Liberals: What's YOUR plan for vetting/filtering 10,000 Obama refugees???

So you didn't answer the point at all.


Didn't answer what??? Of course anyone can commit terror...immigrant or native. Is that a reason to invite more??? Only in Democrat lala land.

Pogo's retarded right? That's the only explanation....

"What makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?"

You have to get here from Syria somehow? And when the U.S. government takes your hand and walks you in with virtually no vetting, it makes committing terrorism here that much easier.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I see the point continues to sail high over the shorter heads.
That being --- you don't need to go to all the trouble of immigrating. All you need is a passport. Been done before. Yet the OP and his ilk act as if this is all of a sudden some kind of Keystone Terrorism pipeline. :lol:

Typical POGO retardation.

10,000 Muslims from Syria. do you weed out the couple dozen ISIS from the other 9,900???

To answer that directly --- I don't concern myself with that shit. Rather, I find great entertainment in watching you hair-on-fire people relentlessly moaning and groaning every hour of every day about Muslims this and O'bama that and death and devastation and oh mercy me the sky is falling. It's hilarious. Seriously man, if some extraterrestrial read this message board for one day he'd have to assume the planet was blowing up tomorrow. :lol:

Once in a while I show up to poke a hole in your silly lack o' logic. That way I get a whole new dance to watch.

Haha....what a pussy answer Pogo.

I ask how do you vet the 10,000 Syrians coming here to weed out ISIS.

YOUR ANSWER...."I don't care about that stuff"

Folks....Pogo just summed up modern liberalism in one pathetic answer.

How do we vet thousands of Syrians coming? Apparently....we dont. Lefties just "don't care about that stuff".

Ah...ok...well nothing to worry about knowing a liberal is in charge!! Hey do we screen cargo ships for dirty bombs?? "We don't care about that stuff".
Pogo's retarded right? That's the only explanation....

"What makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?"

You have to get here from Syria somehow? And when the U.S. government takes your hand and walks you in with virtually no vetting, it makes committing terrorism here that much easier.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I see the point continues to sail high over the shorter heads.
That being --- you don't need to go to all the trouble of immigrating. All you need is a passport. Been done before. Yet the OP and his ilk act as if this is all of a sudden some kind of Keystone Terrorism pipeline. :lol:

Typical POGO retardation.

10,000 Muslims from Syria. do you weed out the couple dozen ISIS from the other 9,900???

To answer that directly --- I don't concern myself with that shit. Rather, I find great entertainment in watching you hair-on-fire people relentlessly moaning and groaning every hour of every day about Muslims this and O'bama that and death and devastation and oh mercy me the sky is falling. It's hilarious. Seriously man, if some extraterrestrial read this message board for one day he'd have to assume the planet was blowing up tomorrow. :lol:

Once in a while I show up to poke a hole in your silly lack o' logic. That way I get a whole new dance to watch.

See my signature about the BRILLIANCE of OCDPogo...and if needed, I have at least a half dozen more GEMS from this stupid idiot!

Your sigline puts my name next to made-up shit I never even posted. That's because you're a clinical idiot.


Your pathetic answer is going on my sig line.
Didn't answer what??? Of course anyone can commit terror...immigrant or native. Is that a reason to invite more??? Only in Democrat lala land.

Pogo's retarded right? That's the only explanation....

"What makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?"

You have to get here from Syria somehow? And when the U.S. government takes your hand and walks you in with virtually no vetting, it makes committing terrorism here that much easier.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I see the point continues to sail high over the shorter heads.
That being --- you don't need to go to all the trouble of immigrating. All you need is a passport. Been done before. Yet the OP and his ilk act as if this is all of a sudden some kind of Keystone Terrorism pipeline. :lol:

Typical POGO retardation.

10,000 Muslims from Syria. do you weed out the couple dozen ISIS from the other 9,900???

