Lies, Congress, & Selling


Sep 23, 2010
Members of Congress lying through their teeth no longer consider their lies a breach of ethics; hence, most people would answer YES to Alan Caruba’s title question:

Are Lying and Politics the Same Thing?

My first answer would be “It depends on who is doing the talking.”

Selling and lying are the same thing; so my second answer is an unequivocal YES when politics is mixed with selling.

NOTE: Caveat emptor is meaningless when the buyer is forced to buy. This gem from Steny Hoyer speaks for every Democrat member of Congress:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.” He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”

The Congressional Budget Office, however, has stated in the past that a mandate forcing Americans to buy health insurance would be an “unprecedented form of federal action,” and that the “government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States.”

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009

Hoyer Says Constitution?s ?General Welfare? Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance | CNS News

Lying to sell the ACA is a well-known destructive marriage between selling and politics:

Considering that all but the most dense know that President Obama is now famous for lying repeatedly to secure public support for the Affordable Care Act –“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan”—we are all at a point of history in which this contemptible behavior by the President is being replicated by Democratic Party politicians seeking to be elected or reelected.


The reason we keep reading and hearing about the lies pouring forth from the administration and the Democratic Party these days all lead back to its leader, Barack Obama.

It is not even a matter of speculation that he is lying, but pay attention to the way members of the nation’s press almost never use the words “lie” or “lying.” Instead we hear and read synonyms like “falsehood” and “untruths.” No, they are LIES.

My only objection to the above is that members of Congress told a lot more lies in order to sell the ACA than did Taqiyya the Liar. To be fair, the ACA liars in Congress were all Democrats. Not so with amnesty for illegals. As impossible as it sounds, Republicans in both Houses are lying more than Democrats on that issue. Democrats are lying about items like closing the borders, etc., but thy are not lying to their base. Republicans are lying about everything to everybody.

Taqiyya the Liar sees himself as a super-salesman who can sell anything:

Berry recounted meetings with White House officials, reminiscent of some during the Clinton days, where he and others urged them not to force Blue Dogs “off into that swamp” of supporting bills that would be unpopular with voters back home.

“I’ve been doing that with this White House, and they just don’t seem to give it any credibility at all,” Berry said. “They just kept telling us how good it was going to be. The president himself, when that was brought up in one group, said, ‘Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me.’ We’re going to see how much difference that makes now.”

January 25, 2010
Berry: Obama said "big difference" between '10 and '94 is "me"

Berry: Obama said "big difference" between '10 and '94 is "me" - On Congress -

Combine Taqiyya’s self-importance with Islam’s taqiyya and you end up with a full-blown pathological liar:

Most westerners are acquainted with lying that characterize many politicians, salesman and folks of low character, generally. But we are not readily willing to accept the concept of lying being associated with a religion. Sadly, taqiyya is integral to Islam. That is what makes its use by Muslims against westerners so effective: We don't readily realize or admit such practice exists.


Practically, taqiyya is any form of lying, deceit, misleading, half-truths or related practices condoned by Islamic doctrine to further the growth of Islam or to protect the individual from harm. Taqiyya is one of the reasons we are "surprised" by acts of violence or terror from those previously considered to be "moderate" Muslims.

Taqiyya: Islamic doctrine of deceit to defend and promote Islam

Civil servants should not have to lie. The fact is: Civil servants are bigger liars today than they were before they had unions. One would think that their unions would protect them when they told the truth, yet they only encourage them to lie, and protects them when they do lie. Basically, liars do not need whistle blower laws.

NOTE: The first whistle blower law was passed in 1788.

Today’s civil servants lie to advance and protect their careers, and are expected to lie for whatever politicians are selling at the moment.

High-ranking liars are in charge of civil servants. Suzy Five Shows is only one of the upper-echelon of liars involved in lying about the attack in Benghazi:

The Obama first and current terms are monuments of lies. The most blatant, prior to the 2012 elections, was to claim that the Sept. 11 attack that killed our ambassador to Libya and three security personnel was a “spontaneous demonstration” based on a video regarding Mohammed. As we know, that was a blatant lie, but in her testimony before a congressional committee then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton famously asked “What difference does it make?”

