Libs promise to step up transgender nonsense in 2014

Are you telling me that you support the murder of transgender people? Or the violence towards transgender people? Or the bullying towards transgender people?

We don't really know for sure what Steve wants to do with transgender people...we just know he's obsessed with them.

Oh, I see. I thought it quite odd that people would be up in arms over ending violence towards any group of American citizens.
Don't know about Global Warming , and as far as the scientific Community being infallible - Hardly - but they adhered to Scientific Objectivity

Dr. Nicholas Cummings, the man who sponsored the resolution by which the APA stated that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. He was President of the APA from 1979 to 1980, and also served as a member of the organization’s Council of Representatives. He served for years as Chief of Mental Health with the Kaiser-Permanente Health Maintenance Organization, and is the author of the book “Destructive Trends in Mental Health: The Well-Intentioned Path to Harm.” Made he following statement:

Leona Tyler principle required that all public positions of the APA be supported by scientific evidence.... Scientific Objectivity.

That is ridiculous name for a site - but if read the article I posted a link to you'll understand it is very relevant.

Brainwashing our Children - changing society by capturing the the minds of youth is not a new idea, it's as old as civilization itself.......

Suggested Links
Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools
Judge: Parents have no right to know what homosexual activist taught their children in school
Gay messages built into school math lessons for children as young as FOUR

Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Videos
Fired West Virginia teacher denies trying to turn them gay YouTube
Thank Local School Board for Rejecting 1st Grade Math Class!
Homosexual foreplay discussed in Maine middle school assembly
Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children
Schools No Longer Teach Reading and Writing, Now Just Promote Homosexuality
More Sacramento region schools in state's bottom 10 percent than top 10 percent
Model gay adoptive fathers sexually abused 6-year-old for years: offered him to pedophile ring
Principal tattles to mom, lesbian teen sues
Are the Media Pro-Gay ?

One man's brainwashing is another man's educating. In another thread a user named Tank claimed they would teach their kids that homosexuality was wrong and evil. That is every bit as much of a brainwashing as kids in school being taught that it is okay. I very much doubt the "promotion of homosexuality" that everyone is so in arms about is anything more than "some people love people the same gender as them" and not the "go take a cock up your ass now" that reactionaries would have people believe.

Anyway enough of that, it's an area that is entirely subjecting and nobody is going to sway for their opinion on that what is fascinating is the way that the APA changed it's stance on homoxuality as a mental illness.
If 2-4 % of the nation are gay then it's not a mental illness but a epidemic and not only that but it affects almost the same percentage of people throughout the world irrespective of culture, that is pretty impressive as mental illnesses as a whole tend to be culturally affected yet homosexuality manages to soldier on through all of this.
In truth the reality is that all scientists are human beings and will always start from a stand point that is relative to their perception of reality. Scientists from that era being men brought up in the 40s and 50s with Buck Rogers, Mom's Apple Pie, Buddy Holly and the thinking of that time will see homosexuality as an abhorrence and will seek to cure it as from their god fearing reality it is a devience. The 21st century reality is that it is not and so whilst that might not sit right with someone's percetion we have to take it as truth. I have a hard time understanding that every atom is in contact with every other atom in the universe but string theory says so and without it my computer screen wouldn't be working so sometimes you just have accept what seems counter intuative. Well that's my take anyway.

Manchester - MY apologies - I rarely ignore replies especially intelligent ones such as yours - which is in short supply of late .

One man's brainwashing is another man's educating. In another thread a user named Tank claimed they would teach their kids that homosexuality was wrong and evil. That is every bit as much of a brainwashing as kids in school being taught that it is okay.

To some extent -I agree with Tank - homosexuality is wrong and evil - it's not a topic to be taught to Children. I would however , were I able to , and in the right place at the right time - defend any homosexuals being attacked because of their illness- the same as I would defend any other decent human being.

