family, and he doctor.
What about the baby?
Of course. That's all you know...
Franco isn't losing it. He can't lose what he never had.
So many haters who CAN'T help but hate people, so emotionally involved in their ignorant brainwashed BS. Poor dupes.

Well you keep.thinking Hillary is gonna win, Trump has no chance. Thats ignorant, brainwashed and stupid
WTF is wrong with you people? LOL She lost DUH. Thanks to Putin, Comey, The GOP bs propaganda machine/fake news bureau, and the chumps.. A disgrace. Luckily, Trump isn't so dumb. Poor dupes.

Lol well some of your friends think recounts will stop him or the electoral college, you guys just like to torture yourselves
I get my info from your sources, which is fake news
BS. Almost all fake news comes from the GOP, including their tv station and ridiculous fake news social media. That's easy money from the dupes. Same reason Dem radio fails. Every news media in the WORLD beside those few runby your billionaire brainwashers is "LW librul" LOL. Same way the GOP is the only party in the world denying MMGW, the need for abortion choice, day care, paid parental leave, etc etc....You're the word's laughing stock and horror. Luckily, Trump isn't so dumb, dupe.

The recount is to reassure all Americans that the election is not rigged, include 3 million illegals, or hacked by your pal Putin.

That's the current pop vote number for Hillary. She's closely approaching the number of votes Obama received in 2012.

Obama had 65,915,795 votes.

Difference: 388,214


Too bad it means nothing........

Trump hasn't taken office yet, and already one Republican elector has vowed to not vote for the Orange Cheetolini. So, I wouldn't get too cocky...1 may turn into 5. 5 may turn into thing you know....

Electoral College Elector Vows Not To Vote For Trump

Like I said franco your people buy this fake news bullshit

I know you guys, you have no original thought, its too easy.

Too fucking easy!
Simple dont have kids. Use a Rubber or the pill.
And if you do, find a job.
Its not unreasonable to expect people to be responsible and to work.
I'm more concerned about the kids. Not their fault they were born into a poor, uneducated, single-parent family with a violent step-father rapist in a gang-infested neighborhood with run down schools.
Will YOU help that unfortunate child because YOU really care?
I smell hypocrisy.
your mother did not abort you, and none of the people on this forum who support abortion would support abortion for themselves.
Bullshit! Speak for your lowly self when you fantasize what a fetus senses.
If i was going to be born genetically flawed or with a major physical handicap, being aborted would be welcome. Not unlike being 100 yrs old AND having lots of pain and little memory left. Euthanasia here i come!
Simple dont have kids. Use a Rubber or the pill.
And if you do, find a job.
Its not unreasonable to expect people to be responsible and to work.
I'm more concerned about the kids. Not their fault they were born into a poor, uneducated, single-parent family with a violent step-father rapist in a gang-infested neighborhood with run down schools.
Will YOU help that unfortunate child because YOU really care?
I smell hypocrisy.

Its not.the kids.fault,.but their parents need to.take care of them. Is a Rubber so difficult to use? The pill? Any other birth control?

You cant use kids to hold us hostage.

And we do.have things I place, but hey here an idea, lets clean up the cities? With.......Drum roll......cops!!!!!!!!!

School choice to improve.schools.

Put parents in jail for abuse and dont let them out in bullshit.

But yes watch Lean On Me, some people have to be.let go to progress.
People have to be reaponsible.
Are you as a republican willing to maintain welfare, food stamps and public schools for the child?

You whine about how awful it is not to have the baby but than want to make life hell for the child after it is born.

How about they adopt the baby to a loving family.......and providing food, clothing and shelter to the innocent child would be much easier if you democrats didn't waste 20 trillion dollars...
A) Half that debt is directly Reagan's and W's, and 80% of Obama's 10 billion went to averting a full blown corrupt GOP DEPRESSION and helping the victims, superdupe.

The supreme court says it's not a being before 3 months and 98% are before that, the rest to save the mother's life. Great wedge issue to fool the dupes with, tho. Morons.

