Libyan Rebels losing

If we're going to say we support them and want him gone, we need to back it up.Otherwise Obama and Clinton should have kept they're fucking mouths shut and not acted like we gave a damn about the war crimes being committed in Libya.

You are 100% correct, by saying things like this you give the Libyan people the impression that you supporting them, just like the Shias and Kurds thought when Bush Sr. told them to rise up against Saddam, now people are picking up guns and fighting Ghaddafi under the impression help is coming, and they are getting massacred. If Obama was never going to really help them, he should have just said nothing.
I want Gadaffi to win! The general is a bad man. He committed terrorist attacks in the past. Big time antisemite and big time antiamerican scumbag. However, he got rid of Libya's WMD program, isn't really the face of Islamic terrorism anymore, beside this rebellion he has stabilized an important oil producing country and Libya is not a safe haven for Al Qaeda! Not to mention you know what you got from Gadaffi's Libya!

I thank and praise Obama for staying out of it! Good move Mr. Prez!
I want Gadaffi to win! The general is a bad man. He committed terrorist attacks in the past. Big time antisemite and big time antiamerican scumbag. However, he got rid of Libya's WMD program, isn't really the face of Islamic terrorism anymore, beside this rebellion he has stabilized an important oil producing country and Libya is not a safe haven for Al Qaeda! Not to mention you know what you got from Gadaffi's Libya!

I thank and praise Obama for staying out of it! Good move Mr. Prez!

The thing is Obama fucked up, he went on television and condemned Ghadaffi and demanded he step down and put the process in motion for sanctions again. All the work that was done in the past to bring in the Libyans is fucked to shit now, you can bet when Ghaddafi finishes with the rebels he is going to tell us to go fuck ourselves and get back to work on a WMD program, Ghaddafi feels unappreciated and stabbed in the back for all the concessions he did and I don't blame him, Obama tried to play a double game and it is a failure, unless the rebels get some major help soon they are fucked and our relations with Libya are fucking done.
and the Saudis are moving troops and Armour into Bahrain. For god sakes if bush were sitting around watching all of this in a daze ala Obama the media would need sedation, what a mess.

Wheres all of the Obama bows to Saudi prince, and says sqaut while the House of Saud moves in to quash a rebellion in another country where in the gov. was shooting people wholesale in the street?

Not a peep.

becasue you can bet your bottom dollar, Bush holding hands with Prince Abdullah and the ' bush Saudi oil cartel' nonsense would be played over and over and over......
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how pathetic is this.....?

“It may prove to be too little too late,” says Robert Danin, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. “It could be of some assistance in creating humanitarian sanctuaries, but if the goal is to roll back Qaddafi’s forces, it is likely to have little military effect, especially with the rebel stronghold of Benghazi on the brink of falling.”

Even though the U.S. is now backing the draft Libya resolution, Danin believes the Obama administration should have pushed harder for action much earlier. “Obama should not have called for Qaddafi to step down if the U.S. was not willing to back up that call with a real sense of an ‘or else’ … consequences for failing to step down.”

The resolution comes amid criticism of the Security Council’s failure to react more forcefully. French U.N. Ambassador Gerard Araud said he is “deeply distressed” by the Security Council’s failure to act and is pushing for the resolution’s passage. But Western diplomats tell Fox News they expect tough negotiations over the days ahead.
I want Gadaffi to win! The general is a bad man. He committed terrorist attacks in the past. Big time antisemite and big time antiamerican scumbag. However, he got rid of Libya's WMD program, isn't really the face of Islamic terrorism anymore, beside this rebellion he has stabilized an important oil producing country and Libya is not a safe haven for Al Qaeda! Not to mention you know what you got from Gadaffi's Libya!

I thank and praise Obama for staying out of it! Good move Mr. Prez!

The thing is Obama fucked up, he went on television and condemned Ghadaffi and demanded he step down and put the process in motion for sanctions again. All the work that was done in the past to bring in the Libyans is fucked to shit now, you can bet when Ghaddafi finishes with the rebels he is going to tell us to go fuck ourselves and get back to work on a WMD program, Ghaddafi feels unappreciated and stabbed in the back for all the concessions he did and I don't blame him, Obama tried to play a double game and it is a failure, unless the rebels get some major help soon they are fucked and our relations with Libya are fucking done.
Actually Iran was pretty bad itself talking about Libya, I doubt he will go back to his WMD program, instead raise oil prices, make a few fiery UN speeches against the US,the west and terrorist sympathizers. To finish off he will have a bloodbath to clean the house back home. Business as usual in around 5-10 years, perhaps sooner if Obama leaves office.
how pathetic is this.....?

