Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?

2 questions for libs.

1) If America passed an immediate mass gun round up to end shootings here once and for all...and asked for a volunteer "civilian defense force" to confiscate them....would YOU volunteer to confiscate guns??

2) If so....would you want a gun to protect yourself while doing so?

LOL! Absent Anti-Americans, thus 'liberals'... there could be no such confiscation.

But... even if there was, as with every other Leftist policy the result would be the opposite of the promised 'end to shootings'.

It would however cull the most offensive cultists from the herd.
It would however cull the most offensive cultists from the herd

More christian revenge fantasies
About what I expected out of you

Now, go play in traffic

Sorry, I know the truth hurts... The numbers speak for themselves and can not lie.
Rustic, do you truly believe that if the Federal Government was coming to get you, that your supply of guns could stop their Drone strike on your house?

No, I believe the federal government is so screwed up there is no chance for recovery. There is not enough money in the world to pay debts and LIABILITYS. (20 trillion debt, 120 trillion plus LIABILITYS)

So we do not need to go off half cocked and striking down the few freedoms we have left.

I refuse to Obama worship
Republicans think government is bad. And when they are in charge, they make sure it's bad. Self fulfilling prophecy.

Libertarian here... Sorry

Republican with no soul
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".

Bucs... I'm not here to question or insult your almighty knowledge about 2A and gun expertise. I just want to ask you some realistic question since you advocate more guns to counter violence. 1. If you have adult kids in the college you pack them with hand gun for defense. When there's shooting you get up and start firing. Correct?
2. When shooting start other kids will join the gun battle. Correct?
3. When shooting started there will be a massive panic. Next class room will join the gun battle. By that time so many kids shooting you may not be able to tell who is the shooter. Can you imagine how many other kids will die during this gun battle. Correct?
4. Armed professor or teacher. Do you expect these educators carrying gun on one hand and book in one while inside the class? When a murderer showed up at the door. Do you expect the killer to tell them im going to shoot you now.
5. Do you really expect when shooting start these educators will join the gun battle? Maybe they just run.
6. Do you expect these kids will join the gun battle?
7. Realistically I don't expect YOU or others here to join or even get involved in gun battle.
So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings?
Or. Maybe you can explain how is more guns will solve or stop these mass shootings.
"Realistically" are you aware of the training involved in order to obtain a CWP?
What your Hollywood blockbuster description tries to portray would never happen with disciplined carriers.

"Realistically" what is your solution?

It's beyond absurd... they have absolutely no grasp of reality.
they have absolutely no grasp of reality

Oh the irony
What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".

Bucs... I'm not here to question or insult your almighty knowledge about 2A and gun expertise. I just want to ask you some realistic question since you advocate more guns to counter violence. 1. If you have adult kids in the college you pack them with hand gun for defense. When there's shooting you get up and start firing. Correct?
2. When shooting start other kids will join the gun battle. Correct?
3. When shooting started there will be a massive panic. Next class room will join the gun battle. By that time so many kids shooting you may not be able to tell who is the shooter. Can you imagine how many other kids will die during this gun battle. Correct?
4. Armed professor or teacher. Do you expect these educators carrying gun on one hand and book in one while inside the class? When a murderer showed up at the door. Do you expect the killer to tell them im going to shoot you now.
5. Do you really expect when shooting start these educators will join the gun battle? Maybe they just run.
6. Do you expect these kids will join the gun battle?
7. Realistically I don't expect YOU or others here to join or even get involved in gun battle.
So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings?
Or. Maybe you can explain how is more guns will solve or stop these mass shootings.
"Realistically" are you aware of the training involved in order to obtain a CWP?
What your Hollywood blockbuster description tries to portray would never happen with disciplined carriers.

"Realistically" what is your solution?

Can you give me another scenario where someone was able to defend themselves when mass shootings occur? No I do not have a solution that is why I'm asking the experts like you.
Do you have a solution? Aside from selling more guns to the public? Will it be better if every liquor stores just sell guns just like cigarettes?
When shooting started.. Are you going to get involve in the fire fight?

Well Hortysir... I'm waiting for your expert opinion. Where are you?
This was posted at 130am.
I was in bed, dimwit.
I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet, but there are videos of armed citizens stopping robberies all over YouTube.
"Mass shootings"? Much more rare but I seem to recall armed security guards stopping a couple nutjobs at an art show in Texas.
There were armed students in this most recent shooting spree and they acted responsibly and didn't engage in a wild west shootout with innocents in the crossfire.

Myself, personally? "Realistically", I probably would behave the same way unless a good shot presented itself.

Now, do you propose new and stricter gun laws as a solution?
How many laws did this particular nutjob break in this incident?
Because the nutjob at Sandy Hook broke around15 laws that day. Not the least of which "assault rifles" were already 'banned' in CT.

