Libtard logic

Liberal Logic:

Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary: unacceptable.

Killing an unborn baby: totally fine.
What qualifications does DeVos have for that position- ZERO

Just relax DeVos will clean up the department.
She is just another incompetent in this administration. Now what exactly will she do, Einstein?

She made the left's heads explode just by being confirmed, good job DeVos :eusa_clap:
Liberal Logic:

Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary: unacceptable.

Killing an unborn baby: totally fine.
What qualifications does DeVos have for that position- ZERO

About what Obama had to be all didn't bitch about that
Come on child, Obama had more qualifications that most everyone in Trumps cabinet
\Watch who you're calling child, Obamabot
Once again, what political qualifications did Trump have?

About as much as didn't bitch whine and moan about that.....Obamabot

You're just another partisan hack spewing left loonery
We need sanctuary cities so the illegals hiding there can be free to report the crimes being committed by illegal aliens.

We cannot call radical lslamic terrorists by their name because it has propaganda value to recruit radical Islamic terrorists. If we don't call them by their name no one will know they exist.

No link needed you hear it every day from Juan Williams and Clown Schumer.

Wait a minute, wait a minute------------> We need to give Iran billions so they will behave and quit attacking everyone and sponsoring terror! The leftists sure got that one correct............and that is why you can NEVER put a leftist in charge of anything, including cleaning your toilet:Boom2:
Has Iran handled the terms of the nuclear agreement properly? Yes or no? Are we far better off with this agreement, than the alternative?

I dunno, did they attack our allies? Did they fire off ballistic missiles? Are they buzzing our warships?

Obama got taken to the cleaners, and it is up to this administration to fix it!
Your and idiot, this agreement was drawn up by the major UN powers, and so far Iran had adhered strictly to this agreement
Liberal Logic:

Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary: unacceptable.

Killing an unborn baby: totally fine.
What qualifications does DeVos have for that position- ZERO

About what Obama had to be all didn't bitch about that
Come on child, Obama had more qualifications that most everyone in Trumps cabinet
\Watch who you're calling child, Obamabot
Once again, what political qualifications did Trump have?

LOL yes lets compare Billionaire Trump, a man who employs thousands of people to your hack noob Obama a man who lived on the public dole and who's resume was damn near blank since college. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
"truth is always the strongest argument" - Donald Trump

wait...not trump...actually it was said by Sophocles
Trump wouldn't know the truth about anything, and your kind doesn't care

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH, an apologist for the number 1 terrorist state in the world. OK there Abdullah Yabba-Dabba-Doo, whatever you say! I got some news for ya there.........with a leftist out of office, The House of Saud, Egypt, and Israel are going to hose your precious Iran. Tell the Mullahs that when you report.
What qualifications does DeVos have for that position- ZERO

About what Obama had to be all didn't bitch about that
Come on child, Obama had more qualifications that most everyone in Trumps cabinet
\Watch who you're calling child, Obamabot
Once again, what political qualifications did Trump have?

About as much as didn't bitch whine and moan about that.....Obamabot

You're just another partisan hack spewing left loonery
President Obama was both a US Senator, and member of a state congress. Sorry to confuse you sweetie
What qualifications does DeVos have for that position- ZERO

About what Obama had to be all didn't bitch about that
Come on child, Obama had more qualifications that most everyone in Trumps cabinet
\Watch who you're calling child, Obamabot
Once again, what political qualifications did Trump have?

LOL yes lets compare Billionaire Trump, a man who employs thousands of people to your hack noob Obama a man who lived on the public dole and who's resume was damn near blank since college. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

And who voted "present"
We need sanctuary cities so the illegals hiding there can be free to report the crimes being committed by illegal aliens.

We cannot call radical lslamic terrorists by their name because it has propaganda value to recruit radical Islamic terrorists. If we don't call them by their name no one will know they exist.

No link needed you hear it every day from Juan Williams and Clown Schumer.

Wait a minute, wait a minute------------> We need to give Iran billions so they will behave and quit attacking everyone and sponsoring terror! The leftists sure got that one correct............and that is why you can NEVER put a leftist in charge of anything, including cleaning your toilet:Boom2:
Has Iran handled the terms of the nuclear agreement properly? Yes or no? Are we far better off with this agreement, than the alternative?

I dunno, did they attack our allies? Did they fire off ballistic missiles? Are they buzzing our warships?

Obama got taken to the cleaners, and it is up to this administration to fix it!
Your and idiot, this agreement was drawn up by the major UN powers, and so far Iran had adhered strictly to this agreement

then go live by UN rules. Hell, you want open borders, why not let the UN run our country too! Damn globalist, UN apologist!
About what Obama had to be all didn't bitch about that
Come on child, Obama had more qualifications that most everyone in Trumps cabinet
\Watch who you're calling child, Obamabot
Once again, what political qualifications did Trump have?