I very much doubt the "promotion of homosexuality" that everyone is so in arms about is anything more than "some people love people the same gender as them" and not the "go take a cock up your ass now" that reactionaries would have people believe.

For starters - imposing your values on someone elses Children is just wrong - The function of Education is Reading, Writing, ARithmetic, Phys. Ed. not the opinionated values of left wing ideologues who either ignore or are incapable of comprehending the long term effects of their misguided agendas.

Sometimes the school administrators are able to keep reigns on the homos. they let into their classroom - sometimes they are neglect . One such incident {And there are multiple cases} is the Gorham Middle School in Maine

From the Link I provided you in a previous post ...

At Gorham Middle School in Maine students learned about homosexual foreplay during what was supposed to be a Diversity Day presentation. Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine.
This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available.
Gay Agenda in Public Schools

Another incident

During a workshop for 14-21 year olds , these young people were assaulted by a session that presented unsolicited lessons in fisting a homosexual practice where a persons fist is violently thrusted up the partners rectum for sexual pleasure, instead of the penis. A Gay activist also asked students, Spit or swallow?... Is it rude?

Breaking: Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Question to 14 Year Olds: "Spit vs. Swallow?? Is it Rude?" (audio-video) | The Gateway Pundit

In truth the reality is that all scientists are human beings and will always start from a stand point that is relative to their perception of reality. ...

GOOD Scientists understand Objectivity . One of the men who Authored the motion to remove homosexuality from the DSM was Dr. Nicholas Cummings - IN recent years he has come to the realization that he was in error, although he remains a Gay Rights Advocate.

In an interview Cummings said that the organization’s {APA} problems began with the rejection of the Leona Tyler Principle, which required that all public positions of the APA be supported by scientific evidence.

“By the mid 1990s, the Leona Tyler principle was absolutely forgotten, that political stances seemed to override any scientific results. Cherry-picking results became the mode. The gay rights movement sort of captured the APA

^^^This is from the Guy who Authored that infamous motion rammed down the APAs throat in the 70s

The 21st century reality is that it is not and so whilst that might not sit right with someone's percetion we have to take it as truth. I have a hard time understanding that every atom is in contact with every other atom in the universe but string theory says so and without it my computer screen wouldn't be working so sometimes you just have accept what seems counter intuative. Well that's my take anyway.

I'm glad to see you have a basic understanding of String Theory - but I fail to see the 'relativity' to the Gay Agenda .
Last edited:
Are you telling me that you support the murder of transgender people? Or the violence towards transgender people? Or the bullying towards transgender people?

We don't really know for sure what Steve wants to do with transgender people...we just know he's obsessed with them.

Oh, I see. I thought it quite odd that people would be up in arms over ending violence towards any group of American citizens.

You know - I have the SeaHag on my ignore List , but unfortunately she keeps showing up when a more intelligent contributor quotes her - {And by more intelligent I mean about 90-95% of the participants on this thread} ... Hey will you guys stop feeding the Troll Please .:trolls:
Male homosexuality is wrong, not evil. Like smoking . It is unhealthy. However adults should be allowed to make their own choices.
One man's brainwashing is another man's educating. In another thread a user named Tank claimed they would teach their kids that homosexuality was wrong and evil. That is every bit as much of a brainwashing as kids in school being taught that it is okay. I very much doubt the "promotion of homosexuality" that everyone is so in arms about is anything more than "some people love people the same gender as them" and not the "go take a cock up your ass now" that reactionaries would have people believe.

Anyway enough of that, it's an area that is entirely subjecting and nobody is going to sway for their opinion on that what is fascinating is the way that the APA changed it's stance on homoxuality as a mental illness.
If 2-4 % of the nation are gay then it's not a mental illness but a epidemic and not only that but it affects almost the same percentage of people throughout the world irrespective of culture, that is pretty impressive as mental illnesses as a whole tend to be culturally affected yet homosexuality manages to soldier on through all of this.
In truth the reality is that all scientists are human beings and will always start from a stand point that is relative to their perception of reality. Scientists from that era being men brought up in the 40s and 50s with Buck Rogers, Mom's Apple Pie, Buddy Holly and the thinking of that time will see homosexuality as an abhorrence and will seek to cure it as from their god fearing reality it is a devience. The 21st century reality is that it is not and so whilst that might not sit right with someone's percetion we have to take it as truth. I have a hard time understanding that every atom is in contact with every other atom in the universe but string theory says so and without it my computer screen wouldn't be working so sometimes you just have accept what seems counter intuative. Well that's my take anyway.

