Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?

So we completely ignore the "shall not be infringed" portion of the 2A?

Doesn't prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns or joining well regulated militias
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply

Enforce the laws we already have... That is not happening most violent crimes are done by repeat criminals.

Don't sell guns to criminals

Your catching on... Common sense.
Keep the freedom of buying firearms for those of us that are not criminals.
Ideally, Progressives want us to become North Korea, where only the leaders have guns and they can kill their political enemies with flame throwers, AA guns, anything
nahhh, that's just what the paranoid schizophrenics think!!! :D

You want to arrest anyone who doesn't believe in Global Warming, I mean how do you think it starts?
More name calling is that all you have?? Prove your point how the country is doing wonderfully and how gun control solves all that ails us...

Waiting for the hope and change in your wisdom... Of course without the name calling.

Your turn
We have the strongest economy on the planet, strongest military, strongest currency and the best government in history

On the decline...
By the way our so called wealth is paper money and IOU's on paper... You continue with your dilution.
Our kids and grandkids are going to pay the ultimate price.

Our military has the lowest morale in its history by far...
We don't build anything anymore... Because of taxes.

Continue on with your fairytale

The U.S. Economy is outperforming every economy on earth. Our currency is the gold standard

Tell me a single county you would rather live in

That is whole point I live here... Guns out number people 20, 40, 50 or more to one where I live.No gun violence in decades always been that way.
Only in urban areas of gun control talk and actions all the time is there repeated violence.

By the way Nixon got rid of the "gold standard" long ago... All we have paper, that being worthless.

I will gladly take all the paper money you have

Well, I am 100% debt free and do have paper and use paper... But I don't count on paper my real wealth by world standards is in gold and silver.

That being said real wealth is in the gospel of Jesus Christ the only way... That is truly free to everyone on the planet.
Since that would never happen, what is the point of asking?

It's a philosophical point. And thats hardly and impossible premise. A national law banning guns. Many lefties would welcome it. So...would they be willing to go enforce it? And if so....would they want a gun for protection?

There will not be a national law banning guns because that would be unconstitutional

It would.

But many libs want one. Hence the questions.

Many? Name 10.

Don't hold your breath. Not even Bernie Sanders wants a Gun Gestapo.
Of course not. Most gun owners are very responsible

What I do support:

Gun Registration
"Fingerprinting" each gun
100% licenses or background check on every sale
So we completely ignore the "shall not be infringed" portion of the 2A?

Doesn't prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns or joining well regulated militias
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it
We have the strongest economy on the planet, strongest military, strongest currency and the best government in history

On the decline...
By the way our so called wealth is paper money and IOU's on paper... You continue with your dilution.
Our kids and grandkids are going to pay the ultimate price.

Our military has the lowest morale in its history by far...
We don't build anything anymore... Because of taxes.

Continue on with your fairytale

The U.S. Economy is outperforming every economy on earth. Our currency is the gold standard

Tell me a single county you would rather live in

That is whole point I live here... Guns out number people 20, 40, 50 or more to one where I live.No gun violence in decades always been that way.
Only in urban areas of gun control talk and actions all the time is there repeated violence.

By the way Nixon got rid of the "gold standard" long ago... All we have paper, that being worthless.

I will gladly take all the paper money you have

Well, I am 100% debt free and do have paper and use paper... But I don't count on paper my real wealth by world standards is in gold and silver.

That being said real wealth is in the gospel of Jesus Christ the only way... That is truly free to everyone on the planet.

Crazier than I thought

So we completely ignore the "shall not be infringed" portion of the 2A?

Doesn't prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns or joining well regulated militias
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Your playing smallball.... Background checks are already in place.

Your just being contrary and obtuse....
On the decline...
By the way our so called wealth is paper money and IOU's on paper... You continue with your dilution.
Our kids and grandkids are going to pay the ultimate price.

Our military has the lowest morale in its history by far...
We don't build anything anymore... Because of taxes.

Continue on with your fairytale

The U.S. Economy is outperforming every economy on earth. Our currency is the gold standard

Tell me a single county you would rather live in

That is whole point I live here... Guns out number people 20, 40, 50 or more to one where I live.No gun violence in decades always been that way.
Only in urban areas of gun control talk and actions all the time is there repeated violence.

By the way Nixon got rid of the "gold standard" long ago... All we have paper, that being worthless.

I will gladly take all the paper money you have

Well, I am 100% debt free and do have paper and use paper... But I don't count on paper my real wealth by world standards is in gold and silver.

That being said real wealth is in the gospel of Jesus Christ the only way... That is truly free to everyone on the planet.

Crazier than I thought


Doesn't prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns or joining well regulated militias
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Your playing smallball.... Background checks are already in place.

Your just being contrary and obtuse....
On private sales?
I don't think so

Why do you want to sell guns to criminals?
So we completely ignore the "shall not be infringed" portion of the 2A?

