Trump shooting is the price you pay for freedom

Done it over and over and explained to you in detail, the two greatest transitions from the poor to wealthy happened under Obama and Biden, also there are companies that haven’t paid taxes since Biden has been in office but that seems to be on the down low with the left.
How? Let's undo what we did then. What did he/we do and what can we do to fix it?
How? Let's undo what we did then. What did he/we do and what can we do to fix it?
Biden could issue an EO but he didn’t. To fix it, you cut spending all across the board, every department, then raise taxes that starts the fixing but neither candidate is interested in the tough part, they want easy and promise the world knowing full well it won’t happen.
Biden could issue an EO but he didn’t. To fix it, you cut spending all across the board, every department, then raise taxes that starts the fixing but neither candidate is interested in the tough part, they want easy and promise the world knowing full well it won’t happen.
You sound very MAGA. Trump will fix it.

Fact it, if you want Biden to fix it, just ask. He's worked well with House Republicans for the most part. The only beef he has is their bogus political witch hunt against his family that's turned up nada.
Biden could issue an EO but he didn’t. To fix it, you cut spending all across the board, every department, then raise taxes that starts the fixing but neither candidate is interested in the tough part, they want easy and promise the world knowing full well it won’t happen.

Are you a conspiracy theorist?​

Republicans backing Biden​

Geoff Duncan​

Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R)

Michael Steele​

Adam Kinzinger​

Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.)

Sarah Matthews​

Sarah Matthews, an ex-Trump staffer

Republicans who haven’t ruled out Biden​

Cassidy Hutchinson​

Mitt Romney​

Liz Cheney (and dad)​

Mark Esper​

Former Trump Defense Secretary Mark Esper

Republicans who have ruled out both​

Mike Pence​

Chris Christie​

Paul Ryan​

Asa Hutchinson​

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson
I'm sure I missed a lot of Republicans who are NOT voting for Trump because of the insurrection and other crimes. And then there are Republicans who will vote for Trump despite his crimes.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Saturday delivered a searing address from the Senate floor condemning Donald Trump as “practically and morally responsible” for the Capitol insurrection — moments after voting to acquit the former president of inciting it.

The Kentucky Republican maintained he would have “carefully considered” convicting Trump had he been in office, but that he believes Trump could not be convicted as a former president.

And despite this Mitch is voting for Trump. Odd huh? If he wasn't president, I thought the Supreme court said he was POTUS when he started the riot???
You sound very MAGA. Trump will fix it.

Fact it, if you want Biden to fix it, just ask. He's worked well with House Republicans for the most part. The only beef he has is their bogus political witch hunt against his family that's turned up nada.
Where did I say Trump will fix it? I don’t how you get cutting spending and raising taxes is Trumps idea on anything, he never slowed spending and never raised taxes, you are just making up BS. Biden never slowed down on spending and didn’t raise taxes either. Both failed.

Are you a conspiracy theorist?​

Republicans backing Biden​

Geoff Duncan​

Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R)

Michael Steele​

Adam Kinzinger​

Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.)

Sarah Matthews​

Sarah Matthews, an ex-Trump staffer

Republicans who haven’t ruled out Biden​

Cassidy Hutchinson​

Mitt Romney​

Liz Cheney (and dad)​

Mark Esper​

Former Trump Defense Secretary Mark Esper

Republicans who have ruled out both​

Mike Pence​

Chris Christie​

Paul Ryan​

Asa Hutchinson​

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson
I'm sure I missed a lot of Republicans who are NOT voting for Trump because of the insurrection and other crimes. And then there are Republicans who will vote for Trump despite his crimes.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Saturday delivered a searing address from the Senate floor condemning Donald Trump as “practically and morally responsible” for the Capitol insurrection — moments after voting to acquit the former president of inciting it.

The Kentucky Republican maintained he would have “carefully considered” convicting Trump had he been in office, but that he believes Trump could not be convicted as a former president.

And despite this Mitch is voting for Trump. Odd huh? If he wasn't president, I thought the Supreme court said he was POTUS when he started the riot???
I’m not sure what your point is here, you ramble about nothing. I don’t care about Trump or Harris getting votes, I’m not a Republican and disagree with their spending and low taxes.

As far as conspiracies go, you attach yourself to election conspiracies and BS, not me, the elections were all on the up and up, nutter.

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