Manchester - MY apologies - I rarely ignore replies especially intelligent ones such as yours - which is in short supply of late .

To some extent -I agree with Tank - homosexuality is wrong and evil - it's not a topic to be taught to Children. I would however , were I able to , and in the right place at the right time - defend any homosexuals being attacked because of their illness- the same as I would defend any other decent human being.

For starters - imposing your values on someone elses Children is just wrong - The function of Education is Reading, Writing, ARithmetic, Phys. Ed. not the opinionated values of left wing ideologues who either ignore or are incapable of comprehending the long term effects of their misguided agendas.

Sometimes the school administrators are able to keep reigns on the homos. they let into their classroom - sometimes they are neglect . One such incident {And there are multiple cases} is the Gorham Middle School in Maine

From the Link I provided you in a previous post ...

At Gorham Middle School in Maine students learned about homosexual foreplay during what was supposed to be a Diversity Day presentation. Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine.
This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available.
Gay Agenda in Public Schools

Another incident

During a workshop for 14-21 year olds , these young people were assaulted by a session that presented unsolicited lessons in fisting a homosexual practice where a persons fist is violently thrusted up the partners rectum for sexual pleasure, instead of the penis. A Gay activist also asked students, Spit or swallow?... Is it rude?

Breaking: Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Question to 14 Year Olds: "Spit vs. Swallow?? Is it Rude?" (audio-video) | The Gateway Pundit

In truth the reality is that all scientists are human beings and will always start from a stand point that is relative to their perception of reality. ...

GOOD Scientists understand Objectivity . One of the men who Authored the motion to remove homosexuality from the DSM was Dr. Nicholas Cummings - IN recent years he has come to the realization that he was in error, although he remains a Gay Rights Advocate.

In an interview Cummings said that the organization’s {APA} problems began with the rejection of the Leona Tyler Principle, which required that all public positions of the APA be supported by scientific evidence.

“By the mid 1990s, the Leona Tyler principle was absolutely forgotten, that political stances seemed to override any scientific results. Cherry-picking results became the mode. The gay rights movement sort of captured the APA.”

^^^This is from the Guy who Authored that infamous motion rammed down the APAs throat in the 70s

The 21st century reality is that it is not and so whilst that might not sit right with someone's percetion we have to take it as truth. I have a hard time understanding that every atom is in contact with every other atom in the universe but string theory says so and without it my computer screen wouldn't be working so sometimes you just have accept what seems counter intuative. Well that's my take anyway.

I'm glad to see you have a basic understanding of String Theory - but I fail to see the 'relativity' to the Gay Agenda .

First you have nothing to be sorry about, this place is a bit of a free for all and I didn't post that reply that long ago. And early in the morning.

I agree that value systems should not be imposed in schools however the standpoint is it's okay to be gay is right up there with it being okay to be black or okay to be a woman. It's a civil rights issue and as we teach equality in our schools then sexuality equality is part of that politically whether you believe that to be a right or a wrong. Your examples are pretty petrifying but isolated examples and whilst the groups in question might very well have tried this sort of shit in a number of different schools I find it hard to believe that there will be thousands of these groups across the nation as parents wont stand for it. This incident created a news story because it is newsworth, an exception from the norm so severe that it was reported to the general public. Also I understand that fisting is just as popular in the kinkier end of the hetrosexual community as the homosexual.