In other words: What difference does lying make?

IRS civil servants lying to harm the Democrat party’s political opponents has become all-too-common:

It is the constant cascade of lies that distinguishes the Obama administration and another example is that of Lois Lerner, on leave from the Internal Revenue Service and likely subject to a contempt of Congress citation after it has become obvious that she was a key player in the deliberate effort to deny tax exempt status to “patriot”, “tea party”, or other conservative organizations that need it to raise funds.

The longest running lies

It’s difficult to pin down when environmental lies began, but they gave the country the EPA in 1970. The origin of Cap & Trade lies (emissions trading) began in the 1980s. The Clintons and Al Gore came along and elaborated on the lie. Taqiyya the Liar furthers the lies demonstrating that lies are passed along from one president to another whenever selling and politics unite.

EPA civil servants lie about everything in order to sell the United Nations to the American people. In effect, the EPA is a United Nations agency using the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts to sell UN’s agenda:

If the BLM could make any claim to being good stewards of the land that belongs to the federal government one might be more sympathetic, but the BLM is small potatoes compared to the avalanche of lies that pours forth from an Environmental Protection Agency that feels free to reinterpret the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts any way they want. The EPA has recently requested jurisdiction over all public and private streams in the U.S. that are “intermittent, season and rain-dependent”; in short, every drop of water on every inch of land.

Are Lying and Politics the Same Thing?
By Alan Caruba Sunday, April 27, 2014

Are Lying and Politics the Same Thing?

Finally, open-borders, the EPA, and BLM land grabs, are creating a shortage of land available for the public’s use. Think what that will do to the price of an ordinary building lot as tens of millions are crammed into small enclaves not to mention the tax revenues state and local governments will rake in. My point: Congress supports every bit of it.
The truth at last. Taqiyya the Liar tells Turks “If you like your genocide you can keep it.”

(CNN) – For the sixth year in a row, President Barack Obama has broken his promise to the Armenian community, made when seeking their votes as a senator and a presidential candidate, to use the word “genocide” to describe the massacre of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Empire a century ago. He did this in deference to the government of Turkey, which – historical revisionism aside – the Obama administration regards as a more crucial ally.

For 6th year in a row, Obama breaks promise to acknowledge Armenian genocide
By CNN chief Washington correspondent Jake Tapper
April 24th, 2014
11:51 AM ET

For 6th year in a row, Obama breaks promise to acknowledge Armenian genocide ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs
I just cannot believe that every USMB member does not want to weigh in here. I mean...this shit is IMPORTANT!

How right you are!

Do you suppose that our culture has gotten so degenerate that they no longer view lying as a form of moral turpitude?

Muslims and politicians are by no means the only ones who love lies.

The Kol Nidre
The Kol Nidre is the holiest Jewish prayer and is recited several times on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. It means "all vows" and is a flat statement that no promise of any kind will be kept for the coming year. It is also sung by the cantor in synagogue, accompanied on the violin and goes like this:

"All vows, obligations, oaths or anathemas, pledges of all names, which we have vowed, sworn, devoted, or bound ourselves to, from this day of atonement, until the next day of atonement (whose arrival we hope for in happiness) we repent, aforehand, of them all, they shall all be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, void and made of no effect; they shall not be binding, nor have any power; the vows shall not be reckoned as vows, the obligations shall not be obligatory, nor the oaths considered as oaths."

"The Jazz Singer," the first talkie with Al Jolsen, describes the great devotion that Jews have for this "prayer." Jolsen plays a cantor's son who tries to break away from Jewish tradition but who in the end is drawn back to it, finally agreeing to sing the Kol Nidre on the great day. It is ironic that Hollywood's first motion picture with sound should have dealt with this explosive subject, even if the words were sung in Hebrew.

Proverbs 6:
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

It's sort of scary isn't it?

Seeing as how practically anyone would fit on that list somewhere.

I'm guessing our "representatives" are going with the flow because they know they have to in order to stay in the game.

They figure the public is apathetic, stupid, and as corrupt as they are. Therefore telling the truth about things that will get you killed or ruined would be pointless when the easiest thing to do would be just to ride the tide and keep your seat on the gravy train.

