Librul Distortions, Stupidity and Outright Lies

Is it? I suppose then if you refer to yourself as an American you are calling yourself an illegal alien. I think you are snorting more than just koolaid...

So because your attempt to rescue ObamaCare has blown up on the Launchpad you're forced into saying that ALL Americans are Illegal Aliens?

Huh? And do you people honestly not understand that the 30M unable to get insurance is a reference to those denied health care due to preesisting conditions? This is not a reference to 'real' americans vs illegals. Jesus, you people can't be as stupid as you are making yourselves out to be...

You keep making shit up and it's not helping your "Argument"

How in ANYTHING posted here do you arrive at the concept of 30MM "denied health care due to preeisting (sic) conditions"

You realize you just made that up, right?
Is it? I suppose then if you refer to yourself as an American you are calling yourself an illegal alien. I think you are snorting more than just koolaid...

So because your attempt to rescue ObamaCare has blown up on the Launchpad you're forced into saying that ALL Americans are Illegal Aliens?

Huh? And do you people honestly not understand that the 30M unable to get insurance is a reference to those denied health care due to preesisting conditions? This is not a reference to 'real' americans vs illegals. Jesus, you people can't be as stupid as you are making yourselves out to be...
Is that 'Unable" or "Unwilling" of their own accord?
Where do you get 17M and why does it matter?

If you bothered to read what I posted and not reflexively defended Obama you'd see that the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 17 million by the date of his address to Congress.


“This is not just about the 47 million Americans who have no health insurance,” -- BHO 7/22/09

"There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage," -- BHO 9/9/09

That help?
If you bothered to read what I posted and not reflexively defended Obama you'd see that the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 17 million by the date of his address to Congress.


“This is not just about the 47 million Americans who have no health insurance,” -- BHO 7/22/09

"There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage," -- BHO 9/9/09

That help?
Simple math can be friendly...LOL!
What the hell can't you people see the big picture??
Who's spending the huge money to fight this thing, both in the senate and the public opinion??
Insurance co's.
Who has made ridiculous profits from by DENYING CARE?
Insurance co's.
The fact is insurance companies are corporations, who, by law, MUST do everything possible to insure a profit to shareholders. Like the evil pres said, "they're not bad people, they're just trying to make a profit."
The problem is they profit by denying care and dropping the sick. A public option would end this because they wouldn't be profit motivated.
It's really pretty simple.
But you conservatives just keep fighting for giant corporations. That's what they want.

You should have said, "CF is right, the Dems are totally fucking lying about every metric in the debate..." and then added whatever else you wanted to say

Well just because you quoted him at a different number doesn't mean shit. You happy?
The FACT is its around 45M and growing. What he SAID is irrelevant. Now how bout addressing the point of "why are you fighting FOR ins. corporations"?!?!
What the hell can't you people see the big picture??
Who's spending the huge money to fight this thing, both in the senate and the public opinion??
Insurance co's.
Who has made ridiculous profits from by DENYING CARE?
Insurance co's.
The fact is insurance companies are corporations, who, by law, MUST do everything possible to insure a profit to shareholders. Like the evil pres said, "they're not bad people, they're just trying to make a profit."
The problem is they profit by denying care and dropping the sick. A public option would end this because they wouldn't be profit motivated.
It's really pretty simple.
But you conservatives just keep fighting for giant corporations. That's what they want.

You should have said, "CF is right, the Dems are totally fucking lying about every metric in the debate..." and then added whatever else you wanted to say

Well just because you quoted him at a different number doesn't mean shit. You happy?
The FACT is its around 45M and growing. What he SAID is irrelevant. Now how bout addressing the point of "why are you fighting FOR ins. corporations"?!?!

Everyone is eligible for health care coverage, if you are not too damned lazy to fill out the apps. This bill just protects the people too damned lazy to do that.
or 47 million without insurance in total, including children, but only 30 million adults, who are able to buy it, can not?

i dunno, could be a number of things i'd consider before calling it a lie of some sort...

The poor children of the country are covered, if their parents want them to be.

The working poor who may not be able to afford regular, private coverage, are able to pay a small premium and obtain coverage, based upon their income, if they want to, though the state.

The lie is that there are all these kids without coverage who aren't able to get medical treatment, and adults who are working poor who are likewise being denied treatment because they choose not to obtain it.

I'd love for one member of USMB who is claiming that children are uninsured and dying for lack of medical care because of it in this country, and provide a real example of it. One real example. Of someone who can't get either treatment for their kid, or coverage if they are poor.
What the hell can't you people see the big picture??
Who's spending the huge money to fight this thing, both in the senate and the public opinion??
Insurance co's.
Who has made ridiculous profits from by DENYING CARE?
Insurance co's.
The fact is insurance companies are corporations, who, by law, MUST do everything possible to insure a profit to shareholders. Like the evil pres said, "they're not bad people, they're just trying to make a profit."
The problem is they profit by denying care and dropping the sick. A public option would end this because they wouldn't be profit motivated.
It's really pretty simple.
But you conservatives just keep fighting for giant corporations. That's what they want.

