Liberals Want To Remove The Word Illegal From 'Illegal Immigrant'


This wasn't a country back then.

Jesus Christ!!!!!

How can you call yourself a country when you can't even control your own fucken borders???

Statist! :cool:

Obviously you don't know what a Statist is.

Here, I'll make it easy even for a dumbass like you. Statism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Look it up.

I do know. It's a catch-all insult normally used by libertarians to cover up their lack of a solid argument. My use was correct, however, in that you thought Native Americans had no right to complain, because they didn't bother to create a state. I'm afraid argument by definition doesn't cover up the fact that in this case you are a statist.
There are sanctuary states like California where illegals can live and basically raise a family without being deported. My ex girlfriend from California was brought over from Mexico with her folks at age 3, and she was basically raised there with no hassle from authorities, and there are alot like her.

That is 1 state out of 50, and does not address what I said.

California is the only sanctuary state?

The people they are deporting are from Maine?
Some idiots are beginning to protest the fact that illegals are being called illegal. They believe that places a stigma on them and that is not only unfair but according to them inaccurate.

Don’t Call Them Illegals
Changing the words we use can change our perception of undocumented residents
George Muñoz

Calling people “illegals” is wrong. Violation of immigration laws is not an automatic crime. Therefore, labeling 12 million immigrants in this country as “criminals” or “illegals” is not only inaccurate, it may be libelous. It also inflames the immigration debate. It encourages punitive measures on the false assumption that criminality is involved. We need to challenge the use of this term even if it is being used innocently.

Doing something illegally does not make you an “illegal.” It may be wrong to violate government regulations and civil laws—including immigration laws—but that does not always mean a crime has been committed. The U.S. Attorney General recently reconfirmed this notion in relation to another matter. In a speech this summer to the American Bar Association in which he was explaining his decision to not take legal action against certain violators of civil laws, U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey said “Not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime. In this instance, the two joint reports found only violations of the civil service laws.”

Well, guess what? Most violations of our immigration laws are civil infractions. They are not crimes or felonies. Under the law, the “unauthorized presence” of foreigners in our country because of lack of a valid visa or documents is subject to a due process hearing and deportation if the infraction is not cleared up. This is a civil—not a criminal—proceeding. This civil law violation is upgraded to a crime if a person who was deported reenters our country without the proper documentation. But the fact is that most of the 12 million immigrants whose presence is “unauthorized” are not deemed to be guilty of a crime, which means they are not, in fact, “illegals.”

There are those who do not want to let go of the word “illegals” or “criminals” in referring to people in our country who cannot prove their legal residency or valid visa status. They argue, “What part of ‘illegal’ do you not understand?” Our response should be: what part of slander and libel do you not understand? A couple of years ago, there was a bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that would have made it a crime, rather than a civil law violation, to be an undocumented worker in this country or to employ one. But that bill did not become law. Yet some act as if it did.

So what are we supposed to call them?

Undocumented Democrats?


Poder 360° - Don?t Call Them Illegals

Drop the I-Word. Don't call people "illegals." Sign the Pledge.

Once again liberals attempt to change the narrative so as to sweep an issue under the rug or further the rhetoric.
This is similar to the switch in terms regarding US Energy policy.
The libs rolled out "global warming"...That failed to catch on, so they invented a new narrative by changing the term to "climate change"...
I can see a new issue forming here.

"How dare you Republicans accuse the undocumented of being criminals!"

Weren't the Pilgrims undocumented? I guess we're a country founded on criminals. Australia with an attitude.

oh blow it out of your ass.
You're here aren't you?
If you feel so friggin guilty, pack your shit and get the hell out.
People like you don't deserve an opinion.
Let's play a game, what should we call them?

Fruit and vegetable pickers of America?
Lawn and Gardening workers of America?
House Cleaners and Baby Sitters of the rich in America?
Free market entrepreneurs in America?
People desiring a Better life in America?
Tomato Pickers of New Jersey?
People whose work keeps wages low so Walmart and other businesses can too?
Workers in Small Business in America?
Grape Pickers of Sonoma and Napa Valley?
Immigrants like the rest of Us?
Potential citizens?

And then we must name the children too for surely they too contribute to America? Of course the manner in which you label, explain or rationalize their presence depends on the moment, the audience, and the particular labeling apparatus of the labeler.
midcan's drive by bullshit commentary of the month...
Your messianic worship of Obama leaves you with zero credibility.
Undocumented Americans....
Future Democrats.

my picks.

we are a nation of immigrants.

always have been and always will be.

You just dont like brown and black people becuase your a racist.

You and your racist friends are outnumbered by Americans who understand what kind of Americans peopel who RISK EVERTHING to have a chance to be Americans some day are JUST the type of people who desrves a chance to be Americans.

all you see is brown people you dont like..

bite my ass your party and you racists have already lost the debate.

Your vastly outnumbered by compassionate Americans who see these people for what they are.

People who will risk EVERTHING and work really hard for next to nothing for a chance to be Americans years later.

You just hate them because of their skin color
Meanwhile Mexican drug cartels once confined to areas close to the border are now committing violent crimes against Americans deep into US Territory.
This is due to federal or more accurately, Obama's ineptitude in securing our border with Mexico.
Obama's goal is to allow as many illegals into the country, somehow make them legal to create more democrat voters. Obama views the carnage those people bring along with them as 'casualties of (political) war.
heres a tip for you brain dead right wing haters.

Your LOST already.

Your demographics are shrinking and shrinking.

I take great pride in this country which generation by generation is dumbing your idito raicist ideas for Human compassion and tghe reality that we are all the same inside no matter what color our hair and skin is

you racist have lost

Its over.

your long slide into the dark pit is nearly done.

ITs fricking Awesome
fight, flail, twist , turn , writhe, squirm, cavial, cry, whine, sob or whatever you need to do on the way down into the sleep you so hardly fought for.

Your days are numbered.

This country has rejected you.

Your done.

bye bye.

You are going to miss all the great things this country will now be able to obtain without racist scum in the way
Considering how many Hispanics have been deported by the Obama administration, this argument does not hold water.

There are sanctuary states like California where illegals can live and basically raise a family without being deported. My ex girlfriend from California was brought over from Mexico with her folks at age 3, and she was basically raised there with no hassle from authorities, and there are alot like her.

That is 1 state out of 50, and does not address what I said.

They claim they deported them without providing any proof.

If they claimed anything regardless how false it was you'd believe it.

They used the sequester as an excuse to release thousands of them. You really think they've been deporting them?

You're a bigger idiot than I thought.
The will be great hope for this country once you people are surrounded by the tar you insisted on swimming in.
Liberals want to remove the taint of illegal immigrant, but not for everyone. Liberals would have no problem whatsoever calling them illegals, if they were from Eastern Europe (white) or China (intelligent). They just want a separate classification for hispanic illegal immigrants, maybe a few blacks from Africa or Haiti might qualify.

No, they don't. Illegals from Africa or Haiti get their black asses sent back home, there are no sanctuary states for them. The African/American community does not shelter Black illegals, plus the INS seems to only round up illegals who are not Hispanic.

Doesn't obama's uncle and auntie count?

If you want an illegal hunted down, try Russians! Or, South Africans. White South Africans don't have a prayer or a hearing.

All this illegal immigrant bullshit is just for hispanics and only for hispanics. I have never seen mexicans protesting for the legalization of Irish illegals.

Send them ALL back. Every last mother and son of them.

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