Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson on terrorism: 'Look, this stuff is gonna happen'

While the FBI is ignoring Russian intel on the Tsarnayev brother and closing the book twice on the Orlando shooter and taking him OFF the terrorist list or the State Dept is EXTENDING Mohammed Attahs VISA after 9/11 --- they are building a YUUUGGE complex in Utah to spy on YOU. What does that say about their intent to USE this issue to violate more of the Constitution?

If govt were leaner and moved more by incentive to perform with excellence ---- VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING that they SHOULD be doing would improve.

Isn't all of this happening under the watchful eye of the Obomanation, with the FECKLESS OK to do so by a bunch of NO GOOD REPUBLICANS?

He is part of the problem. Telling the American people that he has personally signed off on the vetting of refugees from active conflict zones. THERE is the fucking problem. Government promises. ALL politicians do that.
When he is president we'll make sure he does the things he says, or vote him out in 4 years...UNFORTUNATELY, WHITE GUILT kept the Manchurian muslim in power WAY TOO LONG!

So you DON'T know what he is. Is that what you're ignoring? Is he a Conservative? A Constitutionalist? Or just another Big Govt Mussolini wannabee? That's how he runs his businesses. Like a crime boss. Imagine the fun he will have with the IRS, EPA, OSHA, SEC, and DOJ. He'll be able to pick out victims and wreck them in no time eh? Won't take four years for him to make you wish you never fell for it..
While the FBI is ignoring Russian intel on the Tsarnayev brother and closing the book twice on the Orlando shooter and taking him OFF the terrorist list or the State Dept is EXTENDING Mohammed Attahs VISA after 9/11 --- they are building a YUUUGGE complex in Utah to spy on YOU. What does that say about their intent to USE this issue to violate more of the Constitution?

If govt were leaner and moved more by incentive to perform with excellence ---- VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING that they SHOULD be doing would improve.

Isn't all of this happening under the watchful eye of the Obomanation, with the FECKLESS OK to do so by a bunch of NO GOOD REPUBLICANS?

He is part of the problem. Telling the American people that he has personally signed off on the vetting of refugees from active conflict zones. THERE is the fucking problem. Government promises. ALL politicians do that.
When he is president we'll make sure he does the things he says, or vote him out in 4 years...UNFORTUNATELY, WHITE GUILT kept the Manchurian muslim in power WAY TOO LONG!

So you DON'T know what he is. Is that what you're ignoring? Is he a Conservative? A Constitutionalist? Or just another Big Govt Mussolini wannabee? That's how he runs his businesses. Like a crime boss. Imagine the fun he will have with the IRS, EPA, OSHA, SEC, and DOJ. He'll be able to pick out victims and wreck them in no time eh? Won't take four years for him to make you wish you never fell for it..
Well he certainly has a GREAT EXAMPLE of a BIG GOVT MUSSOLINI in the Oval Office right now... Perhaps he should LEAD BY B.Hussein's example!
I think I'll stick with the humility and the honesty. And folks who DO have political principles. There's a lot less lunatic tyrant risk with Johnson/Weld than there is with ClinTrump.
I think I'll stick with the humility and the honesty. And folks who DO have political principles. There's a lot less lunatic tyrant risk with Johnson/Weld than there is with ClinTrump.

Yes, i see you want NOTHING to change, except perhaps POT made legal in all 50 states...that will help!
While the FBI is ignoring Russian intel on the Tsarnayev brother and closing the book twice on the Orlando shooter and taking him OFF the terrorist list or the State Dept is EXTENDING Mohammed Attahs VISA after 9/11 --- they are building a YUUUGGE complex in Utah to spy on YOU. What does that say about their intent to USE this issue to violate more of the Constitution?

If govt were leaner and moved more by incentive to perform with excellence ---- VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING that they SHOULD be doing would improve.

Isn't all of this happening under the watchful eye of the Obomanation, with the FECKLESS OK to do so by a bunch of NO GOOD REPUBLICANS?

He is part of the problem. Telling the American people that he has personally signed off on the vetting of refugees from active conflict zones. THERE is the fucking problem. Government promises. ALL politicians do that.
When he is president we'll make sure he does the things he says, or vote him out in 4 years...UNFORTUNATELY, WHITE GUILT kept the Manchurian muslim in power WAY TOO LONG!

