Libtards, what would be your 'Red flag'? - Bill of Rights


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
So what has happened in the previous five years (we'll go back an additional 8 years for the Patriot Act from the Bush era).

1) The First Amendment is under a brutal assault. We now have Dick Durbin saying the internet is not protected by the First Amendment. That's what Communist China also beleives.

2) The Second Amendment is under brutal assault.

3) The Third Amendment is under "modern" assault via Drones

4) The Fourth Amendment is under brutal assault - starting with Patriot Act, now we have fusion centers, massive spy cetners in Utah, judges forcing google to release all search, e-mail, consumer information to FBI, IRS and CIA. Schools forcing children to endure Iris scans as young as age 6, and be injected with drugs without the consent or even notification of the parents. This is only a very short list.

5) The Fifth Amendment is under brutal assault from NDAA, where's that Grand Jury for charges of Treason? How about Article 3, Section III, which further defines and protects people against Treason accusations? How about Article, Section 9, which says Habaes Corpus cannot be suspended except in times of INVASION or rebellion (Invasion is not the same as war, invasion means a standing army on our own lands). Now the DoJ is saying they don't need to read Miranda rights to anyone? In other words don't have the right to remain silent, therefore if you don't testify against yourself, they can torture you.

6) What happened to speedy trials? People have been in Gitmo forever. They dont' even know the nature and cause of the accusations against them.

7) Big Govt says they know best, and now they've been routinely overturning Jury decision in civil cases - violation of the 7th Amendment, and its done to protect corporations.

8) No one can afford bail today, and Gitmo and other places under US jurisdiction most certainly engage in cruel and unusual punishment. Not to mention we imprison more than 1/100 Americans! Prison - industrial complex + Big Gov

9) Ninth Amendment - Says God gives us rights, not the Government, but I know Libtards hate this Amendment.

10) Tenth Amendment - protects federalism - but I know libtards also hate this Amendment and what a Unitary government.


Common Core Marxist re-education (violation of Ninth and Tenth Amendments too).

These are the most glaring examples of tyranny in America right now.

So the question is, if these things haven't motivated you to realize that something is terribly wrong with America, what would?
Have no fear if a republican wins the Presidency all those things will matter to libs, right now Obama is president they just don't care what happens under his watch.
Have no fear if a republican wins the Presidency all those things will matter to libs, right now Obama is president they just don't care what happens under his watch.


One of the un-intended function of the Bill of Rights is that they function as the "Canary in the Coal Mine." When the government starts attacking them, you're in deep shit.
>channeling my inner liberal<

You're just mad you lost the election and you're a racist.

>done channeling<

Yeah, that doesn't need to make since.

I remember when they HATED The Patriot act, now they cheer when it's used.
>channeling my inner liberal<

You're just mad you lost the election and you're a racist.

>done channeling<

Yeah, that doesn't need to make since.

I remember when they HATED The Patriot act, now they cheer when it's used.

They don't just cheer, but the whole-heartedly endorse attacking their opposition.
Aw, the Constitution is somewhat like the Bible - written by old men and open to interpretation...
So what has happened in the previous five years (we'll go back an additional 8 years for the Patriot Act from the Bush era).

1) The First Amendment is under a brutal assault. We now have Dick Durbin saying the internet is not protected by the First Amendment. That's what Communist China also beleives.

2) The Second Amendment is under brutal assault.

3) The Third Amendment is under "modern" assault via Drones

4) The Fourth Amendment is under brutal assault - starting with Patriot Act, now we have fusion centers, massive spy cetners in Utah, judges forcing google to release all search, e-mail, consumer information to FBI, IRS and CIA. Schools forcing children to endure Iris scans as young as age 6, and be injected with drugs without the consent or even notification of the parents. This is only a very short list.