So, like in any similar discussion, I ask AGAIN :
What law would you introduce to stop this kind of thing from happening again?

I have a couple suggestions but they really aren't any kind of "law".
I would like to return to an America where life has value.
Where there is a parent present in the home to teach the value of life.

But modern America teaches us that abortion is an acceptable "choice" and mom and dad think that both of them has to work so everyone can have their own iPhone, the big screen tv and the newest shoes and styles.....So Johnny gets to sit at home alone on his ps4 shooting zombies and thinking it's one around to teach him the difference between fantasy and reality.

We don't have a gun problem.
We have a culture problem
I'm telling an example of a reality. So what is your point?

You're fantasizing. There's nothing real about it. Because you have no means to understand the circumstances.

Gun fights are nothing like you describe.

Normal, stable, viable human beings do not just pull their sidearms and start shooting indiscriminately when a gun is discharged.

Normal, stable, viable human beings in possession of a firearm bear a tremendous responsibility and they are keenly aware of that responsibility every moment that they are carrying. And rest assured that it is NOTHING as you describe. As I said, with regard to your fantasy... it's absurd.
A few years back I was training down at our local range and had the misfortune of standing in the lane next to a roided-out nut job.

Understand, I am 55 years old, with extensive firearm experience, and expert in the use of all of the equipment I own and then some and have been trained by and have trained some of the best in the world.

Anywho... to make a long story short, this 'guy', who appeared to me to be in his mid-30s, had come onto the firing line with two women... and took the lane to my left, during a cold line. I noticed that he was a bit of a joke, with military boots, utility trousers and a sidearm, (1911 .45APC) holstered on his hip and it appeared that he was wearing a soft vest under his T-shirt which advertised some gun shop or shooting event.

Once the line was declared hot, I returned to my station and resumed my regimen.

Uncharacteristically... as I am firing, I receive a tap on my Left shoulder (Again... it's a hot line, I'm firing...) and the knucklehead 'informs' me that I need to get some 'eye-pro'.

I remind him that it's a hot line, that I'm hot... and subsequently returned to my work.

When I was cycling to the next stage, he tells me in a raised voice, in what can only be a 'command', to "... get my eye-pro on'. To which I respond "No thanks, I don't train with eye-pro.", and I return to my work.

In my peripheral vision I see him leave and I sense that he's going to tattle to the range officer.

Sure enough, within a few minutes the range officer walks over to my station, waits for me to finish my cycle and asks if I wouldn't mind wearing the eye-pro... and points to the sign which requires it... and explains that it would be a favor to him and that he'd appreciate it. So I agree. Put on the eye-pro... and return to work.

When the line goes cold, I turn to my nosey neighbor and ask his name... 'I'm John". I tell him that I'm "W" and that while I appreciate his attention to line safety... that inserting himself into my lane is unsafe... distracting the shooter, unsafe ... and that at well over double the age of consent, with all of that time as an expert shooter, the next time he sees me in a lane, if he sees what he feels is an unsafe condition, to please keep it to his fuckin' self. "Understand?". Whereupon I gave him plenty of time to respond, while searching his eyes for some sign. Sadly, for the would be safety advocate, what I saw instead, was building rage.

But hey... he needed it and he's likely get over it.

So the range is declared hot and I go back to work. I see John leave out of my left peripheral and in the strangest turn of events, the next moment John is in my lane, hugging up my right side, asking me if I think I'm a tough guy. (It's a hot line, and I've got a hot sidearm in my hands... ) "John ... get the fuck out of my lane."

He steps back out of my view and I thought out of my lane... so I think he's gone.

At that moment, John punches me directly in the side of my head. Then a shot the ribs... .

Well... I'm caught a little shocked... even for a douche this is pretty fucked up. But the first thing I needed to know is where was the side arm John was holstering on his hip, so, as my arms are extended, as I am in the processes of firing a cycle, I looked under my right arm to see where that piece was... in the same motion I looked to clear the pending shot... .

The piece was still holstered, but even if it had not been, I had no shot because the lanes were packed that day and there were several children directly behind John... and with the ball ammo I was firing, John would not have slowed them down much... . In the mean time, I've got a hot Sig and began to clear it, so I could deal with John. (Time lapsed now, 1-1.5 seconds).

Before I get the Sig back down to the bench, John's arm comes around my head and the douche starts choking me. So I just stand there, with a loaded firearm, as this jackass is hangin' off my neck trying to pull me out of my lane... .

It didn't take long before the range guys came a runnin' and stuck a pistol to his head, gettin' his attention... and he let go an was summarily dismissed from the range... FOREVER.

