Libtard logic

Liberal logic: liberals wrote the Constitution, but we need a new constitution.

Liberal logic: we have over 40 million Americans without healthcare, mostly because they can't afford it. So we will make a law that you have to have healthcare insurance you can't afford, and when you don't get it, we take more of your hard earned money away.
Are you really as totally ignorant as you post? Its hard to believe, but yes you are a jackass

I know how truth kills you liberals. Want another one?

Liberal logic: we need to create laws that make guns harder to get. If we do that, criminals will not get guns because it's illegal, and we all know how well criminals obey our laws.
Liberal Logic:

Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary: unacceptable.

Killing an unborn baby: totally fine.
What qualifications does DeVos have for that position- ZERO

About what Obama had to be all didn't bitch about that
Come on child, Obama had more qualifications that most everyone in Trumps cabinet
\Watch who you're calling child, Obamabot
Once again, what political qualifications did Trump have?
"Political Qualifications"

He was born in the United States and he was over 35 years old.

And a majority in the majority of States voted for him...just as the Founding Fathers set it up. They also, Jefferson in particular, wanted citizens in office....and dreaded career, professional politicians.

He has been in office for 19 days and the Fucked Up Loon Meltdown continues unabated. Fuck every one of you Bolshevik Asshole Control Freaks.

I am damn proud of Don Trump. I had some reservations about him. Might be crazy....but everything he has done so far looks to me like he is doing his best to look out for America. Haven't seen that in a long time.

There are a shit-load of us Heartland Americans who want our duly elected President to be deciding immigration policy instead of Pinhead Judges in Seattle and San Francisco.


We need sanctuary cities so the illegals hiding there can be free to report the crimes being committed by illegal aliens.

We cannot call radical lslmic terrorist by their name because it has propaganda value to recruit radical Islamic terrorists. If we don't call them by their name no one will know they exist.

No link needed you hear it every day from Juan Williams and Clown Schumer.

Libtard and logic should never be used together
Where's the outrage?


She was a LEGAL IMMIGRANT Asshole and has long been an American Citizen.......and you are not only an Asshole but a Fool to raise such a ridiculous point.


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