They figure the people with the money, the hired guns, and the legal authority are going to have the last word anyway and the sheeple will deserve what they get.

Meanwhile the blacks and Mexicans are celebrating the fall of whitey and looking forward to all the "spreading of wealth" that will happen under the Jew World Order.

Little do they realize that their fat may be in the fire as much as the rest of us.

I just cannot believe that every USMB member does not want to weigh in here. I mean...this shit is IMPORTANT!

How right you are!

Do you suppose that our culture has gotten so degenerate that they no longer view lying as a form of moral turpitude?

Muslims and politicians are by no means the only ones who love lies.

The Kol Nidre
The Kol Nidre is the holiest Jewish prayer and is recited several times on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. It means "all vows" and is a flat statement that no promise of any kind will be kept for the coming year. It is also sung by the cantor in synagogue, accompanied on the violin and goes like this:

"All vows, obligations, oaths or anathemas, pledges of all names, which we have vowed, sworn, devoted, or bound ourselves to, from this day of atonement, until the next day of atonement (whose arrival we hope for in happiness) we repent, aforehand, of them all, they shall all be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, void and made of no effect; they shall not be binding, nor have any power; the vows shall not be reckoned as vows, the obligations shall not be obligatory, nor the oaths considered as oaths."

"The Jazz Singer," the first talkie with Al Jolsen, describes the great devotion that Jews have for this "prayer." Jolsen plays a cantor's son who tries to break away from Jewish tradition but who in the end is drawn back to it, finally agreeing to sing the Kol Nidre on the great day. It is ironic that Hollywood's first motion picture with sound should have dealt with this explosive subject, even if the words were sung in Hebrew.

Proverbs 6:
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

It's sort of scary isn't it?

Seeing as how practically anyone would fit on that list somewhere.

I'm guessing our "representatives" are going with the flow because they know they have to in order to stay in the game.

They figure the public is apathetic, stupid, and as corrupt as they are. Therefore telling the truth about things that will get you killed or ruined would be pointless when the easiest thing to do would be just to ride the tide and keep your seat on the gravy train.

They figure the people with the money, the hired guns, and the legal authority are going to have the last word anyway and the sheeple will deserve what they get.

Meanwhile the blacks and Mexicans are celebrating the fall of whitey and looking forward to all the "spreading of wealth" that will happen under the Jew World Order.

Little do they realize that their fat may be in the fire as much as the rest of us.

Is there a single post where Nazi boy doesn't somehow mention the Jews?
Is there a single post where Nazi boy doesn't somehow mention the Jews?

What people here fail to realize is that presently there are no conservative "representatives" in Congress, not on the national level at least.

The reason why is because what used to be "Republican" is now NEO-CON.
This can easily be seen by what is approved by Congress AFTER all the posturing.

The Neo-Cons serve as the "right" wing of the Jewish Socio-Political Union. How can you know?
ans. Just look at the issues. See what actions have been taken and compare them to the political positions of the Jews themselves.

The Democratic party has been controlled by the Jewish Union for a long time.

How do they control it?
ans.: M-O-N-E-Y

This control would not be of much benefit to them if the majority on non-Jewish America realized that their votes don't really count for anything.

Why don't their votes count?

Because the "choices" that they are given actually aren't choices at all.

They are hand chosen by the group which controls most of the money.
Who are "they" that choose them?
ans.: Mostly Jews. For all practical purposes , those who are not belong to the same Cabal.

But what about the non-Jews who are rich?

They work with the other Jews who are. Birds of a feather flock together. They both mutually benefit from the political power trust which they have created.
In order to keep this scam going it is necessary to maintain the illusion that there are two opposing parties and that the people determine who is elected and "represents" them.
They don't.

You may ask, if the majority of Jews are "liberal", "left wing", Socialists, then why why would they be calling themselves Conservative or associate themselves with the "right wing".

As simple as the answer is to that problem, many people do not see it.

The explanation is that the Jews are not as interested in the label of a thing as much as they are what the thing really is. They do not revere things and names of things which originated with non-Jews. Therefore they can misrepresent or malign them without doing violence to anything of their own.

If they can control of the "Republican", "right wing" party as they have the "liberal" Democratic party, then they have control of BOTH wings, which essentially means that they control the whole shabang.