That's not the big picture, that's a lot of media spin about on piece of the puzzle so you don't look at the other pieces.

How the hell is that media spin??
And btw, the media is wholeheartedly behind defeating this bill!
Jeez, open your eyes.
What's more plausible...A vast left wing plan to drag America into socialist slavery?
OR....Decent people in govt trying to do what decent people in govt have been trying to do for 60 years, get health care for all it's citizens?
or 47 million without insurance in total, including children, but only 30 million adults, who are able to buy it, can not?

i dunno, could be a number of things i'd consider before calling it a lie of some sort...

The poor children of the country are covered, if their parents want them to be.

The working poor who may not be able to afford regular, private coverage, are able to pay a small premium and obtain coverage, based upon their income, if they want to, though the state.

The lie is that there are all these kids without coverage who aren't able to get medical treatment, and adults who are working poor who are likewise being denied treatment because they choose not to obtain it.

I'd love for one member of USMB who is claiming that children are uninsured and dying for lack of medical care because of it in this country, and provide a real example of it. One real example. Of someone who can't get either treatment for their kid, or coverage if they are poor.

Yeah, what is your kid has Leukemia, jackoff?
You should have said, "CF is right, the Dems are totally fucking lying about every metric in the debate..." and then added whatever else you wanted to say

Well just because you quoted him at a different number doesn't mean shit. You happy?
The FACT is its around 45M and growing. What he SAID is irrelevant. Now how bout addressing the point of "why are you fighting FOR ins. corporations"?!?!

Everyone is eligible for health care coverage, if you are not too damned lazy to fill out the apps. This bill just protects the people too damned lazy to do that.

And it effectively eliminates the competition using fines, forcing ppl into gov't health care by fining employers who don't enlist their employees into it when their private plan enrollment periods are up, or their premiums change, and by fining the shit out of those who choose to go without insurance.
Well just because you quoted him at a different number doesn't mean shit. You happy?
The FACT is its around 45M and growing. What he SAID is irrelevant. Now how bout addressing the point of "why are you fighting FOR ins. corporations"?!?!

Everyone is eligible for health care coverage, if you are not too damned lazy to fill out the apps. This bill just protects the people too damned lazy to do that.

And it effectively eliminates the competition using fines, forcing ppl into gov't health care by fining employers who don't enlist their employees into it when their private plan enrollment periods are up, or their premiums change, and by fining the shit out of those who choose to go without insurance.

Yeah, the way private security co's eliminated the police dept. and private schools ended public education?
Fuck, you people are dense!
Well just because you quoted him at a different number doesn't mean shit. You happy?
The FACT is its around 45M and growing. What he SAID is irrelevant. Now how bout addressing the point of "why are you fighting FOR ins. corporations"?!?!

Everyone is eligible for health care coverage, if you are not too damned lazy to fill out the apps. This bill just protects the people too damned lazy to do that.

And it effectively eliminates the competition using fines, forcing ppl into gov't health care by fining employers who don't enlist their employees into it when their private plan enrollment periods are up, or their premiums change, and by fining the shit out of those who choose to go without insurance.

Which will wind up raising the costs of almost everything eventually, making the poor poorer.
What the hell can't you people see the big picture??
Who's spending the huge money to fight this thing, both in the senate and the public opinion??
Insurance co's.
Who has made ridiculous profits from by DENYING CARE?
Insurance co's.
The fact is insurance companies are corporations, who, by law, MUST do everything possible to insure a profit to shareholders. Like the evil pres said, "they're not bad people, they're just trying to make a profit."
The problem is they profit by denying care and dropping the sick. A public option would end this because they wouldn't be profit motivated.
It's really pretty simple.
But you conservatives just keep fighting for giant corporations. That's what they want.

You should have said, "CF is right, the Dems are totally fucking lying about every metric in the debate..." and then added whatever else you wanted to say

Well just because you quoted him at a different number doesn't mean shit. You happy?
The FACT is its around 45M and growing. What he SAID is irrelevant. Now how bout addressing the point of "why are you fighting FOR ins. corporations"?!?!

What a waste of good electrons
What the hell can't you people see the big picture??
Who's spending the huge money to fight this thing, both in the senate and the public opinion??
Insurance co's.
Who has made ridiculous profits from by DENYING CARE?
Insurance co's.
The fact is insurance companies are corporations, who, by law, MUST do everything possible to insure a profit to shareholders. Like the evil pres said, "they're not bad people, they're just trying to make a profit."
The problem is they profit by denying care and dropping the sick. A public option would end this because they wouldn't be profit motivated.
It's really pretty simple.
But you conservatives just keep fighting for giant corporations. That's what they want.

That's not the big picture, that's a lot of media spin about on piece of the puzzle so you don't look at the other pieces.

