Libs: Cop shoots thug, must be racist; Muslim shoots cop "for Islam", it's not about Islam!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Anyone notice how EASILY liberals seem to be able to read a cops mind? They assume or know for a "fact" that when a cop takes any type of enforcement action it'd rscist. If he gets into a was because he was angry and racist.

But....they all of a sudden lose that skill when it's a Muslim who shoots a cop and confesses "I did it for Islam".....libs then say "We wonder why he did it, we aren't sure".

Interesting how libs mind reading skills diminish when Arabs and Africans commit acts of violence, but libs know for sure why a white person or cop does something.
Anyone notice how EASILY liberals seem to be able to read a cops mind? They assume or know for a "fact" that when a cop takes any type of enforcement action it'd rscist. If he gets into a was because he was angry and racist.

But....they all of a sudden lose that skill when it's a Muslim who shoots a cop and confesses "I did it for Islam".....libs then say "We wonder why he did it, we aren't sure".

Interesting how libs mind reading skills diminish when Arabs and Africans commit acts of violence, but libs know for sure why a white person or cop does something.

If the shooter claims it was in the name of Islam then they did it in the name of Islam...

Now should I consider every Muslim a threat?

Nope, and I do not consider every cop to be a racist bigot either...

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