Liberals Want To Remove The Word Illegal From 'Illegal Immigrant'

Oh please stop the bullshit...
To have a trial there must be an ILLEGAL ACT....The crossing of the border is that act.
I wonder what it it you lefties find so compelling about illegal immigrants.
What is your interest here? Is it political?
And you are incorrect about due process. If a person is here illegally, their rights are VERY limited.
There is a reason why immigration law is written the way it is. Most importantly, to prevent the incredible backlog of court dockets.
It works like this. If a person is found to not possess proper documentation proving they have a right to be in the US, they are deemed here illegally. Pretty simple stuff.
Your side seeks to complicate the issue.
Here's what you are going to hate. Eventually these people will be permitted to stay. They will be given conditional status. The will make them easier to track and identify. They will have to pay ALL of their taxes. They will NOT be permitted to vote. Illegals have fake ID's . They may be voting. Documenting them brings them out into the open. No more hiding in plain sight.

Yawn, guy. Here's what's going to happen.

Republicans are going to go along with Amensty, thinking that these Hispanics are going to forget all the mean, hateful shit they've been saying for the last decade.

They won't.

Nothing in that post makes a lick of sense.
Game over.
I thought that this nation was a nation of laws. Conservatives as well as others have said the same thing many times before.

Matter of fact, even though we all knew some people were guilty of crimes, because not only were there eye witnesses, but on occasion there was video showing them participating in the illegal actions.

But................even so..................we can't call them "rapists", "murderers", "thieves", etc., until they have been proven guilty in a court of law and judged by a jury of their peers. Up until they are convicted, they are called "alledged".

So, how about calling them alledged aliens until it's proven they're guilty?
I thought that this nation was a nation of laws. Conservatives as well as others have said the same thing many times before.

Matter of fact, even though we all knew some people were guilty of crimes, because not only were there eye witnesses, but on occasion there was video showing them participating in the illegal actions.

But................even so..................we can't call them "rapists", "murderers", "thieves", etc., until they have been proven guilty in a court of law and judged by a jury of their peers. Up until they are convicted, they are called "alledged".

So, how about calling them alledged aliens until it's proven they're guilty?

How about not? Alleged aliens? Wtf?

ILLEGAL ALIENS. They've already broken the law, which in so doing has removed all doubt as to who and what they are. Get that revisionist nonsense outta here.
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I thought that this nation was a nation of laws. Conservatives as well as others have said the same thing many times before.

Matter of fact, even though we all knew some people were guilty of crimes, because not only were there eye witnesses, but on occasion there was video showing them participating in the illegal actions.

But................even so..................we can't call them "rapists", "murderers", "thieves", etc., until they have been proven guilty in a court of law and judged by a jury of their peers. Up until they are convicted, they are called "alledged".

So, how about calling them alledged aliens until it's proven they're guilty?

How about not? Alleged aliens? Wtf?

ILLEGAL ALIENS. They've already broken the law, which in so doing has removed all doubt as to who and what they are. Get that revisionist nonsense outta here.

Sorry, but until you're proven guilty, you're alledged to have done it.

Have we prosecuted all of the illegals yet? If so, why are they still here and haven't been caught?
I thought that this nation was a nation of laws. Conservatives as well as others have said the same thing many times before.

Matter of fact, even though we all knew some people were guilty of crimes, because not only were there eye witnesses, but on occasion there was video showing them participating in the illegal actions.

But................even so..................we can't call them "rapists", "murderers", "thieves", etc., until they have been proven guilty in a court of law and judged by a jury of their peers. Up until they are convicted, they are called "alledged".

So, how about calling them alledged aliens until it's proven they're guilty?

How about not? Alleged aliens? Wtf?

ILLEGAL ALIENS. They've already broken the law, which in so doing has removed all doubt as to who and what they are. Get that revisionist nonsense outta here.

Sorry, but until you're proven guilty, you're alledged to have done it.

Have we prosecuted all of the illegals yet? If so, why are they still here and haven't been caught?

Obama has been to busy giving them all amnesty. He knows pretty well which ones have broken the law. When you jump that fence, you are guilty of breaking the law. It's a matter of you getting caught and tried for it.

They are Illegal Immigrants, and you cannot call them anything but what they are. Screw your definition.
How about not? Alleged aliens? Wtf?

ILLEGAL ALIENS. They've already broken the law, which in so doing has removed all doubt as to who and what they are. Get that revisionist nonsense outta here.

Sorry, but until you're proven guilty, you're alledged to have done it.

Have we prosecuted all of the illegals yet? If so, why are they still here and haven't been caught?

Obama has been to busy giving them all amnesty. He knows pretty well which ones have broken the law. When you jump that fence, you are guilty of breaking the law. It's a matter of you getting caught and tried for it.

