Liberals traumatized by agreeing with Mitch McConnell!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Millions of liberals were traumatized on Tuesday when they found themselves in agreement with Mitch McConnell, liberals are reporting.​
From Santa Monica, California, to the Upper West Side of Manhattan, liberals sought emergency counselling, complaining of a range of symptoms after realizing that they were on the same side as the senator from Kentucky.​
Carol Foyler, a liberal from Austin, Texas, said that she experienced lightheadedness and nausea after liking a Facebook post that detailed McConnell’s remarks in the Senate. “The room started spinning,” she said.​
Dr. Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota Medical School said that liberals who are traumatized by agreeing with McConnell should “not be concerned” and should recognize that it is a temporary condition.​
“They’re not going to wake up tomorrow and start agreeing with Devin Nunes,” he said.​

No body is traumatized but it is surprising. It is said politics make strange bed fellows. Reps and demos in Washington will unite for a good reason. They have to cooperate on some things and having someone owe them a favor is like money in the bank for future cooperation.
No body is traumatized but it is surprising. It is said politics make strange bed fellows. Reps and demos in Washington will unite for a good reason. They have to cooperate on some things and having someone owe them a favor is like money in the bank for future cooperation.
Whaddaya know..Trump IS the great uniter!~
No body is traumatized but it is surprising. It is said politics make strange bed fellows. Reps and demos in Washington will unite for a good reason. They have to cooperate on some things and having someone owe them a favor is like money in the bank for future cooperation.
Whaddaya know..Trump IS the great uniter!~
well if they do it then I guess I would have to admit Trump did something right

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Millions of liberals were traumatized on Tuesday when they found themselves in agreement with Mitch McConnell, liberals are reporting.​
From Santa Monica, California, to the Upper West Side of Manhattan, liberals sought emergency counselling, complaining of a range of symptoms after realizing that they were on the same side as the senator from Kentucky.​
Carol Foyler, a liberal from Austin, Texas, said that she experienced lightheadedness and nausea after liking a Facebook post that detailed McConnell’s remarks in the Senate. “The room started spinning,” she said.​
Dr. Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota Medical School said that liberals who are traumatized by agreeing with McConnell should “not be concerned” and should recognize that it is a temporary condition.​
“They’re not going to wake up tomorrow and start agreeing with Devin Nunes,” he said.​

IDK about traumatized but it was a bit disturbing.
Just when you thought thought that the Bore-owitless Report couldn't get less "funny" than it was before.

Fact is that the democrats have been sucking neocon dick for over four years now...The idea that they would be "traumatized" by having McTurtle's jizz on their chins is the only thing here that's laughable.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Millions of liberals were traumatized on Tuesday when they found themselves in agreement with Mitch McConnell, liberals are reporting.​
From Santa Monica, California, to the Upper West Side of Manhattan, liberals sought emergency counselling, complaining of a range of symptoms after realizing that they were on the same side as the senator from Kentucky.​
Carol Foyler, a liberal from Austin, Texas, said that she experienced lightheadedness and nausea after liking a Facebook post that detailed McConnell’s remarks in the Senate. “The room started spinning,” she said.​
Dr. Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota Medical School said that liberals who are traumatized by agreeing with McConnell should “not be concerned” and should recognize that it is a temporary condition.​
“They’re not going to wake up tomorrow and start agreeing with Devin Nunes,” he said.​

At first, I thought OMG Mitch actually chose the continuance of the nation over party! Good for him! Then, I realized he is only taking this stance out of terror over donors threatening to abandon the party for succumbing to lunatics. Fuck you, Mitch McConnell.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Millions of liberals were traumatized on Tuesday when they found themselves in agreement with Mitch McConnell, liberals are reporting.​
From Santa Monica, California, to the Upper West Side of Manhattan, liberals sought emergency counselling, complaining of a range of symptoms after realizing that they were on the same side as the senator from Kentucky.​
Carol Foyler, a liberal from Austin, Texas, said that she experienced lightheadedness and nausea after liking a Facebook post that detailed McConnell’s remarks in the Senate. “The room started spinning,” she said.​
Dr. Davis Logsdon of the University of Minnesota Medical School said that liberals who are traumatized by agreeing with McConnell should “not be concerned” and should recognize that it is a temporary condition.​
“They’re not going to wake up tomorrow and start agreeing with Devin Nunes,” he said.​

He is a deep state Rhino and it seems most on the left collude with the darkside. I am not sure what happened with the true liberals such as JFK. Now they are just socialist and Marxist.
No body is traumatized but it is surprising. It is said politics make strange bed fellows. Reps and demos in Washington will unite for a good reason. They have to cooperate on some things and having someone owe them a favor is like money in the bank for future cooperation.

As we all know, Mitch is one cagy mothafuka. He knows that unless the R party exorcizes Rump, the corporate donations that he absolutely depends on will go bye-bye.
I just want to know where he got that killer double chin...

It's a thing to behold isn't it? Although I'm pretty sure it's at least a triple. :)


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