Liberals would screen American gun buyers more intensely than Syrian "refugees"!?

Liberals daily are shitting their pants just thinking about whether the guy living across the street from them might have a gun.
I am a liberal and I have does both my a sheriff's deputy and the other a Border Patrol Agent. We're all buds.
they let dumb fks own guns? wow, I thought there was a background check to weed out the dumb fks. You made it through. Not much of a gun law then.
Syrian Refugees: Here's How the Screening Process Works
What happens once a refugee is referred to the U.S.?

Our government performs its own intensive screening, a process that includes consultation from nine different government agencies. They meet weekly to review a refugee’s case file and, if appropriate, determine where in the U.S. the individual should be placed. When choosing where to place a refugee, officials consider factors such as existing family in the U.S., employment possibilities and special factors like access to needed medical treatment.

How do we know the refugees aren’t terrorists?

Every refugee goes through an intensive vetting process, but the precautions are increased for Syrians. Multiple law enforcement, intelligence and security agencies perform “the most rigorous screening of any traveler to the U.S.,” says a senior administration official. Among the agencies involved are the State Department, the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. A DHS officer conducts in-person interviews with every applicant. Biometric information such as fingerprints are collected and matched against criminal databases. Biographical information such as past visa applications are scrutinized to ensure the applicant’s story coheres.

What percentage of applicants “pass” the screening process?

Just over 50%.

Yeah...and all of that is dependent on the home country having a functioning bureaucracy...which Syria doesn't have so there is no paper trail on any of these you can have every single government agency in the United States screen these people.....and it doesn't matter....there is no record to look at......see the problem genius......?

Biometric information such as fingerprints are collected and matched against criminal databases. Biographical information such as past visa applications are scrutinized to ensure the applicant’s story coheres.

There are no data bases in Syria to consult genius.....just ask the head of the FBI......
Liberals daily are shitting their pants just thinking about whether the guy living across the street from them might have a gun.
I am a liberal and I have does both my a sheriff's deputy and the other a Border Patrol Agent. We're all buds.
Double-D will now call you a liar because "liberal owning guns" doesn't fit his narrative.

No....liberals often have guns...usually in the hands of hired body guards like Rosie O'donell and Mayor Bloomberg...two of the biggest gun grabbers out there...dittos obama, kerry, and the clintons...they all have bodyguards with guns......they don't want other people to have guns...that is the problem....
Syrian Refugees: Here's How the Screening Process Works
What happens once a refugee is referred to the U.S.?

Our government performs its own intensive screening, a process that includes consultation from nine different government agencies. They meet weekly to review a refugee’s case file and, if appropriate, determine where in the U.S. the individual should be placed. When choosing where to place a refugee, officials consider factors such as existing family in the U.S., employment possibilities and special factors like access to needed medical treatment.

How do we know the refugees aren’t terrorists?

Every refugee goes through an intensive vetting process, but the precautions are increased for Syrians. Multiple law enforcement, intelligence and security agencies perform “the most rigorous screening of any traveler to the U.S.,” says a senior administration official. Among the agencies involved are the State Department, the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. A DHS officer conducts in-person interviews with every applicant. Biometric information such as fingerprints are collected and matched against criminal databases. Biographical information such as past visa applications are scrutinized to ensure the applicant’s story coheres.

What percentage of applicants “pass” the screening process?

Just over 50%.

Yeah...and all of that is dependent on the home country having a functioning bureaucracy...which Syria doesn't have so there is no paper trail on any of these you can have every single government agency in the United States screen these people.....and it doesn't matter....there is no record to look at......see the problem genius......?

Biometric information such as fingerprints are collected and matched against criminal databases. Biographical information such as past visa applications are scrutinized to ensure the applicant’s story coheres.

There are no data bases in Syria to consult genius.....just ask the head of the FBI......

Exactly. There's nothing to check these people against. The fingerprint database of Syrian police?? Probably was shitty before...and probably been burned or bombed by ISIS or Russia by now. And even it if existed...why would Assad cooperate with us??

Fact is....this is a blank slate refugee mob. We are taking them...blank slate....nothing about their past can be verified.
I'll just about rejoice when some of your poor Syrian refugees bomb San Francisco City Hall.
You must have been disappointed that the Paris attacks weren't carried out by Syrians. But thanks for letting us know you support terrorist attacks against Americans.
Liberals would screen American gun buyers more intensely than Syrian "refugees"!?

This fails as both a straw man and false comparison fallacy.

The premise is a ridiculous lie, and it's idiocy to compare firearm regulatory measures with immigration law and policy – one having nothing to do with the other.
So, then you're going on record to admit that gun control has nothing to do with the safety of the American people then Clayton?
I'll just about rejoice when some of your poor Syrian refugees bomb San Francisco City Hall.
You must have been disappointed that the Paris attacks weren't carried out by Syrians. But thanks for letting us know you support terrorist attacks against Americans.
You don't understand either.... Of course I don't support terrorist acts against anyone, but if we allow these people in our country, there WILL be terrorist acts on the scale of what happened in Paris.
Right now all you "enlightened" Liberals are patting each other on the back incredibly impressed with how compassionate you are.
What will be your reaction when these people you have "saved" turn against you and turn one of your "gun free zones" in a "sanctuary city" into a blood bath?

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