5) The Fifth Amendment is under brutal assault from NDAA, where's that Grand Jury for charges of Treason? How about Article 3, Section III, which further defines and protects people against Treason accusations? How about Article, Section 9, which says Habaes Corpus cannot be suspended except in times of INVASION or rebellion (Invasion is not the same as war, invasion means a standing army on our own lands). Now the DoJ is saying they don't need to read Miranda rights to anyone? In other words don't have the right to remain silent, therefore if you don't testify against yourself, they can torture you.

6) What happened to speedy trials? People have been in Gitmo forever. They dont' even know the nature and cause of the accusations against them.

7) Big Govt says they know best, and now they've been routinely overturning Jury decision in civil cases - violation of the 7th Amendment, and its done to protect corporations.

8) No one can afford bail today, and Gitmo and other places under US jurisdiction most certainly engage in cruel and unusual punishment. Not to mention we imprison more than 1/100 Americans! Prison - industrial complex + Big Gov

9) Ninth Amendment - Says God gives us rights, not the Government, but I know Libtards hate this Amendment.

10) Tenth Amendment - protects federalism - but I know libtards also hate this Amendment and what a Unitary government.


Common Core Marxist re-education (violation of Ninth and Tenth Amendments too).

These are the most glaring examples of tyranny in America right now.

So the question is, if these things haven't motivated you to realize that something is terribly wrong with America, what would?

Actually they’re glaring examples of your ignorance and stupidity.

And if that’s perceived as a ‘personal attack rather than discussing the merits of the post,’ too bad.

The OP is so comprehensively moronic, ignorant, and ridiculous that it indeed doesn’t warrant any ‘serious’ debate.
Have no fear if a republican wins the Presidency all those things will matter to libs, right now Obama is president they just don't care what happens under his watch.


One of the un-intended function of the Bill of Rights is that they function as the "Canary in the Coal Mine." When the government starts attacking them, you're in deep shit.

The Bill of Rights was flushed down the toilet in 1861
Have no fear if a republican wins the Presidency all those things will matter to libs, right now Obama is president they just don't care what happens under his watch.


One of the un-intended function of the Bill of Rights is that they function as the "Canary in the Coal Mine." When the government starts attacking them, you're in deep shit.

The Bill of Rights was flushed down the toilet in 1861

And they did it legally with the dual citizenship clause in the 14th Amendment. A citizen of the United States has NO RIGHTS at all in maritime jurisdiction. Don't believe it? Just read Andrew Johnson's veto message!

Also, this topic is far too complicated for Lakhota and C-Clayton to respond to, they wouldn't even know what it's about!

[ame=]UNITED STATES is a Corporation - There are Two Constitutions - Sovereignty - YouTube[/ame]

Don't believe it? Just read Andrew Johnson's veto message!

To quote from link:
It is plain that the authority here given to the military officer amounts to absolute despotism. But to make it still more unendurable, the bill provides that it may be delegated to as many subordinates as he chooses to appoint, for it declares that he shall

"punish or cause to be punished."

Such a power has not been wielded by any monarch in England for more than five hundred years. In all that time no people who speak the English language have borne such servitude. It reduces the whole population of the ten States-all persons, of every color, sex, and condition, and every stranger within their limits-to the most abject and degrading slavery. No master ever had a control so absolute over the slaves as this bill gives to the military officers over both white and colored persons. .

I come now to a question which is, if possible still more important. Have we the power to establish and carry into execution a measure like this? I answer, Certainly not, if we derive our authority from the Constitution and if we are bound by the limitations which it imposes.

This proposition is perfectly clear, that no branch of the Federal Government - executive, legislative, or judicial - can have any just powers except those which it derives through and exercises under the organic law of the Union. Outside of the Constitution we have no legal authority more than private citizens, and within it we have only so much as that instrument gives us. This broad principle limits all our functions and applies to all subjects. It protects not only the citizens of States which are within the Union, but it shields every human being who comes or is brought under our jurisdiction. We have no right to do in one place more than in another that which the Constitution says we shall not do at all. If, therefore, the Southern States were in truth out of the Union, we could not treat their people in a way which the fundamental law forbids.