“It may prove to be too little too late,” says Robert Danin, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. “It could be of some assistance in creating humanitarian sanctuaries, but if the goal is to roll back Qaddafi’s forces, it is likely to have little military effect, especially with the rebel stronghold of Benghazi on the brink of falling.”

Even though the U.S. is now backing the draft Libya resolution, Danin believes the Obama administration should have pushed harder for action much earlier. “Obama should not have called for Qaddafi to step down if the U.S. was not willing to back up that call with a real sense of an ‘or else’ … consequences for failing to step down.”
The resolution comes amid criticism of the Security Council’s failure to react more forcefully. French U.N. Ambassador Gerard Araud said he is “deeply distressed” by the Security Council’s failure to act and is pushing for the resolution’s passage. But Western diplomats tell Fox News they expect tough negotiations over the days ahead.

U.N. Security Council Introduces No-Fly Zone Draft Resolution on Libya -

That is 100% correct, Ghaddafi will have his country back within a month. I have to give him credit he played this well, he called Obamas bluff and stuck to his guns.
I want Gadaffi to win! The general is a bad man. He committed terrorist attacks in the past. Big time antisemite and big time antiamerican scumbag. However, he got rid of Libya's WMD program, isn't really the face of Islamic terrorism anymore, beside this rebellion he has stabilized an important oil producing country and Libya is not a safe haven for Al Qaeda! Not to mention you know what you got from Gadaffi's Libya!

I thank and praise Obama for staying out of it! Good move Mr. Prez!

The thing is Obama fucked up, he went on television and condemned Ghadaffi and demanded he step down and put the process in motion for sanctions again. All the work that was done in the past to bring in the Libyans is fucked to shit now, you can bet when Ghaddafi finishes with the rebels he is going to tell us to go fuck ourselves and get back to work on a WMD program, Ghaddafi feels unappreciated and stabbed in the back for all the concessions he did and I don't blame him, Obama tried to play a double game and it is a failure, unless the rebels get some major help soon they are fucked and our relations with Libya are fucking done.
Actually Iran was pretty bad itself talking about Libya, I doubt he will go back to his WMD program, instead raise oil prices, make a few fiery UN speeches against the US,the west and terrorist sympathizers. To finish off he will have a bloodbath to clean the house back home. Business as usual in around 5-10 years, perhaps sooner if Obama leaves office.

Well with Ghaddafi it is hard to really say what he will do for sure because he is so unpredictable, he did say the only country that would be allowed back into Libya for the oil contracts is Germany because they opposed the no fly zone, right now he is pissed because Obama did stab him in the back. We might get those contracts in Libya back but I wouldn't count on it anytime soon, Obama may have to do some groveling to get them back, maybe if he bows to Ghaddafi he will give them back.
Why Gaddafi Has Survived Libya's Rebellion


As the G-8 leaders and the U.N. Security Council continued debating a no-fly zone over Libya on Tuesday, the country's capital erupted in wild celebrations after reports that Muammar Gaddafi's forces had retaken the crucial rebel-held town of Ajdabiyah — the last major obstacle on the road to the rebel capital of Benghazi. The question that may soon face the international community is, What if Gaddafi manages to put down the rebellion and survive in power?

Two weeks ago, journalists were landing in Tripoli, body armor packed, ready to witness the triumphant arrival of the rebels. Around that time, President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy had all declared it was time for Gaddafi to go, apparently confident that his collapse after 42 years in power was imminent. Those statements raised expectations of Western backing among rebel leaders and their ragtag fighters, but none has been forthcoming. As Western leaders remain locked in inconclusive debate on how to respond, Gaddafi's forces have blasted the rebels into retreat all the way back to Benghazi. Now, the rebels face impending disaster.

