Lieberman Reveals True Colors on Health Care: It's About Revenge

So Lieberman is now opposing the health care bill, even after changes were made to bring it closer in line with his position:

And guess what? For all the claims by Lieberman now that the Medicare buy-in is so crazy and radically left-wing, he ran for Vice President on a platform which proposed exactly this idea. So maybe his views have changed in the last eight years, you could say. That could be possible, except for that fact that he was touting this very idea three months ago.

Lieberman Endorsed Medicare Buy-In In September | The New Republic

Face it. Lieberman isn't interested in a better bill. He's throwing a little fit because he lost the primary in 2006 due to grassroots opposition from the left and he feels this is his best chance to get revenge.

Polk, they have never had the votes to pass this monstrosity. They have never, never had that. Reid spun it like he did, but when you have Reid and couple of other senators and god knows who in a smoke filled back room writing this monstrosity, what the hell do you think that you are gonna get. He let very few people in on this, even moderate democrats were clueless about this legislation. You can not expect them to vote on this without any input on what went into it. It's their careers that are at stake and it's about 6% of the economy. No way are they stupid enough to give this a pass. Thank God for Liebermann and others.

His days are numbered anyways.....

Wanna bet????

The Healthcare Polling Data That Has Democrats So Freaked Out

Polled support for the health care plan wending its way through Congress continues to crash downward in the polls. And before you say it, it's not just Rasmussen, which has actually been pretty much in the middle of the other polls. Here's where we stand as of today
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another poll that less than a 1000 people on a media phone list answered.... wow! - that's awesome.

I just wrote Liebermann a nice thank you and wished him Happy Hanaka. Here is his contact info.

Joe Lieberman, Senator from Connecticut

The man stands on principles more than I can say for alot of them. To you conservatives, you need to show your support, so e-mail and thank him.
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Advice to Mr. Obama:

Do what I'm going to do for health care coverage today.

Mix sugar, light corn syrup, salt, water, peanuts, butter and baking soda. Apply heat and let cool. I'll have peanut brittle when I'm done. It may not solve the issue, but it will cost a lot less and make more people happy than your plan.
connecticut will reelect him until he gets sick of running, but you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

uh based on your Telepathic poll or from your door to door polling?

based on the way he kicked lamont's ass up one side of connecticut and down the other in 2006, despite the big dem wins nationwide and despite the DNC targeting lieberman.

the dems should worry about holding on to chris "what special deal on my mortgage?" dodd's seat more than trying to unseat lieberman.

The DNC didn't "target" Lieberman. They skated by with the bare minimum of legal support they could give to Lamont.
Like Reed's gonna do that. He's smart enough to know he can't afford to piss off the Conn constituency.

Why do Democrats need him if he never votes with them?

His constituents have got to be unhappy with him, he isn't working for them, he's working for big insurance.

What do the popularity polls say about that in Conn? Besides he does vote with the Dems more often than you might think, check out his voting record.
If you are herding a bunch of cats don't you need help from those that feed them? Remove his committee seats, sit back and watch the back lash from Connecticut voters, it wouldn't be pretty.

I feel like you have it backwards, if he's stripped, he won't be effective anymore. I know Rs think they are going to take congress back in 2010 but they've been wrong before. He's got nowhere to go if he isn't with Democrats. Like swimming to a sinking ship.

I think Leiberman is headed for a big fall.
What do the popularity polls say about that in Conn?

In the last polling done:
Lamont would beat him 59-34.
Blumenthal would beat him 58-30.
If Rell ran and it was a three-way race with them and Lamont, Rell would win 40-26-26.
If Rell ran and it was a three-way race with them and Blumenthal, Rell would win 40-32 (Blumenthal)-23 (Lieberman).
What do the popularity polls say about that in Conn?

In the last polling done:
Lamont would beat him 59-34.
Blumenthal would beat him 58-30.
If Rell ran and it was a three-way race with them and Lamont, Rell would win 40-26-26.
If Rell ran and it was a three-way race with them and Blumenthal, Rell would win 40-32 (Blumenthal)-23 (Lieberman).

