Cenk Uygur is pissed! The exploding pagers were the last straw for him

Cenk Uygur is one of the few libs on the planet that I respect

He’s well informed and very outspoken

I think he used to be a muslim but is totally Allahless today

But as a Godless lib he misses the point about Israel

The Jews are God’s chosen people and the Holy Land belongs to them

As such they are protected by God and cannot be defeated or destroyed by their enemies

Cenk obviously does not understand that

The events playing out before his eyes are driving him nuts

And I almost feel sorry for him


If God is protecting the Jews, He's doing a VERY BAD JOB OF IT. No people has been subjected to more violence, abuse and hate than the Jewish people. Throughout history, there have been progromes, attempts at genocide, attacks, and violence.

God did NOTHING while Hitler killed millions of innocents. God did NOTHING on October 7th.

Stop believing nonsense.
what about the other 92%

They will eventually. The apostle Paul cited Isaiah 45:23 when he said that at the feet of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Lord to the glory of God the Father.
And yet they reject His one and only Son.

How rude of them.

Also, does the theme of them being the "Chosen" carry forward to the NT?
The Jews have always been rebellious and difficult to manage

But who am I to argue with God’s choice?
So, why do you like them so much when you hate every other non-Christian?

That's easy. Judaism and Christianity are about the same, that is, Judaism morphed into Christianity. Anything else that calls itself a "religion" is just the manifestation of the Devil.

It's hard not to "hate" people who are stupidly deceived by the Devil, God tells us not to. But being humans as we are, it's difficult.
That's easy. Judaism and Christianity are about the same, that is, Judaism morphed into Christianity. Anything else that calls itself a "religion" is just the manifestation of the Devil.

It's hard not to "hate" people who are stupidly deceived by the Devil, God tells us not to. But being humans as we are, it's difficult.

So, you do not really care what God tells you to do, you will just be you and hope your fire insurance is still good when you die?

I know for me personally, I do not find it hard to hate people that are different than me or have different views. I cannot find a reason to hate some 8 year old that was born in a non-Christian country that has never seen a bible.

But hey, you do you.
Are you capable of giving a few examples?
I am neither a preacher or a teacher of Godless heathens

But you might try Matthew 5:17

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law of the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
I like Cenk, most times. I really like Ana, plus she's a looker. She's one of the sharpest commentators around.

My first thought about this pager attack was that it was brilliant, and knowing that most men carry their pager in their front pants pocket, I'm sure the idea of turning a bunch of Islamists into eunichs was very satisfying to the Israelis.

But my immediate second thought was that this was a dangerous human rights violation.
There is nothing sharp when you have a thousand safety nets below you. There is really nothing to lose. That is a reason that Progressives destroy and murder with ease now. Just to see karma and their reactions to getting what they promote on others would be worth the price of a ticket. So many of them. All of this because of America First. Many of the Prog voters do not even realize that their own have sold them out. At least Republican voters figured out a percentage of theirs have. And even if on top of it, they still get fooled.

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