Now... I pass that along to point out that responsible people with loaded firearms do not just start shooting when their lives and/or safety is being threatened. The purpose of the firearm is to defend your life, from those who present no alternative but deadly force.

The Prog Mass-Murderers are examples of precisely that.

Suggestions that having an opposing firearm ready, is dangerous, is LUDICROUS...

Because the safety level in that moment and at that place is ALREADY off the scale.

And "Dangerous" is quite literally, a stark improvement in the general condition.

See how that works?
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A few years back I was training down at our local range and had the misfortune of standing in the lane next to a roided-out nut job.

Understand, I am 55 years old, with extensive firearm experience, and expert in the use of all of the equipment I own and then some and have been trained by and have trained some of the best in the world.

Anywho... to make a long story short, this 'guy', who appeared to me to be in his mid-30s, had come onto the firing line with two women... and took the lane to my left, during a cold line. I noticed that he was a bit of a joke, with military boots, utility trousers and a sidearm, (1911 .45APC) holstered on his hip and it appeared that he was wearing a soft vest under his T-shirt which advertised some gun shop or shooting event.

Once the line was declared hot, I returned to my station and resumed my regimen.

Uncharacteristically... as I am firing, I receive a tap on my Left shoulder (Again... it's a hot line, I'm firing...) and the knucklehead 'informs' me that I need to get some 'eye-pro'.

I remind him that it's a hot line, that I'm hot... and subsequently returned to my work.

When I was cycling to the next stage, he tells me in a raised voice, in what can only be a 'command', to "... get my eye-pro on'. To which I respond "No thanks, I don't train with eye-pro.", and I return to my work.

In my peripheral vision I see him leave and I sense that he's going to tattle to the range officer.

Sure enough, within a few minutes the range officer walks over to my station, waits for me to finish my cycle and asks if I wouldn't mind wearing the eye-pro... and points to the sign which requires it... and explains that it wold be a favor to him and that he'd appreciate it. So I agree. Put on the eye-pro... and return to work.

When the line goes cold, I turn to my nosey neighbor and ask his name... 'I'm John". I tell him that I'm "W" and that while I appreciate his attention to line safety... that inserting himself into my lane is unsafe... distracting the shooter, unsafe ... and that at well over double the age of consent, with all of that time as an expert shooter, the next time he sees me in a lane, if he sees what he feels is an unsafe condition, to please keep it to his fuckin' self. "Understand?". Whereupon I gave him plenty of time to respond, while searching his eyes for some sign. Sadly, for the would be safety advocate, what I saw instead, was building rage.

But hey... he needed it and he's likely get over it.

So the range is declared hot and I go back to work. I see John leave out of my left peripheral and in the strangest turn of events, the next moment John is in my lane, hugging up my right side, asking me if I think I'm a tough guy. (It's a hot line, and I've got a hot sidearm in my hands... ) "John ... get the fuck out of my lane."

He steps back out of my view and I thought out of my lane... so I think he's gone.

At that moment, John punches me directly in the side of my head. Then a shot the ribs... .

Well... I'm caught a little shocked... even for a douche this is pretty fucked up. But the first thing I needed to know is where was the side arm John was holstering on his hip, so, as my arms are extended, as I am in the processes of firing a cycle, I looked under my right arm to see where that piece was... in the same motion I looked clear the pending shot... .

The piece was still holstered, but even if it had not been, I had no shot because the lanes were packed that day and there were several children directly behind John... and with the ball ammo I was firing, john would not have slowed them down much... . In the mean time, I've got a hot Sig and began to clear it, so I could deal with John. (Time lapsed now, 1-1.5 seconds).

Before I get the Sig back down to the bench, John's arm comes around my head and the douche starts chocking me. So I just stand there, with a loaded firearm, as this jackass is hangin' off my neck trying to pull me out of my lane... .

It didn't take long before the range guys came a runnin' and stuck a pistol to his head, gettin' his attention... and he let go an was summarily dismissed from the range... FOREVER.

Now... I pass that along to point out that responsible people with loaded firearms do not just start shooting when their lives and/or safety is being threatened. The purpose of the firearm is to defend your life, from those who present no alternative but deadly force.

The Prog Mass-Murderers are examples of precisely that.

Suggestions that having an opposing firearm ready is dangerous is LUDICROUS... given that the safety level in that moment and at that place is ALREADY off the scale. "Dangerous" is a stark improvement in the general condition.

See how that works?
Well....I see my thread brought the typical response from liberals. Avoiding the topic.

They want gun bans. But....won't answer to the consequences of one or the necessary action to enforce one. They won't volunteer to be the ones going house to house taking guns. And they will NEVER admit that in that situation...they'd want a gun to protect them.
It is a wonderful paradox isn't it?

