Libloons chasing their tails again. Meanwhile TRUMP sets off for International Tour

Smedley VonBuren

VIP Member
Jul 22, 2016
TRUMP has 40% of the country in his base, and we are not going anywhere. If the economy keeps growing the way it is you libs have no shot until 2024. No sane person cares about anonymous leaks or made up fairy tales from some left wing stooge at WAPO.
TRUMP has 40% of the country in his base, and we are not going anywhere. If the economy keeps growing the way it is you libs have no shot until 2024. No sane person cares about anonymous leaks or made up fairy tales from some left wing stooge at WAPO.
40%....That also happens to be the percentage that approves of his job performance
TRUMP has 40% of the country in his base, and we are not going anywhere. If the economy keeps growing the way it is you libs have no shot until 2024. No sane person cares about anonymous leaks or made up fairy tales from some left wing stooge at WAPO.
40%....That also happens to be the percentage that approves of his job performance
Another math major I see.
TRUMP has 40% of the country in his base, and we are not going anywhere. If the economy keeps growing the way it is you libs have no shot until 2024. No sane person cares about anonymous leaks or made up fairy tales from some left wing stooge at WAPO.
40%....That also happens to be the percentage that approves of his job performance
Another math major I see.
Another rightie in denial I see. Trumps approval rating is in the low 40s. So sorry
TRUMP has 40% of the country in his base, and we are not going anywhere. If the economy keeps growing the way it is you libs have no shot until 2024. No sane person cares about anonymous leaks or made up fairy tales from some left wing stooge at WAPO.
40%....That also happens to be the percentage that approves of his job performance
Another math major I see.
Another rightie in denial I see. Trumps approval rating is in the low 40s. So sorry
That's all he needs. Tell us about your polls before the election again....LOLOLOLOLOL
TRUMP has 40% of the country in his base, and we are not going anywhere. If the economy keeps growing the way it is you libs have no shot until 2024. No sane person cares about anonymous leaks or made up fairy tales from some left wing stooge at WAPO.
40%....That also happens to be the percentage that approves of his job performance
Another math major I see.
Another rightie in denial I see. Trumps approval rating is in the low 40s. So sorry
That's all he needs. Tell us about your polls before the election again....LOLOLOLOLOL
All he needs is his base? :lol: yeah you go with that. The election is over, kid. Time for Trump to govern. He's not doing too well
Saudi Arabia gains access to our most classified intelligence in t-minus 80 hours
Go hide under your bed.

A new member of the genre known as the Idiot-gram*** brigade.

***an idiot-gram is a phrase or single sentence which lacks substance and is neither thoughtful nor thought provoking.

Welcome, and feel free to join the echo chamber, you'll fit right in.
May 15, 2017

Republican Senator Bob Corker reportedly expressed concern...

The White House has got to do something soon to bring itself under control and in order. It’s going to happen,” Corker said, “Obviously they’re in a downward spiral right now and they’ve got to figure out a way to come to grips with all that’s happening.”

Republicans Display a Mix of Defense and Alarm on Trump Allegations

Congressional Republicans are divided over Trump’s decision to fire Comey from the FBI
All he needs is his base? :lol: yeah you go with that. The election is over, kid. Time for Trump to govern. He's not doing too well

That is an illusion. Other presidents got into office and sought out minor new changes and things which were just variations on a theme, like turning a boat 5°. So of course they got it done easier, smoother and with more apparent success. Trump is in there trying to make wholesale changes! Huge changes to everything from how our government operates, the jobs market and infrastructure to re-positioning ourselves and renegotiating everything on the world market, along with battle with HUGE international problems. SO OF COURSE it appears things are not going smoothly, as well, or that he is doing a worse job. If he succeeds at even one of these things, it would be a greater accomplishment than all of what most presidents do in an entire term! What is sad is how many who are more than eager and quick to see him fail.
TRUMP has 40% of the country in his base, and we are not going anywhere. If the economy keeps growing the way it is you libs have no shot until 2024. No sane person cares about anonymous leaks or made up fairy tales from some left wing stooge at WAPO.
40%....That also happens to be the percentage that approves of his job performance
Another math major I see.
Another rightie in denial I see. Trumps approval rating is in the low 40s. So sorry
That's all he needs. Tell us about your polls before the election again....LOLOLOLOLOL
All he needs is his base? :lol: yeah you go with that. The election is over, kid. Time for Trump to govern. He's not doing too well

Like hell he isn't! What would you like to discuss------->

1. new trade deal with China?

2. illegal alien border crossing ATTEMPTS down by 70%?

3. reboot of Obamacare?

4. demand for labor rising?

5. getting rid of massive regulations?

And the list goes on and on. You just want to talk YOUR narrative, not what is actually going on. And in case you are actually on the level and can't figure it out, the reason all of the stuff I put forth along with much more isn't on the news is---------->the left creates a phony crisis every week to drive everything else out of sight.

Lets see how partisan you really are!

Did you know Trump was under investigation? You did! Well no he isn't! If you think he is, show us what he is under investigation for! Show us the congressional committee investigating Donald J Trump. There isn't one, and anybody saying/and/or repeating that he is, is either ignorant, or a liar!

So tell us, in your world of facts, is Trump under investigation-)
All he needs is his base? :lol: yeah you go with that. The election is over, kid. Time for Trump to govern. He's not doing too well

That is an illusion. Other presidents got into office and sought out minor new changes and things which were just variations on a theme, like turning a boat 5°. So of course they got it done easier, smoother and with more apparent success. Trump is in there trying to make wholesale changes! Huge changes to everything from how our government operates, the jobs market and infrastructure to re-positioning ourselves and renegotiating everything on the world market, along with battle with HUGE international problems. SO OF COURSE it appears things are not going smoothly, as well, or that he is doing a worse job. If he succeeds at even one of these things, it would be a greater accomplishment than all of what most presidents do in an entire term! What is sad is how many who are more than eager and quick to see him fail.

It seems obvious you've never managed a large group. Going in as The New Man and changing things from the get-go is the worst thing a manager can do. Especially when he or she has no idea as to what the job(s) entails. Management is more than telling people what to do, first you need to understand what they do, and trump proves time and again he has no clue.

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