Liberals Want To Remove The Word Illegal From 'Illegal Immigrant'


Lets not call a terrorist a "terrorist" but a "freedom fighter" instead. You must be joking!
I can see a new issue forming here.

"How dare you Republicans accuse the undocumented of being criminals!"

Weren't the Pilgrims undocumented? I guess we're a country founded on criminals. Australia with an attitude.

There were immigration laws back then? You learn something new every day!

Well, ok. There may not have been any law that was being broken, but if there HAD been a law, it would have been a violation for those those those Pilgrims to come here as they did.

So ...

:lmao: at silly shills like conradv.
fight, flail, twist , turn , writhe, squirm, cavial, cry, whine, sob or whatever you need to do on the way down into the sleep you so hardly fought for.

Your days are numbered.

This country has rejected you.

Your done.

bye bye.

You are going to miss all the great things this country will now be able to obtain without racist scum in the way
Undocumented Americans....
Future Democrats.

my picks.

we are a nation of immigrants.

always have been and always will be.

You just dont like brown and black people becuase your a racist.

You and your racist friends are outnumbered by Americans who understand what kind of Americans peopel who RISK EVERTHING to have a chance to be Americans some day are JUST the type of people who desrves a chance to be Americans.

all you see is brown people you dont like..

bite my ass your party and you racists have already lost the debate.

Your vastly outnumbered by compassionate Americans who see these people for what they are.

People who will risk EVERTHING and work really hard for next to nothing for a chance to be Americans years later.

You just hate them because of their skin color

Immigrants that are proud to call themselves American. Assimilate to the distinct American Culture, learn and adhere to our customs and laws, and of course learn our language.
If any of us move to another country, the people of that nation would expect and DEMAND nothing less.
Your arrogance is amazing.
Undocumented Americans....
Future Democrats.

my picks.

we are a nation of immigrants.

always have been and always will be.

You just dont like brown and black people becuase your a racist.

You and your racist friends are outnumbered by Americans who understand what kind of Americans peopel who RISK EVERTHING to have a chance to be Americans some day are JUST the type of people who desrves a chance to be Americans.

all you see is brown people you dont like..

bite my ass your party and you racists have already lost the debate.

Your vastly outnumbered by compassionate Americans who see these people for what they are.

People who will risk EVERTHING and work really hard for next to nothing for a chance to be Americans years later.

You just hate them because of their skin color

You worship them based on the color of their skin. That makes YOU the racist.
You are a whiner. A complainer. And a hateful unintelligent individual who is guided strictly be emotion. You're nothing. You don't matter.
If you didn't complain, you'd have nothing to say.
You will live out the rest of your time on planet Earth in total misery.
fight, flail, twist , turn , writhe, squirm, cavial, cry, whine, sob or whatever you need to do on the way down into the sleep you so hardly fought for.

Your days are numbered.

This country has rejected you.

Your done.

bye bye.

You are going to miss all the great things this country will now be able to obtain without racist scum in the way

Great things like poverty and a perpetual welfare state. You want us to become Venezuala.

Only way you can do that is by pushing all of the rational folks into a pit and shooting them. Sort of a killing-field Progressive style.

TM IS Venezuela.
She bitches and moans. That is her only contribution to the forum.
Meanwhile Mexican drug cartels once confined to areas close to the border are now committing violent crimes against Americans deep into US Territory.
This is due to federal or more accurately, Obama's ineptitude in securing our border with Mexico.
Obama's goal is to allow as many illegals into the country, somehow make them legal to create more democrat voters. Obama views the carnage those people bring along with them as 'casualties of (political) war.

His ineptitude to secure the border is no different from the Presidents before him. The Democratic voter bullshit has already been put to rest. It is the country's drug policies that allow the cartels to flourish.

This problem has been going on for years. It's not new.
Obama is the president now. It is HIS job to take charge and LEAD...He is to uphold the laws of the US. Not to make excuses such as "well, THEY did not do anything, so why should I"...
SO many of the debates Americans have are really based on SEMANTICS.

Now this one is a case that is so obviously an attemt to ofuscate reality coming (this time) from the DEM side.

Use a less inflamatory word and PERHAPS people will forget why they're annoyed.

Its is nearly as dishonest as calling Obama a socialist.

They ARE Illegal and Obama IS a socialist.
:eek::eek::eek: People call the republicans racists!! Gezzzzzzzzzzz I wonder why?

Sen. Lindsey Graham: Not Enough ‘Angry White Guys’ to Sustain GOP :eek::eek:

That was a video of Colon Powell, not Lindsey Gramnesty.

Btw, don't use our RINOs as examples. They're there to provide them for Democrats and they simply aren't reliable. We don't trust them and neither should Democrats.

why?.....because they dont tow the line?.....
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Liberals want to remove the taint of illegal immigrant, but not for everyone. Liberals would have no problem whatsoever calling them illegals, if they were from Eastern Europe (white) or China (intelligent). They just want a separate classification for hispanic illegal immigrants, maybe a few blacks from Africa or Haiti might qualify.

If Latinos voted strictly GOP they would call them criminals, racists, and every disparaging name they could think of. They would build a 50ft wall to keep them out.and kick out the ones that madde it in. They wouldn't be offering them welfare, food stamps, and drivers licenses.

and a hell of a lot of American Born "Latinos" agree with the Bolded......
immigrants used to come to this country legally and they would assimilate. they didn't lose their cultures or their identities. they kept all of that but they became part of a community at large. they became americans. they learned the language, they found work and found a way to make it. there were no free handouts. no entitlements, no free rides. that's all new, starting with the depression. and even welfare and work programs that started with the depression were not a free ride. jobs were created and yes you got paid, but you had to go where the work was. building a damn in Arizona, or a highway in Kansas. we built an infrastructure with our "handouts" not a growing class of people dependent on the government with nothing in return.
I can see a new issue forming here.

"How dare you Republicans accuse the undocumented of being criminals!"

When you are as keen to prosecute the rich people who hire them as you are the poor people just trying to feed their families, I MIGHT take your protestation of legality seriously.
Liberals Want To Remove The Word Illegal From 'Illegal Immigrant'

Which makes perfect sense, considering presumption of innocence doctrine; all persons in the United States are entitled to due process, including undocumented immigrants. They’re not ‘illegal’ until adjudicated as such in a court of law.

It’s also not unusual for an undocumented immigrant to be in the country legally.

This ‘illegals’ nonsense is a waste of time and resources; Congress needs to pass immigration reform as soon as possible.
Illegal, illegal, illegal.

Want to be known as something else ? Then stop sneaking into my country illegal scum.
Liberals Want To Remove The Word Illegal From 'Illegal Immigrant'

Which makes perfect sense, considering presumption of innocence doctrine; all persons in the United States are entitled to due process, including undocumented immigrants. They’re not ‘illegal’ until adjudicated as such in a court of law.

It’s also not unusual for an undocumented immigrant to be in the country legally.

This ‘illegals’ nonsense is a waste of time and resources; Congress needs to pass immigration reform as soon as possible.

when they come across and dont say anything and stay.....they are Illegal....

if an "undocumented" person is here Legally than he has business here and has some kind of proof that will back that up.....geezus.....
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immigrants used to come to this country legally and they would assimilate. they didn't lose their cultures or their identities. they kept all of that but they became part of a community at large. they became americans. they learned the language, they found work and found a way to make it. .

And they still do; about a million every year.
Why is it just the Hispanic illegals that all of you complain about? Have there been any threads about the Irish illegals in the country?

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