Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?

"Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?"

Yes, but only for NRA extremists who refuse to accept reasonable gun control measures.

Tell me, what is responsible???

When the federal government can't be trusted...

Gubmint is EVIL!

Na, just incompetent... In a colossal, unrecoverable way.
We have the best government on the planet

If you disagree, I will challenge you to name a better one
If they name better governments, it will be either Russia or China.
"Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?"

Yes, but only for NRA extremists who refuse to accept reasonable gun control measures.

Tell me, what is responsible???

When the federal government can't be trusted...

Gubmint is EVIL!

Na, just incompetent... In a colossal, unrecoverable way.
We have the best government on the planet

If you disagree, I will challenge you to name a better one

I agree mostly. Overall the best. Or least bad. But we can do many things better.
According to Republicans, we can't. I think they just want us to give up and let this country die. Like their health care plan.
2 questions for libs.

1) If America passed an immediate mass gun round up to end shootings here once and for all...and asked for a volunteer "civilian defense force" to confiscate them....would YOU volunteer to confiscate guns??

2) If so....would you want a gun to protect yourself while doing so?

No. I don't support ineffective measures like bans or confiscations. If they worked I would, but they don't. Problem isn't guns but people willing to murder other people because of some personal problem.

Yes... like, 'I won't fit into my Prom Dress'... and "I just love to screw and I'm just not ready to raise a child"
Tell me, what is responsible???

When the federal government can't be trusted...

Gubmint is EVIL!

Na, just incompetent... In a colossal, unrecoverable way.
We have the best government on the planet

If you disagree, I will challenge you to name a better one

I agree mostly. Overall the best. Or least bad. But we can do many things better.
According to Republicans, we can't. I think they just want us to give up and let this country die. Like their health care plan.

Health care is none of the federal governments business... Anyway, the country is broke, it can afford social do nothing programs.
How in the world you know people in your town own 20, 40 50 guns? Do they tell you that they have arsenals? Here in Key Biscayne where I live most of my entire life and my whole where crime is none existent. We despise people that supports NRA and politics that are puppets of NRA. Few have guns but there are no gun nuts. We have few guns but none existent crime. So what is your point?
Our dollar is the gold standard of the whole planet. When you go to grocery, buy guns, buy house. What currency do you use? Yuan? rubles?

Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".

Bucs... I'm not here to question or insult your almighty knowledge about 2A and gun expertise. I just want to ask you some realistic question since you advocate more guns to counter violence. 1. If you have adult kids in the college you pack them with hand gun for defense. When there's shooting you get up and start firing. Correct?
2. When shooting start other kids will join the gun battle. Correct?
3. When shooting started there will be a massive panic. Next class room will join the gun battle. By that time so many kids shooting you may not be able to tell who is the shooter. Can you imagine how many other kids will die during this gun battle. Correct?
4. Armed professor or teacher. Do you expect these educators carrying gun on one hand and book in one while inside the class? When a murderer showed up at the door. Do you expect the killer to tell them im going to shoot you now.
5. Do you really expect when shooting start these educators will join the gun battle? Maybe they just run.
6. Do you expect these kids will join the gun battle?
7. Realistically I don't expect YOU or others here to join or even get involved in gun battle.
So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings?
Or. Maybe you can explain how is more guns will solve or stop these mass shootings.
"Realistically" are you aware of the training involved in order to obtain a CWP?
What your Hollywood blockbuster description tries to portray would never happen with disciplined carriers.

"Realistically" what is your solution?
Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".

Bucs... I'm not here to question or insult your almighty knowledge about 2A and gun expertise. I just want to ask you some realistic question since you advocate more guns to counter violence. 1. If you have adult kids in the college you pack them with hand gun for defense. When there's shooting you get up and start firing. Correct?
2. When shooting start other kids will join the gun battle. Correct?
3. When shooting started there will be a massive panic. Next class room will join the gun battle. By that time so many kids shooting you may not be able to tell who is the shooter. Can you imagine how many other kids will die during this gun battle. Correct?
4. Armed professor or teacher. Do you expect these educators carrying gun on one hand and book in one while inside the class? When a murderer showed up at the door. Do you expect the killer to tell them im going to shoot you now.
5. Do you really expect when shooting start these educators will join the gun battle? Maybe they just run.
6. Do you expect these kids will join the gun battle?
7. Realistically I don't expect YOU or others here to join or even get involved in gun battle.
So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings?
Or. Maybe you can explain how is more guns will solve or stop these mass shootings.
"Realistically" are you aware of the training involved in order to obtain a CWP?
What your Hollywood blockbuster description tries to portray would never happen with disciplined carriers.

"Realistically" what is your solution?