There's a reason that federal district courts fly the military flag of the United States in their courts, in adherence to US flag law, because you're in a military (Admiralty) jurisdiction.

I mean hey, the government even admits it, right on the Cornell law website (Section 15a)
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So what has happened in the previous five years (we'll go back an additional 8 years for the Patriot Act from the Bush era).

1) The First Amendment is under a brutal assault. We now have Dick Durbin saying the internet is not protected by the First Amendment. That's what Communist China also beleives.

2) The Second Amendment is under brutal assault.

3) The Third Amendment is under "modern" assault via Drones

4) The Fourth Amendment is under brutal assault - starting with Patriot Act, now we have fusion centers, massive spy cetners in Utah, judges forcing google to release all search, e-mail, consumer information to FBI, IRS and CIA. Schools forcing children to endure Iris scans as young as age 6, and be injected with drugs without the consent or even notification of the parents. This is only a very short list.

5) The Fifth Amendment is under brutal assault from NDAA, where's that Grand Jury for charges of Treason? How about Article 3, Section III, which further defines and protects people against Treason accusations? How about Article, Section 9, which says Habaes Corpus cannot be suspended except in times of INVASION or rebellion (Invasion is not the same as war, invasion means a standing army on our own lands). Now the DoJ is saying they don't need to read Miranda rights to anyone? In other words don't have the right to remain silent, therefore if you don't testify against yourself, they can torture you.

6) What happened to speedy trials? People have been in Gitmo forever. They dont' even know the nature and cause of the accusations against them.

7) Big Govt says they know best, and now they've been routinely overturning Jury decision in civil cases - violation of the 7th Amendment, and its done to protect corporations.

8) No one can afford bail today, and Gitmo and other places under US jurisdiction most certainly engage in cruel and unusual punishment. Not to mention we imprison more than 1/100 Americans! Prison - industrial complex + Big Gov

9) Ninth Amendment - Says God gives us rights, not the Government, but I know Libtards hate this Amendment.

10) Tenth Amendment - protects federalism - but I know libtards also hate this Amendment and what a Unitary government.


Common Core Marxist re-education (violation of Ninth and Tenth Amendments too).

These are the most glaring examples of tyranny in America right now.

So the question is, if these things haven't motivated you to realize that something is terribly wrong with America, what would?

Is there a link to the moron who wrote this?
So what has happened in the previous five years (we'll go back an additional 8 years for the Patriot Act from the Bush era).

1) The First Amendment is under a brutal assault. We now have Dick Durbin saying the internet is not protected by the First Amendment. That's what Communist China also beleives.

2) The Second Amendment is under brutal assault.

3) The Third Amendment is under "modern" assault via Drones

4) The Fourth Amendment is under brutal assault - starting with Patriot Act, now we have fusion centers, massive spy cetners in Utah, judges forcing google to release all search, e-mail, consumer information to FBI, IRS and CIA. Schools forcing children to endure Iris scans as young as age 6, and be injected with drugs without the consent or even notification of the parents. This is only a very short list.

5) The Fifth Amendment is under brutal assault from NDAA, where's that Grand Jury for charges of Treason? How about Article 3, Section III, which further defines and protects people against Treason accusations? How about Article, Section 9, which says Habaes Corpus cannot be suspended except in times of INVASION or rebellion (Invasion is not the same as war, invasion means a standing army on our own lands). Now the DoJ is saying they don't need to read Miranda rights to anyone? In other words don't have the right to remain silent, therefore if you don't testify against yourself, they can torture you.

6) What happened to speedy trials? People have been in Gitmo forever. They dont' even know the nature and cause of the accusations against them.

7) Big Govt says they know best, and now they've been routinely overturning Jury decision in civil cases - violation of the 7th Amendment, and its done to protect corporations.