To answer that directly --- I don't concern myself with that shit. Rather, I find great entertainment in watching you hair-on-fire people relentlessly moaning and groaning every hour of every day about Muslims this and O'bama that and death and devastation and oh mercy me the sky is falling. It's hilarious. Seriously man, if some extraterrestrial read this message board for one day he'd have to assume the planet was blowing up tomorrow. :lol:

Once in a while I show up to poke a hole in your silly lack o' logic. That way I get a whole new dance to watch.

Haha....what a pussy answer Pogo.

I ask how do you vet the 10,000 Syrians coming here to weed out ISIS.

YOUR ANSWER...."I don't care about that stuff"

Folks....Pogo just summed up modern liberalism in one pathetic answer.

How do we vet thousands of Syrians coming? Apparently....we dont. Lefties just "don't care about that stuff".

Ah...ok...well nothing to worry about knowing a liberal is in charge!! Hey do we screen cargo ships for dirty bombs?? "We don't care about that stuff".

See -- this is exactly why I threw away my TV.
simply does not impress me.

Gullible's Travels.
72% of all Syrian "REFUGEES" are MEN between the ages of 18 to 30....

No. That's already been refuted.

While it's true the Tsarnaev brothers were not infrequently described as "refugees" in media accounts, their resemblance to the flood of asylum seekers from Syria was passing at best. Like the Tsarnaevs, many Syrian refugees are Muslims, and many have endured seemingly endless war, death, and destruction in their homeland. The suspected attackers in Paris also had traits in common with the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: the younger Tsarnaev was a naturalized American citizen, and several of the identified attackers in Paris were French nationals.

But the "refugee" question is largely semantic in nature when applied to the Tsarnaevs, with respect to whether current refugees present a homegrown terrorist threat. Given that the Tsarnaev family arrived in the United States as vacation-goers, their tourist visas were unlikely to trigger initial asylum-seeker-type screening (to which Syrian refugees are subject). Clamping down on the admission of refugees would not affect individuals like the Tsarnaev family, who entered the U.S. with a stated intent of leisure travel.

Were the Tsarnaev Brothers 'Refugees'?

They OVERSTAYED their VISA'S they were ILLEGAL ALIENS if you are worried about semantics!


One of them's dead, the other's in prison. Let's bring you up to speed, shall we?

The "72%" you dumbasses keep tossing around is from a comment Ben Carson made that some mega-dumbass who calls himself "soopermexican" is babbling about on some RW message board.

Here are the facts (linked to by one of your number on this board):

UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response

Note: This is the total number of refugees. Only a fraction of those will be arriving in the U.S. Clear so far?

Now, let's look at the actual percentages:

Percentage of males: 49.7% of the total.
Percentage of that number aged 18-59: 22.1%

22.1% of 49.7% is not 72% of anything...except the abject stupidity of people who keep repeating that number.


United Nations says 72% of Syrian “refugees” are MEN, only ...
United Nations says 72% of Syrian “refugees” are MEN, only 13% are children! Posted by soopermexican on Sep 8, 2015 at 10:08 PM in Politics | 100 ...

You just posted the precise lie I referenced in Post 33.

No wonder you clowns are terrified of primary sources.

Here it is again:
UNHCR Syria Regional Refugee Response

Note: This is the total number of refugees. Only a fraction of those will be arriving in the U.S. Clear so far?

Now, let's look at the actual percentages:

Percentage of males: 49.7% of the total.
Percentage of that number aged 18-59: 22.1%

22.1% of 49.7% is not 72% of anything...except the abject stupidity of people who keep repeating that number.

I did the math for you earlier, not my fault you hide for an hour....
You can include the 12-17 year old males. That ups the total to 29%. You could and probably should include the females ages 18-59 in lite of the female suicide bomber in France yesterday. That takes the total to 53%. I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the females ages 12-17. The majority have the potential to be a threat. Do you even math? Or are you going for a Paris style attack in the US?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Pogo's retarded right? That's the only explanation....

"What makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?"

You have to get here from Syria somehow? And when the U.S. government takes your hand and walks you in with virtually no vetting, it makes committing terrorism here that much easier.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I see the point continues to sail high over the shorter heads.
That being --- you don't need to go to all the trouble of immigrating. All you need is a passport. Been done before. Yet the OP and his ilk act as if this is all of a sudden some kind of Keystone Terrorism pipeline. :lol:

Typical POGO retardation.

