Liberals, why champion illegal liabilities and ridicule the wealthy?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I'm really trying hard to understand the me please.
You will fight to the death and advocate for your beloved illegals to continue pouring in here by the millions knowing full well the vast majority of them and their offspring will be taxpayer funded liabilities their entire lives.
You ridicule the wealthy positive contributing REAL Americans as if they're the enemy of the nation.
You champion for men in dresses but ridicule Christians.
How are these philosophies put together in your head?

Imagine if you heard people talking about how awesome that convicted child molester is and how terrible that law abiding family man is? Would that sound odd to you?
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.
I'm really trying hard to understand the me please.
You will fight to the death and advocate for your beloved illegals to continue pouring in here by the millions knowing full well the vast majority of them and their offspring will be taxpayer funded liabilities their entire lives.
You ridicule the wealthy positive contributing REAL Americans as if they're the enemy of the nation.
You champion for men in dresses but ridicule Christians.
How are these philosophies put together in your head?

Imagine if you heard people talking about how awesome that convicted child molester is and how terrible that law abiding family man is? Would that sound odd to you?
You are wrong as usual..This liberal is not pro-illegal and hated what Reagan did and Boosh jr, they both screwed up my income by letting illegals flood the nation..So please lie to me some more and try to tell me it is poor liberals that attract the illegals, when in reality its monied people that hire them, dumb-ass....
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.

I get the political value in their quest....but just imagine having the mindset to publicly proclaim that you love all that has a negative impact on society and our economy yet hate all that has a positive impact without ever realizing how strange it sounds.
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.
That's why reagan signed the amnesty papers, to get illegals to vote for democrats, man you have that strategy in a box don't cha?
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.

I get the political value in their quest....but just imagine having the mindset to publicly proclaim that you love all that has a negative impact on society and our economy yet hate all that has a positive impact without ever realizing how strange it sounds.
It does sound strange, much like your sophist propaganda of what you claim to know as fact...
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.
That's why reagan signed the amnesty papers, to get illegals to vote for democrats, man you have that strategy in a box don't cha?

No he agreed to that amnesty then Dem's fucked him over by not securing the border as they had promised to do in exchange. He later said it was a huge mistake to compromise on that issue with Dems, no doubt because they are backstabbing assholes.
ridiculing the wealthy.

far as i know that's been done since the dawn of time and one caveman had 4 clubs and 2 stone wheels and the next one didn't have even a rock. instead of getting a rock he bitched at the other people who worked for what they had.

then robin hood fantasies came about as a way to demonize the wealthy.

just carrying on a human trait condition.
ridiculing the wealthy.

far as i know that's been done since the dawn of time and one caveman had 4 clubs and 2 stone wheels and the next one didn't have even a rock. instead of getting a rock he bitched at the other people who worked for what they had.

then robin hood fantasies came about as a way to demonize the wealthy.

just carrying on a human trait condition.

The perfect metaphor.
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.
That's why reagan signed the amnesty papers, to get illegals to vote for democrats, man you have that strategy in a box don't cha?

No he agreed to that amnesty then Dem's fucked him over by not securing the border as they had promised to do in exchange. He later said it was a huge mistake to compromise on that issue with Dems, no doubt because they are backstabbing assholes.
The president can increase border patrol with a stroke of a pen, a president can also veto....So don't play that ploy with me trying to make Reagan all innocent..He had a soft heart for them and was from California where Berkley started the sanctuary city when Reagan was president...
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.
That's why reagan signed the amnesty papers, to get illegals to vote for democrats, man you have that strategy in a box don't cha?

Same with reagan's socialist EMTALA - so that illegals could get free health care, including live births and abortions.

As we all know, ObamaCares does not, can not, will not include illegals.

Dems have not given illegals the right to vote. Nor have they "granted amnesty". Wher do the nutters get these lies?

Very funny is that RWNJs don't want to issue driver's licenses. Apparently, they believe no one ever drives without a license and they do not want to know where and who the illegals are. Dumb de Dumb Dumb.

Needless to say, ID/driver's licenses can be counterfeit and yet, the alt right here wanted rescue workers in Texass to demand proof of citizenship. How stupid is that? Most certainly the same idiots who were in favor of AZ SB1070.

You can lead RWNJs to facts but you can't make them think.
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.
That's why reagan signed the amnesty papers, to get illegals to vote for democrats, man you have that strategy in a box don't cha?

No he agreed to that amnesty then Dem's fucked him over by not securing the border as they had promised to do in exchange. He later said it was a huge mistake to compromise on that issue with Dems, no doubt because they are backstabbing assholes.
The president can increase border patrol with a stroke of a pen, a president can also veto....So don't play that ploy with me trying to make Reagan all innocent..He had a soft heart for them and was from California where Berkley started the sanctuary city when Reagan was president...

