Liberals: What's YOUR plan for vetting/filtering 10,000 Obama refugees???

72% of all Syrian "REFUGEES" are MEN between the ages of 18 to 30....Are these MEN COWARDS to not stay WITH THEIR FAMILIES and FIGHT AS AMERICANS WOULD for their OWN COUNTRY...and WHY are we taking them when there are 15 OTHER MUSLIM COUNTRIES within 2000 miles of Syria that are predominently muslim?....And MOST of them are FLUSH with oil money!


It's some anonymous poster on a RW message board, and the Stupids have been smearing it all over the Internet. The real math is from the actual UN report, and it's in my sig.
Once again...I'll ask libs for their plan on a touchy issue...and once again...they'll refuse to answer or come up with sophomoric name calling distractions.

Libs...what's the plan to vet these 10,000 Syrian invader....err...refugees? We don't have their fingerprints on file. ISIS can easily hide amongst them.

Make them pinky swear they aren't ISIS?
Make them promise that the past is the past and they'll be nice?
Take their picture and say "If you misbehave...we'll and oncerrest you!"

What is it??

1. SEAL THE BORDER and tell them no. You can't come.
2. Round them into a holding faciltiy. And they're all put through a series of polygraph exams. Fail one...and you go back to Syria. may take a long time??? Sorry. Bread and water and a blanket. Don't wanna wait? Bye bye. Back to Syria.

You are totally ignorant of the vetting process that has been in place now. Since 1975 3 and a half million refugees have been accepted into this country. Do you even have a clue what the process is?
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...
I believe that is exactly the reason dumb fk.
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...


Show us a group of 10,000 random Syrians. Can you tell who is ISIS and who isnt?? They don't wear uniforms. They don't wear badges or name tags or patches.

So yeah....we can't tell the difference between ISIS and those fleeing ISIS....and NEITHER can you.

WE say keep everyone out until we can.
YOU say let everyone in because we cant.

And there's the divide. Obama sides with you idiots. Since we can't tell....fuck it....let em all in. Future attacks are on your conscious. Not mine.

So you didn't answer the point at all.

He asked the question in the OP and you failed to answer it. Would you care to give it a second try, or do you now want to admit that you dont know the answer?

Oh I didn't even consider his vapid question. I have more basic ones. Like how come he can't distinguish refugees from the force they're fleeing.
why do you supposed he can't? Can you?
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...


Show us a group of 10,000 random Syrians. Can you tell who is ISIS and who isnt?? They don't wear uniforms. They don't wear badges or name tags or patches.

So yeah....we can't tell the difference between ISIS and those fleeing ISIS....and NEITHER can you.

WE say keep everyone out until we can.
YOU say let everyone in because we cant.

And there's the divide. Obama sides with you idiots. Since we can't tell....fuck it....let em all in. Future attacks are on your conscious. Not mine.

So you didn't answer the point at all.


Didn't answer what??? Of course anyone can commit terror...immigrant or native. Is that a reason to invite more??? Only in Democrat lala land.

Pogo's retarded right? That's the only explanation....

"What makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?"

You have to get here from Syria somehow? And when the U.S. government takes your hand and walks you in with virtually no vetting, it makes committing terrorism here that much easier.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I see the point continues to sail high over the shorter heads.
That being --- you don't need to go to all the trouble of immigrating. All you need is a passport. Been done before. Yet the OP and his ilk act as if this is all of a sudden some kind of Keystone Terrorism pipeline. :lol:
so you can't tell them apart. Thanks for playing dumb fk.
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...


Show us a group of 10,000 random Syrians. Can you tell who is ISIS and who isnt?? They don't wear uniforms. They don't wear badges or name tags or patches.

So yeah....we can't tell the difference between ISIS and those fleeing ISIS....and NEITHER can you.

WE say keep everyone out until we can.
YOU say let everyone in because we cant.

And there's the divide. Obama sides with you idiots. Since we can't tell....fuck it....let em all in. Future attacks are on your conscious. Not mine.

So you didn't answer the point at all.


Didn't answer what??? Of course anyone can commit terror...immigrant or native. Is that a reason to invite more??? Only in Democrat lala land.

Pogo's retarded right? That's the only explanation....

"What makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?"