10,000 Muslims from Syria. do you weed out the couple dozen ISIS from the other 9,900???

To answer that directly --- I don't concern myself with that shit. Rather, I find great entertainment in watching you hair-on-fire people relentlessly moaning and groaning every hour of every day about Muslims this and O'bama that and death and devastation and oh mercy me the sky is falling. It's hilarious. Seriously man, if some extraterrestrial read this message board for one day he'd have to assume the planet was blowing up tomorrow. :lol:

Once in a while I show up to poke a hole in your silly lack o' logic. That way I get a whole new dance to watch.

See my signature about the BRILLIANCE of OCDPogo...and if needed, I have at least a half dozen more GEMS from this stupid idiot!

Your sigline puts my name next to made-up shit I never even posted. That's because you're a clinical idiot.


NO, it doesn't little OCDGirl, anyone wants to look at that thread all they have to do is hit the hyperlink.... How about not knowing Hillary Claimed to have been named after Sir Edmund, which you didn't know, or your Million dollar bet that you welshed on with Whitehall, I believe!...Need more?
So you didn't answer the point at all.


Didn't answer what??? Of course anyone can commit terror...immigrant or native. Is that a reason to invite more??? Only in Democrat lala land.

Pogo's retarded right? That's the only explanation....

"What makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?"

You have to get here from Syria somehow? And when the U.S. government takes your hand and walks you in with virtually no vetting, it makes committing terrorism here that much easier.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I see the point continues to sail high over the shorter heads.
That being --- you don't need to go to all the trouble of immigrating. All you need is a passport. Been done before. Yet the OP and his ilk act as if this is all of a sudden some kind of Keystone Terrorism pipeline. [emoji38]

Typical POGO retardation.

10,000 Muslims from Syria. do you weed out the couple dozen ISIS from the other 9,900???

To answer that directly --- I don't concern myself with that shit. Rather, I find great entertainment in watching you hair-on-fire people relentlessly moaning and groaning every hour of every day about Muslims this and O'bama that and death and devastation and oh mercy me the sky is falling. It's hilarious. Seriously man, if some extraterrestrial read this message board for one day he'd have to assume the planet was blowing up tomorrow. [emoji38]

Once in a while I show up to poke a hole in your silly lack o' logic. That way I get a whole new dance to watch.

"To answer that directly...I don't care."
Sorry bud, many Americans due. Deal with it.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Pogo's retarded right? That's the only explanation....

"What makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?"

You have to get here from Syria somehow? And when the U.S. government takes your hand and walks you in with virtually no vetting, it makes committing terrorism here that much easier.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I see the point continues to sail high over the shorter heads.
That being --- you don't need to go to all the trouble of immigrating. All you need is a passport. Been done before. Yet the OP and his ilk act as if this is all of a sudden some kind of Keystone Terrorism pipeline. :lol:

Typical POGO retardation.

10,000 Muslims from Syria. do you weed out the couple dozen ISIS from the other 9,900???

To answer that directly --- I don't concern myself with that shit. Rather, I find great entertainment in watching you hair-on-fire people relentlessly moaning and groaning every hour of every day about Muslims this and O'bama that and death and devastation and oh mercy me the sky is falling. It's hilarious. Seriously man, if some extraterrestrial read this message board for one day he'd have to assume the planet was blowing up tomorrow. :lol:

Once in a while I show up to poke a hole in your silly lack o' logic. That way I get a whole new dance to watch.

Haha....what a pussy answer Pogo.

I ask how do you vet the 10,000 Syrians coming here to weed out ISIS.

YOUR ANSWER...."I don't care about that stuff"

Folks....Pogo just summed up modern liberalism in one pathetic answer.

How do we vet thousands of Syrians coming? Apparently....we dont. Lefties just "don't care about that stuff".

Ah...ok...well nothing to worry about knowing a liberal is in charge!! Hey do we screen cargo ships for dirty bombs?? "We don't care about that stuff".

