Lies and Damn Lies


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Damn Lies - perpetrated by the lyingest 2 entities on the planet- <<<<<<<<MY OPINION

A con is a con.Only the disease-names are changed, to protect the guilty.

All this fabrication is on the order of—“Hey, Jim, sales of our widget number 6 are in the toilet. What can we do? Unless…let’s call it widget number 7, put it in a new box…”

Memorial Day Is Based on a Lie

Today, Memorial Day, Americans across the land will hear the same message: that U.S. soldiers who have died in America’s foreign wars and foreign interventions have done so in the defense of our rights and freedoms. It is a message that will be heard in sporting events, memorial services, airports, churches, and everywhere else that Memorial Day is being commemorated.

There is one big thing wrong, however. It’s a lie. None of those soldiers died protecting our rights and freedoms. That’s because our rights and freedoms were never being threatened by the enemy forces that killed those soldiers.

Let’s work our way backwards.
That’s because our rights and freedoms were never being threatened by the enemy forces that killed those soldiers.
I think the crew of the USS Arizona and victims of Pearl Harbor, the passengers of the Lusitania, and the victims of 9/11 would disagree with your assertion that their freedoms were never threatened.
Damn Lies - perpetrated by the lyingest 2 entities on the planet- <<<<<<<<MY OPINION

A con is a con.Only the disease-names are changed, to protect the guilty.

All this fabrication is on the order of—“Hey, Jim, sales of our widget number 6 are in the toilet. What can we do? Unless…let’s call it widget number 7, put it in a new box…”

Memorial Day Is Based on a Lie

Today, Memorial Day, Americans across the land will hear the same message: that U.S. soldiers who have died in America’s foreign wars and foreign interventions have done so in the defense of our rights and freedoms. It is a message that will be heard in sporting events, memorial services, airports, churches, and everywhere else that Memorial Day is being commemorated.

There is one big thing wrong, however. It’s a lie. None of those soldiers died protecting our rights and freedoms. That’s because our rights and freedoms were never being threatened by the enemy forces that killed those soldiers.

Let’s work our way backwards.

American hating propaganda.
Damn Lies - perpetrated by the lyingest 2 entities on the planet- <<<<<<<<MY OPINION

A con is a con.Only the disease-names are changed, to protect the guilty.

All this fabrication is on the order of—“Hey, Jim, sales of our widget number 6 are in the toilet. What can we do? Unless…let’s call it widget number 7, put it in a new box…”

Memorial Day Is Based on a Lie

Today, Memorial Day, Americans across the land will hear the same message: that U.S. soldiers who have died in America’s foreign wars and foreign interventions have done so in the defense of our rights and freedoms. It is a message that will be heard in sporting events, memorial services, airports, churches, and everywhere else that Memorial Day is being commemorated.

There is one big thing wrong, however. It’s a lie. None of those soldiers died protecting our rights and freedoms. That’s because our rights and freedoms were never being threatened by the enemy forces that killed those soldiers.

Let’s work our way backwards.
To be fair. . . the war of 1812 was legit.

. . . and? IMO. . . we still haven't finished up with the British. All those other wars were indirectly caused by British corporate, industrial and banking interests.

If we HAD finished up with the British and cut that cord with their political, economic and world banking interests, we would not have been involved in any of them.
Damn Lies - perpetrated by the lyingest 2 entities on the planet- <<<<<<<<MY OPINION

A con is a con.Only the disease-names are changed, to protect the guilty.

All this fabrication is on the order of—“Hey, Jim, sales of our widget number 6 are in the toilet. What can we do? Unless…let’s call it widget number 7, put it in a new box…”

Memorial Day Is Based on a Lie

Today, Memorial Day, Americans across the land will hear the same message: that U.S. soldiers who have died in America’s foreign wars and foreign interventions have done so in the defense of our rights and freedoms. It is a message that will be heard in sporting events, memorial services, airports, churches, and everywhere else that Memorial Day is being commemorated.