8) No one can afford bail today, and Gitmo and other places under US jurisdiction most certainly engage in cruel and unusual punishment. Not to mention we imprison more than 1/100 Americans! Prison - industrial complex + Big Gov

9) Ninth Amendment - Says God gives us rights, not the Government, but I know Libtards hate this Amendment.

10) Tenth Amendment - protects federalism - but I know libtards also hate this Amendment and what a Unitary government.


Common Core Marxist re-education (violation of Ninth and Tenth Amendments too).

These are the most glaring examples of tyranny in America right now.

So the question is, if these things haven't motivated you to realize that something is terribly wrong with America, what would?

The trick is to build coalitions instead of yelling names.

Get them odd Tea Party small government folks together with the leftists human rights hippies and ya might have something. Remember it is shorter to cross from end to end of the spectrum than to walk the length of it.

I'll join your Patriot Act outrage if you join my unequal treatment of homosexuals outrage!
So what has happened in the previous five years (we'll go back an additional 8 years for the Patriot Act from the Bush era).

1) The First Amendment is under a brutal assault. We now have Dick Durbin saying the internet is not protected by the First Amendment. That's what Communist China also beleives.

2) The Second Amendment is under brutal assault.

3) The Third Amendment is under "modern" assault via Drones

4) The Fourth Amendment is under brutal assault - starting with Patriot Act, now we have fusion centers, massive spy cetners in Utah, judges forcing google to release all search, e-mail, consumer information to FBI, IRS and CIA. Schools forcing children to endure Iris scans as young as age 6, and be injected with drugs without the consent or even notification of the parents. This is only a very short list.

5) The Fifth Amendment is under brutal assault from NDAA, where's that Grand Jury for charges of Treason? How about Article 3, Section III, which further defines and protects people against Treason accusations? How about Article, Section 9, which says Habaes Corpus cannot be suspended except in times of INVASION or rebellion (Invasion is not the same as war, invasion means a standing army on our own lands). Now the DoJ is saying they don't need to read Miranda rights to anyone? In other words don't have the right to remain silent, therefore if you don't testify against yourself, they can torture you.

6) What happened to speedy trials? People have been in Gitmo forever. They dont' even know the nature and cause of the accusations against them.

7) Big Govt says they know best, and now they've been routinely overturning Jury decision in civil cases - violation of the 7th Amendment, and its done to protect corporations.

8) No one can afford bail today, and Gitmo and other places under US jurisdiction most certainly engage in cruel and unusual punishment. Not to mention we imprison more than 1/100 Americans! Prison - industrial complex + Big Gov

9) Ninth Amendment - Says God gives us rights, not the Government, but I know Libtards hate this Amendment.

10) Tenth Amendment - protects federalism - but I know libtards also hate this Amendment and what a Unitary government.


Common Core Marxist re-education (violation of Ninth and Tenth Amendments too).

These are the most glaring examples of tyranny in America right now.

So the question is, if these things haven't motivated you to realize that something is terribly wrong with America, what would?

The trick is to build coalitions instead of yelling names.

Get them odd Tea Party small government folks together with the leftists human rights hippies and ya might have something. Remember it is shorter to cross from end to end of the spectrum than to walk the length of it.

I'll join your Patriot Act outrage if you join my unequal treatment of homosexuals outrage!

That is my goal. Government shouldn't recognize ANY marriages, that way no group could be discriminated against; however, in the meantime, I'll settle for recognizing gay marriage.

Do you support my end to the War on Drugs which puts black people in jail to stop them from voting, getting a job, or having a firearm (21st Century Jim Crow)?
So what has happened in the previous five years (we'll go back an additional 8 years for the Patriot Act from the Bush era).

1) The First Amendment is under a brutal assault. We now have Dick Durbin saying the internet is not protected by the First Amendment. That's what Communist China also beleives.

2) The Second Amendment is under brutal assault.

