Liberals Want To Remove The Word Illegal From 'Illegal Immigrant'

fight, flail, twist , turn , writhe, squirm, cavial, cry, whine, sob or whatever you need to do on the way down into the sleep you so hardly fought for.

Your days are numbered.

This country has rejected you.

Your done.

bye bye.

You are going to miss all the great things this country will now be able to obtain without racist scum in the way

Great things like poverty and a perpetual welfare state. You want us to become Venezuala.

Only way you can do that is by pushing all of the rational folks into a pit and shooting them. Sort of a killing-field Progressive style.
fight, flail, twist , turn , writhe, squirm, cavial, cry, whine, sob or whatever you need to do on the way down into the sleep you so hardly fought for.

Your days are numbered.

This country has rejected you.

Your done.

bye bye.

You are going to miss all the great things this country will now be able to obtain without racist scum in the way

Great things like poverty and a perpetual welfare state. You want us to become Venezuala.

Only way you can do that is by pushing all of the rational folks into a pit and shooting them. Sort of a killing-field Progressive style.

Well Venezuela actually enforces their immigration policies.
Liberals want to remove the taint of illegal immigrant, but not for everyone. Liberals would have no problem whatsoever calling them illegals, if they were from Eastern Europe (white) or China (intelligent). They just want a separate classification for hispanic illegal immigrants, maybe a few blacks from Africa or Haiti might qualify.

No, they don't. Illegals from Africa or Haiti get their black asses sent back home, there are no sanctuary states for them. The African/American community does not shelter Black illegals, plus the INS seems to only round up illegals who are not Hispanic.

Doesn't obama's uncle and auntie count?

If you want an illegal hunted down, try Russians! Or, South Africans. White South Africans don't have a prayer or a hearing.

All this illegal immigrant bullshit is just for hispanics and only for hispanics. I have never seen mexicans protesting for the legalization of Irish illegals.

Send them ALL back. Every last mother and son of them.

Obamas peoples are only here because he is POTUS, if he was an average Joe they would have gotten their black asses sent back. There is little mercy on any illegals who are not Hispanic.
No, they don't. Illegals from Africa or Haiti get their black asses sent back home, there are no sanctuary states for them. The African/American community does not shelter Black illegals, plus the INS seems to only round up illegals who are not Hispanic.

Doesn't obama's uncle and auntie count?

If you want an illegal hunted down, try Russians! Or, South Africans. White South Africans don't have a prayer or a hearing.

All this illegal immigrant bullshit is just for hispanics and only for hispanics. I have never seen mexicans protesting for the legalization of Irish illegals.

Send them ALL back. Every last mother and son of them.

Obamas peoples are only here because he is POTUS, if he was an average Joe they would have gotten their black asses sent back. There is little mercy on any illegals who are not Hispanic.

I will take your word for it as it extends to Africans and Carribeans because I don't see it. I do know that legalizizing illegal immigrants is solely directed to hispanics.
AP to Stop Using “Illegal Immigrant.”

So, just what will they call those who break the law and enter the US without proper authorization? Read more @ The Associated Press will stop using the term 'illegal immigrant'

And, according to NewsBusters, Jay Leno's comes up with a better one. Check out video @ Leno: AP Replaces 'Illegal Immigrant' With 'Undocumented Democrat' | NewsBusters

How ridiculous can you get?


We haven't seen how.

Liberal stupidity is boundless.
Doesn't obama's uncle and auntie count?

If you want an illegal hunted down, try Russians! Or, South Africans. White South Africans don't have a prayer or a hearing.

All this illegal immigrant bullshit is just for hispanics and only for hispanics. I have never seen mexicans protesting for the legalization of Irish illegals.

Send them ALL back. Every last mother and son of them.

Obamas peoples are only here because he is POTUS, if he was an average Joe they would have gotten their black asses sent back. There is little mercy on any illegals who are not Hispanic.

I will take your word for it as it extends to Africans and Carribeans because I don't see it. I do know that legalizizing illegal immigrants is solely directed to hispanics.

The sanctuary states that provide safe haven for Hispanic illegals do not provide the same services for Africans/Russians/Irish etc. so it is much harder to hide out here. Like you said the amnesty that is coming down does not pertain to non Hispanic illegals.
Clearly conradv doesn't comprehend the meaning of "Statist."

Clearly you want it to mean whatever suits your purpose at any given time.

No. It means what it means, not what you wish to pretend it means.

I want YOU to refrain from pretending that it mean whatever suits your purpose at any given time.

Your display of a serious lack of basic comprehension is a little irksome. Like a gnat buzzing near the ear.
Undocumented Americans....
Future Democrats.

my picks.