On Monday, as G-8 leaders meeting in Paris remained deadlocked over a no-fly zone, state-run Libyan television said Gaddafi's forces had retaken Ajdabiyah, a critical intersection in eastern Libya, after a day of heavy artillery and rocket fire from ships, planes and ground forces, according to al-Jazeera's reporters in the area. That sent Gaddafi's loyalists into the streets for hours of celebratory gunfire and fireworks, while drivers honked their horns long after dark. Earlier in the day, government forces had also reclaimed Zawarah, the last rebel-held town west of Tripoli.

Lebanon, backed by Britain and France, introduced a U.N. Security Council resolution Tuesday night to impose a no-fly zone, but if Ajdabiyah falls, that could come too late to save the rebellion. The town sits at the start of two highways, one snaking north to Benghazi, the other cutting east to the rebel-held oil port of Tobruk near Egypt. Rebel leaders disputed government claims that Gaddafi's forces had retaken Ajdabiyah. But with the specter of defeat looming, the rebels face grim choices of whether to flee to the Egyptian border or to dig in for a bloody fight to the finish in Benghazi.
Read more: Libya: Why Gaddafi Has Survived the Rebellion - TIME
I just can't think of a time when the US got involved in a Muslim country Militarily and the outcome was favorable, we liberated Kuwait in the Gulf War but their people hate us now.

I'll take it one step further.... I can't think of a time when the US got involved in ANY country and the outcome was favorable. We liberated EUROPE twice in the first half of the twentieth century and their people hate us almost as much as the Muslim/Arab people do.

the problem is that America doesn't know when to leave

we're still occupying Germany today

We're occupying Germany! :lol: Your a stupid man! We have troops there, but there is nothing even close to an occuption. I bet you think the troops in South Korea are an occupying force also? What about the troops that are saving Japanese lives at the moment? A moron like you probably sees them as an offensive military force.

Get a clue!
and the Saudis are moving troops and Armour into Bahrain. For god sakes if bush were sitting around watching all of this in a daze ala Obama the media would need sedation, what a mess.

Wheres all of the Obama bows to Saudi prince, and says sqaut while the House of Saud moves in to quash a rebellion in another country where in the gov. was shooting people wholesale in the street?

Not a peep.

becasue you can bet your bottom dollar, Bush holding hands with Prince Abdullah and the ' bush Saudi oil cartel' nonsense would be played over and over and over......

Obama and the liberals won't let us drill stateside. We get our foreign oil from primarily 3 countries. Canada, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela! If one cut us off it would be catrasophic! He has little choice, but to allow the Saudis to do what they want!
Like I didn't see this coming. :eusa_eh:

As Muammar Gaddafi's forces carried out bloody assaults on rebel-held towns yesterday, those suffering his wrath were increasingly asking a stark question: Why is the West failing to offer help in our desperate time of need?

Two frontline towns held by dissidents came under sustained attack and an oil facility was set ablaze yesterday during ferocious fighting that left dozens dead as Gaddafi forces rolled back opposition military gains. Feeling was growing in opposition ranks that the disorganised and disunited political and military leadership of the protest movement could not withstand much longer the sustained pressure from Gaddafi's forces.

Western powers which wish the rebels well remain divided about the feasibility or desirability of intervention, but the momentum behind Gaddafi's fightback seems undeniable. The Benghazi-based rebel leadership has called for a no-fly zone and airstrikes against the regime.

Former Justice Minister Abdel Jalil, a leading member who had a price put on his head by the regime yesterday, said the West must "help protect Libya's people from Gaddafi's assault and help put an end to his war".

British and American officials were at pains to dampen any hopes of swiftly putting a no-fly zone in place during a Nato defence ministers' meeting in Brussels. "We want to see the international community support it," US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

The British and French Governments have said they are drafting a United Nations Security Council resolution banning military aircraft over Libya, but it would be unlikely to pass given Russia and China's opposition.

Hopes that the revolution could bring four decades of dictatorship to an end were being replaced by the fear that the regime will crush its opponents with firepower. The strategic oil port of Ras Lanouf in the east was pounded by an artillery barrage interspersed with airstrikes. Zawiyah, in the west, which became a symbol of resistance, had, according to regime officials, been recaptured.
Why won't you help, Libyan rebels ask West - World - NZ Herald News

Why isn't the West helping?

Maybe cuz these fucks call us the Great Satan?
Maybe cus these people were dancing in the street passing out candies on 9/12?

You must be fucking kidding me about helping these people.

A better question would be; Why aren't other Arab nations helping?

