Libs literally want us to believe that men give birth

This is one of those cases where I would support the government taking those children away from their "parents".
The horror. The horror


No real man has become pregnant. And no one born a female is ever a male or carries the pronoun "he" "him" or "his" etc. So let's get that straight first. What is going on is MOTHERHOOD; by some very confused & deranged women. God help the children involved...
you reach greater levels of stupid every day, kkk loser. :cuckoo:
How many Jews do you know in the KKK you fucking idiot?

And you are KKK for thinking females only give birth? And you degenerate freaks of nature accuse republicans of being anti science?


I motion that Godwin's Law should include the mentioning of Jews.
Like Anthony Weenie?
Who is that?
The NYC Jew who keeps photographing his weenie!

Thanks for continuing to prove that you're a hate-filled cow
How many Jews do you know in the KKK you fucking idiot?

And you are KKK for thinking females only give birth? And you degenerate freaks of nature accuse republicans of being anti science?


I motion that Godwin's Law should include the mentioning of Jews.
Like Anthony Weenie?
Who is that?
The NYC Jew who keeps photographing his weenie!

Thanks for continuing to prove that you're a hate-filled cow
Well, I love cows, no one loves a bitch like ewe! Well maybe weenie does!
I bet people have a hard time telling your face from a horse's ass! Left wing turd!
Well, with the right medical science...who knows. I just think that would add to ones personal freedom.
The horror. The horror


No real man has become pregnant. And no one born a female is ever a male or carries the pronoun "he" "him" or "his" etc. So let's get that straight first. What is going on is MOTHERHOOD; by some very confused & deranged women. God help the children involved...
AND I pray that these negligent women get the prison time they deserve.
Well, with the right medical science...who knows. I just think that would add to ones personal freedom.

"personal freedom" from WHAT? You leftists are so self-absorbed you have no idea, nor do you care, how your behavior is affecting those around you. GROW the fuck UP boy.
I don't mind people living their lives how they want to but..



I'd rather have two gay dads than be suckled by that!

The father must have had his beer googles on, what?

I've actually met trans men with small children. Imagine what that does to a child if their mum changes to a dude?

People constantly rip into transwomen but I don't get that because males have always been to a certain extent, surplus. I think these days we really need to recfocus on the DUTY that biological females have, rather than pouring more and more load on to biological males.

I mean this photo says it all.
That baby is going to grow a third eye.
This all depends on definitions of physical & mental attributes.
Really very simple ...
Female body gave birth.
Male mind/personality is associated with the birth.

Not rocket science, or even 6th grade.

It is an insult to all sane males to describe the freak in this story as having a “male mind”. There is nothing “male” about the sickness and disorder that drives these perverts.
the transmen community love creating awareness. This thread is doing them a big favour :D
My dog loves creating awareness too. This is why he shits in the middle of the walkway and when I step in it, I'm aware of him. But not in a good way. Just wanted to add that crucial last point. But I actually get a more fond and warm feeling when I step in dog shit than when I look at that horrific picture of two women juicing testosterone and having a suckling baby.

BTW, what is "transmen"? I'm only aware of men and women; males and females. Is this some new made up name? It is? Oh, right; you guys play pretend a lot but want to be taken seriously at the same time. Can't have it both ways though.
the transmen community love creating awareness. This thread is doing them a big favour :D
My dog loves creating awareness too. This is why he shits in the middle of the walkway and when I step in it, I'm aware of him. But not in a good way. Just wanted to add that crucial last point. But I actually get a more fond and warm feeling when I step in dog shit than when I look at that horrific picture of two women juicing testosterone and having a suckling baby.

BTW, what is "transmen"? I'm only aware of men and women; males and females. Is this some new made up name? It is? Oh, right; you guys play pretend a lot but want to be taken seriously at the same time. Can't have it both ways though.
"you guys"???

Hey I'm not with them. I worship femininity. What transmen(female to male transgenders) do to themselves is sacrilege as far as I'm concerned.
I try to be as open minded as possible. But I'd be hella confused if I were with someone who looked like a man with beard and all but had breast and a vagina. It just wouldn't feel right to me. If I want breast and bagina then I'd just be with a full fledge woman. If I want masculine features and a beard I would just be with a real man.

But people are free to be with whoever. I do wish people would stop saying pregnant men though. It is deceiving as these men still have all their woman parts. I will be impressed when we see a biological man give birth.
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This all depends on definitions of physical & mental attributes.
Really very simple ...
Female body gave birth.
Male mind/personality is associated with the birth.
Not rocket science, or even 6th grade.
It is an insult to all sane males to describe the freak in this story as having a “male mind”. There is nothing “male” about the sickness and disorder that drives these perverts.
There's "normal" behavior (middle 60-80% of statistical bell curve), then there are extremes or "abnormal" behavioral patterns, but they can still be adaptive.
You may not like these transgender "males" (in mind), but they do consider themselves more male than female in their gender-related cognitions.
Of course, the fact that these transgenders have female DNA & internal organs makes their predicament challenging for normal observers (traditional) like yourself!

You may not like their liberty in pursuit of their own happiness, but freedom of expression is a core USA value.
My concern is the impact of their family on their child's psychological development within context of the wider social environment.
There could be a silver lining, such as developing a tough personality, like the "boy named Sue".

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