Liberals Want To Remove The Word Illegal From 'Illegal Immigrant'

Some idiots are beginning to protest the fact that illegals are being called illegal. They believe that places a stigma on them and that is not only unfair but according to them inaccurate.

Don’t Call Them Illegals
Changing the words we use can change our perception of undocumented residents
George Muñoz

Calling people “illegals” is wrong. Violation of immigration laws is not an automatic crime. Therefore, labeling 12 million immigrants in this country as “criminals” or “illegals” is not only inaccurate, it may be libelous. It also inflames the immigration debate. It encourages punitive measures on the false assumption that criminality is involved. We need to challenge the use of this term even if it is being used innocently.

Doing something illegally does not make you an “illegal.” It may be wrong to violate government regulations and civil laws—including immigration laws—but that does not always mean a crime has been committed. The U.S. Attorney General recently reconfirmed this notion in relation to another matter. In a speech this summer to the American Bar Association in which he was explaining his decision to not take legal action against certain violators of civil laws, U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey said “Not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime. In this instance, the two joint reports found only violations of the civil service laws.”

Well, guess what? Most violations of our immigration laws are civil infractions. They are not crimes or felonies. Under the law, the “unauthorized presence” of foreigners in our country because of lack of a valid visa or documents is subject to a due process hearing and deportation if the infraction is not cleared up. This is a civil—not a criminal—proceeding. This civil law violation is upgraded to a crime if a person who was deported reenters our country without the proper documentation. But the fact is that most of the 12 million immigrants whose presence is “unauthorized” are not deemed to be guilty of a crime, which means they are not, in fact, “illegals.”

There are those who do not want to let go of the word “illegals” or “criminals” in referring to people in our country who cannot prove their legal residency or valid visa status. They argue, “What part of ‘illegal’ do you not understand?” Our response should be: what part of slander and libel do you not understand? A couple of years ago, there was a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that would have made it a crime, rather than a civil law violation, to be an undocumented worker in this country or to employ one. But that bill did not become law. Yet some act as if it did.

So what are we supposed to call them?

Undocumented Democrats?


Poder 360° - Don?t Call Them Illegals

Drop the I-Word. Don't call people "illegals." Sign the Pledge.

Please. Maybe if wealthy Republican business owners would quit hiring them, they would stop coming here.

Undocumented Democrats? Where is the evidence they vote at all?

If they are here without documentation, having bypassed border authorities, they are not here legally. If they are not "illegal aliens", then the appropriate term would be "trespassers". When they are caught, they should be sent back where they came from, unless there are humanitarian reasons for allowing them to stay.
I hate it when illegal aliens don't want to be called illegal.

8 U.S.C. § 1325 punishes the crime with a term in jail of up to 6 months for a FIRST offense.

That makes it a


If something is illegal and you can get a criminal punishment for it, it is crime.

Coming here illegally (i.e., in violation of our Immigration Law) is a

say it, you liberal bitches


These are not legal immigrants they are illegal immigrants.


Criminal aliens.
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I can see a new issue forming here.

"How dare you Republicans accuse the undocumented of being criminals!"

Weren't the Pilgrims undocumented? I guess we're a country founded on criminals. Australia with an attitude.

Well, alrighty then! Are you freekin' serious? Exactly what laws did the pilgrims knowingly break? How do "the Pilgrims" as you put it, even remotely compare to illegal aliens except on a wild philosophical stretch of the imagination? I’m sorry, I am not willing to take THAT leap or accept this popular load of hooey. Besides, the more I see illegal immigrants implant themselves into this culture and slowly change it to their benefit, the less inclined I am to see them as anything but self-serving opportunists and frauds. Those poor fools deserve the title ” Illegal Immigrant”. I don’t know what is sadder, the lack of logic used by this poster or that so many people seem so intent to tolerate the disintegration of integrity and honesty because it’s not convenient to popular sentiments.
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And yeah................I support the DREAM Act. If you're willing to fight for this country in the military (like only 1 percent of the nation do), or if you're willing to study hard and get a 4 year diploma from a college here (as well as are willing to use that knowledge to help the country), you SHOULD be able to become a citizen.

You equate serving in the military and going to college? Really?

Did you ever serve in the military?

I did, and served through 4 war zones. What have you done?

