Libs: Do you think it's okay for a porn producer to write children's books?


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
The book:

A Princess of Great Daring

And about the author;

Tobi Hill-Meyer, trans creator of Doing It Again, lauded the move. "Really exciting to see this change," Hill-Meyer wrote on a Tumblr post. "Over the past two or three years, I've seen folks from queer porn reach out to this industry and this award show in particular, and have seen a lot of respect and movement in positive directions. This latest move gives me a lot of optimism that such relationship building work is worthwhile. ... From a personal perspective, I'd hold no reservations about getting a 'Transgender Erotica Award,' and would be excited to be nominated."

'Tranny Awards' Changes Its Name, Not Its Nature |

Oh, PS, the author wants lesbians to have sex with transwomen, pre op transwomen.

Tobi Hill-Meyer admits: he authored controversial anti-lesbian memes

Libs, he honest. And rather than attack me, do you think it's okay for someone like this to be writing books for children?
"Libs, he honest. And rather than attack me, do you think it's okay for someone like this to be writing books for children?"

Sorry but, although I won't attack you, I will state emphatically that you're just plain dumb.

Think it through and then say what YOU think is the alternative.
Libs, he honest. And rather than attack me, do you think it's okay for someone like this to be writing books for children?
As long as he isn't writing porn for children, we do have freedom of expression.
I doubt it would be a best seller...not that many insane parents will buy it for their child
Sure, if the book isn't about porn and if I've read it beforehand.

This tranny obsession of yours though is quite comical. lol
I don't ask right wingers because I know they don't support this. The question is, for liberals, whom I think they might possibly support this, if they do, and why
Sorry, but only a degenerate liberal thinks it's okay for mentally ill freak of nature enabled by only liberals, who produces PORNOGRAPHY should be writing books to kids instructing them to enable someone else's mental illness. ONLY LIBERAL DIPSHITS DO THIS.
Libs, he honest. And rather than attack me, do you think it's okay for someone like this to be writing books for children?

Child molestors will often spend a great deal of time engaged in what's called "grooming". It's where they act surreptitiously, sometimes for years, winning over first a child's guardian's trust, and then later the child. We are nearing the end of this phase writ-large in the LGBT movement in general, who is now suing Mississippi for the "right" to adopt/deprive a child institutionally of either a mother or father for life. Not having a mother or father, sets the agenda of the two adults in the home to be uncontested..... Mothers and fathers act both as a proper influence on the children of their gender in the home, as well as a check and balance against any undue influence from female or male pressures and oversight in the home...

Phase #2 of the LGBT "grooming-writ-large" is to slowly begin introducing the idea of sex acts they intend to engage children in "as fun". We see this in the teaching of anal sex in schools now as "normal, healthy, OK". I find it perfectly in tune with my theory here that now we find a porn producer writing children's books. Look for more and more and more of this in the future.

I'm hoping Mississippi will hold her ground. Because if she does not, our society will be rapidly changing into something even gays today would cringe at in 20 years hence. Because mental illness has a mind and momentum of its own when it grafts itself into a social movement and becomes a cult. Even the originators of the cult will die off and the monster takes on a life of its own, alarming even its most loyal of followers with time...see my signature for details...
I don't ask right wingers because I know they don't support this. The question is, for liberals, whom I think they might possibly support this, if they do, and why

RWNJs, like trany steve don't support the First Amendment.

OTOH, many of them DO support child sexual predators such as Josh Duggar, Ted Nugent and their apologists, like Mike The Huckster Huckabee.
The book:

A Princess of Great Daring

And about the author;

Tobi Hill-Meyer, trans creator of Doing It Again, lauded the move. "Really exciting to see this change," Hill-Meyer wrote on a Tumblr post. "Over the past two or three years, I've seen folks from queer porn reach out to this industry and this award show in particular, and have seen a lot of respect and movement in positive directions. This latest move gives me a lot of optimism that such relationship building work is worthwhile. ... From a personal perspective, I'd hold no reservations about getting a 'Transgender Erotica Award,' and would be excited to be nominated."

'Tranny Awards' Changes Its Name, Not Its Nature |

Oh, PS, the author wants lesbians to have sex with transwomen, pre op transwomen.

Tobi Hill-Meyer admits: he authored controversial anti-lesbian memes

Libs, he honest. And rather than attack me, do you think it's okay for someone like this to be writing books for children?

Are you worried that he might be writing porn for kids?

No- frankly I don't give a damn whether someone writes books for kids writes also writes porn or is a Republican- as long as the books he writes for kids are appropriate for kids.
Libs, he honest. And rather than attack me, do you think it's okay for someone like this to be writing books for children?

Child molestors will often spend a great deal of time engaged in what's called "grooming". It's where they act surreptitiously, sometimes for years, winning over first a child's guardian's trust, and then later the child. ..

Or they just become boy scout troop leaders, or youth group leaders, or teachers.

Child molesters go to where the kids are.

And none of that has anything to do with this topic.
"Libs: Do you think it's okay for a porn producer to write children's books?"

A truly moronic question, having nothing to do with 'libs,' or what's considered 'okay.'

Of course it's conceivable that there are some nitwits on the right who would oppose a book otherwise appropriate for children for no other reason than who the author is – the arrogance, stupidity, and authoritarianism common to many on the right is indeed remarkable.
How exactly would you go about stopping a porn producer from writing children's books?
Are you worried that he might be writing porn for kids?

No- frankly I don't give a damn whether someone writes books for kids writes also writes porn or is a Republican- as long as the books he writes for kids are appropriate for kids.

I think the outcry is one of THAT a porn writer/producer was reaching out to kids...not necessarily the first increments of that outreach as being benign or not. Pedophiles will spend considerable time grooming their targets and very insidiously and stealthily inserting sexualized comments veiled under "just good natured play". We'll keep an eye on his works at they progress...
Are you worried that he might be writing porn for kids?

No- frankly I don't give a damn whether someone writes books for kids writes also writes porn or is a Republican- as long as the books he writes for kids are appropriate for kids.

I think the outcry is one of THAT a porn writer/producer was reaching out to kids...not necessarily the first increments of that outreach as being benign or not. Pedophiles will spend considerable time grooming their targets and very insidiously and stealthily inserting sexualized comments veiled under "just good natured play". We'll keep an eye on his works at they progress...

That's rich considering you described Josh Duggars' molestation of his sisters as 'playing doctor' not too long ago. Please stop pretending that actually care about children. The second they don't fit your anti-gay narrative you discard them into the rubbish bin.

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