How about

Why aren't other African countries helping?
Like I didn't see this coming. :eusa_eh:

As Muammar Gaddafi's forces carried out bloody assaults on rebel-held towns yesterday, those suffering his wrath were increasingly asking a stark question: Why is the West failing to offer help in our desperate time of need?

Two frontline towns held by dissidents came under sustained attack and an oil facility was set ablaze yesterday during ferocious fighting that left dozens dead as Gaddafi forces rolled back opposition military gains. Feeling was growing in opposition ranks that the disorganised and disunited political and military leadership of the protest movement could not withstand much longer the sustained pressure from Gaddafi's forces.

Western powers which wish the rebels well remain divided about the feasibility or desirability of intervention, but the momentum behind Gaddafi's fightback seems undeniable. The Benghazi-based rebel leadership has called for a no-fly zone and airstrikes against the regime.

Former Justice Minister Abdel Jalil, a leading member who had a price put on his head by the regime yesterday, said the West must "help protect Libya's people from Gaddafi's assault and help put an end to his war".

British and American officials were at pains to dampen any hopes of swiftly putting a no-fly zone in place during a Nato defence ministers' meeting in Brussels. "We want to see the international community support it," US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

The British and French Governments have said they are drafting a United Nations Security Council resolution banning military aircraft over Libya, but it would be unlikely to pass given Russia and China's opposition.

Hopes that the revolution could bring four decades of dictatorship to an end were being replaced by the fear that the regime will crush its opponents with firepower. The strategic oil port of Ras Lanouf in the east was pounded by an artillery barrage interspersed with airstrikes. Zawiyah, in the west, which became a symbol of resistance, had, according to regime officials, been recaptured.
Why won't you help, Libyan rebels ask West - World - NZ Herald News

Why isn't the West helping?

Maybe cuz these fucks call us the Great Satan?
Maybe cus these people were dancing in the street passing out candies on 9/12?

You must be fucking kidding me about helping these people.

A better question would be; Why aren't other Arab nations helping?

How about

Why aren't other African countries helping?

Other African countries are helping, helping Ghaddafi that is. Ghaddafi invested billions into sub saharan African countries like Mali, Chad, Uganda etc so mercenaries from those countries are helping the Ghaddafi loyalists put down the uprising.
I wonder what GHook would say if a foreign power built a military base in his town

Military bases are GREAT for the local economies.

Foreigners, (having been one) buy up local crap like it's art. I dumped more money in my 2 years over seas than I did though out my career except for the years I lived in town just before I was let go.
Libyan Oil Buys Allies for Qaddafi


BAMAKO, Mali — Elhadj Maiga is a Qaddafi recruiter and a proud one at that, scrambling to assemble a pipeline of young men from Mali to go and fight for The Great Leader.

Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya helped pay for a government office complex that bears his name in Bamako, Mali's capital.
At this stage, without cash for guns or transport, Mr. Maiga’s group of about 200 young men is more of a fan club than a militia. But like other pro-Qaddafi groups that have sprung up here since the rebellion in Libya began, what it lacks in logistics it makes up in loyalty.

“We’re all ready to die for him,” Mr. Maiga said. “He’s done so much for us, after all.”

Just look at Mr. Maiga’s life: he prays at a mosque in Bamako, Mali’s capital, that Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi built; he watches television on the Malian national network that Colonel Qaddafi set up in the 1980s; and he admires with a feeling nothing short of awe La Cité Administrative Muammar el-Qaddafi, the gleaming new $100 million government complex that Colonel Qaddafi is helping pay for and that bears his name — even though it is for Mali’s government, not Libya’s.

Mali, a desperately poor country near Libya, is a case in point of the allegiance Colonel Qaddafi has bought in many parts of the continent. He has tapped Libya’s vast oil reserves to liberally sprinkle billions of dollars around sub-Saharan Africa, playing all sides and investing in almost anything — governments, rebel groups, luxury hotels, Islamic organizations, rubber factories, rice paddies, diamond mines, supermarkets and the countless OiLibya gas stations.