Thank you for your service...But don't push it by using your status as a veteran to push a political agenda. That dishonors the Office.
Whats next? rapists shouldn't be called rapists? bank robbers aren't bank robbers? their just misunderstood right?

Good point.

A bank robber is presumed innocent of the bank robbery until he is convicted. But that means he should never be called a robber by a victim until he is arrested, charged, tried and convicted. Until then, the victim of the bank robbery should (being politically correct at all times, of course) refer to the person who robbed him or her as --

"the non-bank-customer who allegedly made a withdrawal at gun point."
Quick this country, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

When we talked about OJ killing his wife, we had to say "alledged".

Same thing when talking about any other crime. We have to say that it was alledged until proven guilty by a court of law.

So...............................have we had over 3 million court cases proving these illegals are what everyone claims?

And yeah................I support the DREAM Act. If you're willing to fight for this country in the military (like only 1 percent of the nation do), or if you're willing to study hard and get a 4 year diploma from a college here (as well as are willing to use that knowledge to help the country), you SHOULD be able to become a citizen.

^ A very silly "question." Scratch even a micron below the surface and the silliness is exposed.

First of all, the presumption of innocence applies to the LAW. In the eyes of the law a person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until and unless proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt either by way of a plea of guilty or by way of trial conviction.

That presumption does not apply to the rest of us. Want proof? Just go to the Zimmerman threads. There LOTS of liberals engage in the presumption of guilt. They may be assholes for doing so, but they have every right to do so anyway.

OJ was acquitted of the murders. That makes him forever "presumed innocent" of those murders in the EYES of the LAW. Not in my eyes, however. He fucking did the murders and he will forever be "that murdering scumbag," in my eyes.

If you walk up to some poor hapless shlub like Huggy, say. And you advise Huggy that you hate him. And then you tell Huggy that because he is a piece of crap in your estimation, your plan is to punch him in his ugly face and that, if you are any good at the task you hope to and plan to break his nose. Then you clock him in the face with a clenched fist hard enough to break his nose. At that very moment, in the eyes of the law you may be presumed innocent, but are you ACTUALLY innocent? Fuck no.

Similarly, if some foreign national really wants to come to America but thinks he's too fucking good to be bothered complying with our immigration laws and rules and regulations, he may simply cross the border without an inspection or a visa. At that very moment, even if he is not arrested and charged and even if he is never tried or convicted, he IS guilty of breaking one of our criminal laws. He may be presumed innocent of that crime in the eyes of the law, but that doesn't make him ACTUALLY innocent.

That makes his very first act in our land a criminal act. He is here -- at that very moment -- illegally. He is an illegal alien.
Quick this country, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

When we talked about OJ killing his wife, we had to say "alledged".

Same thing when talking about any other crime. We have to say that it was alledged until proven guilty by a court of law.

So...............................have we had over 3 million court cases proving these illegals are what everyone claims?

And yeah................I support the DREAM Act. If you're willing to fight for this country in the military (like only 1 percent of the nation do), or if you're willing to study hard and get a 4 year diploma from a college here (as well as are willing to use that knowledge to help the country), you SHOULD be able to become a citizen.

^ A very silly "question." Scratch even a micron below the surface and the silliness is exposed.

First of all, the presumption of innocence applies to the LAW. In the eyes of the law a person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until and unless proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt either by way of a plea of guilty or by way of trial conviction.

That presumption does not apply to the rest of us. Want proof? Just go to the Zimmerman threads. There LOTS of liberals engage in the presumption of guilt. They may be assholes for doing so, but they have every right to do so anyway.

OJ was acquitted of the murders. That makes him forever "presumed innocent" of those murders in the EYES of the LAW. Not in my eyes, however. He fucking did the murders and he will forever be "that murdering scumbag," in my eyes.

If you walk up to some poor hapless shlub like Huggy, say. And you advise Huggy that you hate him. And then you tell Huggy that because he is a piece of crap in your estimation, your plan is to punch him in his ugly face and that, if you are any good at the task you hope to and plan to break his nose. Then you clock him in the face with a clenched fist hard enough to break his nose. At that very moment, in the eyes of the law you may be presumed innocent, but are you ACTUALLY innocent? Fuck no.

Similarly, if some foreign national really wants to come to America but thinks he's too fucking good to be bothered complying with our immigration laws and rules and regulations, he may simply cross the border without an inspection or a visa. At that very moment, even if he is not arrested and charged and even if he is never tried or convicted, he IS guilty of breaking one of our criminal laws. He may be presumed innocent of that crime in the eyes of the law, but that doesn't make him ACTUALLY innocent.

