Liberals: What's YOUR plan for vetting/filtering 10,000 Obama refugees???

Once again...I'll ask libs for their plan on a touchy issue...and once again...they'll refuse to answer or come up with sophomoric name calling distractions.

Libs...what's the plan to vet these 10,000 Syrian invader....err...refugees? We don't have their fingerprints on file. ISIS can easily hide amongst them.

Make them pinky swear they aren't ISIS?
Make them promise that the past is the past and they'll be nice?
Take their picture and say "If you misbehave...we'll and oncerrest you!"

What is it??

1. SEAL THE BORDER and tell them no. You can't come.
2. Round them into a holding faciltiy. And they're all put through a series of polygraph exams. Fail one...and you go back to Syria. may take a long time??? Sorry. Bread and water and a blanket. Don't wanna wait? Bye bye. Back to Syria.
BTW what is your plan and how are you going to get anyone to pay attention to it Bucky?
Well here's the mulatto muslim's plan.....

  • Obama Threatens to Veto House GOP Legislation to Improve Syrian Refugee Screenings
    Fox News ^ | 11/18/2015
    President Obama threatened late Wednesday to veto legislation aimed at improving screening for Syrian refugees, potentially putting the White House and Congress on a collision course in a matter of days. The veto threat came as the House was preparing the bill -- which sets high hurdles for refugee admission including FBI background checks and sign-offs by top officials -- for floor action as early as Thursday. In a committee meeting, Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, accused the president of confusing the public about the intentions of the legislation. Moments later, the White House issued a statement defending the current screening...
The only plan for liberals is to let them all in. They believe they will be rewarded with votes for the Democrats. It's getting hard to decide who we should place in internment camps for the duration.
The only plan for liberals is to let them all in. They believe they will be rewarded with votes for the Democrats. It's getting hard to decide who we should place in internment camps for the duration.
There is nothing you are authorized to decide in regards to anything to do with this situation. Thats why I asked the OP what he would do and how would he convince anyone to listen to him.
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...


Show us a group of 10,000 random Syrians. Can you tell who is ISIS and who isnt?? They don't wear uniforms. They don't wear badges or name tags or patches.

So yeah....we can't tell the difference between ISIS and those fleeing ISIS....and NEITHER can you.

WE say keep everyone out until we can.
YOU say let everyone in because we cant.

And there's the divide. Obama sides with you idiots. Since we can't tell....fuck it....let em all in. Future attacks are on your conscious. Not mine.

So you didn't answer the point at all.

He asked the question in the OP and you failed to answer it. Would you care to give it a second try, or do you now want to admit that you dont know the answer?

Oh I didn't even consider his vapid question. I have more basic ones. Like how come he can't distinguish refugees from the force they're fleeing.
Are you against resettling them in Saudi Arabia?
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...


Show us a group of 10,000 random Syrians. Can you tell who is ISIS and who isnt?? They don't wear uniforms. They don't wear badges or name tags or patches.

So yeah....we can't tell the difference between ISIS and those fleeing ISIS....and NEITHER can you.

WE say keep everyone out until we can.
YOU say let everyone in because we cant.

And there's the divide. Obama sides with you idiots. Since we can't tell....fuck it....let em all in. Future attacks are on your conscious. Not mine.

So you didn't answer the point at all.

He asked the question in the OP and you failed to answer it. Would you care to give it a second try, or do you now want to admit that you dont know the answer?

Oh I didn't even consider his vapid question. I have more basic ones. Like how come he can't distinguish refugees from the force they're fleeing.
Are you against resettling them in Saudi Arabia?
Isnt that close to Syria and the people they are trying to get away from?

Show us a group of 10,000 random Syrians. Can you tell who is ISIS and who isnt?? They don't wear uniforms. They don't wear badges or name tags or patches.

So yeah....we can't tell the difference between ISIS and those fleeing ISIS....and NEITHER can you.

WE say keep everyone out until we can.
YOU say let everyone in because we cant.

And there's the divide. Obama sides with you idiots. Since we can't tell....fuck it....let em all in. Future attacks are on your conscious. Not mine.

So you didn't answer the point at all.

He asked the question in the OP and you failed to answer it. Would you care to give it a second try, or do you now want to admit that you dont know the answer?

Oh I didn't even consider his vapid question. I have more basic ones. Like how come he can't distinguish refugees from the force they're fleeing.
Are you against resettling them in Saudi Arabia?
Isnt that close to Syria and the people they are trying to get away from?
The Saudis aren't fleeing are they?
So you didn't answer the point at all.

