Liberals Want To Remove The Word Illegal From 'Illegal Immigrant'

Being in the USA without documentation is a misdemeanor. It is the legal equivalent of parking in a handicap spot without a handicap plate. I don't think of people who do that as 'criminals". I think of it is merely being obnoxious.

And the previous poster who stated that an immigrant is not 'illegal" until so judged by a court of law, is correct. As soon as he is judged to be an illegal immigrant, be is either on a bus headed back across the border, or on a bus to a private prison, if he is here in AZ, depending upon whether or not he has any prior convictions.
Oh please stop the bullshit...
To have a trial there must be an ILLEGAL ACT....The crossing of the border is that act.
I wonder what it it you lefties find so compelling about illegal immigrants.
What is your interest here? Is it political?
And you are incorrect about due process. If a person is here illegally, their rights are VERY limited.
There is a reason why immigration law is written the way it is. Most importantly, to prevent the incredible backlog of court dockets.
It works like this. If a person is found to not possess proper documentation proving they have a right to be in the US, they are deemed here illegally. Pretty simple stuff.
Your side seeks to complicate the issue.
Here's what you are going to hate. Eventually these people will be permitted to stay. They will be given conditional status. The will make them easier to track and identify. They will have to pay ALL of their taxes. They will NOT be permitted to vote. Illegals have fake ID's . They may be voting. Documenting them brings them out into the open. No more hiding in plain sight.

Yawn, guy. Here's what's going to happen.

Republicans are going to go along with Amensty, thinking that these Hispanics are going to forget all the mean, hateful shit they've been saying for the last decade.

They won't.
Some idiots are beginning to protest the fact that illegals are being called illegal. They believe that places a stigma on them and that is not only unfair but according to them inaccurate.

Don’t Call Them Illegals
Changing the words we use can change our perception of undocumented residents
George Muñoz

Calling people “illegals” is wrong. Violation of immigration laws is not an automatic crime. Therefore, labeling 12 million immigrants in this country as “criminals” or “illegals” is not only inaccurate, it may be libelous. It also inflames the immigration debate. It encourages punitive measures on the false assumption that criminality is involved. We need to challenge the use of this term even if it is being used innocently.

Doing something illegally does not make you an “illegal.” It may be wrong to violate government regulations and civil laws—including immigration laws—but that does not always mean a crime has been committed. The U.S. Attorney General recently reconfirmed this notion in relation to another matter. In a speech this summer to the American Bar Association in which he was explaining his decision to not take legal action against certain violators of civil laws, U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey said “Not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime. In this instance, the two joint reports found only violations of the civil service laws.”

Well, guess what? Most violations of our immigration laws are civil infractions. They are not crimes or felonies. Under the law, the “unauthorized presence” of foreigners in our country because of lack of a valid visa or documents is subject to a due process hearing and deportation if the infraction is not cleared up. This is a civil—not a criminal—proceeding. This civil law violation is upgraded to a crime if a person who was deported reenters our country without the proper documentation. But the fact is that most of the 12 million immigrants whose presence is “unauthorized” are not deemed to be guilty of a crime, which means they are not, in fact, “illegals.”

There are those who do not want to let go of the word “illegals” or “criminals” in referring to people in our country who cannot prove their legal residency or valid visa status. They argue, “What part of ‘illegal’ do you not understand?” Our response should be: what part of slander and libel do you not understand? A couple of years ago, there was a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that would have made it a crime, rather than a civil law violation, to be an undocumented worker in this country or to employ one. But that bill did not become law. Yet some act as if it did.

So what are we supposed to call them?

Undocumented Democrats?


Poder 360° - Don?t Call Them Illegals

Drop the I-Word. Don't call people "illegals." Sign the Pledge.

Interestingly enough, we're a country of laws.

If you break a law (like coming into the country illegally) you have the right to a trial by jury.

Everyone in this country brought to trial is considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

Quick many "illegals" have been tried and found guilty? If they haven't, they're not "illegal", they're "undocumented" and people like you are hoping that they're "illegal" because you don't like brown people in your white country.
They are and always will be ILLEGAL ALIENS, PERIOD.

Calling them something else is nothing more than liberals attempting to redefine something so as to give you a false impression of it as they expect something in return for it, and in this case, VOTES.