The whole APA thing I'll say again I find totally fascinating, a good scietist does remain as absolutely objective as is humanly possible but in that very statement the weak link is the human part. Homosexuality was treated as a mental illness before lobbying by gay pressure groups. Why? Why was it treated in such a way in the first place if not through the subjective opinions of the first people to study it? That's not a rhetorical question, I'd really like to know what classifies that behavoir as worthy of being treated as the symptom of a mental disease in the first place.

Finally I used the string theory as a simple point to show how the counter intuitive can be regarded as scientific fact dispite gut feeling to the absolute contrary. You can believe in your heart of hearts that homosexuality is wrong and an illness just because of the way you experience the world but you don't need to therefore assert this feeling as scientific fact.
Last edited:
At Gorham Middle School in Maine students learned about homosexual foreplay during what was supposed to be a Diversity Day presentation. Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine.
This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available.
Gay Agenda in Public Schools

It is so appropriate that you keep linking to a site called "looneybird". Fits to a "T". :lol:

The incident at the Gorham middle school was not intentional and was the result of a student's question. Everyone involved apologized.

I happen to have an 8th grader and what was ended up being discussed when that incident occurred can't hold a candle to what 8th graders actually talk about. That's probably why;

Riley said he has received a few phone calls from parents, but has received more emails from people who do not have children at the school.

Another incident

During a workshop for 14-21 year olds , these young people were assaulted by a session that presented unsolicited lessons in fisting a homosexual practice where a persons fist is violently thrusted up the partners rectum for sexual pleasure, instead of the penis. A Gay activist also asked students, Spit or swallow?... Is it rude?

Breaking: Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Question to 14 Year Olds: "Spit vs. Swallow?? Is it Rude?" (audio-video) | The Gateway Pundit

Nope. Unraveling the Right's false attacks on Kevin Jennings

rammed down the APAs throat

There's that homoerotic imagery again (and again and again and again). It's like a compulsion or sumpin' :lol:
At Gorham Middle School in Maine students learned about homosexual foreplay during what was supposed to be a Diversity Day presentation. Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine.
This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available.
Gay Agenda in Public Schools

It is so appropriate that you keep linking to a site called "looneybird". Fits to a "T". :lol:

The incident at the Gorham middle school was not intentional and was the result of a student's question. Everyone involved apologized.

I happen to have an 8th grader and what was ended up being discussed when that incident occurred can't hold a candle to what 8th graders actually talk about. That's probably why;

Riley said he has received a few phone calls from parents, but has received more emails from people who do not have children at the school.

Another incident

During a workshop for 14-21 year olds , these young people were assaulted by a session that presented unsolicited lessons in fisting a homosexual practice where a persons fist is violently thrusted up the partners rectum for sexual pleasure, instead of the penis. A Gay activist also asked students, Spit or swallow?... Is it rude?

Breaking: Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Question to 14 Year Olds: "Spit vs. Swallow?? Is it Rude?" (audio-video) | The Gateway Pundit

Nope. Unraveling the Right's false attacks on Kevin Jennings

rammed down the APAs throat

There's that homoerotic imagery again (and again and again and again). It's like a compulsion or sumpin' :lol:

Okay SeaBitch - I put you on ignore - but I got a msg. from another member requesting I debunk you - as I usually do. So consider yourself fortunate enough to be a further recipient of my unrelenting attacks on the Gay Agenda. Lucky You !

The incident at the Gorham middle school was not intentional and was the result of a student's question. Everyone involved apologized.

That's not completely true. And if a student asks a teacher how big is your schwanz , should he whip it out and let them measure it ? You're just getting ridiculous now .

Breaking: Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Question to 14 Year Olds: "Spit vs. Swallow?? Is it Rude?" (audio-video) | The Gateway Pundit

Nope: Unraveling the Right's false attacks on Kevin Jennings

Nope - okay if so say so but here's the Tape:

[ame=]Czar Orgs Question to 14 Year Olds: Spit vs. Swallow? - YouTube[/ame]

There's that homoerotic imagery again (and again and again and again). It's like a compulsion or sumpin'

You seem to be the one that envisions sexual imagery in everything , perhaps because your a sexual deviant to begin with. That's an old expression - take it as you like - as a matter of fact if you'd like I'll ram it down your throat .