From Liberia to South Africa to the island of Madagascar, Libya’s holdings are like a giant venture capital fund, geared to make friends and win influence in the poorest region in the world. This may help explain how Colonel Qaddafi has been able to summon sub-Saharan African soldiers to fight for him in his time of need — Libyans have spoken of “African mercenaries” killing protesters and helping him rout rebel fighters — and why so many African leaders have been so slow to criticize him, even as his forces slaughter his own people.
Like I didn't see this coming. :eusa_eh:

As Muammar Gaddafi's forces carried out bloody assaults on rebel-held towns yesterday, those suffering his wrath were increasingly asking a stark question: Why is the West failing to offer help in our desperate time of need?

Two frontline towns held by dissidents came under sustained attack and an oil facility was set ablaze yesterday during ferocious fighting that left dozens dead as Gaddafi forces rolled back opposition military gains. Feeling was growing in opposition ranks that the disorganised and disunited political and military leadership of the protest movement could not withstand much longer the sustained pressure from Gaddafi's forces.

Western powers which wish the rebels well remain divided about the feasibility or desirability of intervention, but the momentum behind Gaddafi's fightback seems undeniable. The Benghazi-based rebel leadership has called for a no-fly zone and airstrikes against the regime.

Former Justice Minister Abdel Jalil, a leading member who had a price put on his head by the regime yesterday, said the West must "help protect Libya's people from Gaddafi's assault and help put an end to his war".

British and American officials were at pains to dampen any hopes of swiftly putting a no-fly zone in place during a Nato defence ministers' meeting in Brussels. "We want to see the international community support it," US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

The British and French Governments have said they are drafting a United Nations Security Council resolution banning military aircraft over Libya, but it would be unlikely to pass given Russia and China's opposition.

Hopes that the revolution could bring four decades of dictatorship to an end were being replaced by the fear that the regime will crush its opponents with firepower. The strategic oil port of Ras Lanouf in the east was pounded by an artillery barrage interspersed with airstrikes. Zawiyah, in the west, which became a symbol of resistance, had, according to regime officials, been recaptured.
Why won't you help, Libyan rebels ask West - World - NZ Herald News

Why isn't the West helping?

Maybe cuz these fucks call us the Great Satan?
Maybe cus these people were dancing in the street passing out candies on 9/12?

You must be fucking kidding me about helping these people.

A better question would be; Why aren't other Arab nations helping?

How about

Why aren't other African countries helping?

Other African countries are helping, helping Ghaddafi that is. Ghaddafi invested billions into sub saharan African countries like Mali, Chad, Uganda etc so mercenaries from those countries are helping the Ghaddafi loyalists put down the uprising.

So to the locals he's a great guy.

See, THIS is why we have no business being over there. Civilization has passed Arabs by.
Why isn't the West helping?

Maybe cuz these fucks call us the Great Satan?
Maybe cus these people were dancing in the street passing out candies on 9/12?

You must be fucking kidding me about helping these people.

A better question would be; Why aren't other Arab nations helping?

How about

Why aren't other African countries helping?

Other African countries are helping, helping Ghaddafi that is. Ghaddafi invested billions into sub saharan African countries like Mali, Chad, Uganda etc so mercenaries from those countries are helping the Ghaddafi loyalists put down the uprising.

So to the locals he's a great guy.

See, THIS is why we have no business being over there. Civilization has passed Arabs by.

Be that as it may, Obama should not have opened his mouth and said Ghaddafi must go, and than start the ball rolling for sanctions. Because now, all our investments in Libya are fucked, we can kiss those juicy oil contracts good bye and all the years of work to get the Libyans to give up their WMD's and play ball are fucked, what do you think one of the first things Ghaddafi is going to do after he slaughters the rebels? he is going to tell the US to go fuck themselves, and re-start their WMD programs. Best bet for Obama would be to say nothing, at least this way we would still have the oil contracts.
That doesn't even touch on the most important thing though, the Libyans that are fighting Ghaddafi and think help is coming. I don't know why US Presidents think they can say things to a people and get them to fight against a dictator, and than leave them to be slaughtered. I know I have already said this but this totally reminds me of 1991 when Bush Sr. told the Iraqi people to rise against Saddam, and when they did they recieved no help and were slaughtered. Bottom line is if you are not going to help them, don't say a fucking word. This is like if you got into a confrontation with a dangerous biker gang at a bar and I told you "oh don't worry about those fucks, I got the Gangster disciples on call, tell those clowns we'll meet them out side and straighten this out" and than when you go outside to fight them, nobody shows up. This is exactly what happened to the Libyan people.

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