So you DON'T know what he is. Is that what you're ignoring? Is he a Conservative? A Constitutionalist? Or just another Big Govt Mussolini wannabee? That's how he runs his businesses. Like a crime boss. Imagine the fun he will have with the IRS, EPA, OSHA, SEC, and DOJ. He'll be able to pick out victims and wreck them in no time eh? Won't take four years for him to make you wish you never fell for it..
Well he certainly has a GREAT EXAMPLE of a BIG GOVT MUSSOLINI in the Oval Office right now... Perhaps he should LEAD BY B.Hussein's example!

Obama doesn't know crap about how the REAL WORLD works. That's why he appointed a boring jerk like Kerry to put people to sleep at the negotiating table. Doesn't understand problem -solving or winning at deal making.

THat's what Governors are good at. -- problem solving and deal making. And they KNOW how things work in Real Life.
Isn't all of this happening under the watchful eye of the Obomanation, with the FECKLESS OK to do so by a bunch of NO GOOD REPUBLICANS?

He is part of the problem. Telling the American people that he has personally signed off on the vetting of refugees from active conflict zones. THERE is the fucking problem. Government promises. ALL politicians do that.
When he is president we'll make sure he does the things he says, or vote him out in 4 years...UNFORTUNATELY, WHITE GUILT kept the Manchurian muslim in power WAY TOO LONG!

So you DON'T know what he is. Is that what you're ignoring? Is he a Conservative? A Constitutionalist? Or just another Big Govt Mussolini wannabee? That's how he runs his businesses. Like a crime boss. Imagine the fun he will have with the IRS, EPA, OSHA, SEC, and DOJ. He'll be able to pick out victims and wreck them in no time eh? Won't take four years for him to make you wish you never fell for it..
Well he certainly has a GREAT EXAMPLE of a BIG GOVT MUSSOLINI in the Oval Office right now... Perhaps he should LEAD BY B.Hussein's example!

Obama doesn't know crap about how the REAL WORLD works. That's why he appointed a boring jerk like Kerry to put people to sleep at the negotiating table. Doesn't understand problem -solving or winning at deal making.

THat's what Governors are good at. -- problem solving and deal making. And they KNOW how things work in Real Life.
What the fuck is Pence for if NOT THIS?
I think I'll stick with the humility and the honesty. And folks who DO have political principles. There's a lot less lunatic tyrant risk with Johnson/Weld than there is with ClinTrump.

Yes, i see you want NOTHING to change, except perhaps POT made legal in all 50 states...that will help!

You can focus on the pot all you want. The LParty has been THIRTY years ahead of national sentiment on most everything. We nominated an openly gay man to be our 1st Prez candidate in the 70s. NOT to make a statement, but because he was the most qualified at the time. We were right on MidEast policy for 30 years before your 2 pisant parties blew up most every country there and left it to fester with terrorists.

We were RIGHT on school choice and vouchers and Medical Savings Accts, and govt privatization WAAAY before these things were considered. IN FACT -- many of these innovations came out of the Libertarian CATO institute.

So -- being called faggot-lovers, or pot-heads, or treasonous doves --- just does not stick. It's just a matter of time before we get proven correct. America ON THIS COURSE -- may not have a lot of time left.
He is part of the problem. Telling the American people that he has personally signed off on the vetting of refugees from active conflict zones. THERE is the fucking problem. Government promises. ALL politicians do that.
When he is president we'll make sure he does the things he says, or vote him out in 4 years...UNFORTUNATELY, WHITE GUILT kept the Manchurian muslim in power WAY TOO LONG!

So you DON'T know what he is. Is that what you're ignoring? Is he a Conservative? A Constitutionalist? Or just another Big Govt Mussolini wannabee? That's how he runs his businesses. Like a crime boss. Imagine the fun he will have with the IRS, EPA, OSHA, SEC, and DOJ. He'll be able to pick out victims and wreck them in no time eh? Won't take four years for him to make you wish you never fell for it..
Well he certainly has a GREAT EXAMPLE of a BIG GOVT MUSSOLINI in the Oval Office right now... Perhaps he should LEAD BY B.Hussein's example!