The reason why so many Americans miss this point is because the Jews control all the mainstream media INCLUDING the so called right wing radio talking heads. None of them can speak a word about it or even hint at it without being consigned to the trash bin.

No one can take a stand against anything the Jews support or criticize (genuinely) anything the Jewish Union does and still remain on TV or radio.

Now you should be able to understand why your "representatives" don't pay about of attention to the consensus of opinion on anything. You will notice that they may pay lip service to it while things like illegal immigration continues unabated.

If the majority of people in the US was wise to this dilemma, then it wouldn't work so well.

What is so insidious about all this is that the Jews by control of the media can always create any illusion they desire in order to manipulate public opinion in the direction they want it to go.

This is why we are nearly bankrupt, embroiled in the mid-east for no good reason, teetering on the brink of WWIII, being over-run by illegal third world immigrants, being coerced into miscegenatous relations (mixed race marriage, mostly fornication) and generally going to hell in a hand basket.

The reason that I am called a "Nazi" is because I am working to expose this hegemony.

Why is this important? Is is because I "hate" "Jews"? NO!

It's important because as long as people fail to realize who it is that is controlling the US government from behind the political facade, the US will continue wheeling headlong into self destruction.

Do I "hate" people more than others do? NO!

Do I get angry about things? Perhaps more than some, less than others. Generally speaking I probably am no more prone to temper tantrums than most people.

Can I be provoked to wrath? Probably no more so than most people.

Am I a "Nazi"? NO!

Are people who say that I am LIARS? YES!

So why do I "go on" about the "Jews"?

If you fail to see the answer to that after having read the things I have just written then it is probably useless for me to say. But I will anyway.

The reason that I mention the "Jews" so often in these POLITICAL contexts, is BECAUSE the Jewish Union just happens to be the primary POLITICAL power which is directing this country, bar none. Therefore they are the ones who are chiefly responsible for the decisions which have led this country to the brink of disaster. More importantly, their social, political, and RELIGIOUS vision of the future has no place for white male non Jews except to serve them as workers and cannon fodder.

There are many who believe so strongly in their particular Political Party to the point that it is almost a religion to them. They cannot imagine anyone or anything that could be directing it on the ground except God Almighty, and that anyone who assumed the label under false pretenses would be committing a sacrilege so blasphemous that God would surely strike them dead. They cannot imagine that these organizations stand for anything which does not conform to their own mental picture of them.

They cannot imagine that their holy Democratic or Republican institutions could be hijacked by a bunch of megalomaniacal Jews with ambitions to rule the world and an insatiable lust for money.

Yet they have.
That is what I contend and I urge anyone who doesn't believe it to research the matter for themselves until they are thoroughly satisfied that there is no truth to what I am saying whatsoever.

Otherwise there is no real point is having discussions about or debating political issues on forums like these because at the end of the day, the rich Jews and all their wealthy Shabbos Goyim helpers will be determining policies and making and breaking all the laws they choose.

You may be assured that if and when their ever arises any real danger of being exposed, that the Jewish factions will be taking the back door out until the heat dies down.

The only way that the people of this country are going to retain whatever freedom they have left is if the take a serious look at who is running our government and what their intentions are.
IF by some chance the den of vipers are ever rooted out, the only way to keep them out will be to maintain a constant watch or else have perfect assurance that those who do have any respect for your personal freedom and wishes.

Until the Jewish political hegemony is recognized and dealt with, we shall all continue to suffer under this FRAUDULENT political and corrosive social system. If you are satisfied with Socialism and convinced that it can sustain itself indefinitely then you can ignore what I am saying or persuade yourself that I am only saying these things because I "hate" "Jews" or am a "racist". Since when has it been considered a crime to not like someone else anyway.

And since when does "doing unto others" require that a person consent to anything and everything that "other" person demands of you? This is essentially what a lot of people , including Jews do, when they accuse you of "racism" because you won't drop your pants and bend over.

So in answer to Pouty's question; I will continue to post on what I believe is the most urgent issue that needs to be addressed. Until THAT changes, I won't either.
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Does psycho Nazi think I'm actually going to waste my time reading that garbage?

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