Exactly! that's why I still like Jay Leno .... "Undocumented Americans" LOL!! funny and true!:D

This is where we are at with this mad left wing politically correct USA... undocumented drivers is next ... the lunatics are ruling the asylum and everything goes with Dear Emperor and cronies. :cuckoo:
Meanwhile Mexican drug cartels once confined to areas close to the border are now committing violent crimes against Americans deep into US Territory.
This is due to federal or more accurately, Obama's ineptitude in securing our border with Mexico.
Obama's goal is to allow as many illegals into the country, somehow make them legal to create more democrat voters. Obama views the carnage those people bring along with them as 'casualties of (political) war.

His ineptitude to secure the border is no different from the Presidents before him. The Democratic voter bullshit has already been put to rest. It is the country's drug policies that allow the cartels to flourish.
There are sanctuary states like California where illegals can live and basically raise a family without being deported. My ex girlfriend from California was brought over from Mexico with her folks at age 3, and she was basically raised there with no hassle from authorities, and there are alot like her.

That is 1 state out of 50, and does not address what I said.

They claim they deported them without providing any proof.

If they claimed anything regardless how false it was you'd believe it.

They used the sequester as an excuse to release thousands of them. You really think they've been deporting them?

You're a bigger idiot than I thought.

You are getting your ass kicked on this thread, and you are grasping for straws. Give it up.
Obamas peoples are only here because he is POTUS, if he was an average Joe they would have gotten their black asses sent back. There is little mercy on any illegals who are not Hispanic.

I will take your word for it as it extends to Africans and Carribeans because I don't see it. I do know that legalizizing illegal immigrants is solely directed to hispanics.

The sanctuary states that provide safe haven for Hispanic illegals do not provide the same services for Africans/Russians/Irish etc. so it is much harder to hide out here. Like you said the amnesty that is coming down does not pertain to non Hispanic illegals.

The NAACP never rose to the level of activism of La Raza. La Raza means "the Race" and there is only one that counts.
I will take your word for it as it extends to Africans and Carribeans because I don't see it. I do know that legalizizing illegal immigrants is solely directed to hispanics.

The sanctuary states that provide safe haven for Hispanic illegals do not provide the same services for Africans/Russians/Irish etc. so it is much harder to hide out here. Like you said the amnesty that is coming down does not pertain to non Hispanic illegals.

The NAACP never rose to the level of activism of La Raza. La Raza means "the Race" and there is only one that counts.

Well I've never heard the NAACP say a word about Black illegals anyways. Like I said the African-American communities do not shelter or harbor them.
Want to know what LOLberals really want?

They want to eliminate the word "immigrant" from illegal immigrant as well as eradicating the word "illegal."

To our LOLberal friends, all of those poor folks should all simply be known as "United States citizens."
SO many of the debates Americans have are really based on SEMANTICS.

Now this one is a case that is so obviously an attemt to ofuscate reality coming (this time) from the DEM side.

Use a less inflamatory word and PERHAPS people will forget why they're annoyed.

Its is nearly as dishonest as calling Obama a socialist.
A rose by any other name still reeks from the stench of being here without the proper authorization. It used to be a source of pride for someone to work hard to get their US citizenship. Now it seems as if it is a matter of right for anyone who gets here by any means. Totally weakens the very seams by which the Americans flag is sewn and how we call ourselves Americans. Just blows my mind.
A rose by any other name still reeks from the stench of being here without the proper authorization. It used to be a source of pride for someone to work hard to get their US citizenship. Now it seems as if it is a matter of right for anyone who gets here by any means. Totally weakens the very seams by which the Americans flag is sewn and how we call ourselves Americans. Just blows my mind.

No its not, trying sneaking into this country if you are from Iraq, Nigeria or Lithuania and see how far you get. There are no safe havens or sanctuary cities for those groups, your ass will be rounded up by INS and sent back home. You are only going to get to stay if you are Hispanic.
A rose by any other name still reeks from the stench of being here without the proper authorization. It used to be a source of pride for someone to work hard to get their US citizenship. Now it seems as if it is a matter of right for anyone who gets here by any means. Totally weakens the very seams by which the Americans flag is sewn and how we call ourselves Americans. Just blows my mind.

No its not, trying sneaking into this country if you are from Iraq, Nigeria or Lithuania and see how far you get. There are no safe havens or sanctuary cities for those groups, your ass will be rounded up by INS and sent back home. You are only going to get to stay if you are Hispanic.

"Seems" is the operative word which is the qualifier in my statement. My post is more to voice my disgust rather than to make a factual assertion.
A rose by any other name still reeks from the stench of being here without the proper authorization. It used to be a source of pride for someone to work hard to get their US citizenship. Now it seems as if it is a matter of right for anyone who gets here by any means. Totally weakens the very seams by which the Americans flag is sewn and how we call ourselves Americans. Just blows my mind.

No its not, trying sneaking into this country if you are from Iraq, Nigeria or Lithuania and see how far you get. There are no safe havens or sanctuary cities for those groups, your ass will be rounded up by INS and sent back home. You are only going to get to stay if you are Hispanic.

"Seems" is the operative word which is the qualifier in my statement. My post is more to voice my disgust rather than to make a factual assertion.

I got you.

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