OT: By the way - did you know what some Gay Parents gave their kids for Christmas ?

.....Erection Sets
One man's brainwashing is another man's educating. In another thread a user named Tank claimed they would teach their kids that homosexuality was wrong and evil. That is every bit as much of a brainwashing as kids in school being taught that it is okay. I very much doubt the "promotion of homosexuality" that everyone is so in arms about is anything more than "some people love people the same gender as them" and not the "go take a cock up your ass now" that reactionaries would have people believe.

Anyway enough of that, it's an area that is entirely subjecting and nobody is going to sway for their opinion on that what is fascinating is the way that the APA changed it's stance on homoxuality as a mental illness.
If 2-4 % of the nation are gay then it's not a mental illness but a epidemic and not only that but it affects almost the same percentage of people throughout the world irrespective of culture, that is pretty impressive as mental illnesses as a whole tend to be culturally affected yet homosexuality manages to soldier on through all of this.
In truth the reality is that all scientists are human beings and will always start from a stand point that is relative to their perception of reality. Scientists from that era being men brought up in the 40s and 50s with Buck Rogers, Mom's Apple Pie, Buddy Holly and the thinking of that time will see homosexuality as an abhorrence and will seek to cure it as from their god fearing reality it is a devience. The 21st century reality is that it is not and so whilst that might not sit right with someone's percetion we have to take it as truth. I have a hard time understanding that every atom is in contact with every other atom in the universe but string theory says so and without it my computer screen wouldn't be working so sometimes you just have accept what seems counter intuative. Well that's my take anyway.

Manchester - MY apologies - I rarely ignore replies especially intelligent ones such as yours - which is in short supply of late .

To some extent -I agree with Tank - homosexuality is wrong and evil - it's not a topic to be taught to Children. I would however , were I able to , and in the right place at the right time - defend any homosexuals being attacked because of their illness- the same as I would defend any other decent human being.

For starters - imposing your values on someone elses Children is just wrong - The function of Education is Reading, Writing, ARithmetic, Phys. Ed. not the opinionated values of left wing ideologues who either ignore or are incapable of comprehending the long term effects of their misguided agendas.

Sometimes the school administrators are able to keep reigns on the homos. they let into their classroom - sometimes they are neglect . One such incident {And there are multiple cases} is the Gorham Middle School in Maine

From the Link I provided you in a previous post ...

At Gorham Middle School in Maine students learned about homosexual foreplay during what was supposed to be a Diversity Day presentation. Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine.
This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available.
Gay Agenda in Public Schools

Another incident

During a workshop for 14-21 year olds , these young people were assaulted by a session that presented unsolicited lessons in fisting a homosexual practice where a persons fist is violently thrusted up the partners rectum for sexual pleasure, instead of the penis. A Gay activist also asked students, Spit or swallow?... Is it rude?

Breaking: Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Question to 14 Year Olds: "Spit vs. Swallow?? Is it Rude?" (audio-video) | The Gateway Pundit

GOOD Scientists understand Objectivity . One of the men who Authored the motion to remove homosexuality from the DSM was Dr. Nicholas Cummings - IN recent years he has come to the realization that he was in error, although he remains a Gay Rights Advocate.

In an interview Cummings said that the organization’s {APA} problems began with the rejection of the Leona Tyler Principle, which required that all public positions of the APA be supported by scientific evidence.

“By the mid 1990s, the Leona Tyler principle was absolutely forgotten, that political stances seemed to override any scientific results. Cherry-picking results became the mode. The gay rights movement sort of captured the APA

^^^This is from the Guy who Authored that infamous motion rammed down the APAs throat in the 70s

The 21st century reality is that it is not and so whilst that might not sit right with someone's percetion we have to take it as truth. I have a hard time understanding that every atom is in contact with every other atom in the universe but string theory says so and without it my computer screen wouldn't be working so sometimes you just have accept what seems counter intuative. Well that's my take anyway.