3) The Third Amendment is under "modern" assault via Drones

4) The Fourth Amendment is under brutal assault - starting with Patriot Act, now we have fusion centers, massive spy cetners in Utah, judges forcing google to release all search, e-mail, consumer information to FBI, IRS and CIA. Schools forcing children to endure Iris scans as young as age 6, and be injected with drugs without the consent or even notification of the parents. This is only a very short list.

5) The Fifth Amendment is under brutal assault from NDAA, where's that Grand Jury for charges of Treason? How about Article 3, Section III, which further defines and protects people against Treason accusations? How about Article, Section 9, which says Habaes Corpus cannot be suspended except in times of INVASION or rebellion (Invasion is not the same as war, invasion means a standing army on our own lands). Now the DoJ is saying they don't need to read Miranda rights to anyone? In other words don't have the right to remain silent, therefore if you don't testify against yourself, they can torture you.

6) What happened to speedy trials? People have been in Gitmo forever. They dont' even know the nature and cause of the accusations against them.

7) Big Govt says they know best, and now they've been routinely overturning Jury decision in civil cases - violation of the 7th Amendment, and its done to protect corporations.

8) No one can afford bail today, and Gitmo and other places under US jurisdiction most certainly engage in cruel and unusual punishment. Not to mention we imprison more than 1/100 Americans! Prison - industrial complex + Big Gov

9) Ninth Amendment - Says God gives us rights, not the Government, but I know Libtards hate this Amendment.

10) Tenth Amendment - protects federalism - but I know libtards also hate this Amendment and what a Unitary government.


Common Core Marxist re-education (violation of Ninth and Tenth Amendments too).

These are the most glaring examples of tyranny in America right now.

So the question is, if these things haven't motivated you to realize that something is terribly wrong with America, what would?

The trick is to build coalitions instead of yelling names.

Get them odd Tea Party small government folks together with the leftists human rights hippies and ya might have something. Remember it is shorter to cross from end to end of the spectrum than to walk the length of it.

I'll join your Patriot Act outrage if you join my unequal treatment of homosexuals outrage!

That is my goal. Government shouldn't recognize ANY marriages, that way no group could be discriminated against; however, in the meantime, I'll settle for recognizing gay marriage.

Do you support my end to the War on Drugs which puts black people in jail to stop them from voting, getting a job, or having a firearm (21st Century Jim Crow)?

OK, I can agree on marriage.

End to the war on drugs...interesting take on it btw. I can live with legalized pot now. I would be willing to revisit ecstasy and a few others in a decade if folks can handle pot. Can we take away the "right" to drink or get stoned if you commit any crime high or drunk? I also want to be real tough on folks who drive under the influence. My wife and kid are out there after all. I have long felt some folks should not be allowed to drink as they are angry drunks and wondered how others just get into trouble when high so I really want to tell some folks "no alcohol for your angry self, go get stoned".

So yeah, let me be tough on those who do stupid things with their legalized drugs and I can sign off.


For gun rights,

For the pro gun crowd.

For me, if I ever use mine in defense I want to be safer from prosecution or lawsuits from the idiot crook I shot. Far as I am concerned if someone is trespassing with probable criminal intent they lose some rights.

For the Sandy Hook panickers and those in our poor cities I think if we close some loopholes on private sales and have a couple sting operations against sleazy dealers that should be plenty. I hate the idea of a registry but I do want to make sure my buddy doesn't legally buy a gun then sell it for crack when he is a little short. Any ideas there?
Turns out that many of us are not that different when it comes to basic rights.

I can agree on most of what toronado and 2nd have said so far.
Have no fear if a republican wins the Presidency all those things will matter to libs, right now Obama is president they just don't care what happens under his watch.
Thinking like this will facilitate the US fall and defeat.

Ignorant Americans think that one party will handle all that power in a friendly, righteous way when in fact, they really have no idea if that'll happen. It's really only a "hope" and a "wish".

If Americans were smart, thankfully most of them aren't, they'd seek to limit the power of ALL GOVERNMENT no matter which "party" is in charge.

What can be used to oppress your political enemies can be used on you when the opposition returns to power.

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