There is one big thing wrong, however. It’s a lie. None of those soldiers died protecting our rights and freedoms. That’s because our rights and freedoms were never being threatened by the enemy forces that killed those soldiers.

Let’s work our way backwards.

American hating propaganda.
It is a perspective that runs counter to what has been indoctrinated in us in government run schools.

Those schools are a result of a need to build a nation.

It is a radical perspective. . . and I do not believe it is meant to be anti-soldier or anti-military, it is meant to look at the policies behind WHY we have involved ourselves in foreign conflict.

I, personally, believe, if Washington were to look at this history, he might agree.



The forces of corporatism and the need for more markets though, have had a negative affect upon our government, and thus, upon the teaching of our history . . .

IMO? I really do think, it should be more centered on the troops, and their service, not on the propaganda.

The truth is, the American soldier would give his life to protect his family, his community, and his nation.

". . .Memorial Day, as we know, is far from a macabre or morbid tradition. For more than a century, the ritual of visiting cemeteries, memorials and gravesites was the real start of summer. It was an annual act of remembrance, clearing away the dirt and grime from those hallowed markers. It's a time to decorate those personal memorials.

Until 1971, it was known as "Decoration Day."

The years following the end of the Civil War in 1865 saw American communities tending to the remains and graves of an unprecedented number of war dead. All of the previous wars and conflicts fought by the United States combined would still not add up to the body count produced by the Civil War.

On the first official Decoration Day -- May 30, 1868 -- Ohio Rep. James A. Garfield, a former general and future U.S. president, addressed a crowd of 5,000 gathered at Arlington National Cemetery:

"Hither our children's children shall come to pay their tribute of grateful homage. For this are we met to-day. By the happy suggestion of a great society, assemblies like this are gathering at this hour in every State in the Union.

Thousands of soldiers are to-day turning aside in the march of life to visit the silent encampments of dead comrades who once fought by their side. From many thousand homes, whose light was put out when a soldier fell, there go forth to-day to join these solemn processions loving kindred and friends, from whose heart the shadow of grief will never be lifted till the light of the eternal world dawns upon them."

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American hating propaganda.
No, I love the concept of America- so, who's a dumb ass?, dumb ass.

Me, who believes in what our gov't was supposed to do, or what it has been doing since before the ink was dry on the rules it's supposed to abide by? You know, the Constitution, the concept, dumb ass-

You can spew your hatred all day long, it won't change the facts- the US gov't is the lyingest entity on the planet- and sadly, people like you support lying- as long as it's your favorite liar doing it- SMH-
I saw this meme this morning and thought of your thread. :heehee:

,o1 a1-2.jpg
Damn Lies - perpetrated by the lyingest 2 entities on the planet- <<<<<<<<MY OPINION

A con is a con.Only the disease-names are changed, to protect the guilty.

All this fabrication is on the order of—“Hey, Jim, sales of our widget number 6 are in the toilet. What can we do? Unless…let’s call it widget number 7, put it in a new box…”

Memorial Day Is Based on a Lie

Today, Memorial Day, Americans across the land will hear the same message: that U.S. soldiers who have died in America’s foreign wars and foreign interventions have done so in the defense of our rights and freedoms. It is a message that will be heard in sporting events, memorial services, airports, churches, and everywhere else that Memorial Day is being commemorated.

There is one big thing wrong, however. It’s a lie. None of those soldiers died protecting our rights and freedoms. That’s because our rights and freedoms were never being threatened by the enemy forces that killed those soldiers.

Let’s work our way backwards.
Another assault on Memorial Day by con job socialists who would be speaking German if it wasn't for those Heroes who died to protect the American way of life.
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Another assault on Memorial Day by con job socialists who would be speaking German if it wasn't for those Heroes who died to protect the American way of life.
Reaction of attacking a messanger with pejoratives completely ignoring the message - congratulations, Uncle Sham appreciates your devotion-

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