People who want to give the baby away, that's their choice. You DO know BC fails several % of the time, right? And almost half the mothers are married RIGHT?
Last edited:
So many haters who CAN'T help but hate people, so emotionally involved in their ignorant brainwashed BS. Poor dupes.

Well you keep.thinking Hillary is gonna win, Trump has no chance. Thats ignorant, brainwashed and stupid
WTF is wrong with you people? LOL She lost DUH. Thanks to Putin, Comey, The GOP bs propaganda machine/fake news bureau, and the chumps.. A disgrace. Luckily, Trump isn't so dumb. Poor dupes.

Lol well some of your friends think recounts will stop him or the electoral college, you guys just like to torture yourselves
I get my info from your sources, which is fake news
BS. Almost all fake news comes from the GOP, including their tv station and ridiculous fake news social media. That's easy money from the dupes. Same reason Dem radio fails. Every news media in the WORLD beside those few runby your billionaire brainwashers is "LW librul" LOL. Same way the GOP is the only party in the world denying MMGW, the need for abortion choice, day care, paid parental leave, etc etc....You're the word's laughing stock and horror. Luckily, Trump isn't so dumb, dupe.

The recount is to reassure all Americans that the election is not rigged, include 3 million illegals, or hacked by your pal Putin.

Hey dupe, everything your media said about this election was wrong. They took people out of context and gave you tards false hope, they continue to do that.

Like every liberal you spewing talking.points, yiu didnt even try to respond to my points about recounts and the electoral college x because dumbfuck like you thought they would work, its Scott Walker all.over again

Your media tells you he wont won, but they lie with their fake news.and you lose again and again.

And yes MMGW is a hoax so they can exact more control in.people whole enriching themselves. They do ZERO of the things they tell us to do, anyone with a brain knows they are full of shit, especially after they ve been caught FAKING data.
Polls were wrong because Trumpers were so angry they refused to answer, or honestly, dupe. Nobody thinks the recount will change anything, chump. But with Putin, you never know. He did win the election for Trump.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.
It's "fake news" that the GOP elector vowed to not vote for Trump?

Fake News is you think there is a chance he wont become President, its called denial. That guy is just an attention whore
No, fake news is just making shytte up, like Hillary the liar corrupt murderer, and most of the crap GOPers believe after listening to Fox and Rush etc for a while...Bad economy, Obama got what he wanted and had control for 2 years, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
So many haters who CAN'T help but hate people, so emotionally involved in their ignorant brainwashed BS. Poor dupes.

Well you keep.thinking Hillary is gonna win, Trump has no chance. Thats ignorant, brainwashed and stupid
WTF is wrong with you people? LOL She lost DUH. Thanks to Putin, Comey, The GOP bs propaganda machine/fake news bureau, and the chumps.. A disgrace. Luckily, Trump isn't so dumb. Poor dupes.

Lol well some of your friends think recounts will stop him or the electoral college, you guys just like to torture yourselves
I get my info from your sources, which is fake news
BS. Almost all fake news comes from the GOP, including their tv station and ridiculous fake news social media. That's easy money from the dupes. Same reason Dem radio fails. Every news media in the WORLD beside those few runby your billionaire brainwashers is "LW librul" LOL. Same way the GOP is the only party in the world denying MMGW, the need for abortion choice, day care, paid parental leave, etc etc....You're the word's laughing stock and horror. Luckily, Trump isn't so dumb, dupe.

The recount is to reassure all Americans that the election is not rigged, include 3 million illegals, or hacked by your pal Putin.

That's the current pop vote number for Hillary. She's closely approaching the number of votes Obama received in 2012.

Obama had 65,915,795 votes.

Difference: 388,214


Too bad it means nothing........

Trump hasn't taken office yet, and already one Republican elector has vowed to not vote for the Orange Cheetolini. So, I wouldn't get too cocky...1 may turn into 5. 5 may turn into thing you know....