They're only fooling the stupid and retarded with this crap.

Some idiots are beginning to protest the fact that illegals are being called illegal. They believe that places a stigma on them and that is not only unfair but according to them inaccurate.

Don’t Call Them Illegals
Changing the words we use can change our perception of undocumented residents
George Muñoz

Calling people “illegals” is wrong. Violation of immigration laws is not an automatic crime. Therefore, labeling 12 million immigrants in this country as “criminals” or “illegals” is not only inaccurate, it may be libelous. It also inflames the immigration debate. It encourages punitive measures on the false assumption that criminality is involved. We need to challenge the use of this term even if it is being used innocently.

Doing something illegally does not make you an “illegal.” It may be wrong to violate government regulations and civil laws—including immigration laws—but that does not always mean a crime has been committed. The U.S. Attorney General recently reconfirmed this notion in relation to another matter. In a speech this summer to the American Bar Association in which he was explaining his decision to not take legal action against certain violators of civil laws, U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey said “Not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime. In this instance, the two joint reports found only violations of the civil service laws.”

Well, guess what? Most violations of our immigration laws are civil infractions. They are not crimes or felonies. Under the law, the “unauthorized presence” of foreigners in our country because of lack of a valid visa or documents is subject to a due process hearing and deportation if the infraction is not cleared up. This is a civil—not a criminal—proceeding. This civil law violation is upgraded to a crime if a person who was deported reenters our country without the proper documentation. But the fact is that most of the 12 million immigrants whose presence is “unauthorized” are not deemed to be guilty of a crime, which means they are not, in fact, “illegals.”

There are those who do not want to let go of the word “illegals” or “criminals” in referring to people in our country who cannot prove their legal residency or valid visa status. They argue, “What part of ‘illegal’ do you not understand?” Our response should be: what part of slander and libel do you not understand? A couple of years ago, there was a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that would have made it a crime, rather than a civil law violation, to be an undocumented worker in this country or to employ one. But that bill did not become law. Yet some act as if it did.

So what are we supposed to call them?

Undocumented Democrats?


Poder 360° - Don?t Call Them Illegals

Drop the I-Word. Don't call people "illegals." Sign the Pledge.

Interestingly enough, we're a country of laws.

If you break a law (like coming into the country illegally) you have the right to a trial by jury.

Everyone in this country brought to trial is considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

Quick many "illegals" have been tried and found guilty? If they haven't, they're not "illegal", they're "undocumented" and people like you are hoping that they're "illegal" because you don't like brown people in your white country.
What an utter crock of BULL SHIT abs.

Since when has a NON CITIZEN of America been protected by our constitution? The constitution applies to LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS, not someone born in another country ILLEGALLY entering this country, and it doesn't require a TRIAL to figure out if they're here ILLEGALLY.

And shove your RACIST GARBABE up your ass. You libroids have beat that shit to DEATH, and it has ZERO impact anymore. You've abused that pathetic line to DEATH. Now you just sound STUPID.
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Some idiots are beginning to protest the fact that illegals are being called illegal. They believe that places a stigma on them and that is not only unfair but according to them inaccurate.

Don’t Call Them Illegals
Changing the words we use can change our perception of undocumented residents
George Muñoz

Calling people “illegals” is wrong. Violation of immigration laws is not an automatic crime. Therefore, labeling 12 million immigrants in this country as “criminals” or “illegals” is not only inaccurate, it may be libelous. It also inflames the immigration debate. It encourages punitive measures on the false assumption that criminality is involved. We need to challenge the use of this term even if it is being used innocently.

Doing something illegally does not make you an “illegal.” It may be wrong to violate government regulations and civil laws—including immigration laws—but that does not always mean a crime has been committed. The U.S. Attorney General recently reconfirmed this notion in relation to another matter. In a speech this summer to the American Bar Association in which he was explaining his decision to not take legal action against certain violators of civil laws, U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey said “Not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime. In this instance, the two joint reports found only violations of the civil service laws.”

