Liberals Want To Remove The Word Illegal From 'Illegal Immigrant'

Undocumented Americans....
Future Democrats.

my picks.

we are a nation of immigrants.

always have been and always will be.

You just dont like brown and black people becuase your a racist.

You and your racist friends are outnumbered by Americans who understand what kind of Americans peopel who RISK EVERTHING to have a chance to be Americans some day are JUST the type of people who desrves a chance to be Americans.

all you see is brown people you dont like..

bite my ass your party and you racists have already lost the debate.

Your vastly outnumbered by compassionate Americans who see these people for what they are.

People who will risk EVERTHING and work really hard for next to nothing for a chance to be Americans years later.

You just hate them because of their skin color

how do you know that Rozman isn't a mexican?

race card again TM? Really?
Let's play a game, what should we call them?

Fruit and vegetable pickers of America?
Lawn and Gardening workers of America?
House Cleaners and Baby Sitters of the rich in America?
Free market entrepreneurs in America?
People desiring a Better life in America?
Tomato Pickers of New Jersey?
People whose work keeps wages low so Walmart and other businesses can too?
Workers in Small Business in America?
Grape Pickers of Sonoma and Napa Valley?
Immigrants like the rest of Us?
Potential citizens?

And then we must name the children too for surely they too contribute to America? Of course the manner in which you label, explain or rationalize their presence depends on the moment, the audience, and the particular labeling apparatus of the labeler.

Let's called them what they are ILLEGAL IMAGRATES
Why is it just the Hispanic illegals that all of you complain about? ?

Who is "all of you"? It seems to me that it is most often those on the left who rely on the false assumption that all illegals are Latinos.
There wouldn't be an "illegal" problem if there weren't wealthy people willing to hire them because they'll work cheaper than Americans and won't complain about awful working conditions.

"I can't have illegals here! I'm running for Office, for Pete's Sake!" - Mitt Romney.
There wouldn't be an "illegal" problem if there weren't wealthy people willing to hire them because they'll work cheaper than Americans and won't complain about awful working conditions.

"I can't have illegals here! I'm running for Office, for Pete's Sake!" - Mitt Romney.

joeBitch forgets that some folks come here for opportunity, not hand outs.

While it is true that some folks here do hire illegals, doing so is against the law. And if we didn't have such a massive array of illegals, the jobs that Americans supposedly "wouldn't do" WOULD get done by Americans, subject to the laws of supply and demand.

No lolberal spin like that just offered by the silly lolberal hack, joeBitch, is going to change reality. This is a sovereign nation and every sovereign nation has a right to make its own decisions about immigration. It is not for the outsiders to determine. It is for the sovereign nation by its own laws and rules to determine.
Technically acts are illegal, people aren't illegal. Someone who commits an illegal act is a criminal so the proper terminology would be to call them criminal aliens.
Technically acts are illegal, people aren't illegal. Someone who commits an illegal act is a criminal so the proper terminology would be to call them criminal aliens.

An alien who is here without proper clearance is here illegally.

They are illegal aliens. They are not technically criminals until and unless proved guilty of the crime in a court of law.

Of course, that would require (initially) an administration willing to prosecute them for their illegal acts.

To avoid all this nasty confusion, lolberals would be content to simply call them "American citizens."
Technically acts are illegal, people aren't illegal. Someone who commits an illegal act is a criminal so the proper terminology would be to call them criminal aliens.

right, so what should we call employers who hire them then...???

" While it is true that some folks here do hire illegals, doing so is against the law. " :eusa_whistle:
Why is it just the Hispanic illegals that all of you complain about? Have there been any threads about the Irish illegals in the country?

it would have to depend on where you live.... around me there might be 10 or i would not even know they are there..........
I can see a new issue forming here.

"How dare you Republicans accuse the undocumented of being criminals!"

Weren't the Pilgrims undocumented? I guess we're a country founded on criminals. Australia with an attitude.

