Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?

No and no. What would be the point?

Well....liberals want gun control. Someone would have to take the guns. Pro-gun cops and military most of them wouldn't do it.

So....would liberals be willing to volunteer to do the dirty work? Go door to door enforcing a gun ban?

The 2nd part....would they want a gun to protect them while they did it? If yes...or no...why?

Your bad, gun control isn't gun confiscation. 2 different things. Learn!

Why is it always the nutters like buc90 who talk about banning?

They are their own worst enemies.
Of course not. Most gun owners are very responsible

What I do support:

Gun Registration
"Fingerprinting" each gun
100% licenses or background check on every sale

No freedom in that... Just stupidity
Of course not. Most gun owners are very responsible

What I do support:

Gun Registration
"Fingerprinting" each gun
100% licenses or background check on every sale

No freedom in that... Just stupidity

How does that affect the "freedom" of responsible gun owners?

Your freedom to sell guns to criminals?
The dirty little secret is that lefties, including the ignorant community agitator who became president, aren't interested in protecting Americans from gun violence or any other violence for that matter. It could be argued that the democrat party's war on Christianity led to a maniac becoming fixated on killing Christians. It ain't about "gun control", it's about control. The Hussein administration had a solid democrat honeymoon for two years after the worst school shooting in history in Va. Tech. Blacksburg, Va. where a maniac murdered 32 people and Barry Hussein could have had any restrictive gun control legislation on his desk in a week but it didn't happen. Gun control is a political issue that democrats use when they are in the minority.
The dirty little secret is that lefties, including the ignorant community agitator who became president, aren't interested in protecting Americans from gun violence or any other violence for that matter. It could be argued that the democrat party's war on Christianity led to a maniac becoming fixated on killing Christians. It ain't about "gun control", it's about control. The Hussein administration had a solid democrat honeymoon for two years after the worst school shooting in history in Va. Tech. Blacksburg, Va. where a maniac murdered 32 people and Barry Hussein could have had any restrictive gun control legislation on his desk in a week but it didn't happen. Gun control is a political issue that democrats use when they are in the minority.

Interesting word salad, but a little too much vinaigrette....
There will not be a national law banning guns because that would be unconstitutional

Precisely. The constitutional is very hard to change. The support for repealing the 2A isn't there right now.

What might be more believable is if in the distant future, there is enough support for legislation which reclassifies semiautomatic firearms as class III firearms. The cost and paperwork in owning such a firearm would become onerous and the severe penalties for not conforming to the law would not be worth the risk for many. This would be Diane Feinstein's 1995: "Mr. and Mrs. America, Turn Them All In" scenario.

So now you have a population violating a very serious law who, by the standard of the law, has to be disarmed.

Who does it and how?

Trying to help you out here Bucs:beer:

You know nothing of firearms... Semi automatic firearms? Class III? You silly fool.
All over the counter firearms are the same... Give us your insight on the difference... Then I will set you straight.

Stupid is as stupid does... Is you.
Liberals would need illegal aliens to do it. Can you imagine those sissies in their skinny jeans disarming people?
No and no. What would be the point?

Well....liberals want gun control. Someone would have to take the guns. Pro-gun cops and military most of them wouldn't do it.

So....would liberals be willing to volunteer to do the dirty work? Go door to door enforcing a gun ban?

The 2nd part....would they want a gun to protect them while they did it? If yes...or no...why?

Your bad, gun control isn't gun confiscation. 2 different things. Learn!

Why is it always the nutters like buc90 who talk about banning?

They are their own worst enemies.

Its so Bucs cam present his strawman, knock it down and claim to be smart for it. If he was honest he would address what someone says instead of making up hypothetical stories like in the OP
NOPE, don't support mass gun confiscation....

It would not solve our immediate problems, only the criminals would be left with guns!!!!!!

Cops may want would make it easier for them to identify criminals maybe?

And in the long run, the huge black market in guns that the criminals use to get guns, would dry up, or at least shrivel on the vine....

But the 10 years plus to get to that benefit would be horrendous and leave us good guys unable to protect ourselves....So, confiscation is out of the question.

There's got to be something else we can do, I just don't know what?
Of course not. Most gun owners are very responsible

What I do support:

Gun Registration
"Fingerprinting" each gun
100% licenses or background check on every sale

No freedom in that... Just stupidity

How does that affect the "freedom" of responsible gun owners?

Your freedom to sell guns to criminals?

If one is honest and not a criminal, terrorist, they should not object to responsible controls.
Of course not. Most gun owners are very responsible

What I do support:

Gun Registration
"Fingerprinting" each gun
100% licenses or background check on every sale

No freedom in that... Just stupidity

How does that affect the "freedom" of responsible gun owners?

Your freedom to sell guns to criminals?

If one is honest and not a criminal, terrorist, they should not object to responsible controls.

I hope your kidding... There should be no trust in the federal government.

Their track record is to encourage zero trust.
There are two kinds of people who want guns. Those who want them for safety, hunting, recreation, etc. And those who want them for murder, intimidation, and "cause its cool."

We'd be better off to address the later camp than to pass "gun control" because making it "illegal" is just another notch in their "bad boy" image portrayals.
Ideally, Progressives want us to become North Korea, where only the leaders have guns and they can kill their political enemies with flame throwers, AA guns, anything
Of course not. Most gun owners are very responsible

What I do support:

Gun Registration
"Fingerprinting" each gun
100% licenses or background check on every sale

No freedom in that... Just stupidity

How does that affect the "freedom" of responsible gun owners?

Your freedom to sell guns to criminals?

If one is honest and not a criminal, terrorist, they should not object to responsible controls.

You would think that a responsible gun owner would appeciate the help in not selling his guns to a criminal
"Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?"

The ignorance and stupidity of this speaks for itself.

This also fails as a loaded question fallacy.

Another example of a loaded question fallacy would be:

“Conservatives: Would you volunteer enforcing arrest warrants for women who had abortions?”
No and no. What would be the point?

Well....liberals want gun control. Someone would have to take the guns. Pro-gun cops and military most of them wouldn't do it.

So....would liberals be willing to volunteer to do the dirty work? Go door to door enforcing a gun ban?

The 2nd part....would they want a gun to protect them while they did it? If yes...or no...why?

Liberals support gun control measures that comport with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

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