See -- this is exactly why I threw away my TV.

Gullible's Travels.

Typical liberal.

You're on my sig now.

I ask you how to vet 10000 Syrians.

Your answer just don't care.

It's why libs should NEVER BE in office again.
We DON'T KNOW who is coming here...


I bet you thought you were going to die of Ebola last year, too, didn't you?

And you can divide 22.1% in half and arrive at 72%. That's truly alarming...
Didn't answer what??? Of course anyone can commit terror...immigrant or native. Is that a reason to invite more??? Only in Democrat lala land.

Pogo's retarded right? That's the only explanation....

"What makes you think you have to immigrate to this country in order to commit terrorism in it?"

You have to get here from Syria somehow? And when the U.S. government takes your hand and walks you in with virtually no vetting, it makes committing terrorism here that much easier.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I see the point continues to sail high over the shorter heads.
That being --- you don't need to go to all the trouble of immigrating. All you need is a passport. Been done before. Yet the OP and his ilk act as if this is all of a sudden some kind of Keystone Terrorism pipeline. [emoji38]

Typical POGO retardation.

10,000 Muslims from Syria. do you weed out the couple dozen ISIS from the other 9,900???

To answer that directly --- I don't concern myself with that shit. Rather, I find great entertainment in watching you hair-on-fire people relentlessly moaning and groaning every hour of every day about Muslims this and O'bama that and death and devastation and oh mercy me the sky is falling. It's hilarious. Seriously man, if some extraterrestrial read this message board for one day he'd have to assume the planet was blowing up tomorrow. [emoji38]

Once in a while I show up to poke a hole in your silly lack o' logic. That way I get a whole new dance to watch.

"To answer that directly...I don't care."
Sorry bud, many Americans due. Deal with it.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

That's the liberals answer.

Hilary wants 20,000 Syrians.

How do they vet them?

Well....apparently libs just don't care. Fuck it. Let em all in. Hug them and give them welfare. It's gonna be so awesome.
I see the point continues to sail high over the shorter heads.
That being --- you don't need to go to all the trouble of immigrating. All you need is a passport. Been done before. Yet the OP and his ilk act as if this is all of a sudden some kind of Keystone Terrorism pipeline. :lol:

Typical POGO retardation.

10,000 Muslims from Syria. do you weed out the couple dozen ISIS from the other 9,900???

To answer that directly --- I don't concern myself with that shit. Rather, I find great entertainment in watching you hair-on-fire people relentlessly moaning and groaning every hour of every day about Muslims this and O'bama that and death and devastation and oh mercy me the sky is falling. It's hilarious. Seriously man, if some extraterrestrial read this message board for one day he'd have to assume the planet was blowing up tomorrow. :lol:

Once in a while I show up to poke a hole in your silly lack o' logic. That way I get a whole new dance to watch.

Haha....what a pussy answer Pogo.

I ask how do you vet the 10,000 Syrians coming here to weed out ISIS.

YOUR ANSWER...."I don't care about that stuff"

Folks....Pogo just summed up modern liberalism in one pathetic answer.

How do we vet thousands of Syrians coming? Apparently....we dont. Lefties just "don't care about that stuff".

Ah...ok...well nothing to worry about knowing a liberal is in charge!! Hey do we screen cargo ships for dirty bombs?? "We don't care about that stuff".

See -- this is exactly why I threw away my TV.

Gullible's Travels.

Typical liberal.

You're on my sig now.

I ask you how to vet 10000 Syrians.

Your answer just don't care.

It's why libs should NEVER BE in office again.

You got the quote wrong. TWICE.
What are you, just stupid?

Here it is again:

I don't concern myself with that shit. Rather, I find great entertainment in watching you hair-on-fire people relentlessly moaning and groaning every hour of every day about Muslims this and O'bama that and death and devastation and oh mercy me the sky is falling.

It's not my problem that your TV and Lush Rimjob say "jump" and you go "how high".
This is their defense for this stupidity! "I don't care" bwahahaha

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
We DON'T KNOW who is coming here...