They are Illegal Immigrants, and you cannot call them anything but what they are. Screw your definition.

O.J. Simpson stabbed his wife, and there was plenty of evidence to support it. However, because he had a sleazy lawyer who was really good, he walked away innocent.

However, even though the evidence was there, we had to say "alledged" until he'd been convicted, and because he was found innocent, it's not legally right to say he killed Nicole Simpson.

We can find other cases where the guilty have gotten off..................even though we all know they broke the rules.
Calling them "immigrants" in the first place was a politically correct thing. Immigrants don't sneak into countries. That's like calling a burglar a "houseguest"
Calling them "immigrants" in the first place was a politically correct thing. Immigrants don't sneak into countries. That's like calling a burglar a "houseguest"

Not really.

Here's the thing.

Illegal immigrants wouldn't come here if rich people didn't hire them.

That implies an invitation.
Calling them "immigrants" in the first place was a politically correct thing. Immigrants don't sneak into countries. That's like calling a burglar a "houseguest"

Not really.

Here's the thing.

Illegal immigrants wouldn't come here if rich people didn't hire them.

That implies an invitation.

You are showing your programming well. "Rich people"..
God dammit you are stupid.
Quick this country, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.

When we talked about OJ killing his wife, we had to say "alledged".

Same thing when talking about any other crime. We have to say that it was alledged until proven guilty by a court of law.

So...............................have we had over 3 million court cases proving these illegals are what everyone claims?

And yeah................I support the DREAM Act. If you're willing to fight for this country in the military (like only 1 percent of the nation do), or if you're willing to study hard and get a 4 year diploma from a college here (as well as are willing to use that knowledge to help the country), you SHOULD be able to become a citizen.
And yeah................I support the DREAM Act. If you're willing to fight for this country in the military (like only 1 percent of the nation do), or if you're willing to study hard and get a 4 year diploma from a college here (as well as are willing to use that knowledge to help the country), you SHOULD be able to become a citizen.

You equate serving in the military and going to college? Really?
Calling them "immigrants" in the first place was a politically correct thing. Immigrants don't sneak into countries. That's like calling a burglar a "houseguest"

Not really.

Here's the thing.

Illegal immigrants wouldn't come here if rich people didn't hire them.

That implies an invitation.

You are showing your programming well. "Rich people"..
God dammit you are stupid.

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Feel the burn, baby.

Fact is, it isn't working folks hiring illegals. We don't have the money to do it.

It's the rich guy who owns a factory who doesn't want to pay an American a fair wage.

It's the rich bitch who hires an illegal nanny, like Meg Whitman, who was filthy rich, but still hired an illegal to watch her yuppie spawn, because she couldn't be bothered to raise them herself.

You could end the "Illegal" problem in five minutes. Crack down on the rich people who hire them. Round up their nannies and kids at the park, and they don't get the kids back until they pay a huge fine. Raid their factories, and charge them $100,000 for every illegal found in the plant.

Pretty soon, they would "Self-Deport".

"I can't have illegals here! I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake!" - Mitt Romney when he discovered his landscaper was using illegals.
And yeah................I support the DREAM Act. If you're willing to fight for this country in the military (like only 1 percent of the nation do), or if you're willing to study hard and get a 4 year diploma from a college here (as well as are willing to use that knowledge to help the country), you SHOULD be able to become a citizen.

You equate serving in the military and going to college? Really?

Did you ever serve in the military?

I did, and served through 4 war zones. What have you done?
The Associated Press already quit using the term illegal immigrant as well, read that the other day.
Calling them "immigrants" in the first place was a politically correct thing. Immigrants don't sneak into countries. That's like calling a burglar a "houseguest"

Not really.

Here's the thing.

Illegal immigrants wouldn't come here if rich people didn't hire them.

That implies an invitation.

You are showing your programming well. "Rich people"..
God dammit you are stupid.

Apparently the parking lot of a Home Depot is the best place to find rich people. Thats where i always see illegal immigrants.
And yeah................I support the DREAM Act. If you're willing to fight for this country in the military (like only 1 percent of the nation do), or if you're willing to study hard and get a 4 year diploma from a college here (as well as are willing to use that knowledge to help the country), you SHOULD be able to become a citizen.

You equate serving in the military and going to college? Really?

Did you ever serve in the military??

No, I didn't. That's why I asked, little fella. No need to get defensive to prove to me you served in our nation's defense (which is much appreciated, by the way).

I think you jumped to the wrong conclusion. I expressed incredulity because it doesn't seem to me that going to college can possibly compare in terms of value and sacrifice to putting one's life on the line in service to the nation.

Clear now?

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