Liberals & the media don't give a damn about "black lives". Proof?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Just watch any local news in any major city. Let's use the metro I live in as an example.
Kansas City:
128 murders so far this year. Almost all blacks.
Yesterday a white kid was shot accidentally by another kid in the suburbs and it's all the city has talked about for nearly 2 days with an IN DEPTH look into the circumstances and family reactions.
Those 128 dead blacks? They got the typical glancing blurb in the news.
White girl missing? WALL TO FUCKING WALL NATIONAL COVERAGE. Black girl missing? MAYBE an Amber alert.

If it's about "gun violence" why do you all ignore 95% of the deaths from guns? If a rightie brings up the black on black MURDER/DRUG EPIDEMIC you all scream racism in an attempt to kill the discussion. But all hands on deck when a white person in the burbs is murdered or raped!

The media and most of you lefties DISGUST me with your FAKE ASS OUTRAGE antics.
Folks are not faking their outrage.

They are only REACTING to corporate news.

If all the cable and network news are on the same page, THAT is what they will be reacting too. Most folks don't have the ability to critically analyze or perceive the agenda.
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
cops kill about 250 blacks per year--most of them armed, jackass criminals
blacks murder 3000 blacks every year--over 8 per DAY
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites

OF COURSE the blacks/libs/MSM are full of shit
Just watch any local news in any major city. Let's use the metro I live in as an example.
Kansas City:
128 murders so far this year. Almost all blacks.
Yesterday a white kid was shot accidentally by another kid in the suburbs and it's all the city has talked about for nearly 2 days with an IN DEPTH look into the circumstances and family reactions.
Those 128 dead blacks? They got the typical glancing blurb in the news.
White girl missing? WALL TO FUCKING WALL NATIONAL COVERAGE. Black girl missing? MAYBE an Amber alert.

If it's about "gun violence" why do you all ignore 95% of the deaths from guns? If a rightie brings up the black on black MURDER/DRUG EPIDEMIC you all scream racism in an attempt to kill the discussion. But all hands on deck when a white person in the burbs is murdered or raped!

The media and most of you lefties DISGUST me with your FAKE ASS OUTRAGE antics.
Winner OP
white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
cops kill about 250 blacks per year--most of them armed, jackass criminals
blacks murder 3000 blacks every year--over 8 per DAY
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites

OF COURSE the blacks/libs/MSM are full of shit
Thats a Winner
Just say"all lives matter" and watch them screech
we've had about four black CHILDREN killed in my city, recently---no protests/no nothing
....they go bananas when a black CRIMINAL is justifiably shot by cops---but not black Children or INNOCENT blacks
Just watch any local news in any major city. Let's use the metro I live in as an example.
Kansas City:
128 murders so far this year. Almost all blacks.
Yesterday a white kid was shot accidentally by another kid in the suburbs and it's all the city has talked about for nearly 2 days with an IN DEPTH look into the circumstances and family reactions.
Those 128 dead blacks? They got the typical glancing blurb in the news.
White girl missing? WALL TO FUCKING WALL NATIONAL COVERAGE. Black girl missing? MAYBE an Amber alert.

If it's about "gun violence" why do you all ignore 95% of the deaths from guns? If a rightie brings up the black on black MURDER/DRUG EPIDEMIC you all scream racism in an attempt to kill the discussion. But all hands on deck when a white person in the burbs is murdered or raped!

The media and most of you lefties DISGUST me with your FAKE ASS OUTRAGE antics.

It's not about gun violence, it's about confiscating the guns of Americans so they become defenseless. It's also about eradicating the American values, which the second amendment is of course, a big part of.
Just say"all lives matter" and watch them screech
we've had about four black CHILDREN killed in my city, recently---no protests/no nothing
....they go bananas when a black CRIMINAL is justifiably shot by cops---but not black Children or INNOCENT blacks

Same here. A black guy went out and killed four people; I know at least one of them was his own son. It happened about ten houses from where I lived as a child. We moved from there when I was 7. However in the 60's, it was the nicest most safest neighborhood in the city.

The media did cover it, but only for about a week. Two of the victims were black children.
Just say"all lives matter" and watch them screech
we've had about four black CHILDREN killed in my city, recently---no protests/no nothing
....they go bananas when a black CRIMINAL is justifiably shot by cops---but not black Children or INNOCENT blacks

Same here. A black guy went out and killed four people; I know at least one of them was his own son. It happened about ten houses from where I lived as a child. We moved from there when I was 7. However in the 60's, it was the nicest most safest neighborhood in the city.

The media did cover it, but only for about a week. Two of the victims were black children.
same with me
it started becoming black as I grew up
I had just about no white friends--mostly black friends of the last white families moved out, and a black family moved in--they started giving us shit all the time [ racists? ] until I kicked one of their asses
..after a while we were good friends with that family time the father came up to our house with a shotgun--he had just chased some jackasses away from our cars
Just watch any local news in any major city. Let's use the metro I live in as an example.
Kansas City:
128 murders so far this year. Almost all blacks.
Yesterday a white kid was shot accidentally by another kid in the suburbs and it's all the city has talked about for nearly 2 days with an IN DEPTH look into the circumstances and family reactions.
Those 128 dead blacks? They got the typical glancing blurb in the news.
White girl missing? WALL TO FUCKING WALL NATIONAL COVERAGE. Black girl missing? MAYBE an Amber alert.

If it's about "gun violence" why do you all ignore 95% of the deaths from guns? If a rightie brings up the black on black MURDER/DRUG EPIDEMIC you all scream racism in an attempt to kill the discussion. But all hands on deck when a white person in the burbs is murdered or raped!

The media and most of you lefties DISGUST me with your FAKE ASS OUTRAGE antics.

The media is a business. Like any other, they produce products or services for a profit.

When you see blacks murdered, it's just another day in the city. Because it happens all the time, viewers become callus to it. It's really not news in a way. So when people are not going to your news website, or turning on your news on the television, you quit reporting on things nobody really cares about.

A black kid gets killed in my city, it's news for perhaps a day or two. It's just another black child. Casey Anthony? A hot white mother accused of killing her child that took a picture like an angel? Now you have a real national story. Now you have everybody tuning in.

A couple of years ago we lost a police officer in a shooting. I was outraged when only two days later, the top story of the day was some dog story. I forget if somebody killed the dog, or kicked the dog, or whatever.

Was my news station being disrespectful to the fallen police officer? No, it's just that dog stories gets people excited. They go to your web site, have a very active conversation about it on the news blog, people emailing the station in anger of the situation which the news uses to attract advertisers.

It's not the news stations fault, it's our fault, because we have a different set of priorities that may fall out of the decent category.
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