So Lieberman is now opposing the health care bill, even after changes were made to bring it closer in line with his position:

And guess what? For all the claims by Lieberman now that the Medicare buy-in is so crazy and radically left-wing, he ran for Vice President on a platform which proposed exactly this idea. So maybe his views have changed in the last eight years, you could say. That could be possible, except for that fact that he was touting this very idea three months ago.

Lieberman Endorsed Medicare Buy-In In September | The New Republic

Face it. Lieberman isn't interested in a better bill. He's throwing a little fit because he lost the primary in 2006 due to grassroots opposition from the left and he feels this is his best chance to get revenge.

Lieberman is an opportunist. He's smart but it's all about him. I hope they do get some moderate Republicans for healthcare just to shut him up for awhile.

He's such an attention whore.

Maybe just maybe could it be that he sees this bill as it is - AN ABOMINATION!

People want healthcare reform. Heck Lieberman does, but not this type of reform!

Lieberman an opportunist? He supported the war, when supporting the war was at its lowest point. It cost him the Democratic primary. An opportunist? You do know that he is now an independent! There are only 2 independents in the entire Congress. Standing up for what you believe in when it very very unpopular is not what opportunist do.
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So Lieberman is now opposing the health care bill, even after changes were made to bring it closer in line with his position:

And guess what? For all the claims by Lieberman now that the Medicare buy-in is so crazy and radically left-wing, he ran for Vice President on a platform which proposed exactly this idea. So maybe his views have changed in the last eight years, you could say. That could be possible, except for that fact that he was touting this very idea three months ago.

Lieberman Endorsed Medicare Buy-In In September | The New Republic

Face it. Lieberman isn't interested in a better bill. He's throwing a little fit because he lost the primary in 2006 due to grassroots opposition from the left and he feels this is his best chance to get revenge.

Lieberman is an opportunist. He's smart but it's all about him. I hope they do get some moderate Republicans for healthcare just to shut him up for awhile.

He's such an attention whore.

Maybe just maybe could it be that he sees this bill as it is - AN ABOMINATION!

People want healthcare reform. Heck Lieberman does, but not this type of reform!

If that was the case, why was the exact provision he criticized yesterday something he was promoting three months ago?
Why do Democrats need him if he never votes with them?

His constituents have got to be unhappy with him, he isn't working for them, he's working for big insurance.

What do the popularity polls say about that in Conn? Besides he does vote with the Dems more often than you might think, check out his voting record.
If you are herding a bunch of cats don't you need help from those that feed them? Remove his committee seats, sit back and watch the back lash from Connecticut voters, it wouldn't be pretty.

I feel like you have it backwards, if he's stripped, he won't be effective anymore. I know Rs think they are going to take congress back in 2010 but they've been wrong before. He's got nowhere to go if he isn't with Democrats. Like swimming to a sinking ship.

I think Leiberman is headed for a big fall.

What I am addressing is your comment about removal from committee seats and the states that have reps in those seats, Lieberman in this instance. Membership in these committees creates a power base for the represented state and removing even an unpopular representative (unless replaced by another from that state) can create strong resentment among that states' voters which can have a deleterious effect on the political party involved.
I'm not in Conn. so I don't know if he's headed for a fall or not. Polk just posted poll results but I was in to big of a hurry to see who did the polling, I'll check later. Of course we all know the only truly accurate polls are exit polls, so we'll see.
What do the popularity polls say about that in Conn? Besides he does vote with the Dems more often than you might think, check out his voting record.
If you are herding a bunch of cats don't you need help from those that feed them? Remove his committee seats, sit back and watch the back lash from Connecticut voters, it wouldn't be pretty.

I feel like you have it backwards, if he's stripped, he won't be effective anymore. I know Rs think they are going to take congress back in 2010 but they've been wrong before. He's got nowhere to go if he isn't with Democrats. Like swimming to a sinking ship.

I think Leiberman is headed for a big fall.

What I am addressing is your comment about removal from committee seats and the states that have reps in those seats, Lieberman in this instance. Membership in these committees creates a power base for the represented state and removing even an unpopular representative (unless replaced by another from that state) can create strong resentment among that states' voters which can have a deleterious effect on the political party involved.
I'm not in Conn. so I don't know if he's headed for a fall or not. Polk just posted poll results but I was in to big of a hurry to see who did the polling, I'll check later. Of course we all know the only truly accurate polls are exit polls, so we'll see.