That makes his very first act in our land a criminal act. He is here -- at that very moment -- illegally. He is an illegal alien.

However...................if I have a good enough lawyer (like OJ or Michael Jackson did), I can be considered innocent, and any idiot who calls me guilty can be sued for defamation of character.

Until they've been charged, tried, and found guilty, it's alleged.
Quick this country, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

When we talked about OJ killing his wife, we had to say "alledged".

Same thing when talking about any other crime. We have to say that it was alledged until proven guilty by a court of law.

So...............................have we had over 3 million court cases proving these illegals are what everyone claims?

And yeah................I support the DREAM Act. If you're willing to fight for this country in the military (like only 1 percent of the nation do), or if you're willing to study hard and get a 4 year diploma from a college here (as well as are willing to use that knowledge to help the country), you SHOULD be able to become a citizen.

^ A very silly "question." Scratch even a micron below the surface and the silliness is exposed.

First of all, the presumption of innocence applies to the LAW. In the eyes of the law a person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until and unless proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt either by way of a plea of guilty or by way of trial conviction.

That presumption does not apply to the rest of us. Want proof? Just go to the Zimmerman threads. There LOTS of liberals engage in the presumption of guilt. They may be assholes for doing so, but they have every right to do so anyway.

OJ was acquitted of the murders. That makes him forever "presumed innocent" of those murders in the EYES of the LAW. Not in my eyes, however. He fucking did the murders and he will forever be "that murdering scumbag," in my eyes.

If you walk up to some poor hapless shlub like Huggy, say. And you advise Huggy that you hate him. And then you tell Huggy that because he is a piece of crap in your estimation, your plan is to punch him in his ugly face and that, if you are any good at the task you hope to and plan to break his nose. Then you clock him in the face with a clenched fist hard enough to break his nose. At that very moment, in the eyes of the law you may be presumed innocent, but are you ACTUALLY innocent? Fuck no.

Similarly, if some foreign national really wants to come to America but thinks he's too fucking good to be bothered complying with our immigration laws and rules and regulations, he may simply cross the border without an inspection or a visa. At that very moment, even if he is not arrested and charged and even if he is never tried or convicted, he IS guilty of breaking one of our criminal laws. He may be presumed innocent of that crime in the eyes of the law, but that doesn't make him ACTUALLY innocent.

That makes his very first act in our land a criminal act. He is here -- at that very moment -- illegally. He is an illegal alien.

However...................if I have a good enough lawyer (like OJ or Michael Jackson did), I can be considered innocent, and any idiot who calls me guilty can be sued for defamation of character.

Until they've been charged, tried, and found guilty, it's alleged.

OJ can feel free to sue my ass. He is a guilty motherfucking cocksucking murdering scumbag piece of shit.

And those aliens who enter the United States without complying with our immigration laws are and remain illegal aliens.

I suspect none of them will be suing anybody for saying so, either.
Quick this country, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

When we talked about OJ killing his wife, we had to say "alledged".

Same thing when talking about any other crime. We have to say that it was alledged until proven guilty by a court of law.

So...............................have we had over 3 million court cases proving these illegals are what everyone claims?

And yeah................I support the DREAM Act. If you're willing to fight for this country in the military (like only 1 percent of the nation do), or if you're willing to study hard and get a 4 year diploma from a college here (as well as are willing to use that knowledge to help the country), you SHOULD be able to become a citizen.

^ A very silly "question." Scratch even a micron below the surface and the silliness is exposed.

First of all, the presumption of innocence applies to the LAW. In the eyes of the law a person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until and unless proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt either by way of a plea of guilty or by way of trial conviction.

That presumption does not apply to the rest of us. Want proof? Just go to the Zimmerman threads. There LOTS of liberals engage in the presumption of guilt. They may be assholes for doing so, but they have every right to do so anyway.

OJ was acquitted of the murders. That makes him forever "presumed innocent" of those murders in the EYES of the LAW. Not in my eyes, however. He fucking did the murders and he will forever be "that murdering scumbag," in my eyes.