It's beyond absurd... they have absolutely no grasp of reality.
Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".

Bucs... I'm not here to question or insult your almighty knowledge about 2A and gun expertise. I just want to ask you some realistic question since you advocate more guns to counter violence. 1. If you have adult kids in the college you pack them with hand gun for defense. When there's shooting you get up and start firing. Correct?
2. When shooting start other kids will join the gun battle. Correct?
3. When shooting started there will be a massive panic. Next class room will join the gun battle. By that time so many kids shooting you may not be able to tell who is the shooter. Can you imagine how many other kids will die during this gun battle. Correct?
4. Armed professor or teacher. Do you expect these educators carrying gun on one hand and book in one while inside the class? When a murderer showed up at the door. Do you expect the killer to tell them im going to shoot you now.
5. Do you really expect when shooting start these educators will join the gun battle? Maybe they just run.
6. Do you expect these kids will join the gun battle?
7. Realistically I don't expect YOU or others here to join or even get involved in gun battle.
So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings?
Or. Maybe you can explain how is more guns will solve or stop these mass shootings.
"Realistically" are you aware of the training involved in order to obtain a CWP?
What your Hollywood blockbuster description tries to portray would never happen with disciplined carriers.

"Realistically" what is your solution?

Can you give me another scenario where someone was able to defend themselves when mass shootings occur? No I do not have a solution that is why I'm asking the experts like you.
Do you have a solution? Aside from selling more guns to the public? Will it be better if every liquor stores just sell guns just like cigarettes?
When shooting started.. Are you going to get involve in the fire fight?
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".

Bucs... I'm not here to question or insult your almighty knowledge about 2A and gun expertise. I just want to ask you some realistic question since you advocate more guns to counter violence. 1. If you have adult kids in the college you pack them with hand gun for defense. When there's shooting you get up and start firing. Correct?
2. When shooting start other kids will join the gun battle. Correct?
3. When shooting started there will be a massive panic. Next class room will join the gun battle. By that time so many kids shooting you may not be able to tell who is the shooter. Can you imagine how many other kids will die during this gun battle. Correct?
4. Armed professor or teacher. Do you expect these educators carrying gun on one hand and book in one while inside the class? When a murderer showed up at the door. Do you expect the killer to tell them im going to shoot you now.
5. Do you really expect when shooting start these educators will join the gun battle? Maybe they just run.
6. Do you expect these kids will join the gun battle?
7. Realistically I don't expect YOU or others here to join or even get involved in gun battle.
So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings?
Or. Maybe you can explain how is more guns will solve or stop these mass shootings.
"Realistically" are you aware of the training involved in order to obtain a CWP?
What your Hollywood blockbuster description tries to portray would never happen with disciplined carriers.

"Realistically" what is your solution?

It's beyond absurd... they have absolutely no grasp of reality.

I'm telling an example of a reality. So what is your point?
What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".

Bucs... I'm not here to question or insult your almighty knowledge about 2A and gun expertise. I just want to ask you some realistic question since you advocate more guns to counter violence. 1. If you have adult kids in the college you pack them with hand gun for defense. When there's shooting you get up and start firing. Correct?
2. When shooting start other kids will join the gun battle. Correct?
3. When shooting started there will be a massive panic. Next class room will join the gun battle. By that time so many kids shooting you may not be able to tell who is the shooter. Can you imagine how many other kids will die during this gun battle. Correct?
4. Armed professor or teacher. Do you expect these educators carrying gun on one hand and book in one while inside the class? When a murderer showed up at the door. Do you expect the killer to tell them im going to shoot you now.
5. Do you really expect when shooting start these educators will join the gun battle? Maybe they just run.
6. Do you expect these kids will join the gun battle?
7. Realistically I don't expect YOU or others here to join or even get involved in gun battle.
So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings?
Or. Maybe you can explain how is more guns will solve or stop these mass shootings.
"Realistically" are you aware of the training involved in order to obtain a CWP?
What your Hollywood blockbuster description tries to portray would never happen with disciplined carriers.

"Realistically" what is your solution?

It's beyond absurd... they have absolutely no grasp of reality.

I'm telling an example of a reality. So what is your point?

Buy more guns and ammo...
Since that would never happen, what is the point of asking?

It's a philosophical point. And thats hardly and impossible premise. A national law banning guns. Many lefties would welcome it. So...would they be willing to go enforce it? And if so....would they want a gun for protection?

There will not be a national law banning guns because that would be unconstitutional

It would.

But many libs want one. Hence the questions.
Moronic fallacy, not a 'question.'
This is why Obama said he wanted a civilian force that was just as well armed as the military.

Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".