I'm glad to see you have a basic understanding of String Theory - but I fail to see the 'relativity' to the Gay Agenda .

First you have nothing to be sorry about, this place is a bit of a free for all and I didn't post that reply that long ago. And early in the morning.

I agree that value systems should not be imposed in schools however the standpoint is it's okay to be gay is right up there with it being okay to be black or okay to be a woman.

Being Black is hardly relative to being homosexual - It's the result of ancestry and genes

Being a Woman is hardly relative to being Homosexual - It's the result of one the configuration of an X and Y chromosone

It's a civil rights issue and as we teach equality in our schools then sexuality equality is part of that politically whether you believe that to be a right or a wrong.

Homosexuality is more relevant to Mental Health than Civil Rights . Using this path of logic one could argue that pedophiles and serial killers are entitled to equal rights as well.

Your examples are pretty petrifying but isolated examples and whilst the groups in question might very well have tried this sort of shit in a number of different schools I find it hard to believe that there will be thousands of these groups across the nation as parents wont stand for it.

When they know about it - true [Parents] , and you are also correct in your statement that it is not the norm.

Also I understand that fisting is just as popular in the kinkier end of the hetrosexual community as the homosexual.

I Find that hard to believe - Source Please

.....That's not a rhetorical question, I'd really like to know what classifies that behavoir as worthy of being treated as the symptom of a mental disease in the first place.

any disease of the mind; the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention. [Google]

The fact that Psychiatric Intervention is advisable is one reason why the Gay Community vicously attacks he Ex-Gay movement.

mental illness
1. (Pathology) any of various disorders in which a person's thoughts, emotions, or behaviour are so abnormal as to cause suffering to himself, herself, or other people
mental illness - definition of mental illness by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Homosexuality most certainly does "cause suffering to himself, herself, or other people"

Finally I used the string theory as a simple point to show how the counter intuitive can be regarded as scientific fact dispite gut feeling to the absolute contrary. You can believe in your heart of hearts that homosexuality is wrong and an illness just because of the way you experience the world but you don't need to therefore assert this feeling as scientific fact.

I began my current "vision quest" while researching an article I was contemplating to demonstrate that NARTH and similar organizations - Ex-Gay- were engaged in quackery, as my research expanded I discovered that the quackery actually came from the other side , and my research sort of just mushroomed out from there. My opinions are based on Fact Homosexuality is "Wrong and an illness"
At Gorham Middle School in Maine students learned about homosexual foreplay during what was supposed to be a Diversity Day presentation. Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine.
This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available.
Gay Agenda in Public Schools

It is so appropriate that you keep linking to a site called "looneybird". Fits to a "T". :lol:

The incident at the Gorham middle school was not intentional and was the result of a student's question. Everyone involved apologized.

I happen to have an 8th grader and what was ended up being discussed when that incident occurred can't hold a candle to what 8th graders actually talk about. That's probably why;

Riley said he has received a few phone calls from parents, but has received more emails from people who do not have children at the school.

Another incident

During a workshop for 14-21 year olds , these young people were assaulted by a session that presented unsolicited lessons in fisting a homosexual practice where a persons fist is violently thrusted up the partners rectum for sexual pleasure, instead of the penis. A Gay activist also asked students, Spit or swallow?... Is it rude?

Breaking: Obama's Safe Schools Czar's Question to 14 Year Olds: "Spit vs. Swallow?? Is it Rude?" (audio-video) | The Gateway Pundit

Nope. Unraveling the Right's false attacks on Kevin Jennings

rammed down the APAs throat

There's that homoerotic imagery again (and again and again and again). It's like a compulsion or sumpin' :lol:

I agree with what you've written but I'm quoting you because GreenBean says he/she/it has you on ignore.