Well, guess what? Most violations of our immigration laws are civil infractions. They are not crimes or felonies. Under the law, the “unauthorized presence” of foreigners in our country because of lack of a valid visa or documents is subject to a due process hearing and deportation if the infraction is not cleared up. This is a civil—not a criminal—proceeding. This civil law violation is upgraded to a crime if a person who was deported reenters our country without the proper documentation. But the fact is that most of the 12 million immigrants whose presence is “unauthorized” are not deemed to be guilty of a crime, which means they are not, in fact, “illegals.”

There are those who do not want to let go of the word “illegals” or “criminals” in referring to people in our country who cannot prove their legal residency or valid visa status. They argue, “What part of ‘illegal’ do you not understand?” Our response should be: what part of slander and libel do you not understand? A couple of years ago, there was a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that would have made it a crime, rather than a civil law violation, to be an undocumented worker in this country or to employ one. But that bill did not become law. Yet some act as if it did.

So what are we supposed to call them?

Undocumented Democrats?


Poder 360° - Don?t Call Them Illegals

Drop the I-Word. Don't call people "illegals." Sign the Pledge.

Interestingly enough, we're a country of laws.

If you break a law (like coming into the country illegally) you have the right to a trial by jury.

Everyone in this country brought to trial is considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

Quick many "illegals" have been tried and found guilty? If they haven't, they're not "illegal", they're "undocumented" and people like you are hoping that they're "illegal" because you don't like brown people in your white country.
What an utter crock of BULL SHIT abs.

Since when has a NON CITIZEN of America been protected by our constitution? The constitution applies to LEGAL CITIZENS, not criminals ILLEGALLY entering this country, and it doesn't require a TRIAL to figure out if they're here ILLEGALLY.

So....................I guess that means we call people "illegal" even when they haven't been tried by a court of law?

Like I said...........................and as many conservatives have said........................I thought this was a country of laws.

But.................if you have to, go ahead and go GITMO prison on them.

Me personally? If you were brought here as a child and are willing to serve in the military? You should be given citizenship if you serve a full enlistment (4 years) honorably.

I know that 99 percent of the current citizens think that doing so is beneath them

And yeah..................I did a full 20 years. Why? I liked the pension benefits.
Interestingly enough, we're a country of laws.

If you break a law (like coming into the country illegally) you have the right to a trial by jury.

Everyone in this country brought to trial is considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

Quick many "illegals" have been tried and found guilty? If they haven't, they're not "illegal", they're "undocumented" and people like you are hoping that they're "illegal" because you don't like brown people in your white country.
What an utter crock of BULL SHIT abs.

Since when has a NON CITIZEN of America been protected by our constitution? The constitution applies to LEGAL CITIZENS, not criminals ILLEGALLY entering this country, and it doesn't require a TRIAL to figure out if they're here ILLEGALLY.

So....................I guess that means we call people "illegal" even when they haven't been tried by a court of law?

Like I said...........................and as many conservatives have said........................I thought this was a country of laws.

But.................if you have to, go ahead and go GITMO prison on them.

Me personally? If you were brought here as a child and are willing to serve in the military? You should be given citizenship if you serve a full enlistment (4 years) honorably.

I know that 99 percent of the current citizens think that doing so is beneath them

And yeah..................I did a full 20 years. Why? I liked the pension benefits.
You're not THINKING, that's the problem. If you cross the border and enter America by sneaking in, that's illegal. If you were born in another country and are not a citizen of America, then you are an alien. Put the two together and you are an ILLEGAL ALIEN, and it doesn't take a trial to determine that. Those are just the facts. You're caught sneaking into this country, the only thing you should be guaranteed is to be DEPORTED back to where you came from. You have no rights here. Our rights are for LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS.

There is no 99% of common thought about ANYTHING in America.
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What an utter crock of BULL SHIT abs.

Since when has a NON CITIZEN of America been protected by our constitution? The constitution applies to LEGAL CITIZENS, not criminals ILLEGALLY entering this country, and it doesn't require a TRIAL to figure out if they're here ILLEGALLY.

So....................I guess that means we call people "illegal" even when they haven't been tried by a court of law?

Like I said...........................and as many conservatives have said........................I thought this was a country of laws.

But.................if you have to, go ahead and go GITMO prison on them.

Me personally? If you were brought here as a child and are willing to serve in the military? You should be given citizenship if you serve a full enlistment (4 years) honorably.

