Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?

Since that would never happen, what is the point of asking?

It's a philosophical point. And thats hardly and impossible premise. A national law banning guns. Many lefties would welcome it. So...would they be willing to go enforce it? And if so....would they want a gun for protection?
This fails as a straw man fallacy, in addition to being a ridiculous lie.
No and no. What would be the point?

Well....liberals want gun control. Someone would have to take the guns. Pro-gun cops and military most of them wouldn't do it.

So....would liberals be willing to volunteer to do the dirty work? Go door to door enforcing a gun ban?

The 2nd part....would they want a gun to protect them while they did it? If yes...or no...why?

Your bad, gun control isn't gun confiscation. 2 different things. Learn!

Without confiscation....a gun law is ink on paper. The point of a gun law would be reducing murders. But...if you don't TAKE the gun....the murder done with it is still gonna happen. See?
The only thing everyone 'sees' is your ignorance and stupidity.

Firearms can't be 'confiscated,' to attempt to do so would violate the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendments to the Constitution – the notion is unfounded ignorance and idiocy.
NOPE, don't support mass gun confiscation....

It would not solve our immediate problems, only the criminals would be left with guns!!!!!!

Cops may want would make it easier for them to identify criminals maybe?

And in the long run, the huge black market in guns that the criminals use to get guns, would dry up, or at least shrivel on the vine....

But the 10 years plus to get to that benefit would be horrendous and leave us good guys unable to protect ourselves....So, confiscation is out of the question.

There's got to be something else we can do, I just don't know what?

Make it no longer "cool". Remove the fetish-worship of firearms and death in general.

Easier said than done, and takes time and effort, but produces results. We did it with cigarettes, which are still fully legal but no longer socially "cool".

You don't stem a problem by playing whack-a-mole with its supply line. But take away the public desire for it, now you have results.

But nobody's doing that. We'd rather split into camps where one side plays whack-a-mole and the other side whines, "you can't play whack-a-mole". Both miss the point. Gun violence isn't a legislative issue. It's a cultural values issue.
"Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?"

Yes, but only for NRA extremists who refuse to accept reasonable gun control measures.
Very dangerous job.....I can see it though....illegal and unconstitutional gun ban passes,nation full of libtards thinking they are doing society a favor fan out to confiscate guns....they run into much more resistance then even the government assumed there would be. In the end we have millions of dead libtards,a government on the run because they have been overthrown and charged with treason and murder,A meeting of the states convened and the 2nd amendment rewritten to make it VERY CLEAR where this country stands on gun rights,improving,clarifying and strengthening the 10th amendment and adding a new amendment to the constitution that lets the people know its their DUTY to overthrow a government that gets to out of control AND another one stating the 100% RIGHT to secede from the USA.
Ideally, Progressives want us to become North Korea, where only the leaders have guns and they can kill their political enemies with flame throwers, AA guns, anything
nahhh, that's just what the paranoid schizophrenics think!!! :D
"Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?"

Yes, but only for NRA extremists who refuse to accept reasonable gun control measures.

Tell me, what is responsible???

When the federal government can't be trusted...
Since that would never happen, what is the point of asking?

It's a philosophical point. And thats hardly and impossible premise. A national law banning guns. Many lefties would welcome it. So...would they be willing to go enforce it? And if so....would they want a gun for protection?

There will not be a national law banning guns because that would be unconstitutional

It would.

But many libs want one. Hence the questions.
In the binary world of the digital right wing, there are only two choices to everything.

The two choices for this subject are:

Arm everyone in the United States including babies and crazies.


Confiscate all weapons.

That's it.

That's all they have.
NOPE, don't support mass gun confiscation....

It would not solve our immediate problems, only the criminals would be left with guns!!!!!!

Cops may want would make it easier for them to identify criminals maybe?

And in the long run, the huge black market in guns that the criminals use to get guns, would dry up, or at least shrivel on the vine....

But the 10 years plus to get to that benefit would be horrendous and leave us good guys unable to protect ourselves....So, confiscation is out of the question.

There's got to be something else we can do, I just don't know what?

Make it no longer "cool". Remove the fetish-worship of firearms and death in general.

Easier said than done, and takes time and effort, but produces results. We did it with cigarettes, which are still fully legal but no longer socially "cool".

You don't stem a problem by playing whack-a-mole with its supply line. But take away the public desire for it, now you have results.

But nobody's doing that. We'd rather split into camps where one side plays whack-a-mole and the other side whines, "you can't play whack-a-mole". Both miss the point. Gun violence isn't a legislative issue. It's a cultural values issue.
I think this is what needs to be done, but...I don't think it's going to change, unless we get the NRA lobbyists out of our politicians pockets, and advertising to the public....they will continue to promote fear, and survivalists will buy in to it, they will continue to promote that it's 'COOL' to have as many shiny guns and gadgets as possible, and promote coveting thy neighbor's goods basically.... the 'cool' factor will be hard to suppress.
In the binary world of the digital right wing, there are only two choices to everything.