Obama increased border patrol to more than 18,500. If one considers how much of the border can be guarded, those people are practically holding hands. Thing is, RWNJs, alt right and the like never consider the practical circumstances.
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.
That's why reagan signed the amnesty papers, to get illegals to vote for democrats, man you have that strategy in a box don't cha?

No he agreed to that amnesty then Dem's fucked him over by not securing the border as they had promised to do in exchange. He later said it was a huge mistake to compromise on that issue with Dems, no doubt because they are backstabbing assholes.
The president can increase border patrol with a stroke of a pen, a president can also veto....So don't play that ploy with me trying to make Reagan all innocent..He had a soft heart for them and was from California where Berkley started the sanctuary city when Reagan was president...

Obama increased border patrol to more than 18,500. If one considers how much of the border can be guarded, those people are practically holding hands. Thing is, RWNJs, alt right and the like never consider the practical circumstances.
They claim it 's an open border yet for some reason the drug smugglers keep getting caught trying to catapult weed over the existing wall and digging tunnels....
I'm really trying hard to understand the me please.
You will fight to the death and advocate for your beloved illegals to continue pouring in here by the millions knowing full well the vast majority of them and their offspring will be taxpayer funded liabilities their entire lives.

You ridicule the wealthy positive contributing REAL Americans as if they're the enemy of the nation.

The vast majority of illegal immigrants come here to work- and pay more into our system than they take out. That being said- this liberal is for a comprehensive system that allows for legal temporary labor from Mexico for jobs in Agriculture and other industries that cannot find affordable labor- but prevents illegal labor in high paying jobs such as Construction. I am also in favor of heavily penalizing those who hire illegal labor- and in favor of securing our borders.

I don't ridicule all of the wealthy- I do ridicule those worthy of ridicule. However, just because a person is wealthy doesn't mean that they have necessarily contributed positively for all Americans- there are wealthy who have gotten rich screwing over Americans in real estate deals, and financial scams.

The wealthy are not our enemy- but neither are hard working immigrants that American business's are employing.
You champion for men in dresses but ridicule Christians.
How are these philosophies put together in your head?

How about if I champion for those who need championing? Generally Christians in the United States are in a position of power- but this liberal thinks that the vast majority of Christians are good people but there are some Christians that yes- deserve ridicule.

And there are some men who where dresses who likely deserve ridicule- but the majority of them are good people too- and don't deserve to discriminated against.

Do you think that either transgender or Christians deserve to be discriminated against?
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.
That's why reagan signed the amnesty papers, to get illegals to vote for democrats, man you have that strategy in a box don't cha?

No he agreed to that amnesty then Dem's fucked him over by not securing the border as they had promised to do in exchange. He later said it was a huge mistake to compromise on that issue with Dems, no doubt because they are backstabbing assholes.
The president can increase border patrol with a stroke of a pen, a president can also veto....So don't play that ploy with me trying to make Reagan all innocent..He had a soft heart for them and was from California where Berkley started the sanctuary city when Reagan was president...

Obama increased border patrol to more than 18,500. If one considers how much of the border can be guarded, those people are practically holding hands. Thing is, RWNJs, alt right and the like never consider the practical circumstances.
They claim it 's an open border yet for some reason the drug smugglers keep getting caught trying to catapult weed over the existing wall and digging tunnels....

Yeah- i have never figured out that 'open border' thingie- the RWNJ never were making that claim under Bush, but suddenly under Obama we had an 'open border'- even though the number of illegals crossing went down.
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.
That's why reagan signed the amnesty papers, to get illegals to vote for democrats, man you have that strategy in a box don't cha?

No he agreed to that amnesty then Dem's fucked him over by not securing the border as they had promised to do in exchange. He later said it was a huge mistake to compromise on that issue with Dems, no doubt because they are backstabbing assholes.

The President secures the border- not Congress.
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.
That's why reagan signed the amnesty papers, to get illegals to vote for democrats, man you have that strategy in a box don't cha?

No he agreed to that amnesty then Dem's fucked him over by not securing the border as they had promised to do in exchange. He later said it was a huge mistake to compromise on that issue with Dems, no doubt because they are backstabbing assholes.

The President secures the border- not Congress.

You have no idea how government works.
Liberal's end game, grant amnesty and the right to vote in our elections for those millions of illegals to cancel out the votes of Americans voting Republican and usher in Dem's control of congress for another 40 year stretch.
That's why reagan signed the amnesty papers, to get illegals to vote for democrats, man you have that strategy in a box don't cha?

No he agreed to that amnesty then Dem's fucked him over by not securing the border as they had promised to do in exchange. He later said it was a huge mistake to compromise on that issue with Dems, no doubt because they are backstabbing assholes.

The President secures the border- not Congress.

You have no idea how government works.

LOL- love how you supported your statement.

Yes- the President secures the border- not Congress.

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