He asked the question in the OP and you failed to answer it. Would you care to give it a second try, or do you now want to admit that you dont know the answer?

Oh I didn't even consider his vapid question. I have more basic ones. Like how come he can't distinguish refugees from the force they're fleeing.
Are you against resettling them in Saudi Arabia?
Isnt that close to Syria and the people they are trying to get away from?
The Saudis aren't fleeing are they?
Why would they? They arent Syrian refugees. You still didnt answer my question.
Well here's the mulatto muslim's plan.....

  • Obama Threatens to Veto House GOP Legislation to Improve Syrian Refugee Screenings
    Fox News ^ | 11/18/2015
    President Obama threatened late Wednesday to veto legislation aimed at improving screening for Syrian refugees, potentially putting the White House and Congress on a collision course in a matter of days. The veto threat came as the House was preparing the bill -- which sets high hurdles for refugee admission including FBI background checks and sign-offs by top officials -- for floor action as early as Thursday. In a committee meeting, Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, accused the president of confusing the public about the intentions of the legislation. Moments later, the White House issued a statement defending the current screening...

Took like 10 clicks to get to the full article so here it is for everyone else ~ Obama threatens to veto House GOP bill on Syrian refugee screening

Sounds like this bill isn't playing along parties lines like many here might argue...
You cretins that can't seem to distinguish between ISIS and people fleeing ISIS --- what exactly makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?

Need I remind you, the hijackers of Flight 11, at least, flew into Logan from Canada where they changed planes to 11? They weren't even IN the United States the previous day. It's not like some magic secret decoder ring where you have to establish residency before you're allowed to terrorize...


Show us a group of 10,000 random Syrians. Can you tell who is ISIS and who isnt?? They don't wear uniforms. They don't wear badges or name tags or patches.

So yeah....we can't tell the difference between ISIS and those fleeing ISIS....and NEITHER can you.

WE say keep everyone out until we can.
YOU say let everyone in because we cant.

And there's the divide. Obama sides with you idiots. Since we can't tell....fuck it....let em all in. Future attacks are on your conscious. Not mine.

So you didn't answer the point at all.

He asked the question in the OP and you failed to answer it. Would you care to give it a second try, or do you now want to admit that you dont know the answer?

Oh I didn't even consider his vapid question. I have more basic ones. Like how come he can't distinguish refugees from the force they're fleeing.
Are you against resettling them in Saudi Arabia?

You think I have the authority to decide that? :cuckoo:

Far as I know I'm not in charge of Saudi Arabia. If you have info to the contrary please let me know before I need to fill up with gas again.
Well here's the mulatto muslim's plan.....

  • Obama Threatens to Veto House GOP Legislation to Improve Syrian Refugee Screenings
    Fox News ^ | 11/18/2015
    President Obama threatened late Wednesday to veto legislation aimed at improving screening for Syrian refugees, potentially putting the White House and Congress on a collision course in a matter of days. The veto threat came as the House was preparing the bill -- which sets high hurdles for refugee admission including FBI background checks and sign-offs by top officials -- for floor action as early as Thursday. In a committee meeting, Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, accused the president of confusing the public about the intentions of the legislation. Moments later, the White House issued a statement defending the current screening...

Took like 10 clicks to get to the full article so here it is for everyone else ~ Obama threatens to veto House GOP bill on Syrian refugee screening

Sounds like this bill isn't playing along parties lines like many here might argue...

That's right. Obama is going to veto this Syrian influx...which is hiding ISIS members....into our country. He wants them here. Period. He should be impeached and tried for treason.
Sorry to say but one Liberal I debated with on Facebook said if a few get through the process then "oh well". At least thousands others were saved. Just stunning. That's the Liberal plan. The people are clueless.

Oh...."TheDoctorIsIn" on here said if 10,000 ISIS operatives were let in "so what". He said he's a big city man and has other things to worry about.

The future survival of the United States depends on kicking liberals and Democrats out of office en 2016. Our nation CAN NOT survive another Democrat regime.

Nobody cares.

You said WW3 just started.

Have you enlisted in the Military yet to fight for your country? If not...why not?

Yes....WW3 has started. It's not gonna be anything like WW1 or WW2. Only naive limp wristed liberals cannot see the dominoes falling right now.