The two choices for this subject are:

Arm everyone in the United States including babies and crazies.


Confiscate all weapons.

That's it.

That's all they have. libs bitch "gun control" constantly.

Look around. Gun laws DO NOT keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Thus...what good is "gun control"??

You all want the bad guys to not have that gun. Gun laws DON'T stop that. Obviously.

So what's next? Make the gun not exist to ever be gotten. Right? See how retarded your cries for "gun control" are? It's ink on paper....nothing more....without confiscation.
NOPE, don't support mass gun confiscation....

It would not solve our immediate problems, only the criminals would be left with guns!!!!!!

Cops may want would make it easier for them to identify criminals maybe?

And in the long run, the huge black market in guns that the criminals use to get guns, would dry up, or at least shrivel on the vine....

But the 10 years plus to get to that benefit would be horrendous and leave us good guys unable to protect ourselves....So, confiscation is out of the question.

There's got to be something else we can do, I just don't know what?

Make it no longer "cool". Remove the fetish-worship of firearms and death in general.

Easier said than done, and takes time and effort, but produces results. We did it with cigarettes, which are still fully legal but no longer socially "cool".

You don't stem a problem by playing whack-a-mole with its supply line. But take away the public desire for it, now you have results.

But nobody's doing that. We'd rather split into camps where one side plays whack-a-mole and the other side whines, "you can't play whack-a-mole". Both miss the point. Gun violence isn't a legislative issue. It's a cultural values issue.
I think this is what needs to be done, but...I don't think it's going to change, unless we get the NRA lobbyists out of our politicians pockets, and advertising to the public....they will continue to promote fear, and survivalists will buy in to it, they will continue to promote that it's 'COOL' to have as many shiny guns and gadgets as possible, and promote coveting thy neighbor's goods basically.... the 'cool' factor will be hard to suppress.

Funny. You hit all the "gun glorification " groups. Except rap music.
"Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?"

Yes, but only for NRA extremists who refuse to accept reasonable gun control measures.

Tell me, what is responsible???

When the federal government can't be trusted...

Gubmint is EVIL!

Na, just incompetent... In a colossal, unrecoverable way.
We have the best government on the planet

If you disagree, I will challenge you to name a better one
"Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?"

Yes, but only for NRA extremists who refuse to accept reasonable gun control measures.

Tell me, what is responsible???

When the federal government can't be trusted...

Gubmint is EVIL!

Na, just incompetent... In a colossal, unrecoverable way.
We have the best government on the planet

If you disagree, I will challenge you to name a better one

I agree mostly. Overall the best. Or least bad. But we can do many things better.
"Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?"

Yes, but only for NRA extremists who refuse to accept reasonable gun control measures.

Tell me, what is responsible???

When the federal government can't be trusted...

Gubmint is EVIL!

Na, just incompetent... In a colossal, unrecoverable way.
We have the best government on the planet

If you disagree, I will challenge you to name a better one
"Liberals: Would you volunteer for enforcing a mass gun confiscation?"

Yes, but only for NRA extremists who refuse to accept reasonable gun control measures.

Tell me, what is responsible???

When the federal government can't be trusted...

Gubmint is EVIL!

Na, just incompetent... In a colossal, unrecoverable way.
We have the best government on the planet

If you disagree, I will challenge you to name a better one

I will let you vouch for the federal government I care not too... If they in any way followed the constitution that would be a different story.
NOPE, don't support mass gun confiscation....

It would not solve our immediate problems, only the criminals would be left with guns!!!!!!

Cops may want would make it easier for them to identify criminals maybe?

And in the long run, the huge black market in guns that the criminals use to get guns, would dry up, or at least shrivel on the vine....

But the 10 years plus to get to that benefit would be horrendous and leave us good guys unable to protect ourselves....So, confiscation is out of the question.

There's got to be something else we can do, I just don't know what?

Make it no longer "cool". Remove the fetish-worship of firearms and death in general.

Easier said than done, and takes time and effort, but produces results. We did it with cigarettes, which are still fully legal but no longer socially "cool".

You don't stem a problem by playing whack-a-mole with its supply line. But take away the public desire for it, now you have results.

But nobody's doing that. We'd rather split into camps where one side plays whack-a-mole and the other side whines, "you can't play whack-a-mole". Both miss the point. Gun violence isn't a legislative issue. It's a cultural values issue.
I think this is what needs to be done, but...I don't think it's going to change, unless we get the NRA lobbyists out of our politicians pockets, and advertising to the public....they will continue to promote fear, and survivalists will buy in to it, they will continue to promote that it's 'COOL' to have as many shiny guns and gadgets as possible, and promote coveting thy neighbor's goods basically.... the 'cool' factor will be hard to suppress.

Readily agreed, that's part of it. The Hollywood/TV network indoctrination is another part, and the video game/toy industry yet another. They all feed the maw and they should all be starved to death.

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