Libs promise to step up transgender nonsense in 2014

That's .8 % that should be in circus sideshow or in a mental institution so they can't infect normal homo sapiens with their vile, disgusting selves.
Hah hah why don't you just tattoo "I have insecurity issues" on your forehead instead of bothering to type out posts to prove it?
That's .8 % that should be in circus sideshow or in a mental institution so they can't infect normal homo sapiens with their vile, disgusting selves.

They're just people.

very different from you and me.

And they are not infectious, that's just ignorant

Infectious enough that our children are increasingly confused and forced to succumb to their disgusting agenda. That is not "ignorant" mister.

"Just people", pffft. What a silly thing to say. There is nothing more anti-people than a disgusting homosexual, transvestite, fag, bi-sexual, transexual.

That's just like saying a virus is just a virus. Virii have a right to life too!

at .8% of the population, it's not trannies that are forcing themselves on anyone.

It's liberals using yet another small group of people to push the bigger agenda of taking all freedoms away
They're just people.

very different from you and me.

And they are not infectious, that's just ignorant

Infectious enough that our children are increasingly confused and forced to succumb to their disgusting agenda. That is not "ignorant" mister.

"Just people", pffft. What a silly thing to say. There is nothing more anti-people than a disgusting homosexual, transvestite, fag, bi-sexual, transexual.

That's just like saying a virus is just a virus. Virii have a right to life too!

at .8% of the population, it's not trannies that are forcing themselves on anyone.

It's liberals using yet another small group of people to push the bigger agenda of taking all freedoms away


Sent from my iPhone using Rat in Ernie's anus's tears.
Libs are now saying turning down same sec advances is homophobic

I accepted it as a compliment when lesbian hit on me, the same way I'd see it if a man hit on me.

It depends how it is done. If it's unwelcome and threatening, it doesn't matter what gender or orientation you are either, it's still harassment.

The difference being a man hits on you because you might be receptive to male attentions, including his. When a woman hits on you, she thinks you are a lesbian. Is there anything about you that would lead someone to think you are a lesbian?
How am I supposed to mind my business when your goal is to force everyone to deny reality?


Gays are the most Prolific Molesters of Children

Gays Seek to indoctrinate Children to their lifestyle

Gays are Disease infested , not the least of which is HIV

Gays are Mentally Disturbed

Anyone think of anything else where the Gay Community denies Reality ?
How am I supposed to mind my business when your goal is to force everyone to deny reality?


Gays are the most Prolific Molesters of Children

Gays Seek to indoctrinate Children to their lifestyle

Gays are Disease infested , not the least of which is HIV

Gays are Mentally Disturbed

Anyone think of anything else where the Gay Community denies Reality ?

What is the source of these alleged "facts". I ask as I've never seen any proof of these claims, just a lot of people who, given their level of vitriol, probably want to believe them claiming them as fact.
How am I supposed to mind my business when your goal is to force everyone to deny reality?


Gays are the most Prolific Molesters of Children

Gays Seek to indoctrinate Children to their lifestyle

Gays are Disease infested , not the least of which is HIV

Gays are Mentally Disturbed

Anyone think of anything else where the Gay Community denies Reality ?

Sadly, if these lies are repeated often enough, brainless nutters will actually believe them.
How am I supposed to mind my business when your goal is to force everyone to deny reality?


Gays are the most Prolific Molesters of Children

Gays Seek to indoctrinate Children to their lifestyle

Gays are Disease infested , not the least of which is HIV

Gays are Mentally Disturbed

Anyone think of anything else where the Gay Community denies Reality ?

Sadly, if these lies are repeated often enough, brainless nutters will actually believe them.

Beanie believing them with all his heart and soul doesn't make it true? Poor Beanie.
Time for the religious, the right, the conservative Americans, and others to face who they are and let people be who they are.

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How am I supposed to mind my business when your goal is to force everyone to deny reality?
What is the source of these alleged "facts". I ask as I've never seen any proof of these claims, just a lot of people who, given their level of vitriol, probably want to believe them claiming them as fact.


1. Gays are the most Prolific Molesters of Children

Homosexuals Males comprise 2- 4% of the Population
They are responsible for 30 - 35% of Child Molestation cases

2. Gays Seek to indoctrinate Children to their lifestyle

There are a number of sites which deal with this topic - I'll give you one off the top of my head as time constraints and yada yada yada

The Gay Agenda in Public Schools

3. Gays are Disease infested , not the least of which is HIV


Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

4. Gays are Mentally Disturbed

The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 only after years of political pressure from gay activists. The American Psychiatrics association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure !

" In the early 1970s, the NGLTF staffed educational booths at American Psychiatric Association conventions and took an active role in lobbying the APA to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. In 1978, it urged the U.S. Public Health Service to stop certifying gay immigrants as "psychopathic personalities." Guide to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Records, 1973-2008

Beginning in 1968, homosexual activist groups began lobbying leading psychiatric organizations to lay the groundwork for the deletion of homosexuality as a mental disorder. From '68 till '72 while the APA Task Force [comprised entirely of homosexuals and homosexual activists] was actively preparing its report, any psychiatrist or psychoanalyst who dared to challenge them or present contradictory documentation anywhere in America was shouted down, heckled and in some cases even physically assaulted at meetings of mental health professionals.

Gays are the most Prolific Molesters of Children

Gays Seek to indoctrinate Children to their lifestyle

Gays are Disease infested , not the least of which is HIV

Gays are Mentally Disturbed

Anyone think of anything else where the Gay Community denies Reality ?

Sadly, if these lies are repeated often enough, brainless nutters will actually believe them.

Beanie believing them with all his heart and soul doesn't make it true? Poor Beanie.

The diff. between me and you SeaHag is that I back up my claims with cold hard facts
What is the source of these alleged "facts". I ask as I've never seen any proof of these claims, just a lot of people who, given their level of vitriol, probably want to believe them claiming them as fact.


1. Gays are the most Prolific Molesters of Children

Homosexuals Males comprise 2- 4% of the Population
They are responsible for 30 - 35% of Child Molestation cases

2. Gays Seek to indoctrinate Children to their lifestyle

There are a number of sites which deal with this topic - I'll give you one off the top of my head as time constraints and yada yada yada

The Gay Agenda in Public Schools

3. Gays are Disease infested , not the least of which is HIV


Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

4. Gays are Mentally Disturbed

The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 only after years of political pressure from gay activists. The American Psychiatrics association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure !

" In the early 1970s, the NGLTF staffed educational booths at American Psychiatric Association conventions and took an active role in lobbying the APA to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. In 1978, it urged the U.S. Public Health Service to stop certifying gay immigrants as "psychopathic personalities." Guide to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Records, 1973-2008

Beginning in 1968, homosexual activist groups began lobbying leading psychiatric organizations to lay the groundwork for the deletion of homosexuality as a mental disorder. From '68 till '72 while the APA Task Force [comprised entirely of homosexuals and homosexual activists] was actively preparing its report, any psychiatrist or psychoanalyst who dared to challenge them or present contradictory documentation anywhere in America was shouted down, heckled and in some cases even physically assaulted at meetings of mental health professionals.

Thanks for taking the time to get back to me.

Although I am in no way agreeing or disagreeing with your stand point I would point out that the only sources you have provided are an internet link to a website called "looney bird" and a history lesson which assumes that the scientific community in the 1970s were infallible, I assume the same scientific community who tell us that global warming is a reality.

1. Gays are the most Prolific Molesters of Children

Homosexuals Males comprise 2- 4% of the Population
They are responsible for 30 - 35% of Child Molestation cases

2. Gays Seek to indoctrinate Children to their lifestyle

There are a number of sites which deal with this topic - I'll give you one off the top of my head as time constraints and yada yada yada

The Gay Agenda in Public Schools

3. Gays are Disease infested , not the least of which is HIV


Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

4. Gays are Mentally Disturbed

The American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 only after years of political pressure from gay activists. The American Psychiatrics association board of trustees passed this decision followed by a statement which listed among the reasons for their decision as changing social norms and growing gay rights activism . So basically, a scientific institution was coerced into changing a scientific opinion or classification due to political pressure !

" In the early 1970s, the NGLTF staffed educational booths at American Psychiatric Association conventions and took an active role in lobbying the APA to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. In 1978, it urged the U.S. Public Health Service to stop certifying gay immigrants as "psychopathic personalities." Guide to the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Records, 1973-2008

Beginning in 1968, homosexual activist groups began lobbying leading psychiatric organizations to lay the groundwork for the deletion of homosexuality as a mental disorder. From '68 till '72 while the APA Task Force [comprised entirely of homosexuals and homosexual activists] was actively preparing its report, any psychiatrist or psychoanalyst who dared to challenge them or present contradictory documentation anywhere in America was shouted down, heckled and in some cases even physically assaulted at meetings of mental health professionals.

Thanks for taking the time to get back to me.

Although I am in no way agreeing or disagreeing with your stand point I would point out that ............and a history lesson which assumes that the scientific community in the 1970s were infallible, I assume the same scientific community who tell us that global warming is a reality.