Research 2000 ran all the polls except for the Blumenthal matchup, which was done by Quinnipiac.
So Lieberman is now opposing the health care bill, even after changes were made to bring it closer in line with his position:

And guess what? For all the claims by Lieberman now that the Medicare buy-in is so crazy and radically left-wing, he ran for Vice President on a platform which proposed exactly this idea. So maybe his views have changed in the last eight years, you could say. That could be possible, except for that fact that he was touting this very idea three months ago.

Lieberman Endorsed Medicare Buy-In In September | The New Republic

Face it. Lieberman isn't interested in a better bill. He's throwing a little fit because he lost the primary in 2006 due to grassroots opposition from the left and he feels this is his best chance to get revenge.

Lieberman is an opportunist. He's smart but it's all about him. I hope they do get some moderate Republicans for healthcare just to shut him up for awhile.

He's such an attention whore.

Maybe just maybe could it be that he sees this bill as it is - AN ABOMINATION!

People want healthcare reform. Heck Lieberman does, but not this type of reform!

Lieberman an opportunist? He supported the war, when supporting the war was at its lowest point. It cost him the Democratic primary. An opportunist? You do know that he is now an independent! There are only 2 independents in the entire Congress. Standing up for what you believe in when it very very unpopular is not what opportunist do.

It will only be an abomination if the Democrats continue to chase Leiberman's vote.
Lessseee here.. the dems fucked over Lieberman? and now they are outraged that he seeks revenge? oh noes!

Democrats Furious at Lieberman as They Huddle on Health Care

The entire Democratic Senate caucus is headed to the White House on Tuesday afternoon to talk health care with President Obama, just as the administration urges Majority Leader Harry Reid to cut a deal with Sen. Joe Lieberman, who is emerging as the skunk at the party for supporters of the massive package to create a new entitlement. - Democrats Furious at Lieberman as They Huddle on Health Care

what do the little twits expect?

His days are numbered anyways.....

connecticut will reelect him until he gets sick of running, but you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

He's a 20-point dog in the latest polls I've seen.

That poll must have been from earlier this year when Obama was still popular. Now, however,

What's amazing, Rennie says, is that Lieberman, who ran as an independent in 2006 after being rejected by Democrats angry about his support for the Iraq war, "is now more popular than Dodd."

Given Lieberman's 49 percent approval rating — up from 36 percent earlier this year — that's saying something, and that something does not bode well for Dodd.

Connecticut Senator Fights 'Dump Dodd' Sentiment : NPR
Lieberman is an opportunist. He's smart but it's all about him. I hope they do get some moderate Republicans for healthcare just to shut him up for awhile.

He's such an attention whore.

and that's just so unusual for a politician, isn't it?

To go to the levels he's gone it is unusual. Supporting McCain should have got him kicked out of the Democratic caucus.

I haven't liked him since he tried to be so cute during his debate with Cheney. Whoever told him he could get through that night trying to be funny was way off.

I don't think Ct will continue reelecting him forever, once Reid gets his head out of his butt and strips the guy of committee, it will render him useless. He should have done it already.

Uh....Reid had better start worrying about his own ass instead of Lieberman's because it looks like his own constituents have had a belly full of his arrogant refusal to carry out their wishes instead of that of his party. And now want to kick him to the curb for it -where he can join Tom Daschle as the second Senate Majority leader to lose re-election in 10 years for the exact same reason. Putting party before the wishes of those who put him in office. Then we can all say good riddance to that arrogant POS toady puffbag. On the other hand, Lieberman isn't up for re-election until 2012 and Reid's approval ratings are so utterly dismal back home - it look like Lieberman will certainly outlast him. Even if he doesn't win re-election himself. As far as I'm concerned they can ALL lose their jobs and the sooner they do, the better off we will be.

Reid's constituents now hold Dick Cheney in higher esteem than they do Reid and happily polls show anyone put up against him will win by double digits. In just 11 months from now and counting.

By the way -did anyone else notice the fact that Reid slipped in a lifetime limit to Medicare in his bill? But the Democrats will continue lying to the public that they don't intend to ration health care whatsoever -except to the very people who will actually need it of course! But NOT to worry -they made sure THEY are exempt from government rationing of health care while still insuring that taxpayers foot their bills. Whew.
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