Bucs... I'm not here to question or insult your almighty knowledge about 2A and gun expertise. I just want to ask you some realistic question since you advocate more guns to counter violence. 1. If you have adult kids in the college you pack them with hand gun for defense. When there's shooting you get up and start firing. Correct?
2. When shooting start other kids will join the gun battle. Correct?
3. When shooting started there will be a massive panic. Next class room will join the gun battle. By that time so many kids shooting you may not be able to tell who is the shooter. Can you imagine how many other kids will die during this gun battle. Correct?
4. Armed professor or teacher. Do you expect these educators carrying gun on one hand and book in one while inside the class? When a murderer showed up at the door. Do you expect the killer to tell them im going to shoot you now.
5. Do you really expect when shooting start these educators will join the gun battle? Maybe they just run.
6. Do you expect these kids will join the gun battle?
7. Realistically I don't expect YOU or others here to join or even get involved in gun battle.
So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings?
Or. Maybe you can explain how is more guns will solve or stop these mass shootings.
"Realistically" are you aware of the training involved in order to obtain a CWP?
What your Hollywood blockbuster description tries to portray would never happen with disciplined carriers.

"Realistically" what is your solution?

It's beyond absurd... they have absolutely no grasp of reality.

I'm telling an example of a reality. So what is your point?

Buy more guns and ammo...

Go stand in the corner and take your medication till you make sense of yourlunatic opinion.
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".

Bucs... I'm not here to question or insult your almighty knowledge about 2A and gun expertise. I just want to ask you some realistic question since you advocate more guns to counter violence. 1. If you have adult kids in the college you pack them with hand gun for defense. When there's shooting you get up and start firing. Correct?
2. When shooting start other kids will join the gun battle. Correct?
3. When shooting started there will be a massive panic. Next class room will join the gun battle. By that time so many kids shooting you may not be able to tell who is the shooter. Can you imagine how many other kids will die during this gun battle. Correct?
4. Armed professor or teacher. Do you expect these educators carrying gun on one hand and book in one while inside the class? When a murderer showed up at the door. Do you expect the killer to tell them im going to shoot you now.
5. Do you really expect when shooting start these educators will join the gun battle? Maybe they just run.
6. Do you expect these kids will join the gun battle?
7. Realistically I don't expect YOU or others here to join or even get involved in gun battle.
So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings?
Or. Maybe you can explain how is more guns will solve or stop these mass shootings.
"Realistically" are you aware of the training involved in order to obtain a CWP?
What your Hollywood blockbuster description tries to portray would never happen with disciplined carriers.

"Realistically" what is your solution?

Can you give me another scenario where someone was able to defend themselves when mass shootings occur? No I do not have a solution that is why I'm asking the experts like you.
Do you have a solution? Aside from selling more guns to the public? Will it be better if every liquor stores just sell guns just like cigarettes?
When shooting started.. Are you going to get involve in the fire fight?

Well Hortysir... I'm waiting for your expert opinion. Where are you?
What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".

Bucs... I'm not here to question or insult your almighty knowledge about 2A and gun expertise. I just want to ask you some realistic question since you advocate more guns to counter violence. 1. If you have adult kids in the college you pack them with hand gun for defense. When there's shooting you get up and start firing. Correct?
2. When shooting start other kids will join the gun battle. Correct?
3. When shooting started there will be a massive panic. Next class room will join the gun battle. By that time so many kids shooting you may not be able to tell who is the shooter. Can you imagine how many other kids will die during this gun battle. Correct?
4. Armed professor or teacher. Do you expect these educators carrying gun on one hand and book in one while inside the class? When a murderer showed up at the door. Do you expect the killer to tell them im going to shoot you now.
5. Do you really expect when shooting start these educators will join the gun battle? Maybe they just run.
6. Do you expect these kids will join the gun battle?
7. Realistically I don't expect YOU or others here to join or even get involved in gun battle.
So how is more guns will solve these mass shootings?
Or. Maybe you can explain how is more guns will solve or stop these mass shootings.
"Realistically" are you aware of the training involved in order to obtain a CWP?
What your Hollywood blockbuster description tries to portray would never happen with disciplined carriers.

"Realistically" what is your solution?

Can you give me another scenario where someone was able to defend themselves when mass shootings occur? No I do not have a solution that is why I'm asking the experts like you.
Do you have a solution? Aside from selling more guns to the public? Will it be better if every liquor stores just sell guns just like cigarettes?
When shooting started.. Are you going to get involve in the fire fight?

Well Hortysir... I'm waiting for your expert opinion. Where are you?

Do you see loopholes everywhere???

I think you need to buy more guns and ammo...

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