No...I have not enlisted. I'm over 40. I cant. I did 8 years with Atlanta shot at enough times....and protected American citizens living in that city. Just like all cops do....and just like the military does overseas. And you???

Excuses excuses. I'm sure Russia and conservative heart throb Vladdy Putang will take you.
72% of all Syrian "REFUGEES" are MEN between the ages of 18 to 30....Are these MEN COWARDS to not stay WITH THEIR FAMILIES and FIGHT AS AMERICANS WOULD for their OWN COUNTRY...and WHY are we taking them when there are 15 OTHER MUSLIM COUNTRIES within 2000 miles of Syria that are predominently muslim?....And MOST of them are FLUSH with oil money!

Sorry to say but one Liberal I debated with on Facebook said if a few get through the process then "oh well". At least thousands others were saved. Just stunning. That's the Liberal plan. The people are clueless.

Oh...."TheDoctorIsIn" on here said if 10,000 ISIS operatives were let in "so what". He said he's a big city man and has other things to worry about.

The future survival of the United States depends on kicking liberals and Democrats out of office en 2016. Our nation CAN NOT survive another Democrat regime.

Nobody cares.

You said WW3 just started.

Have you enlisted in the Military yet to fight for your country? If not...why not?

Yes....WW3 has started. It's not gonna be anything like WW1 or WW2. Only naive limp wristed liberals cannot see the dominoes falling right now.

No...I have not enlisted. I'm over 40. I cant. I did 8 years with Atlanta shot at enough times....and protected American citizens living in that city. Just like all cops do....and just like the military does overseas. And you???

Excuses excuses. I'm sure Russia and conservative heart throb Vladdy Putang will take you.

Excuses?? Military doesn't enlist people over 40. us some rag heads shooting up innocent families here in America. Plenty of us 2nd Amendment practicioneers will be happy to snipe some. Cops will probably already have it done. But we'd be happy to help
He asked the question in the OP and you failed to answer it. Would you care to give it a second try, or do you now want to admit that you dont know the answer?

Oh I didn't even consider his vapid question. I have more basic ones. Like how come he can't distinguish refugees from the force they're fleeing.
Are you against resettling them in Saudi Arabia?
Isnt that close to Syria and the people they are trying to get away from?
The Saudis aren't fleeing are they?
Why would they? They arent Syrian refugees. You still didnt answer my question.
Some are but most are young males of fighting age are ISIS. Reason enough to stop allowing the invasion of our borders and putting our people in harm.

Show us a group of 10,000 random Syrians. Can you tell who is ISIS and who isnt?? They don't wear uniforms. They don't wear badges or name tags or patches.

So yeah....we can't tell the difference between ISIS and those fleeing ISIS....and NEITHER can you.

WE say keep everyone out until we can.
YOU say let everyone in because we cant.

And there's the divide. Obama sides with you idiots. Since we can't tell....fuck it....let em all in. Future attacks are on your conscious. Not mine.

So you didn't answer the point at all.

He asked the question in the OP and you failed to answer it. Would you care to give it a second try, or do you now want to admit that you dont know the answer?

Oh I didn't even consider his vapid question. I have more basic ones. Like how come he can't distinguish refugees from the force they're fleeing.
Are you against resettling them in Saudi Arabia?

You think I have the authority to decide that? :cuckoo:

Far as I know I'm not in charge of Saudi Arabia. If you have info to the contrary please let me know before I need to fill up with gas again.

How sassy! Point is they are Muslims and would be happier to be living in a Shiria law country instead of here where we allow all religions. Saudi doesn't want them. Only fools refuse to guess the reason why. Islam is HIV and Obama wants us to take it up the ass. Fuck him!
Once again...I'll ask libs for their plan on a touchy issue...and once again...they'll refuse to answer or come up with sophomoric name calling distractions.

Libs...what's the plan to vet these 10,000 Syrian invader....err...refugees? We don't have their fingerprints on file. ISIS can easily hide amongst them.

We have 700,000 people on the FBI's watch list who thanks to an NRA loophole, are able to buy guns now.

And 2000 of them have.
1. SEAL THE BORDER and tell them no. You can't come.
2. Round them into a holding faciltiy. And they're all put through a series of polygraph exams. Fail one...and you go back to Syria. may take a long time??? Sorry. Bread and water and a blanket. Don't wanna wait? Bye bye. Back to Syria.

Yes, because they clearly don't have enough reasons to hate us, we totally need to give them more.

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