Doesn't prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns or joining well regulated militias
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it
What is the burden of carrying identification that you're a citizen and a certificate proving you know enough about civics to vote.
You would think that a patriot that wants a competent government would welcome such.
So we completely ignore the "shall not be infringed" portion of the 2A?

Doesn't prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns or joining well regulated militias
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Background checks already exist. The only way around it is a private a father selling his hunting rifle to his son. Wanna ban those? Go ahead. It won't change shit. Because you can buy a gun from anywhere in the ghetto regardless of a background check law.

So if a guy wants to shoot up a school....but can't pass a background check...what does he do? Buy one in the ghetto. Steal one. Borrow one. He'll find a way. They always do.

You libs want the mandatory background check law just to feel good. Like you "did something".
So we completely ignore the "shall not be infringed" portion of the 2A?

Doesn't prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns or joining well regulated militias
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

And show photo ID to vote
Doesn't prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns or joining well regulated militias
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it
What is the burden of carrying identification that you're a citizen and a certificate proving you know enough about civics to vote.
You would think that a patriot that wants a competent government would welcome such.

How about THIS:

- Ban private sales of guns.
- Mandate a photo gun ownership license.
- ALSO mandate a photo voting ID.

AND....make it the SAME identification card! Yes. You must have a photo ID license to vote OR buy a's the same must renew it yearly with a fresh background check...and you can't do either without it!!

Now....let's see if libs like THAT compromise. Me?? I'd support it. I buy guns from the dealer and have no issue with an ID or license.

Libs....would you take that compromise? The same photo ID license to own a gun and vote. Can't do either without it.
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

Your playing smallball.... Background checks are already in place.

Your just being contrary and obtuse....
On private sales?
I don't think so

Why do you want to sell guns to criminals?

There you go again... You need to look at the whole picture.
Where are these gun shows that all these criminals are hoarding to to get their firearms??? Proof??

Why would a criminal buy when they can steal much easier... For your information criminals are called criminals because they commit crimes.
And do not follow laws
Doesn't prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns or joining well regulated militias
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it
What is the burden of carrying identification that you're a citizen and a certificate proving you know enough about civics to vote.
You would think that a patriot that wants a competent government would welcome such.

Competent federal government... Best joke I heard all day.
Doesn't prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns or joining well regulated militias
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it

And show photo ID to vote

No way! That would racist.

See hope and change
Doesn't prevent law abiding citizens from owning guns or joining well regulated militias
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it
What is the burden of carrying identification that you're a citizen and a certificate proving you know enough about civics to vote.
You would think that a patriot that wants a competent government would welcome such.

I support everyone should have a biometic ID that provides irrefutable proof of who you are. It can be an ID, social security card, drivers license, credit card, passport, health card....even your gun buyers ID

Sounds cool doesn't it?
You only have to carry one card in your wallet
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it
What is the burden of carrying identification that you're a citizen and a certificate proving you know enough about civics to vote.
You would think that a patriot that wants a competent government would welcome such.

Competent federal government... Best joke I heard all day.

Again I challenge you to name a more competent one

Ready to run away again?
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it
What is the burden of carrying identification that you're a citizen and a certificate proving you know enough about civics to vote.
You would think that a patriot that wants a competent government would welcome such.

How about THIS:

- Ban private sales of guns.
- Mandate a photo gun ownership license.
- ALSO mandate a photo voting ID.

AND....make it the SAME identification card! Yes. You must have a photo ID license to vote OR buy a's the same must renew it yearly with a fresh background check...and you can't do either without it!!

Now....let's see if libs like THAT compromise. Me?? I'd support it. I buy guns from the dealer and have no issue with an ID or license.

Libs....would you take that compromise? The same photo ID license to own a gun and vote. Can't do either without it.
Just requires them to jump through even more unnecessary hoops.

We suggest charging a dollar for in ID to vote and ya'll shit gold bricks with a pink stripe, calling it an unfair poll tax.
But you have no problem making gun owners pay for background checks, registration, and licensing

Making sure guns are not sold to criminals and crazies is not an unnecessary hoop

You would think gun owners would be happy to comply
And I could advocate that idiots shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pass a test.
Both are undue burdens to consitutionaly protected rights

What is the burden of you getting a background check or carrying a license that shows you are not a wife beater, crazy or a criminal

You would think responsible gun owners would welcome it
What is the burden of carrying identification that you're a citizen and a certificate proving you know enough about civics to vote.
You would think that a patriot that wants a competent government would welcome such.

I support everyone should have a biometic ID that provides irrefutable proof of who you are. It can be an ID, social security card, drivers license, credit card, passport, health card....even your gun buyers ID

Sounds cool doesn't it?
You only have to carry one card in your wallet

One problem... Federal government involvement

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