I know that 99 percent of the current citizens think that doing so is beneath them

And yeah..................I did a full 20 years. Why? I liked the pension benefits.
You're not THINKING, that's the problem. If you cross the border and enter America by sneaking in, that's illegal. If you were born in another country and are not a citizen of America, then you are an alien. Put the two together and you are an ILLEGAL ALIEN, and it doesn't take a trial to determine that. Those are just the facts. You're caught sneaking into this country, the only thing you should be guaranteed is to be DEPORTED back to where you came from. You have no rights here. Our rights are for LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS.

There is no 99% of common thought about ANYTHING in America.

Think about this....................................if you do something illegal, you can't say that it's illegal until convicted by a jury of your peers. As a matter of fact, if the news reports that you did something illegal, they have to say "alleged" until you're convicted.

But.............of course......................if you're going to go the GITMO route, we could spend a lot of money and wait a lot of time to determine if it's illegal or not. the world of GITMO (as built by Bush Jr., Cheney and RumsFAILED), you're guilty until you can prove your innocence by either torture or being waterboarded.

I thought innocence until proven guilty was a cornerstone of this country. Lots of conservatives have said so, especially in the cases where the defendant was white.
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I agree with Rush Limbaugh, let's call them what they are: Undocumented Democrats.

If you agree with the Rushing Limp Idiot (Rush Limbaugh), then you're even stupider than the pee that Beck used for his E-Bay ploy.

Agreeing with the Rushing Limp Idiot is dangerous................just ask Billo the Clown (Bill O'Reilly).
Being in the USA without documentation is a misdemeanor. It is the legal equivalent of parking in a handicap spot without a handicap plate. I don't think of people who do that as 'criminals". I think of it is merely being obnoxious.

And the previous poster who stated that an immigrant is not 'illegal" until so judged by a court of law, is correct. As soon as he is judged to be an illegal immigrant, be is either on a bus headed back across the border, or on a bus to a private prison, if he is here in AZ, depending upon whether or not he has any prior convictions.

I suppose we could call them "People who's status is yet to be determined".


Illegals is easier.
I agree with Rush Limbaugh, let's call them what they are: Undocumented Democrats.

If you agree with the Rushing Limp Idiot (Rush Limbaugh), then you're even stupider than the pee that Beck used for his E-Bay ploy.

Agreeing with the Rushing Limp Idiot is dangerous................just ask Billo the Clown (Bill O'Reilly).

Shows you how little you know.

Jay Leno said it.
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I agree with Rush Limbaugh, let's call them what they are: Undocumented Democrats.

If you agree with the Rushing Limp Idiot (Rush Limbaugh), then you're even stupider than the pee that Beck used for his E-Bay ploy.

Agreeing with the Rushing Limp Idiot is dangerous................just ask Billo the Clown (Bill O'Reilly).

Shows you how little you know.

Jay Leno said it.
What did you expect mud... just think about this site for a minute... the STUPIDEST people on here are ALL LIBERALS/DEMOCRATS. Start with tm and work your way down...
They are and always will be ILLEGAL ALIENS, PERIOD.

Calling them something else is nothing more than liberals attempting to redefine something so as to give you a false impression of it as they expect something in return for it, and in this case, VOTES.

They're only fooling the stupid and retarded with this crap.


Yes, let's stay within the law and call them what they are: Illegal Aliens.

OR, go with Leno's redefinition: Undocumented democrats....:lmao:
Why is it just the Hispanic illegals that all of you complain about? Have there been any threads about the Irish illegals in the country?

A large majority of illegals come from Latin America:

Mexicans make up the majority of the illegal immigrant population at 58 percent, or 6.5 million. They are followed by people from other Latin American countries at 23 percent, or 2.6 million; Asia at 11 percent or 1.3 million; Europe and Canada at 4 percent or 500,000; and African countries and other nations at 3 percent, or 400,000.

Number of Illegal Immigrants in US Steady at 11.2M | CNS News

This article was published in 2011, BTW and the numbers were provided by (from the same article):

...the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center, which based its analysis on census survey data

You still did not answer my question.
I thought innocence until proven guilty was a cornerstone of this country. Lots of conservatives have said so, especially in the cases where the defendant was white.

Why the clumsy race-baiting? Feeling lazy today?

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