You have to get here from Syria somehow? And when the U.S. government takes your hand and walks you in with virtually no vetting, it makes committing terrorism here that much easier.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

It's much easier for someone to walk into the country on a tourist visa than it is to receive refugee status.

One requires 2 years of intense vetting, the other consists of a half-hearted glance at their passports.
Once again...I'll ask libs for their plan on a touchy issue...and once again...they'll refuse to answer or come up with sophomoric name calling distractions.

Libs...what's the plan to vet these 10,000 Syrian invader....err...refugees? We don't have their fingerprints on file. ISIS can easily hide amongst them.

Make them pinky swear they aren't ISIS?
Make them promise that the past is the past and they'll be nice?
Take their picture and say "If you misbehave...we'll and oncerrest you!"

What is it??

1. SEAL THE BORDER and tell them no. You can't come.
2. Round them into a holding faciltiy. And they're all put through a series of polygraph exams. Fail one...and you go back to Syria. may take a long time??? Sorry. Bread and water and a blanket. Don't wanna wait? Bye bye. Back to Syria.

You are totally ignorant of the vetting process that has been in place now. Since 1975 3 and a half million refugees have been accepted into this country. Do you even have a clue what the process is?

Sure do. A bunch of interviews. Fingerprint checks and past visa checks.

So....if you don't admit you wanna attack us....interviews should be easy. Fingerprints?? Syria police I'm sure are of the highest quality (sarcasm). one's fingerprints are gonna matter unless they touched a bomb that the FBI or military overseas has gotten their hands on.

Me? I'd force them to take 4 or 5 polygraphs...done by retired police and military polygraph administrators. You fail one? Bye bye. You pass them all? Welcome to America.
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...

Where did they go to flight school and learn how to fly the aircraft?
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...

Where did they go to flight school and learn how to fly the aircraft?

Not sure -- Minnesota? Just a guess, or I may be thinking of the one guy who got flagged.

Still doesn't matter ---- you don't need to immigrate to go to flight school.
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...

Where did they go to flight school and learn how to fly the aircraft?

Hey man...arguing with Pogo is pointless. He's already said...clearly....that he just doesn't care about ISIS getting in here amongst the herds of refugees. My sig line is his quote.

He just doesn't care. Most liberals dont. THEY WANT THIS to happen.
Once again...I'll ask libs for their plan on a touchy issue...and once again...they'll refuse to answer or come up with sophomoric name calling distractions.

Libs...what's the plan to vet these 10,000 Syrian invader....err...refugees? We don't have their fingerprints on file. ISIS can easily hide amongst them.

Make them pinky swear they aren't ISIS?
Make them promise that the past is the past and they'll be nice?
Take their picture and say "If you misbehave...we'll and oncerrest you!"

What is it??

1. SEAL THE BORDER and tell them no. You can't come.
2. Round them into a holding faciltiy. And they're all put through a series of polygraph exams. Fail one...and you go back to Syria. may take a long time??? Sorry. Bread and water and a blanket. Don't wanna wait? Bye bye. Back to Syria.

You are totally ignorant of the vetting process that has been in place now. Since 1975 3 and a half million refugees have been accepted into this country. Do you even have a clue what the process is?

Sure do. A bunch of interviews. Fingerprint checks and past visa checks.

So....if you don't admit you wanna attack us....interviews should be easy. Fingerprints?? Syria police I'm sure are of the highest quality (sarcasm). one's fingerprints are gonna matter unless they touched a bomb that the FBI or military overseas has gotten their hands on.

Me? I'd force them to take 4 or 5 polygraphs...done by retired police and military polygraph administrators. You fail one? Bye bye. You pass them all? Welcome to America.

and interviews with dhs agents, it isn't as easy as you think
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...

Where did they go to flight school and learn how to fly the aircraft?

Not sure -- Minnesota? Just a guess, or I may be thinking of the one guy who got flagged.

Still doesn't matter ---- you don't need to immigrate to go to flight school.

You really don't know much about anything do you!
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...

Where did they go to flight school and learn how to fly the aircraft?

Hey man...arguing with Pogo is pointless. He's already said...clearly....that he just doesn't care about ISIS getting in here amongst the herds of refugees. My sig line is his quote.

He just doesn't care. Most liberals dont. THEY WANT THIS to happen.

I do find it difficult to argue with someone who doesn't care and doesn't know anything as well. Thanks for the tip.

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