Obama doesn't know crap about how the REAL WORLD works. That's why he appointed a boring jerk like Kerry to put people to sleep at the negotiating table. Doesn't understand problem -solving or winning at deal making.

THat's what Governors are good at. -- problem solving and deal making. And they KNOW how things work in Real Life.
What the fuck is Pence for if NOT THIS?

Pence is gonna attend funerals, fall asleep as Senate Pro Tiem and try to cover up for his bosses mindless outbursts. Johnson/Weld are gonna revolutionize the roles of Prez/VicePrez and work as a team.. Not so subtle difference. BIG difference.
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I think I'll stick with the humility and the honesty. And folks who DO have political principles. There's a lot less lunatic tyrant risk with Johnson/Weld than there is with ClinTrump.

Yes, i see you want NOTHING to change, except perhaps POT made legal in all 50 states...that will help!

That's an incredibly DUMB statement. The ONLY WAY corporate welfare is gonna end is with determined Libertarian (or outside) leadership. Same with the Southern border problem which is ENTIRELY GOVT MADE.

Southern border problem would end tomorrow if the Feds enforced the law that you can not HIRE illegals. We would HALT the magnets that DRAW folks to violate the border like med care, schooling, dreamer/streamers, and welfare.. You DEMAGNETIZE the situation, only hire DOCUMENTED workers and they would start deporting themselves. No WALL required.

So how come no Dem or Rep can't TOUCH corporate handouts or enforce alien work laws? Think about it.

We would devolve MOST of education back to the states. Truly address the oppression of the legal system when it comes to the working poor by making govt more custormer service oriented, efficient, leaner, focused and results motivated.

New ideas, principles and humility. It might LOOK weird given the current politics, but I think folks would be FAR safer with Johnson/Weld.
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I think I'll stick with the humility and the honesty. And folks who DO have political principles. There's a lot less lunatic tyrant risk with Johnson/Weld than there is with ClinTrump.

Yes, i see you want NOTHING to change, except perhaps POT made legal in all 50 states...that will help!

That's an incredibly DUMB statement. The ONLY WAY corporate welfare is gonna end is with determined Libertarian (or outside) leadership. Same with the Southern border problem which is ENTIRELY GOVT MADE.

Southern border problem would end tomorrow if the Feds enforced the law that you can not HIRE illegals. We would HALT the magnets that DRAW folks to violate the border like med care, schooling, dreamer/streamers, and welfare.. You DEMAGNETIZE the situation, only hire DOCUMENTED workers and they would start deporting themselves. No WALL required.

So how come no Dem or Rep can't TOUCH corporate handouts or enforce alien work laws? Think about it.

We would devolve MOST of education back to the states. Truly address the oppression of the legal system when it comes to the working poor by making govt more custormer service oriented, efficient, leaner, focused and results motivated.

New ideas, principles and humility. It might LOOK weird given the current politics, but I think folks would be FAR safer with Johnson/Weld.
Sorry, Johnson is just a fruit loop! Bette roff with a Ron Paul!
He is right. I guess some people need their President to read them a bedtime story and hide them from the real world.

nah just for the snowflakes...we want Presidents who call these people out, kill them and make examples of those that do harm.
  • Gary Johnson endorses #BlackLivesMatter ^ | 08/04/2016 | Ryan Girdusky
    If there was any doubt, Gov. Gary Johnson is working harder at winning over former Bernie Sanders supporters than Ron and Rand Paul supporters. For whatever reason, he’s taken on several left-wing positions from bashing religious freedom to now supporting Black Lives Matter. At the CNN Libertarian Party Town Hall on Wednesday, Johnson praised the efforts of Black Lives Matter and endorsed the organization. Speaking to a Black Lives Matter protestor and registered Democrat who was shot in the leg during a march, Johnson said, “What it has done for me is that my head has been in the sand...
Johnson has a point. We may have to get used to mass attacks but if we all get high enough and stay high long enough, we won't care.
He is right. I guess some people need their President to read them a bedtime story and hide them from the real world.

nah just for the snowflakes...we want Presidents who call these people out, kill them and make examples of those that do harm.

Doesn't change that it is going to happen You can't have a President who kills and makes examples of them unless they actually do something.....unless of course you want the US to operate like ISIL.

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