Electoral College Elector Vows Not To Vote For Trump

Like I said franco your people buy this fake news bullshit

I know you guys, you have no original thought, its too easy.

Too fucking easy!
It's called reality. And I could care less about one elector whether it happens or not. Everything you know about politics is fake bs propaganda...really original news LOL.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

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Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

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What about the middle class your idiot party has wrecked the last 30 years? see sig. Public colleges used to be FREE MANY places before Reaganism. Every country but us has great cheap daycare and paid parental leave but us. Because of brainwashed functional morons like you. Free BC under ACA has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. THINK!

Nazis? You're right off the wall. Babies have to be born, and the supreme court ruled that before 12 weeks the feti are not any kind of being. Total dupe of the GOP greedy a-hole megarich... brainwashers..
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

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Absolute idiocy...
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

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What about the middle class your idiot party has wrecked the last 30 years? see sig. Public colleges used to be FREE MANY places before Reaganism. Every country but us has great cheap daycare and paid parental leave but us. Because of brainwashed functional morons like you. Free BC under ACA has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. THINK!

Nazis? You're right off the wall. Babies have to be born, and the supreme court ruled that before 12 weeks the feti are not any kind of being. Total dupe of the GOP greedy a-hole megarich... brainwashers..

First of all I thought we were talking about abortion, but anyway, who cares what other countries do? We are the United States of America. We are the measuring stick to which other countries compare themselves.

Also, I think you further proved my point about the strategy to further dehumanize killing babies.

Also, sorry that I'm a brainwashed functional moron, GOP greedy a-hole megarich...brainwasher. Lol. Merry Christmas.


Medicaid is available to all of the poor, and its free. Also, you might want to call any high school counselor about the opportunities for free college for poor minorities with decent grades and test scores. You might be amazed or angered, I can't tell.

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Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

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What about the middle class your idiot party has wrecked the last 30 years? see sig. Public colleges used to be FREE MANY places before Reaganism. Every country but us has great cheap daycare and paid parental leave but us. Because of brainwashed functional morons like you. Free BC under ACA has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. THINK!

Nazis? You're right off the wall. Babies have to be born, and the supreme court ruled that before 12 weeks the feti are not any kind of being. Total dupe of the GOP greedy a-hole megarich... brainwashers..

First of all I thought we were talking about abortion, but anyway, who cares what other countries do? We are the United States of America. We are the measuring stick to which other countries compare themselves.

Also, I think you further proved my point about the strategy to further dehumanize killing babies.

Also, sorry that I'm a brainwashed functional moron, GOP greedy a-hole megarich...brainwasher. Lol. Merry Christmas.


Medicaid is available to all of the poor, and its free. Also, you might want to call any high school counselor about the opportunities for free college for poor minorities with decent grades and test scores. You might be amazed or angered, I can't tell.

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Not in twenty red states, and not if Trump does what he said.

Yeah, great for football stars. You're quite mad. Merry Xmas.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

Sent from my iPhone using
What about the middle class your idiot party has wrecked the last 30 years? see sig. Public colleges used to be FREE MANY places before Reaganism. Every country but us has great cheap daycare and paid parental leave but us. Because of brainwashed functional morons like you. Free BC under ACA has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. THINK!

Nazis? You're right off the wall. Babies have to be born, and the supreme court ruled that before 12 weeks the feti are not any kind of being. Total dupe of the GOP greedy a-hole megarich... brainwashers..

First of all I thought we were talking about abortion, but anyway, who cares what other countries do? We are the United States of America. We are the measuring stick to which other countries compare themselves.

Also, I think you further proved my point about the strategy to further dehumanize killing babies.

Also, sorry that I'm a brainwashed functional moron, GOP greedy a-hole megarich...brainwasher. Lol. Merry Christmas.


Medicaid is available to all of the poor, and its free. Also, you might want to call any high school counselor about the opportunities for free college for poor minorities with decent grades and test scores. You might be amazed or angered, I can't tell.