How the hell is that media spin??
And btw, the media is wholeheartedly behind defeating this bill!
Jeez, open your eyes.
What's more plausible...A vast left wing plan to drag America into socialist slavery?
OR....Decent people in govt trying to do what decent people in govt have been trying to do for 60 years, get health care for all it's citizens?

Government is not decent, period. Government is about making more money for politicians. Stop blindly following your savior and look at the whole picture for once.

"Cut off the head, and the body will die."

Who is at the head?
or 47 million without insurance in total, including children, but only 30 million adults, who are able to buy it, can not?

i dunno, could be a number of things i'd consider before calling it a lie of some sort...

The poor children of the country are covered, if their parents want them to be.

The working poor who may not be able to afford regular, private coverage, are able to pay a small premium and obtain coverage, based upon their income, if they want to, though the state.

The lie is that there are all these kids without coverage who aren't able to get medical treatment, and adults who are working poor who are likewise being denied treatment because they choose not to obtain it.

I'd love for one member of USMB who is claiming that children are uninsured and dying for lack of medical care because of it in this country, and provide a real example of it. One real example. Of someone who can't get either treatment for their kid, or coverage if they are poor.

I can give myself as an example, 5 years ago. I grossed too much yearly for state insurance. Newly divorced from a deadbeat husband. I could afford, barely, insurance with a $1,000 deductible. My employer did not provide health insurance. My medications were $150/month. So I was one of those people who had to choose groceries and a roof over my head instead of meds.

Now this was with a college degree, working 48+ hours per week, a 900 sqaure foot home, and a dodge. (hardly a luxurious lifestyle)

Children can be covered regardless from my understanding. They are protected, as they should be. I'm not suggesting that it hasn't or can't happen, but I've not seen it.
2004, incidentally, was when I changed from republican to democrat. I was treated like a leper when I would go see my physician (for-profit clinic) for labs or whatever. All care was paid for up front. (they have to make their profit, understandable) It was very humbling. And it seemed morally and ethically wrong.
or 47 million without insurance in total, including children, but only 30 million adults, who are able to buy it, can not?

i dunno, could be a number of things i'd consider before calling it a lie of some sort...

The poor children of the country are covered, if their parents want them to be.

The working poor who may not be able to afford regular, private coverage, are able to pay a small premium and obtain coverage, based upon their income, if they want to, though the state.

The lie is that there are all these kids without coverage who aren't able to get medical treatment, and adults who are working poor who are likewise being denied treatment because they choose not to obtain it.

I'd love for one member of USMB who is claiming that children are uninsured and dying for lack of medical care because of it in this country, and provide a real example of it. One real example. Of someone who can't get either treatment for their kid, or coverage if they are poor.

I can give myself as an example, 5 years ago. I grossed too much yearly for state insurance. Newly divorced from a deadbeat husband. I could afford, barely, insurance with a $1,000 deductible. My employer did not provide health insurance. My medications were $150/month. So I was one of those people who had to choose groceries and a roof over my head instead of meds.

Now this was with a college degree, working 48+ hours per week, a 900 sqaure foot home, and a dodge. (hardly a luxurious lifestyle)

Children can be covered regardless from my understanding. They are protected, as they should be. I'm not suggesting that it hasn't or can't happen, but I've not seen it.

do you know allie if there is any kind of medicaid for the poor without kids....i don't see it in my state....nor welfare or food stamps, unless you have children, or are a disabled person or senior or student....maybe i am not just seeing it?
“This is not just about the 47 million Americans who have no health insurance,” -- BHO 7/22/09

"There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage," -- BHO 9/9/09

That help?
Those two statements do not contradict one another. At all. This is basic logic here. 57 million is more than 30 million. When someone says "there are more than 30 million", that can still mean 47 million.

but at the end of the day: who cares?

47 million
30 million
2 million

Let's say you're a doctor, and someone walks into your ER without insurance. Does it really matter how many more million people similarly don't have insurance? Really? The exact number doesn't matter at all, not even to the "17 million" you keep quoting.

You want to claim an entire effort is poor for the country because you can't compare two numbers? Let's just say, worst case scenario, the president just flat out misspoke. Somehow that means the entire plan is bad now?

Go get a GED.
“This is not just about the 47 million Americans who have no health insurance,” -- BHO 7/22/09

"There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage," -- BHO 9/9/09

That help?
Those two statements do not contradict one another. At all. This is basic logic here. 57 million is more than 30 million. When someone says "there are more than 30 million", that can still mean 47 million.

but at the end of the day: who cares?

47 million
30 million
2 million

Let's say you're a doctor, and someone walks into your ER without insurance. Does it really matter how many more million people similarly don't have insurance? Really? The exact number doesn't matter at all, not even to the "17 million" you keep quoting.

You want to claim an entire effort is poor for the country because you can't compare two numbers? Let's just say, worst case scenario, the president just flat out misspoke. Somehow that means the entire plan is bad now?

Go get a GED.

It does demonstrate that he is making decisions without knowing all the fact. :doubt:

That's enough for me not to support anything he says myself, we aren't dealing with a single month's budget for a one person household here.

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