The problem ya have here, is that those to whom the question was asked, are Relativists. Thus they literally lack the means to reason objectively.

In normal times, outside of "The Far-side" existence we find ourselves in... such people would be institutionalized, with little to no access to the general public. Today, we just call them Mouthy British Socialists posing as US Citizens, passing along Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle.
Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".

Bucs... I'm not here to question or insult your almighty knowledge about 2A and gun expertise. I just want to ask you some realistic question since you advocate more guns to counter violence. 1. If you have adult kids in the college you pack them with hand gun for defense. When there's shooting you get up and start firing. Correct?
2. When shooting start other kids will join the gun battle. Correct?
3. When shooting started there will be a massive panic. Next class room will join the gun battle. By that time so many kids shooting you may not be able to tell who is the shooter. Can you imagine how many other kids will die during this gun battle. Correct?
4. Armed professor or teacher. Do you expect these educators carrying gun on one hand and book in one while inside the class? When a murderer showed up at the door. Do you expect the killer to tell them im going to shoot you now.
5. Do you really expect when shooting start these educators will join the gun battle? Maybe they just run.
6. Do you expect these kids will join the gun battle?
7. Realistically I don't expect YOU or others here to join or even get involved in gun battle.
So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings?
Or. Maybe you can explain how is more guns will solve or stop these mass shootings.
"Realistically" are you aware of the training involved in order to obtain a CWP?
What your Hollywood blockbuster description tries to portray would never happen with disciplined carriers.

"Realistically" what is your solution?

Can you give me another scenario where someone was able to defend themselves when mass shootings occur? No I do not have a solution that is why I'm asking the experts like you.
Do you have a solution? Aside from selling more guns to the public? Will it be better if every liquor stores just sell guns just like cigarettes?
When shooting started.. Are you going to get involve in the fire fight?

Well Hortysir... I'm waiting for your expert opinion. Where are you?
This was posted at 130am.
I was in bed, dimwit.
I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet, but there are videos of armed citizens stopping robberies all over YouTube.
"Mass shootings"? Much more rare but I seem to recall armed security guards stopping a couple nutjobs at an art show in Texas.
There were armed students in this most recent shooting spree and they acted responsibly and didn't engage in a wild west shootout with innocents in the crossfire.

Myself, personally? "Realistically", I probably would behave the same way unless a good shot presented itself.

Now, do you propose new and stricter gun laws as a solution?
How many laws did this particular nutjob break in this incident?
Because the nutjob at Sandy Hook broke around15 laws that day. Not the least of which "assault rifles" were already 'banned' in CT.

So, like in any similar discussion, I ask AGAIN :
What law would you introduce to stop this kind of thing from happening again?

I have a couple suggestions but they really aren't any kind of "law".
I would like to return to an America where life has value.
Where there is a parent present in the home to teach the value of life.

But modern America teaches us that abortion is an acceptable "choice" and mom and dad think that both of them has to work so everyone can have their own iPhone, the big screen tv and the newest shoes and styles.....So Johnny gets to sit at home alone on his ps4 shooting zombies and thinking it's one around to teach him the difference between fantasy and reality.

We don't have a gun problem.
We have a culture problem

So more guns will save more lives? We should sell guns on every liquor store like cigarettes so everyone should be armed? Don't work about any BC just sell it. As I previously mentioned I do not have a solution but I have a question... Like arming a professor will save lives... Do you really expect these people will really engage in gun battle? How is more guns solve this problem?
I'm telling an example of a reality. So what is your point?

You're fantasizing. There's nothing real about it. Because you have no means to understand the circumstances.

Gun fights are nothing like you describe.

Normal, stable, viable human beings do not just pull their sidearms and start shooting indiscriminately when a gun is discharged.

Normal, stable, viable human beings in possession of a firearm bear a tremendous responsibility and they are keenly aware of that responsibility every moment that they are carrying. And rest assured that it is NOTHING as you describe. As I said, with regard to your fantasy... it's absurd.

LOL... Normal, stable viable human being I agree... but what if a human being is not as stable or not trained like you? So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings? I have several conservative friends in California that has massive gun collections that favor some forms of gun restrictions. It's not just liberals or conservatives or whatever groups that favor gun restrictions.
One of my fantasy as you mentioned... Do you really expect a professor carrying one gun on one hand or his/her gun sitting on top of his desk will be able to protect him/herself? Do you really expect the shooter will give you a warning such as.... I'm coming here to murder so you can pull your gun can we even assure that they will even engage in a gun battle? Since you are the expert maybe you can wake me up in my fantasy.
Through out these years I fired at least 3 disgruntled employees and I use myself as an example of this scenario. If any of those nuts will walk into my building and shoot me...(using my iPhone as an example gun sitting on top of my desk). There ain't no way I can protect myself.

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