I bet you thought you were going to die of Ebola last year, too, didn't you?

And you can divide 22.1% in half and arrive at 72%. That's truly alarming...

We isolated Ebola and won. Had we just put all Ebola patients on the street and said bye bye...well....different. We haven't isolated Islam. I'd happily support it though. In fact...we should treat Islam EXACTLY how we treated Ebola. Isolate all who are infected until they die or the Islam is cured.
I did the math for you earlier, not my fault you hide for an hour....

You live online 24/7? :wtf:

You can include the 12-17 year old males. That ups the total to 29%. You could and probably should include the females ages 18-59 in lite of the female suicide bomber in France yesterday. That takes the total to 53%. I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the females ages 12-17. The majority have the potential to be a threat. Do you even math? Or are you going for a Paris style attack in the US?

I'm taking the word of the people who have actually assessed the situation on the ground in person, not someone who lives on a message board 24/7.
Once again...I'll ask libs for their plan on a touchy issue...and once again...they'll refuse to answer or come up with sophomoric name calling distractions.

Libs...what's the plan to vet these 10,000 Syrian invader....err...refugees? We don't have their fingerprints on file. ISIS can easily hide amongst them.

Make them pinky swear they aren't ISIS?
Make them promise that the past is the past and they'll be nice?
Take their picture and say "If you misbehave...we'll and oncerrest you!"

What is it??

1. SEAL THE BORDER and tell them no. You can't come.
2. Round them into a holding faciltiy. And they're all put through a series of polygraph exams. Fail one...and you go back to Syria. may take a long time??? Sorry. Bread and water and a blanket. Don't wanna wait? Bye bye. Back to Syria.

The progressives "plan" is to let them all in. We get to find out which ones are ISIS terrorists when they freely decide to blow people up or go on a shooting rampage in the states. They have no issue sacrificing Americans in the "vetting process".
Once again...I'll ask libs for their plan on a touchy issue...and once again...they'll refuse to answer or come up with sophomoric name calling distractions.

Libs...what's the plan to vet these 10,000 Syrian invader....err...refugees? We don't have their fingerprints on file. ISIS can easily hide amongst them.

Make them pinky swear they aren't ISIS?
Make them promise that the past is the past and they'll be nice?
Take their picture and say "If you misbehave...we'll and oncerrest you!"

What is it??

1. SEAL THE BORDER and tell them no. You can't come.
2. Round them into a holding faciltiy. And they're all put through a series of polygraph exams. Fail one...and you go back to Syria. may take a long time??? Sorry. Bread and water and a blanket. Don't wanna wait? Bye bye. Back to Syria.
I personally dont have a plan. Its not my job. I voted people into office that will select the best people for the job. Thanks Obama.
I did the math for you earlier, not my fault you hide for an hour....

You live online 24/7? :wtf:

You can include the 12-17 year old males. That ups the total to 29%. You could and probably should include the females ages 18-59 in lite of the female suicide bomber in France yesterday. That takes the total to 53%. I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the females ages 12-17. The majority have the potential to be a threat. Do you even math? Or are you going for a Paris style attack in the US?

I'm taking the word of the people who have actually assessed the situation on the ground in person, not someone who lives on a message board 24/7.

Live online? No. I have two things liberals don't believe in, a job and a family. My source is from the people on the ground. Yet you apparently have a problem with basic addition. I'll be happy to continue some sort of debate when you can grasp 3rd or 4th grade math skills...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I did the math for you earlier, not my fault you hide for an hour....

You live online 24/7? :wtf:

You can include the 12-17 year old males. That ups the total to 29%. You could and probably should include the females ages 18-59 in lite of the female suicide bomber in France yesterday. That takes the total to 53%. I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the females ages 12-17. The majority have the potential to be a threat. Do you even math? Or are you going for a Paris style attack in the US?

I'm taking the word of the people who have actually assessed the situation on the ground in person, not someone who lives on a message board 24/7.

Live online? No.

Then why get upset because I was offline for an hour?

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