Don't know about Global Warming , and as far as the scientific Community being infallible - Hardly - but they adhered to Scientific Objectivity

Dr. Nicholas Cummings, the man who sponsored the resolution by which the APA stated that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. He was President of the APA from 1979 to 1980, and also served as a member of the organization’s Council of Representatives. He served for years as Chief of Mental Health with the Kaiser-Permanente Health Maintenance Organization, and is the author of the book “Destructive Trends in Mental Health: The Well-Intentioned Path to Harm.” Made he following statement:

The APA “started changing pretty drastically by the late 1980s,” said Cummings. “By the mid 1990s, the Leona Tyler principle was absolutely forgotten, that political stances seemed to override any scientific results. Cherry-picking results became the mode. The gay rights movement sort of captured the APA.”

Leona Tyler principle required that all public positions of the APA be supported by scientific evidence.... Scientific Objectivity.

the only sources you have provided are an internet link to a website called "looney bird"

That is ridiculous name for a site - but if read the article I posted a link to you'll understand it is very relevant.

Brainwashing our Children - changing society by capturing the the minds of youth is not a new idea, it's as old as civilization itself.......

Suggested Links
Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools
Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school
Gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as FOUR

Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Videos
Fired West Virginia teacher denies trying to turn them gay YouTube
Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!
Homosexual foreplay discussed in Maine middle school assembly
Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children
Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality
More Sacramento region schools in state's bottom 10 percent than top 10 percent
Model gay adoptive fathers sexually abused 6-year-old for years: offered him to pedophile ring
Principal tattles to mom, lesbian teen sues
Are the Media Pro-Gay ?
Don't know about Global Warming , and as far as the scientific Community being infallible - Hardly - but they adhered to Scientific Objectivity

Dr. Nicholas Cummings, the man who sponsored the resolution by which the APA stated that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. He was President of the APA from 1979 to 1980, and also served as a member of the organization’s Council of Representatives. He served for years as Chief of Mental Health with the Kaiser-Permanente Health Maintenance Organization, and is the author of the book “Destructive Trends in Mental Health: The Well-Intentioned Path to Harm.” Made he following statement:

Leona Tyler principle required that all public positions of the APA be supported by scientific evidence.... Scientific Objectivity.

That is ridiculous name for a site - but if read the article I posted a link to you'll understand it is very relevant.

Brainwashing our Children - changing society by capturing the the minds of youth is not a new idea, it's as old as civilization itself.......

Suggested Links
Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools
Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school
Gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as FOUR

Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Videos
Fired West Virginia teacher denies trying to turn them gay YouTube
Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!
Homosexual foreplay discussed in Maine middle school assembly
Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children
Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality
More Sacramento region schools in state's bottom 10 percent than top 10 percent
Model gay adoptive fathers sexually abused 6-year-old for years: offered him to pedophile ring
Principal tattles to mom, lesbian teen sues
Are the Media Pro-Gay ?

One man's brainwashing is another man's educating. In another thread a user named Tank claimed they would teach their kids that homosexuality was wrong and evil. That is every bit as much of a brainwashing as kids in school being taught that it is okay. I very much doubt the "promotion of homosexuality" that everyone is so in arms about is anything more than "some people love people the same gender as them" and not the "go take a cock up your ass now" that reactionaries would have people believe.

Anyway enough of that, it's an area that is entirely subjecting and nobody is going to sway for their opinion on that what is fascinating is the way that the APA changed it's stance on homoxuality as a mental illness.
If 2-4 % of the nation are gay then it's not a mental illness but a epidemic and not only that but it affects almost the same percentage of people throughout the world irrespective of culture, that is pretty impressive as mental illnesses as a whole tend to be culturally affected yet homosexuality manages to soldier on through all of this.
In truth the reality is that all scientists are human beings and will always start from a stand point that is relative to their perception of reality. Scientists from that era being men brought up in the 40s and 50s with Buck Rogers, Mom's Apple Pie, Buddy Holly and the thinking of that time will see homosexuality as an abhorrence and will seek to cure it as from their god fearing reality it is a devience. The 21st century reality is that it is not and so whilst that might not sit right with someone's percetion we have to take it as truth. I have a hard time understanding that every atom is in contact with every other atom in the universe but string theory says so and without it my computer screen wouldn't be working so sometimes you just have accept what seems counter intuative. Well that's my take anyway.
The diff. between me and you SeaHag is that I back up my claims with cold hard facts

Let me know when you actually post some.

Today, yesterday, tomorrow - I see you gave up trying to debate me - you keep losing - now all you post is idiotic one liners . What a Loser !

When you provide actual facts to debate I'm more than happy to accommodate you. When you spout ridiculous nonsense like "gays are out to get your children", there is no reason to try to have anything resembling a reasonable exchange with you.

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