Liberals Will Have A Stroke

Definition of Liberal in the Oxford English Dictionary; noun, living abortion.
That is beyo nd hateful. Pathetic.
xband is partially right. The correct definition is: Liberal; survivor of a botched abortion.
You wish the liberals were aborted.
Want to add gays too, I bet.
Good idea! I never thought of it.
And you consider yourself pro-life I bet.
Well, too bad. If you're feet hurt when walking get a pair of shoes. It's not possible to cover the entire earth with leather.
xband is partially right. The correct definition is: Liberal; survivor of a botched abortion.
You wish the liberals were aborted.
Want to add gays too, I bet.
Good idea! I never thought of it.
And you consider yourself pro-life I bet.
Abortion is murder, yes.
So, you'd like to murder liberals and gays. Right? Is that your religious code?
Want to add gays too, I bet.
Good idea! I never thought of it.
And you consider yourself pro-life I bet.
Abortion is murder, yes.
So, you'd like to murder liberals and gays. Right? Is that your religious code?
Go play in the street.
What on earth ever happened to you to make you want to eliminate anyone you disagree with?
One more 1st Amendment issue to cause Liberals to go berserk.

The sheriff for York-Poquoson counties in Virginia has added America’s national motto, “In God We Trust,” to his patrol cars, offering an extensive legal defense for his actions.

Sheriff J.D. “Danny” Diggs posed for a photo on the York County’s Facebook page showing the new decal on a sheriff’s vehicle.

In the post, Diggs says his goal is not to offend anyone, but rather to honor God. He said posting the motto on patrol cars “does not injure or threaten anyone.”

Sheriff Adds 4 Words to His Patrol Cars – Liberals Outraged – American Spotlight
so a crazy goy cop paint stuff on his car!! such a surprise!!!
Go suck some milkweed...

Make Cannabis Industry Reparations by Favoring Criminal Marijuana Convictions




Dims, their eyes glaze over when 30 plus people in California get murdered by members of ISIS, then yell "Taliban!" when someone writes "In God we Trust" on something.

You see, this is why your insane.


Dims, their eyes glaze over when 30 plus people in California get murdered by members of ISIS, then yell "Taliban!" when someone writes "In God we Trust" on something.

You see, this is why your insane.

First off, there were only 14 people killed, as well as only about 30 people who were injured by the San Bernadino shooter.

And...................nobody has yelled "Taliban" about the whole "In God We Trust" slogans that have been written on our money. Most people don't know that it was originally the state motto of Florida and later became adopted by the United States, and was printed on the currency of this country. was never referred to in the Constitution.
In God We Trust has been a US motto for a long, long, long time....then suddenly a minority became 'offended' and demanded the majority, and the nation / government, change to suit them.

Here's a better idea: If it suddenly offends you to the point where you can't take it anymore.....LEAVE.

Enough of the minority forcing the majority to 'asimilate' / 'surrender' in appeasement.
In God We Trust has been a US motto for a long, long, long time....then suddenly a minority became 'offended' and demanded the majority, and the nation / government, change to suit them.

Here's a better idea: If it suddenly offends you to the point where you can't take it anymore.....LEAVE.

Enough of the minority forcing the majority to 'asimilate' / 'surrender' in appeasement.

You know................I spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and also served in no less than 4 war zones, so not much that this country stands for, or has as a motto offends me.

However.............idiots such as yourself who really don't understand what they are defending, nor do they understand where and why such things came from (as evidenced by your "In God we trust" statement), are the ones that really piss me off.

By the was a minority of people who lobbied successfully to get that motto put on our money and get it adopted as a national slogan.
In God We Trust has been a US motto for a long, long, long time....then suddenly a minority became 'offended' and demanded the majority, and the nation / government, change to suit them.

Here's a better idea: If it suddenly offends you to the point where you can't take it anymore.....LEAVE.

Enough of the minority forcing the majority to 'asimilate' / 'surrender' in appeasement.

You know................I spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and also served in no less than 4 war zones, so not much that this country stands for, or has as a motto offends me.

However.............idiots such as yourself who really don't understand what they are defending, nor do they understand where and why such things came from (as evidenced by your "In God we trust" statement), are the ones that really piss me off.

By the was a minority of people who lobbied successfully to get that motto put on our money and get it adopted as a national slogan.
So then it's OK for a 'minority' to have the motto removed. ..............Right?
I'm sure there's a 'minority' of people who want McDonalds to start selling whale blubber too.
Identify this 'minority'. 'Minority of the population? People who had the legal right to vote at the time? Who?
Yeah, because if the police chief in this instance can put "in God we trust" on his cars, then the police chief in Dearborn MI should be able to put Allah Akbar on theirs.

What's okay for one religion should be allowed for all. Fairness and all that.

your post is absolutely stupid beyond utterly stupid, "allah" refers to only one religion, whereas "GOD" is recognized by many religions.
They'll be able to keep it. It is not the establishment of a particular religion.
Oh but it will offend atheists. Their feelings will be hurt and you know now it's illegal to hurt other people's feelings with your free speech rights.

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