You know that is BRILLIANT!! Yeah, I get it instead of WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) you want WWID (What would Indians Do). Since many Indians didn't believe in property, I'm going to steal your car later today. Then I'm going to rape your wife since women were shared by Indians and then I'm going to take a crap on your front step because WWID. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE HERE??? You've blown this whole illegals thing WIDE OPEN!!!!!!!! It's not safe for you here any longer. You need to travel only in the suburbs on Wednesdays dressed as Pee Wee Herman and speak ONLY in ancient Egyptian!
Technically acts are illegal, people aren't illegal. Someone who commits an illegal act is a criminal so the proper terminology would be to call them criminal aliens.

An alien who is here without proper clearance is here illegally.

They are illegal aliens. They are not technically criminals until and unless proved guilty of the crime in a court of law.

Of course, that would require (initially) an administration willing to prosecute them for their illegal acts.

To avoid all this nasty confusion, lolberals would be content to simply call them "American citizens."

Undocumented democrats.
Technically acts are illegal, people aren't illegal. Someone who commits an illegal act is a criminal so the proper terminology would be to call them criminal aliens.

An alien who is here without proper clearance is here illegally.

They are illegal aliens. They are not technically criminals until and unless proved guilty of the crime in a court of law.

Of course, that would require (initially) an administration willing to prosecute them for their illegal acts.

To avoid all this nasty confusion, lolberals would be content to simply call them "American citizens."

Undocumented democrats.

Documentation is so yesteryear, anyway.

When all of us, no matter what nation we are born in or live in or have allegiance to, are U.S Citizens, then and only then will we be truly free of "documentation."

Of course, election night is going to be a bitch. Just waiting for the votes to come in from the slums of Argentina, for example, could take weeks.
Why is it just the Hispanic illegals that all of you complain about? Have there been any threads about the Irish illegals in the country?

A large majority of illegals come from Latin America:

Mexicans make up the majority of the illegal immigrant population at 58 percent, or 6.5 million. They are followed by people from other Latin American countries at 23 percent, or 2.6 million; Asia at 11 percent or 1.3 million; Europe and Canada at 4 percent or 500,000; and African countries and other nations at 3 percent, or 400,000.

Number of Illegal Immigrants in US Steady at 11.2M | CNS News

This article was published in 2011, BTW and the numbers were provided by (from the same article):

...the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center, which based its analysis on census survey data
Liberals Want To Remove The Word Illegal From 'Illegal Immigrant'

Which makes perfect sense, considering presumption of innocence doctrine; all persons in the United States are entitled to due process, including undocumented immigrants. They’re not ‘illegal’ until adjudicated as such in a court of law.

It’s also not unusual for an undocumented immigrant to be in the country legally.

This ‘illegals’ nonsense is a waste of time and resources; Congress needs to pass immigration reform as soon as possible.
Oh please stop the bullshit...
To have a trial there must be an ILLEGAL ACT....The crossing of the border is that act.
I wonder what it it you lefties find so compelling about illegal immigrants.
What is your interest here? Is it political?
And you are incorrect about due process. If a person is here illegally, their rights are VERY limited.
There is a reason why immigration law is written the way it is. Most importantly, to prevent the incredible backlog of court dockets.
It works like this. If a person is found to not possess proper documentation proving they have a right to be in the US, they are deemed here illegally. Pretty simple stuff.
Your side seeks to complicate the issue.
Here's what you are going to hate. Eventually these people will be permitted to stay. They will be given conditional status. The will make them easier to track and identify. They will have to pay ALL of their taxes. They will NOT be permitted to vote. Illegals have fake ID's . They may be voting. Documenting them brings them out into the open. No more hiding in plain sight.
Technically acts are illegal, people aren't illegal. Someone who commits an illegal act is a criminal so the proper terminology would be to call them criminal aliens.

right, so what should we call employers who hire them then...???

" While it is true that some folks here do hire illegals, doing so is against the law. " :eusa_whistle:

As with the drug issue. If there were no users, the marketplace for drug sellers would disappear.
If the laws that prohibit the employment of illegals were vigorously enforced, the marketplace for the workers would dry up.
So, I think the various authorities both state and federal should make it known that any employer who hires an illegal is subject to extremely high civil penalties.
The problem is no one in government wants to or has the guts to do it this way.
The other issue is they "I didn't know" excuse.
Employers caught hiring illegals often use this excuse to escape sanctions.

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