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And after 30 years of Reaganism, other countries feel sorry for us and wonder how we can be so stupid...see sig-all fact.
Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

Sent from my iPhone using
What about the middle class your idiot party has wrecked the last 30 years? see sig. Public colleges used to be FREE MANY places before Reaganism. Every country but us has great cheap daycare and paid parental leave but us. Because of brainwashed functional morons like you. Free BC under ACA has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. THINK!

Nazis? You're right off the wall. Babies have to be born, and the supreme court ruled that before 12 weeks the feti are not any kind of being. Total dupe of the GOP greedy a-hole megarich... brainwashers..

First of all I thought we were talking about abortion, but anyway, who cares what other countries do? We are the United States of America. We are the measuring stick to which other countries compare themselves.

Also, I think you further proved my point about the strategy to further dehumanize killing babies.

Also, sorry that I'm a brainwashed functional moron, GOP greedy a-hole megarich...brainwasher. Lol. Merry Christmas.


Medicaid is available to all of the poor, and its free. Also, you might want to call any high school counselor about the opportunities for free college for poor minorities with decent grades and test scores. You might be amazed or angered, I can't tell.

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Not in twenty red states, and not if Trump does what he said.

Yeah, great for football stars. You're quite mad. Merry Xmas.

In all 50 states, there is Medicaid which is available to the poor. It was available prior to Obamacare. It's free healthcare. You're speculating about Trump and assuming the worst.

Also, again I recommend that you contact any high school counselor about opportunities for free college for poor minorities. Although your football star comment is racist, you seem uninformed, so I will try to help you with this one. You don't have to be a football star to go to college if you are a poor minority.

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Late term abortions are rarely done and they are generally done for the health of the mother or if is the baby severely deformed and wouldn't live a second outside the womb.

Secondly, you concsrvatives hypocrites. In one breath you are a full supporter of a fetus and it's rights. But soon as that fetus is born, you don't give a shit about it. You don't want it to have free healthcare or free higher education so they can live a full life. You want welfare programs cut. You complain about welfare queens having 8 kids but you don't support forcing free birth control pills and don't want people getting abortions. So you are going to have the number of welfare queens double.

If you are going to support a fetus's rights then you need to support it from conception until death. Not from conception until birth.

We are against murder of babies. That's effectively what it is and always has been. Using terms like fetus or whatever is just a political and social tactic to dehumanize the babies. It's akin to tactics used by the Nazis when the dehumanized the Jews to justify what they were doing.

Furthermore, just because we oppose abortion and don't support giving away free healthcare or free college does not mean that we are hypocrites. You can oppose murder and handouts at the same time. Plus, the last time that I checked, the poor already have free healthcare and a plethora of options for free college.

Sent from my iPhone using
What about the middle class your idiot party has wrecked the last 30 years? see sig. Public colleges used to be FREE MANY places before Reaganism. Every country but us has great cheap daycare and paid parental leave but us. Because of brainwashed functional morons like you. Free BC under ACA has cut abortions by 50% ALREADY. THINK!

Nazis? You're right off the wall. Babies have to be born, and the supreme court ruled that before 12 weeks the feti are not any kind of being. Total dupe of the GOP greedy a-hole megarich... brainwashers..

First of all I thought we were talking about abortion, but anyway, who cares what other countries do? We are the United States of America. We are the measuring stick to which other countries compare themselves.

Also, I think you further proved my point about the strategy to further dehumanize killing babies.

Also, sorry that I'm a brainwashed functional moron, GOP greedy a-hole megarich...brainwasher. Lol. Merry Christmas.


Medicaid is available to all of the poor, and its free. Also, you might want to call any high school counselor about the opportunities for free college for poor minorities with decent grades and test scores. You might be amazed or angered, I can't tell.

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And after 30 years of Reaganism, other countries feel sorry for us and wonder how we can be so stupid...see sig-all fact.

If other countries feel sorry for us and call us stupid, who cares? Haters gotta hate, right?

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