Gee, if you're on ignore, how come he/she/it keeps quoting you?

We should just ignore it and then say when it's too late you should have done something about it

Like Hitler, round them up and put them in ovens?

Or just abort them?

What would you do to destroy the natural order of things -- people born different than you?
At Gorham Middle School in Maine students learned about homosexual foreplay during what was supposed to be a Diversity Day presentation. Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine.

This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available.

Gay Agenda in Public Schools

It is so appropriate that you keep linking to a site called "looneybird". Fits to a "T". :lol:

The incident at the Gorham middle school was not intentional and was the result of a student's question. Everyone involved apologized.

I happen to have an 8th grader and what was ended up being discussed when that incident occurred can't hold a candle to what 8th graders actually talk about. That's probably why;

Riley said he has received a few phone calls from parents, but has received more emails from people who do not have children at the school.

Nope. Unraveling the Right's false attacks on Kevin Jennings

There's that homoerotic imagery again (and again and again and again). It's like a compulsion or sumpin' :lol:

Okay SeaBitch - I put you on ignore - but I got a msg. from another member requesting I debunk you - as I usually do. So consider yourself fortunate enough to be a further recipient of my unrelenting attacks on the Gay Agenda. Lucky You !

Ah, the old "somebody told me about the post"...Riiigghhttt.

That's not completely true. And if a student asks a teacher how big is your schwanz , should he whip it out and let them measure it ? You're just getting ridiculous now.

Except that wasn't the question. Talk about being ridiculous.

Nope - okay if so say so but here's the Tape:

Kevin Jennings is not the voice on the tape. Kevin Jennings criticized the workshop publicly to the Boston Herald.

There's that homoerotic imagery again (and again and again and again). It's like a compulsion or sumpin'

You seem to be the one that envisions sexual imagery in everything , perhaps because your a sexual deviant to begin with. That's an old expression - take it as you like - as a matter of fact if you'd like I'll ram it down your throat .

OT: By the way - did you know what some Gay Parents gave their kids for Christmas ?

.....Erection Sets

It's like you can't help the homoeroticism. It's toats adorbs.
At Gorham Middle School in Maine students learned about homosexual foreplay during what was supposed to be a Diversity Day presentation. Students in an 8th grade class were molested by a group known as Proud Rainbow Youth of Southern Maine.

This pathetic performance involved assaulting students with descriptions and unsolicited advice regarding safe homosexual sex acts and suggested using saran wrap when giving a blow job if a dental dam was not available.

Gay Agenda in Public Schools

It is so appropriate that you keep linking to a site called "looneybird". Fits to a "T". :lol:

The incident at the Gorham middle school was not intentional and was the result of a student's question. Everyone involved apologized.

I happen to have an 8th grader and what was ended up being discussed when that incident occurred can't hold a candle to what 8th graders actually talk about. That's probably why;

Riley said he has received a few phone calls from parents, but has received more emails from people who do not have children at the school.

Nope. Unraveling the Right's false attacks on Kevin Jennings

rammed down the APAs throat

There's that homoerotic imagery again (and again and again and again). It's like a compulsion or sumpin' :lol:

I agree with what you've written but I'm quoting you because GreenBean says he/she/it has you on ignore.

Gee, if you're on ignore, how come he/she/it keeps quoting you?


Like a moth to the flame (or flamer)....
Wow - I left you Fruit Cakes alone all day to come up with a rebuttal, and not a single dipshit faggot or susi-slurping Dyke among you has the gumption to come up with a sound debate - Just your usual evasions .... unreal .
Freedom to be....I am often fascinated by the use of the slogan word 'freedom' in both culture and politics. You hear it mentioned as the cure of all things and yet you don't see it in the real world. Freedom to be who you are has been hard fought for race, for gays, it continues still.

[ame=]'Why I Must Come Out' - Geena Rocero's TED2014 Talk - YouTube[/ame]

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