About as much as didn't bitch whine and moan about that.....Obamabot

You're just another partisan hack spewing left loonery
President Obama was both a US Senator, and member of a state congress. Sorry to confuse you sweetie

Look moron, lose your lame attempts to be's not working. Understand this, I think you're an idiot
We need sanctuary cities so the illegals hiding there can be free to report the crimes being committed by illegal aliens....No link needed...

What? Yes, you do need a link for that. I Googled your statement and I can't find a thing resembling it.
We need sanctuary cities so the illegals hiding there can be free to report the crimes being committed by illegal aliens.

We cannot call radical lslamic terrorists by their name because it has propaganda value to recruit radical Islamic terrorists. If we don't call them by their name no one will know they exist.

No link needed you hear it every day from Juan Williams and Clown Schumer.

I was thinking about this the other day.

People who are members or are sympathetic to the ISIS cult should just change their names from "KAMAL HUSSEIN MUHAMMED ALI" (or something like that) to "JOHN SMITH" or something like that.

It would make it easier to infiltrate the USA and murder us.
We need sanctuary cities so the illegals hiding there can be free to report the crimes being committed by illegal aliens.

We cannot call radical lslmic terrorist by their name because it has propaganda value to recruit radical Islamic terrorists. If we don't call them by their name no one will know they exist.

No link needed you hear it every day from Juan Williams and Clown Schumer.

Libtard and logic should never be used together
Where's the outrage?

Men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom. Marriage is about love.

Human rights activists inciting isms by the thought police. Obey or you'll be choked economically.

Mind your own business, but we'll force it down your throat anyhow. Mind your own business, while we invent yours and push it through the media.

Hillary won the popular vote. The constitution is unconstitutional. Only southern Ca., Bay area, Seattle, Chicago and NY City are fit to lead everyone else. After all, it's "popular" and Chicago is basically Tonopah Nevada, just bigger is all.

Speak of Hillary, her husband is the most popular Democrat by Democrats. He's super cool, even in office as he lies under oath. But Trump is a womanizing pig. His election is an insult to women everywhere, just ask Hollywood. It also means he's the new Gestapo.

The reason coastal cities are successful is because the majority are liberal. It has nothing to do with geography.

If you voted for Trump you're a white supremacist. If you didn't vote for Obama you're a white supremacist.

We have a southern wall built by Democrats and Republicans. Trump will build more wall. Forget his wall has nothing to do with racism, because it is racism.

Reagan was a failure because of Iran Contra. Fast and Furious was on the down low.

It's the Russian's fault the Democrats, their media, their DNC and their debates proved corrupt.

The fetus isn't really human until the umbilical cord is cut. Until then it's more like an eggplant.

My signature highlights one.

Just a few instances why they so smart.
About what Obama had to be all didn't bitch about that
Come on child, Obama had more qualifications that most everyone in Trumps cabinet
\Watch who you're calling child, Obamabot
Once again, what political qualifications did Trump have?

LOL yes lets compare Billionaire Trump, a man who employs thousands of people to your hack noob Obama a man who lived on the public dole and who's resume was damn near blank since college. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

And who voted "present"
Tell us your never ending lie. Its amazing how you can continue to lie, and pretty soon everyone of your kind assumes it to be a fact
Liberal Logic:

Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary: unacceptable.

Killing an unborn baby: totally fine.
What qualifications does DeVos have for that position- ZERO

About what Obama had to be all didn't bitch about that
Come on child, Obama had more qualifications that most everyone in Trumps cabinet
\Watch who you're calling child, Obamabot
Once again, what political qualifications did Trump have?

The ones listed in the US Constitution.
What qualifications does DeVos have for that position- ZERO

About what Obama had to be all didn't bitch about that
Come on child, Obama had more qualifications that most everyone in Trumps cabinet
\Watch who you're calling child, Obamabot
Once again, what political qualifications did Trump have?

The ones listed in the US Constitution.
Good to see that he is old enough to qualify, after that he is a nothing. Just a lying piece of dreck
Liberal logic: liberals wrote the Constitution, but we need a new constitution.

Liberal logic: we have over 40 million Americans without healthcare, mostly because they can't afford it. So we will make a law that you have to have healthcare insurance you can't afford, and when you don't get it, we take more of your hard earned money away.
About what Obama had to be all didn't bitch about that
Come on child, Obama had more qualifications that most everyone in Trumps cabinet
\Watch who you're calling child, Obamabot
Once again, what political qualifications did Trump have?

The ones listed in the US Constitution.
Good to see that he is old enough to qualify, after that he is a nothing. Just a lying piece of dreck

Those are the requirements to be a US President. You asked, I told.
Liberal logic: liberals wrote the Constitution, but we need a new constitution.

Liberal logic: we have over 40 million Americans without healthcare, mostly because they can't afford it. So we will make a law that you have to have healthcare insurance you can't afford, and when you don't get it, we take more of your hard earned money away.
Are you really as totally ignorant as you post? Its hard to believe, but yes you are a jackass

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