Liberals: What's YOUR plan for vetting/filtering 10,000 Obama refugees???

It was posted on this board that for the same money we spend in five years bringing 10,000 refugees to the US we could feed,clothe and house 120,000 of them for five years in a friendly middle eastern country. This was posted by a person who is in charge of a charitable group that does take them in here in the US. It looks like Obama is screwing 110,000 refugees out of being helped where they have the same culture and language with an opportunity to return home if ISIS is defeated.
Well, I made it through the first four pages with no direct response to the OP.

Lots of personal insults and name-calling, of course.

Does this mean we just keep doing it the way we do it? I'm curious.

It seems to have worked for the 1,800+ Syrian refugees who've been here from 2012 onward.

The RW didn't even know they were here.

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