If you walk up to some poor hapless shlub like Huggy, say. And you advise Huggy that you hate him. And then you tell Huggy that because he is a piece of crap in your estimation, your plan is to punch him in his ugly face and that, if you are any good at the task you hope to and plan to break his nose. Then you clock him in the face with a clenched fist hard enough to break his nose. At that very moment, in the eyes of the law you may be presumed innocent, but are you ACTUALLY innocent? Fuck no.

Similarly, if some foreign national really wants to come to America but thinks he's too fucking good to be bothered complying with our immigration laws and rules and regulations, he may simply cross the border without an inspection or a visa. At that very moment, even if he is not arrested and charged and even if he is never tried or convicted, he IS guilty of breaking one of our criminal laws. He may be presumed innocent of that crime in the eyes of the law, but that doesn't make him ACTUALLY innocent.

That makes his very first act in our land a criminal act. He is here -- at that very moment -- illegally. He is an illegal alien.

However...................if I have a good enough lawyer (like OJ or Michael Jackson did), I can be considered innocent, and any idiot who calls me guilty can be sued for defamation of character.

Until they've been charged, tried, and found guilty, it's alleged.
WRONG....You are mixing issues to further a political agenda..
I am a rancher in southern Arizona. I own property that on which people who cross the US/Mexico border, trespass to travel deeper into US territory. I video the crossings. I show hours of video to the authorities. Because of bureaucratic nonsense and the inability or unwillingness of our Border Security people to catch these people, does that in your estimation make them 'innocent' of illegally crossing the Border?
You can split hairs all day long. Doesn't change the facts.
Oh...Why do you want them here? Why are you in support of an open border with Mexico?
What is your interest in seeing our nation flooded with people who have no right being here?
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Quick this country, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

When we talked about OJ killing his wife, we had to say "alledged".

Same thing when talking about any other crime. We have to say that it was alledged until proven guilty by a court of law.

So...............................have we had over 3 million court cases proving these illegals are what everyone claims?

And yeah................I support the DREAM Act. If you're willing to fight for this country in the military (like only 1 percent of the nation do), or if you're willing to study hard and get a 4 year diploma from a college here (as well as are willing to use that knowledge to help the country), you SHOULD be able to become a citizen.

^ A very silly "question." Scratch even a micron below the surface and the silliness is exposed.

First of all, the presumption of innocence applies to the LAW. In the eyes of the law a person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until and unless proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt either by way of a plea of guilty or by way of trial conviction.

That presumption does not apply to the rest of us. Want proof? Just go to the Zimmerman threads. There LOTS of liberals engage in the presumption of guilt. They may be assholes for doing so, but they have every right to do so anyway.

OJ was acquitted of the murders. That makes him forever "presumed innocent" of those murders in the EYES of the LAW. Not in my eyes, however. He fucking did the murders and he will forever be "that murdering scumbag," in my eyes.

If you walk up to some poor hapless shlub like Huggy, say. And you advise Huggy that you hate him. And then you tell Huggy that because he is a piece of crap in your estimation, your plan is to punch him in his ugly face and that, if you are any good at the task you hope to and plan to break his nose. Then you clock him in the face with a clenched fist hard enough to break his nose. At that very moment, in the eyes of the law you may be presumed innocent, but are you ACTUALLY innocent? Fuck no.

Similarly, if some foreign national really wants to come to America but thinks he's too fucking good to be bothered complying with our immigration laws and rules and regulations, he may simply cross the border without an inspection or a visa. At that very moment, even if he is not arrested and charged and even if he is never tried or convicted, he IS guilty of breaking one of our criminal laws. He may be presumed innocent of that crime in the eyes of the law, but that doesn't make him ACTUALLY innocent.

That makes his very first act in our land a criminal act. He is here -- at that very moment -- illegally. He is an illegal alien.

However...................if I have a good enough lawyer (like OJ or Michael Jackson did), I can be considered innocent, and any idiot who calls me guilty can be sued for defamation of character.

Until they've been charged, tried, and found guilty, it's alleged.
Ok genius..If OJ Simpson is not guilty of any crime, then why did his life not return to normal. That is doing commercials for Avis or appearing as a broadcaster for NFL games?
I can tell you my take...Just because a person is acquitted of charges in a court of law does not mean they are "innocent".
As for your assertion regarding suing for defamation, forget it. To prevail in such a suit requires proof based on the preponderance of evidence.
In fact, OJ was sued by the Goldman family and OJ LOST!

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